I’ll Be There (8 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: I’ll Be There
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Ethan shook his head. “I don't think so. Zach's frustrated right now and he's angry with the world. Once he starts feeling better and moving around more and starts to feel like his old self again? He's going to go back to being the man we all know.”

“But not toward Gabriella,” Robert said sadly. “I can't believe he threw away the perfect assistant. Why would he do it?”

“You want my honest opinion or the politically correct one?”

They were sitting in Robert's car in Zach's driveway—neither anxious to get out just yet. “You know I believe in being honest, Ethan.”

“I've known Zach for a majority of my life. I know his moods, I know what he likes and what he doesn't like. I know what drives him. He's had a thing for Gabriella since he hired her.”


Ethan nodded. “It's true. He's never mentioned it, but like I said, I know him. We've gone to clubs and bars together enough times that I know the telltale signs with Zach. I was actually a little surprised he even hired her knowing he was attracted to her. He's against that sort of interoffice dating thing, but he always held himself in check. Nothing inappropriate ever happened but…man, was he smitten.”

“I find that hard to believe. Zach's never been smitten with anyone.”

“Trust me, we could be arguing about contract negotiations or difficult clients, but once Gabriella walked into the room, I could practically see the stars in his eyes.” Ethan chuckled. “For a while there, I thought she was feeling something for him too, but then one day it was like…
Done. Over. They've been snapping at each other ever since, and Zach has never talked about it, no matter how much I've bugged him.”

“I'm stunned,” Robert said as his head fell back against the headrest. “So…if they had some sort of falling-out, why did she stay?”

“That's the weird part. I don't think they had a falling-out. At least she didn't. Whatever happened, it was all on Zach's part.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because Gabriella's just as stumped by his behavior as the rest of us. I don't think she knows where it's coming from or even how to stop it. If she did, don't you think she would have tried to fix it by now? The woman's a damn genius in every aspect of her job, and yet she takes Zach's shit and keeps going back for more. It's not right.”

“Well, she's taken it before but clearly she's done now.”

“I wouldn't be so sure,” Ethan said, a hint of a smirk playing at his lips.

“What?” Robert asked. “What are you smirking about?”

“I think if we give them each a couple of days they'll calm down and will be working together again before you know it.”

“But…I thought Gabriella was going to work with you?” Robert asked, confusion written all over his face.

“That's the plan for right now, and that's what we're going to be sure to tell Zach.” Ethan chuckled and then flat out laughed. “Watch his reaction and then tell me if you notice anything…unusual about it.”

“Every reaction from my son has been unusual since the accident. It's like I don't even know him anymore.”

Ethan reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Robert's shoulder. “Give him a little more time. I think after today, we're finally going to start moving in the right direction. I just need you to trust me and follow my lead.”

“Wait, I'm the one who's telling him about you taking over. How am I following your lead?”

“I meant where Gabriella is concerned. Give your speech, and then I'll sort of chime in and present my plan for the company.”

Robert's eyes went wide. “Plans? What plans?”

“Plans guaranteed to get Zach back to leading the company before the ink is dry on my contract as interim CEO.”

Robert shook his head and laughed. “You know, you and my brother should go into business together. You're both too sneaky for your own good.”

Ethan smiled. “Yeah, but we get results!”

* * *

Thirty minutes later, Ethan sat back uncomfortably. The room was quiet—too quiet. He and Robert had finally gone to Zach's house, and Robert had done a majority of the talking. He shared his disappointment in Zach's behavior toward Gabriella and the fact Zach would put the company at risk by being so abusive toward an employee.

To his credit, Zach hadn't tried to make excuses or defend himself. If Ethan had to guess, he'd say his friend knew what he'd done and wasn't proud of it. No matter what the reason. He just wished one of them would say something. Anything. The silence was starting to freak him out.

Shifting in his seat, Ethan decided if he wanted conversation, he was going to have to start it. “I'm sorry it worked out this way, Zach,” he began sympathetically. “I know this isn't what you want and it wasn't something I was seeking out. Unfortunately, we have a lot going on and there's even more we want to accomplish in the coming year. If we don't get moving, we'll lose momentum and miss out on some great opportunities.”

Zach glared at him. “Is Dawn ready to take this on with you? She's not the sharpest tack in the box.”

A smirk begged to cross Ethan's face, but he kept his expression neutral. “Dawn is going to stay on with Summer.”

“So what are you going to do? Hire a temp? A team of them?”

“Actually…Gabriella's going to work with me. She'll be mine now.” He grinned at his choice of words. “I mean…she'll be my assistant now.”

Robert coughed beside him.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Zach demanded.

“Well, considering what you did, and the predicament you currently find yourself in, you don't need her. It only makes sense for her to be with me.”

Zach's eyes narrowed. “As your assistant,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Yeah.” Ethan leaned forward, his expression serious. “I'm thinking she'll travel with me this weekend up to Seattle and we'll get…you know, acquainted with one another, and by the time we're back in the office on Monday, it will be like we've worked together forever.”

“I thought Summer was going with you?”

Ethan shrugged. “Change of plans.”

“And Summer's all right with that?”

“Yes. There's no way we can keep traveling together now that one of us needs to be in the office at all times, so…” He shrugged again.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“This situation isn't anyone's ideal, Zach. I was looking forward to going back east for a couple of days and checking on the house and just having a little time away with Summer. Obviously, that's not going to happen right now. We all have to make sacrifices. Summer will go to North Carolina alone and I'll…go away with Gabriella.” Ethan almost laughed at the shocked look on Zach's face.

,” Zach growled and then cursed. “Whatever.”

“Maybe it's all for the best,” Robert said. “Now you can focus on getting your strength back. Gab…I mean, I heard your new therapist already has a schedule in place for you. Do you like him?”

Zach shrugged. “If he does what he claims he can do, then yeah. I'm not getting my hopes up.”

“Why him then?” Ethan asked.

“He was the first therapist who actually talked with me about what I wanted to accomplish and how I felt about the schedule we were going to need to keep.” He paused. “He talked to me like…a man. Not just a patient.”

“It's definitely a step in the right direction,” Robert said, a smile crossing his face. “What else can we do for you? Anything?”

Zach opened his mouth and then immediately shut it. He looked over at Ethan with barely concealed rage.

“Robert, why don't you head out?” Ethan finally said, his eyes never leaving Zach's.

“You rode here with me. How are you going to get home?”

“I'll borrow Zach's car. I'll get it back to him tomorrow.” He waited for Zach to at least acknowledge what he said and when he saw the slight nod, he turned his attention to Robert. “I just want to stay and hang out for a while.”

Robert hesitated a moment, but got up and wished them both a good night on his way out. Both men waited until the door was closed and they heard the car start.

“You don't mind my borrowing the Porsche, do you?”

A mirthless chuckle was Zach's immediate response. “Sure, it's not like I can drive it.”

Ethan stood and went to the kitchen to grab them both a beer. He walked back and handed Zach his. “Aren't you tired yet?”

“Of what?”

“Of being a complete tool.” He laughed and took a swig from the bottle. “You know, I felt bad for you for a good long while. I was sympathetic and I kept encouraging everyone to just give you time. Well, you know what?”

“No. But I'm sure you're going to tell me.”

“This whole ‘woe is me' crap you're throwing around is getting old. I've known you far too long to believe this is the guy you want to be.”

“Then you don't know shit.”

Ethan sat back down and faced his friend. “What are you afraid of?”

“Me? Nothing. Not a damn thing.”

“Don't bullshit me. It's insulting to us both.”

Zach sighed loudly. “You want to know what I'm afraid of? How about…losing my job? Getting stabbed in the back by my best friend? Never being able to walk again? I mean, take your freaking pick, Ethan!”

“Okay, now we're getting somewhere,” Ethan said, relaxing in his seat with a grin. “Losing your job? Not likely. It's still yours, man. I'm just having to take on some of the tasks you can't—or
—do. I don't like it any more than you do, so you can stop claiming you were betrayed or stabbed anywhere.”

“I don't know what to do, Ethan,” Zach said wearily after a long moment. “I'm doing exactly what the old man asked—I'm committing to therapy and I'm doing the business stuff. And I still got the shaft.”

“You weren't committing to the business stuff and you know it. I don't know what the hell went on here or why, but what you did to Gabriella was not cool. She was a complete mess.”

“Oh yeah? Well, she's obviously recovered, since she strutted right over to your camp to work—and travel—with you.”

Ethan laughed out loud.

“What? What's so damn funny?”

“What did you expect her to do? Do you realize what could have potentially happened here?” Ethan didn't wait for an answer. “She could have filed all kinds of harassment charges against you and the company! Now, I'm not saying I offered her the position to keep her quiet. Definitely not. Gabriella is freaking fantastic at her job. One in a damn million. I know it. You know it. I'd be an idiot not to keep her on.”

“And travel?” Zach sneered.

“Why are you fixating so much on the traveling?”

“You're engaged to my sister! You have no right taking Gabriella with you anywhere. Especially alone!”

Ethan laughed even harder.

“Dammit, I'm serious! You should not be traveling alone with Gabriella, and I cannot
Summer would agree to it.”

“Summer and I came up with this plan
.” Putting his beer down, Ethan leaned forward, instantly sobering. “Let me ask you something—did anything ever happen between you and Gabriella on any business trip?”

A muscle ticked in Zach's jaw. “No.”

“Then what is this all about? And you can't say it's about your sister because it's more than that.”

“Never mind,” Zach grumbled.

“If you can't talk to me, Zach, who can you talk to? I'm your best friend and it's obvious there is so much more going on here. Come on. We've always told each other everything.”

“Oh really? Did you tell me everything about you and my sister?”

“Touché,” Ethan said and saluted Zach with his beer bottle. “All I'm saying is sometimes it helps to talk about our feelings.”

Zach rolled his eyes. “Geez, do you want to braid my hair while we talk about it?”

Ethan chuckled. “If that's what it takes.”

“What do you want from me, Ethan? Seriously, what the hell else do you want from me?”

“The truth would be nice.” When Zach stayed silent, Ethan figured he'd better go big or go home. “Why are you fighting with her? Really? Hell, why are you fighting what you feel for her? It's been…years, for crying out loud. Why haven't you told her how you feel?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Now it was Ethan's turn to sigh. “Remember when we were sophomores in high school and you had a thing for Lisa McCay?”

A slow smile crossed Zach's face. “Head cheerleader? Wore short skirts year-round?”

“Yeah. Her. Do you also remember how long you waited before asking her out?”

“Six months.”

Ethan laughed. “You thought nobody knew. You dated other girls and you ignored her, but you couldn't hide it from me. You used to watch that girl all the damn time. And you do the same thing with Gabriella. Since day one. Even when you're bitching at her for something completely ridiculous, you watch her. Hell, you practically drool. What's the holdup?”

“You don't know what you're talking about.”

“So enlighten me.”

For a minute, Zach looked like he was going to refuse, but then…it all just spilled out. His attraction to her, the conversation he overheard from their employees years ago, and then…Gabriella's family and what she had said to him.

“So…that's why you went a little crazy around the office and got rid of anything even remotely fun?”

Zach scowled, which Ethan took as confirmation.

“And that's when things changed between you and Gabriella.”

Zach nodded.

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