Illeanna (17 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Illeanna
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“What was that all about?” Eloi asked Angelique as he straightened out his uniform shirt. He was headed to work after Remi and he had made love to her.

“Is Illeanna all right?” Remi asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed and put on his boots.

“Illeanna needs to talk. Can you give me a few minutes to get washed up and dressed, Remi? That way you can drive me into Orchidea?” Angelique asked as she looked at both Eloi and Remy. She loved them so much, and this visit with Illeanna would be great. She could ask her about some of her new designs and bring her a sample or two.

“Sure, Angel, no problem. Is it anything we can help you with?” he asked, and she smiled then crawled across the bed to hug him.

“You okay, honey?” he asked, and Eloi looked concerned.

Angelique smiled. “I’m fine. This is why I turned down placing the first storefront out in California. I don’t want to be thousands of miles away from my sisters. Illeanna needs me, and having them in my life means so much.”

Eloi pressed his hand against her cheek and winked at her.

“We support you, baby. Just be sure to eat enough for the little ones while you’re at lunch. Remi can make you something now to snack on for the ride.”

She rolled her eyes, and Eloi raised his eyebrows at her.

He was always worried about her health and well-being especially with the babies. They all were, and she loved them for it.

“I will. Now hurry up and get before multiple crimes occur in town and the sheriff is nowhere in sight,” she teased.

“I’ll see you tonight. Call me later.”

Illeanna stood up and began to make her way to the bathroom.

“I’ll pack a snack and we’ll head out whenever you’re ready,” Remi told her, and she smiled then hurried inside. As she got ready, she thought about Illeanna. She had always been so independent. None of the Aubert sisters had much of a choice. They worked hard and fought for everything they had. Giving into the demands of multiple men in a relationship was a lot to get used to. Angelique was still getting used to her men and their relationship. But she loved them. She could see the love in their eyes as well. The Boudoux had feelings for Illeanna for years. They would love her and protect her. She just knew it.

Angelique rubbed her belly then smiled in the mirror as she turned sideways.

She was growing bigger and bigger every day. She was going to be a mommy.

The tears stung her eyes as the reservations, excitement, and emotions attacked her. Maybe this visit should include all the Aubert sisters. They needed a sisters’ get-together. It had been months since the last one.


Chapter 11

Julien stood behind the large planter in the hotel lobby. A tall column and a private sitting area blocked it. From where he stood, Julien could see his brother Louis speaking with a woman at the front desk and keeping an eye out for their bounty, Jack Pettro. Their investigation led them into Lafayette.

Louis finished up his conversation and looked sort of annoyed as he approached. Louis joined him by the sitting area.

“We missed him by a few hours. The clerk said that Pettro was headed out to Opelousas. She only knows this because he was flirting with her and asked for her number. Said he would be back here after taking care of some business. Looks like we’re traveling again.”

“Or we could stake out the joint here. I don’t want this to turn into a wild-goose chase with us spending money and coming up empty-handed. I still don’t like the fact that Judy knows nothing about this bounty,” Julien stated then rubbed his chin and looked off toward the front lobby.

“I don’t like that either, but it’s not completely out of the ordinary for a bounty like this to come up in select alerts. We got a direct fax. It came from the main site, and someone obviously wanted us to be aware of this bounty,” Louis told him.

“That’s what is bothering me, Louis. I called and left a message for Franco’s friend, Michael Fromm. He has his connections and has been keeping an eye on information for Franco in regards to the Phillips case. He could let us know about this guy Pettro and whether or not we should bother.”

“I can’t believe you called him. You seriously think this might be a bogus run?” Louis asked.

“Illeanna is our top priority. You saw her look of fear and apprehension when we said we were leaving for a few days. She was attacked in her own home and nearly abducted. I don’t like that a bunch of fucked-up politicians are involved with this investigation. I don’t like how the federal agents acted either. We both worked for the government as soldiers. You know how far they can be trusted,” Louis stated, and Julien stared at him, looking shocked.

“You okay, Julien? You’re not having flashbacks of Columbia are you?” Louis asked, concerned. Julien gave him a light punch in his arm and shook his head.

“Fuck no! What the hell, Louis? I don’t know, I just have an uneasy feeling.” Julien glanced at his watch.

“Hopefully Fromm will be calling us back soon.”

“Let’s head back to our hotel. I told the clerk to give me a call if Pettro showed up and to keep it on the down low.”

Julien looked toward the clerk, and she appeared kind of frazzled.

“You think she’ll tip him off?” Julien asked.

“Naw, I kind of told her he was wanted for some heavy shit and that she was smart to turn down his offer of a date. She told me that she didn’t and that she suspected he would be back to ask her again. He paid for his room to remain open until the weekend. That's three days. He should be back within that time frame. I scared her, so I think she’ll use some common sense.”

“Good. Let’s head out,” Julien stated, and they walked out of the hotel. As they headed through the parking lot, Julien paused a moment as he saw Louis look around. Julien had a real weird feeling in his belly. He almost felt as if they were being watched. Glancing at Louis, they locked gazes.

“Feel that?” Julien asked, and Louis nodded then unlocked the door to the truck.

They got inside and Louis started the ignition.

“I think you may be onto something, bra,” Louis stated as he pulled slowly out of the parking lot. They both had their sunglasses on as they looked around them. Heading onto the highway they hadn’t noticed anyone following them.

“Keep your eyes peeled.”

“I’m on it,” Julien replied, instantly in military mode.
What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into?


* * * *



Before heading to Aubert’s, Gustave brought Illeanna by the construction site to see how the storefront for Secret Pleasures was coming along. She was going to be meeting Angelique there.

As she stepped out of the truck she couldn’t believe her eyes. Remi, Armand, and Marcel had completed a lot of work on the site. The entire outside was nearly complete and the interior was framed out and the workers were laying sheetrock.

“My God, Angelique, this looks so good. You must be excited.” Illeanna stated as Angelique stood beside Illeanna and they looked at the building.

“I am so thrilled and overwhelmed with the possibilities. I may need some assistance with decorating and colors. I have to be certain that everything is perfect because Tye and Mike will be creating a chain of identical stores around the country. It’s scary.”

Illeanna gave her sister a hug and felt the tears reach her eyes.

“You’ve worked so hard for this, Angelique. It will work out fine. I think that the changes to the town will just keep getting better and making Orchidea a real hot spot for families and friends to visit.”

“Especially if we can talk you into opening up a restaurant in town too. We could all remain together. Then we can work on getting Mikayla to open a realty storefront here as well.”

Illeanna chuckled.

“You’ve just got it all planned out huh?”

“You betch ya! I love being around my sisters. I don’t want to move away. That’s why I chose to open my first store here in Orchidea. I think it will be perfect.”

“I know it will be. Let’s head on over to the restaurant, I’ve been looking forward to this get-together.”

Angelique smiled as they headed toward Gustave’s truck.


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Their laughter filled the restaurant as all four Aubert sisters sat around drinking their Sazeracs while Angelique sipped at her nonalcoholic lavender lemonade.

“Damn these are so, so very good, Ellena,” Angelina complimented then took another sip of the native cocktail.

“Oh they look very good, but this lavender lemonade is just as delicious,” Angelique added, and they all smiled.

“You look gorgeous, Angelique. You’re simply glowing,” Illeanna told her sister as she crossed her legs at the ankles, leaned back, and enjoyed the first moments of relaxation since the attack. Although the men had made her feel loved and cared for, there were still feelings of anxiety and uneasiness about their relationship.

“Thank you, Illeanna,” Angelique stated then smiled as her cheeks turned pinker, and she shyly lowered her eyelashes. She was a sweet young woman who found love after such heartache and fear. Her men helped her though that, and they were always nearby. Illeanna looked out through the windows of the restaurant, past the red gingham curtains, and toward Gustave’s sheriff’s patrol truck. Would he remain outside guarding the entire time? Her body warmed at the thought, and then along with it came the anxiety. This was way serious and perhaps too quick for her usual organized nice and neat motto.

“So spill the beans. What’s got you in such a state? You look happy one moment and the next all tense and stressed?” Mikayla asked, and when Illeanna looked up, all her sisters were watching her. Her shoulders slumped as she took a deep breath and let the air slowly from her lungs.

“It’s been a hell of a week,” she stated, and they made a bunch of small grunts and little comments.

“Ya think?” Ellena stated sarcastically, and they all laughed, including Illeanna.

“You were held by knifepoint at work in the kitchen, you were attacked, beaten, and nearly abducted by some professional hit man, and now you’re living with Johnny, Gustave, Franco, Julien, and Louis Boudoux, engaging in God knows what. I’d say you need a few Sazeracs,” Ellena said.

“God knows what? We all know what she’s been up to. Look at the color on her cheeks, the carefree attitude she has when she’s not overthinking her life. You look fab, Illeanna,” Mikayla stated then lifted her drink toward her sister, toasting her.

“You have a hell of a way of breaking the ice, Mikayla,” Ellena stated then continued.

“Are you all right, sister? We’ve been so worried about you, but those Boudoux are always hovering nearby.”

Illeanna smiled at Ellena. She was the oldest, but she just didn’t trust men. Illeanna figured it stemmed from the past and what she had witnessed with their parents growing up. Over the years, she’d hinted about some bad fights between their parents and about the day their father left their mother. She didn’t give much detail, but whatever went down, it had affected her.

“I kind of feel a bit out of sorts I guess,” Illeanna confessed.

“Out of sorts how?” Angelique asked, holding her gaze.

“You all know I’ve been fighting the Boudoux tooth and nail for over a year now. I’ve been trying to establish my career and make something of myself.”

“Sure, honey, you’ve been doing a fantastic job at both,” Mikayla stated, and they chuckled. Illeanna felt her cheeks warm at Mikayla’s comment.

Illeanna fidgeted with her fingers and felt compelled to let loose, so her sisters could help her work through these feelings she had.

“You care for them don’t you?” Angelina asked.

“Oh I care for them, yes, but they are so…”

“Demanding, intimidating, bossy, irrational at times, overprotective, strong-willed but so damn sexy and irresistible you find yourself giving up a bit of your independence and accepting them entirely which freaks the hell out of organized, efficient you,” Angelique stated, and Illeanna practically felt her chin hit the floor. She looked at her sisters, and they looked just as surprised, except for Mikayla.

“Damn, woman, that was right on the money. I can tell by Illeanna’s facial expression. I couldn’t have said it any better,” Mikayla replied and leaned back in her chair as if she was enjoying the show and had a clue about multipartner relationships.

“Yes,” Illeanna stated a few moments later when she wrapped her brain around Angelique’s words.

“I know exactly how you are feeling, sister. I had those same feelings, the fear, the concern that I may be in over my head, and the concern that I could be making a huge mistake and ruining my life forever. I fought Armand, Marcel, Remi, and Eloi, and I was so worried about being involved with a ménage relationship that I couldn’t even tell my own sisters. Deep down I know I wanted to give it a try. I wanted to explore the intense feelings that consumed me, but I was afraid because of the past. I was afraid that if I was wrong and they turned out to be like my first relationship, then you would all be disappointed in me,” Angelique said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Oh God, Angelique, never. We would never do that to you,” Illeanna told her as she reached over and caressed her sister’s knee.

Angelique wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at Illeanna.

“I love them. They love me and have shown me nothing but affection, comfort, and commitment. They are everything I could have hoped for or even prayed for if I had a clue about what real men should be like and how they should treat a woman. They are all unique and special to me in their own separate ways, Illeanna.”

“How do you love them equally?” Illeanna asked as she held Angelique’s gaze.

“They each have a special place in my heart. They are five separate men with five similar yet different personalities, wants, likes, dislikes, and desires. Sometimes I am overwhelmed with their wants and desires, but I know that they love me and I love them. I think it has everything to do with compromise, Illeanna.”

“Are you worried that you care for one of them more than the others?” Ellena asked, looking sincerely concerned. Illeanna thought of each of her men and knew she cared for each of them, but this all started because of Louis.

“Illeanna, what aren’t you saying?” Mikayla asked, and Illeanna shook her head. It figured that Mikayla would read her mind.

“I did something a year ago, that kind of sparked all this,” she stated, feeling nervous about telling her sisters that she’d slept with Louis after a few too many drinks.

“You’re not talking about sleeping with Louis when you both got drunk last fall?” Angelina stated, and Illeanna gasped along with her other sisters.

“You knew?” Illeanna asked Angelina.

“It wasn’t too hard to figure out. The way you avoided Louis and he tried to make you jealous all the time with the other women pretty much gave it away. Then his brothers were always acting interested, asking about what you were up to and how you liked your job,” Angelina told her.

Illeanna swallowed more than a mouthful of Sazerac and slammed the glass back onto the table. “Son of a bitch,” she stated, and they started to laugh.

They slowly quieted down, and Illeanna thought about the conversation.

“I thought I had made a huge mistake. When I saw him later with all those women, I was destroyed inside. Then when his brothers began to flirt with me more and pursue me, I was afraid that I would be just another woman they screwed. But they straightened out that whole theory once they saved me from the attack. They explained about Louis’s bright idea, to make me jealous and how it backfired on them. They were all interested in me, and they all care for me.”

“Thank God they got to you in time,” Mikayla whispered as she hugged herself a moment and looked as if a chill ran through her body at recalling that night.

“You’re not kidding. I was never so scared in my entire life. When Gustave pulled open that trunk,” Illeanna whispered as tears filled her eyes and she recalled that moment of pure relief.

“I was back at their place, holding on to Gustave. Sweet, quiet, grumpy Gustave who was so compassionate and gentle it makes my heart ache with such emotion. I needed him beside me. I needed all of them there. They bring me comfort and peace and make me feel whole inside,” she whispered, and Mikayla whistled.

“Damn, that’s got to be some hell of a feeling.” She sounded envious.

Illeanna smiled.

“It is and overwhelming and scary as heck. How is this going to work, Angelique? How do I know how to act around them?”

“What do you mean?” Angelique asked.

“Last night, I had gotten out of the shower, and Julien and Louis had finally arrived home from work and were eating dinner. I had been with Franco earlier and then Johnny, then Gustave,” she stated then blushed.

“Go on,” Mikayla stated.

“I got out and was walking out of the bathroom when it hit me. Where do I go? Whose room do I go to sleep in? The fact that there’s this process frightens me. I’m not a very bold person. I know what I want and I go after it, but this confuses the living daylights out of me. By making a choice of whose room I’m going to, I’m dictating some sort of favoritism aren’t I?”

Angelique shook her head and smiled.

“No, honey. You’re overthinking it. They all care for you. They all want to be with you, they have made the conscious decision to be in a ménage relationship with you. This means sharing you, and that includes every aspect of their lives and yours likewise.”

Illeanna tried to process that. Could it be so simple? Was she overanalyzing this?

“Where did you wind up sleeping?” Angelina asked.

Illeanna blushed. “Louis and Julien met me in the hallway. They made the decision for me.”

“So it all worked out anyway? It’s just a process you have to go through, Illeanna. There’s no need to overthink the relationship. Compromise. It’s really that simple. I’m not saying that they won’t piss you off. Believe me it is not all flowers and love songs. It takes a great deal of effort and work to make it successful.”

“Thanks, Angelique. I am so glad we talked. I’m even happier that you’re building your storefront in Orchidea where we all still live,” Illeanna stated.

“We are all glad she’s doing this. Now how about we talk about you, opening a restaurant in town that can serve all the fancy-smansy people that will be visiting Secret Pleasures, Angelique’s fine lingerie establishment,” Ellena stated.

“Oh will you quit it with that? I really don’t think that’s an option right now. I have no money, and without a job I won’t be able to save enough to begin to start such a business. Plus you have Aubert’s. I wouldn’t want there to be a competition between us,” Illeanna teased, and Ellena looked shocked. Good, Illeanna loved to get under her skin.

“I don’t think so, sweetie, since you’ll be serving étouffée, lobster whatever, and all that fancy upscale stuff the regulars aren’t used to.”

“Oh really? Well maybe I will serve brunch as well as dinner,” she teased.

“Maybe we should talk about expanding Aubert’s,” Mikayla stated. Her eyes looked as if an idea had sprung to mind.

“Oh no, I know that look, Mikayla,” Illeanna said, and Ellena and Angelique made similar comments. Angelina smiled as if she knew already.

“Mr. Hopkins is going to be selling the building and land next door. He spoke to me about a week ago about its potential for buyers. It seems his daughter wants him and his wife to move out to Baton Rouge to be closer to the grandchildren and help with childcare. They’re both in the medical field.”

“Wow. That is an awesome lot. This could have some serious potential, Illeanna,” Ellena stated.

“I don’t know. I don’t have much saved.”

“I have some,” Mikayla stated.

“Me too,” Angelina added.

“You know I have at least twenty thousand to add,” Ellena offered.

“I can totally help with this. My business is booming. Once the storefront opens and then the chains, it should be awesome. We can all do this. We can expand and completely revolutionize Orchidea,” Angelique stated, and the excitement filled the air.

“We have a lot to discuss. Why don’t you find out what Mr. Hopkins is asking for the lot and building? Then we can sit down with you and figure out what construction will cost, our ideas for the place, et cetera,” Ellena stated toward Mikayla and smiled.

Illeanna was in shock.

“You know every time we have one of these powwows something outrageous happens,” Illeanna stated.

“You mean getting knocked up by five very wealthy, sexy men interested in a ménage?” Angelique stated, and they laughed.

“All we’re missing is a visit from Cherise,” Angelina added, and they all stopped laughing and looked toward the doorway and outside.

Relief enveloped the room.

“Not a trace of her,” Angelina whispered and they smile.

“Let’s have another drink to celebrate,” Mikayla suggested, and Angelina began to fill their glasses then passed the pitcher of lavender lemonade to Angelique.

“To the Aubert sisters and our new endeavor,” Angelique toasted. They clinked glasses then leaned back and giggled about it all.


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