I’ll Be There (10 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: I’ll Be There
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Gabriella knew Zach wasn't going to let this go. She'd indulge him this last time. “Fine. Seven on Friday.”

“Thank you, Gabriella. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

And Zach had no idea just what exactly he was asking of her and what it was costing her. “I'll see you Friday, Zach. Bye.”


* * *

Beggars can't be choosers

It was the first thought that went through Zach's mind after he hung up the phone. He knew it wasn't going to be easy to convince Gabriella to give him a chance, and technically, she wasn't. It was too much to hope she'd simply agree to keep working for him rather than with Ethan. And he could just about kick himself for even putting it out there about his issues with her and Ethan working alone together. What the hell was he thinking?

Still, at least he'd convinced her to come back to the house. She had said she'd give him thirty minutes, but Zach was pretty confident he'd be able to convince her to stay longer. And have dinner. And if all went according to plan, Ethan would be on his own Monday morning because Gabriella would be back to working here at the house with him.

Sure, if the planets aligned while monkeys flew over them.

No. He couldn't think like that. He had to remind himself how he needed to work on changing his negative thoughts around. To stop viewing every situation with doom and disappointment and start finding the positive side of things. Zach wanted to get back to the way things once were between him and Gabriella. It wasn't going to be easy and it meant bringing up a situation he knew—
—was painful for her. He planned on apologizing for not realizing how bad the situation was with her parents much sooner and for the way he responded to it all.

And could only pray he wasn't too late.

It was amazing how different he suddenly felt. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off him. Now that Zach had consciously made the decision to actively engage and participate in getting better and getting back to work, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. A sense of hope. Now it was just a matter of getting his body to cooperate.

It occurred to him he had no real reason to trust Alex Rebat any more than he trusted any of the other therapists. He didn't know anything about the guy except what he had stood here and shared. And yet…and yet Zach had a feeling he'd had to go through all of the other therapists in order to get to Alex. If he delivered on what he promised, it wouldn't be long before the crutches were gone.

And then the cane.

Before he knew it, he could quite possibly be out riding on his motorcycle again or going out to eat with friends. He could return to the office full time. Hell, he might even be ready to go out on a date with a beautiful woman—take her dancing.

Take her to bed.

And damn if the only face that came to mind was Gabriella's.

* * *

“Are you sure about this, Gabs? You were pretty upset the last time you went over there.”

One of the many things Gabriella loved about Summer was the fact that even though they were talking about her brother, Summer had no illusions. She knew Zach for who he truly was and didn't try to make excuses for him. “I'm sure. I guess maybe I need some closure.”

“Or you're a glutton for punishment.”

Gabriella rolled her eyes. “Look, you know how your brother can be—he's persuasive and relentless when he wants something. Obviously he has something to say to me that he didn't want to say over the phone.”

“And that doesn't scare you? Even just a little bit?” Summer asked as she relaxed back in the massive massaging chair. They had made time to go for pedicures before Ethan and Summer left for the weekend.

“I'll admit I'm not looking forward to it, but like I said, he wouldn't let it go. I plan on going over there, hearing him out while holding my ground, and then getting out of there. From now on, I'll be sending Carolyn over to Zach's to pick up and deliver paperwork.”

“Why do you hate Carolyn so much?”

“What? I don't! Why would you even suggest such a thing?”

“You're awful quick to toss her into the lion's den, that's all.”

Oh. That. “It's not really like that. She gets along fine with Zach. Besides, it's not like she's going to have to actually
with him.” She shook her head. “She'll merely be acting as a courier. Nothing major. If he's going to require someone to work from home with him, we'll find him a temp.”

Now it was Summer's turn to roll her eyes. “I don't know about you, but I find dealing with my brother exhausting. I can't believe how we're all still walking on eggshells around him. I mean, what's the worst he can do right now? He won't even leave the house!”

“He's got a pretty ferocious bark,” Gabriella grumbled. “Trust me. You do
want to be on the receiving end of one of those nasty tirades.”

Summer reached out and took one of Gabriella's hands in hers. “That's why I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to go over there tonight. I think Zach has finally seen the light in a lot of ways since the accident, but it all seems a little too easy. Like he has this massive meltdown and pretty much explodes all over you and now he's begging for forgiveness? I'm not buying it. He's my brother and I love him, but he's never begged anyone for anything in his entire life.”

“Great,” she sighed. “Just when I was finally starting to relax about the whole thing.”

“Look, I'm sorry. I'm just not buying it. The timing is too convenient.”

Gabriella thought back to her conversation with Zach and realized something was still bothering her. She glanced over at Summer and then shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “Can I ask you something?”


“Would it bother you if I worked for Ethan?”

Summer laughed. “Why would you even ask such a thing?”

“Well…Zach sort of…
…it wouldn't be appropriate.”

Summer looked at her as if she were crazy. “And again…why?”

“He said I was an attractive single woman and Ethan was engaged and—”

“Oh my God. Please tell me you put him in his place? I mean, of course you're an attractive single woman, but his implication is a crappy thing to think, let alone say out loud! Honestly, what is wrong with him?”

Gabriella never shared with anyone the story of her past. The ugly rumors. The lies. Zach had been the only person in her current life to hear about it, and look how
had turned out! Rather than getting into it with Summer, she shrugged. “I guess he's just looking out for you.”

“Me?” Summer said with an even heartier laugh. “Maybe he was worried about you.”

“Don't be ridiculous.”

“No, no…hear me out,” Summer began.

Gabriella shook her head. “Zach specifically asked if
were okay with it. Trust me, his concern was for you.”

“He said
were attractive,” Summer reminded her.


“I think Zach was jealous of you working with Ethan. I think it bothered him to picture the two of you working together as closely as you used to work with him. And, if we're being honest, I'd say Zach was kicking himself for all the times he wanted to get closer to you and didn't.”

“Wow. You should really consider another career change. I think fiction writing is definitely in your future.”

“Oh stop.” Summer giggled. “Make fun all you want but I'm right.”

“No, you're not.”

“Yes, I am. Ethan already told me about it.”

Gabriella's eyes went wide. “What are you talking about? Told you about what?”

“About his theory of Zach's feelings for you.”

“Zach doesn't have feelings for me. Unless you count rage, spite, disdain…”

Summer shook her head. “No. Ethan said Zach's had a thing for you for a while now—maybe even since you started working for the company, but he was too afraid to act on it and ruin your work relationship.”

“That's crazy!”

“I know! But completely believable knowing my brother.” Before Gabriella could say anything, Summer went on. “Anyway, when Ethan went over to Zach's the other day, he specifically goaded him about you. He made it sound as if he was really looking forward to spending a little…” She cleared her throat. “
with you, and Zach just about had a fit. I'm telling you, Gabs, Zach's jealous and it has nothing to do with me.”

“No,” she said adamantly. “You're wrong. Besides, Ethan would never do something like that. How could Zach be taken in by something so absurd?”

Summer looked at her sympathetically. “Sweetie, trust me. Zach is slow and methodical and he overthinks things. I honestly believe he was overthinking things where you're concerned for years. And now that you've decided to walk away? He wants you back.”

“You make it sound like I'm some sort of possession. Like he wants what he can't have and all that crap. It's actually a little insulting.”

“Okay, but you and I both know he's not alone in this. You've got feelings for him too.”

“What? I don't… I would never… I…”

“Protest much?” Summer smirked. “It's all right, Gabs. I told you in Alaska that I'm cool with the whole thing. Maybe you should go to Zach's tonight as Gabriella Martine, beautiful single woman, instead of Gabriella Martine, executive assistant.”

“Um…no. That's not going to happen. I don't really want to go there for any reason. I'm certainly not going to go there with some sort of romantic agenda. That's just wrong.”

“Fine. Have it your way, but I'm telling you, my brother did not invite you over to pick up some files. If they were so important, he could give them to me, my dad, or just messenger them over. Tonight isn't about that; he's got something else in mind and you need to be prepared.”

“Is this fun for you? Freaking me out?”

Summer chuckled. “Hardly. I'm simply returning the favor.”

Gabriella snorted with disgust. “I don't think so. I was not sitting around trying to freak you out where Ethan was concerned. I was supportive.”

“Yes, the balloons and the condoms were a nice touch.”

“I considered glitter and confetti too, but figured that was overkill.”

They both laughed. “Gabs, you are my best friend and I love you. I don't think Ethan and I would have taken that second chance if it weren't for you.”

“What does that have to do with me and Zach?”

Sumer sighed loudly. “I don't have balloons or condoms or…glitter, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. I think you and Zach definitely have some unresolved issues with one another, and maybe it's a good thing you're getting together. However,” she continued cautiously, “I just want you to be careful. I know how much you care about…everything. I watched you cry for Zach and I remember how hurt you were over and over again because of the things he said to you. You're not the kind of person who can just walk away. You do need closure. And if you need to talk to someone tonight after the smoke clears, I want you to know I'm here for you.”

“Thanks, Summer. I'm really hoping this time it's us overthinking things. Maybe he's the one who needs some closure and wants to apologize to my face.”

“That would be a quality thing to do.”

“But…” Gabriella prompted.

“But,” Summer began, “I can't help but think there's more to it.”

“What does Ethan think?”

“I don't know. We haven't talked about it.”

“What? The two of you talk about everything! I seem to recall having to sit through one riveting conversation on the topic of how you once had to get a poppy seed bagel instead of a sesame seed one and how you found the number of poppy seeds alarming.” She rolled her eyes. “My brain went numb from that conversation.”

“Okay, so we overshare sometimes, but Ethan's been so bogged down with CEO stuff, and I didn't want to pile on too much. Besides, Zach's been quiet for two whole days. It's been nice.”

Gabriella made a noncommital sound.

“Promise you'll call me later if you need me,” Summer said as she looked down at the flowers being painted on her toes. “Ooo…pretty!”

“I promise,” Gabriella said. “I think we're both blowing this out of proportion. I'm going to go over there, grab the files, make some small talk, and go home. End of story.”

Summer gave her the thumbs-up. “Sure. Okay.”

A small growl of frustration came out of Gabriella as she twisted in her seat and faced Summer. “Why? Why couldn't you just let me have my moment of ignorant bliss? Just one tiny moment. Was that too much to ask?”

A slow smile crept across Summer's face. “Like I said earlier, just returning the favor for all of the helpful advice you gave me in Alaska.”

Slouching down in her seat, Gabriella pouted. “I hate you.”

“I know,” Summer cooed, “but I'm buying lunch so I'm guessing you'll forgive me.” And with a sassy wink, she rose from her chair to put her toes under the dryer.

Gabriella followed her a minute later and now they sat facing one another while their polish set. “There's just one flaw with your logic.” Why couldn't she just let this drop?

Summer's brow arched. “I doubt it, but go ahead.”

“You had been crushing on Ethan for years. Years! And he was obviously feeling the same way. He wasn't your boss, he wasn't someone who was intentionally mean to you. The only thing the two of you had going against you was your nosy family. I had to nudge you and advise you because you were too scared to take a risk.”

“I'm not seeing a difference.”

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