Imminent Danger (Adrenaline Highs) (26 page)

BOOK: Imminent Danger (Adrenaline Highs)
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“Really, you can call me Blake,” he teased. “God is so formal.” The smile on his face was pure satisfaction.

She caught a glimpse of the straining erection in his black boxer briefs before he yanked the sheet up. “I guess now I know what all the fuss is about.” And how.

“I guess so. At least I hope so.”

God, he was gorgeous when he stared at her like that. “What happens now?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Whatever you want. Sleep is probably the smart thing.” He watched her. “Why the face? You should rest.”

“Because.” She didn’t know how to say it. “What about you? I mean, I got this whole firecracker and light show and you just have to lay there and watch? It can’t work like that usually. I mean, there has to be something in it for you.”

“Oh, I’m doing fine,” he said around a chuckle while nodding his head. “Trust me. I am so far beyond fine it’s not even funny.”

She turned more fully into him. “I want to make you finer.”

“I don’t think that’s a word.”

“I’m serious. I want you to get some…you know…relief. It’s only fair.”

Blake sighed then shook his head. “I don’t want to overload you. That’s

“What’s not fair is you doing what you just did and not letting me help you get the same satisfaction. I mean, I know I have issues, but it’s not like
have a problem with someone touching
.” She paused, unsure how to continue. “You could let me touch you.”

If she touched him, he’d go off like a rocket. Blake doubted he’d last thirty seconds if she put even one finger on him. He was that hard. That primed. That stoked to have her. Hell, she could probably blow on his dick from across the room and he’d come like a cannon.

“I don’t think that’s a great idea,” he said. He licked his lips and still tasted her there. His dick twitched with need.

“Why?” Persistent, she was. But he’d always known that about her.

Still, he should be honest. “Because boys are messy. I don’t want you to freak out, you know, when I come.” He also didn’t want her to see him. She might decide to never let him touch her again.

“That’s lame.” She didn’t bat an eyelash.

“Yeah. Maybe.” He nodded. “I just don’t want to push you.”

“You’re not.” She snaked her hand under the covers and her gentle touch landed on the flat of his stomach and slowly moved down. She watched him. Watched as his eyes glazed over as she found him and stroked her hand over him and his underwear. “Can we lose these, so I can feel you?” She asked so softly that Blake—like everything else where Abbey was concerned—couldn’t say no.

“If it’s really what you want.” He took a fortifying breath. “Yes.”

She leaned in and her soft lips connected with his. She just kissed him, deeper, harder, longer than she had before, with different quality. With a sense of freedom, maybe. She inched her fingers under his waistband and he helped her get his underwear over his hips and over his massive erection looking for relief.

He would’ve loved to lose his T-shirt, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her with skin. He understood her sense of fair play and it only made him love her that much more. This was the Abbey he’d watched over the last year, the girl who took care of everyone around her. How much had he always wanted to be in her inner circle, one of the people who got her smiles and her laughs? One of the people she wanted to please.

And Holy God Almighty was she pleasing him. He let her take complete control. Let her tongue explore his mouth as her hand moved down his thigh, testing the waters, up and down. The soft glide of her fingers drove him to the brink of begging.

Breathing got tougher as her crafty fingers curved around the upper inside of his thigh. He clenched his abs before he fucked things up, rolled her onto her back and made love to her for real.

That sly hand of hers stroked up over his hip and low across his stomach then grazed underneath his erection. She froze and Blake’s heart pumped a river of blood that all seemed to converge at his dick.

As much as he wanted her hand on him, he wouldn’t push her. “No pressure, you know,” he told her, but it came out between clenched teeth.

“Blake.” She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “Shut up.” Then she kissed him again and her hand reached around and hovered over his dick. It was the most incredible torture, feeling the heat of her palm, waiting for the second she touched him. “I’m just nervous,” she whispered. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

He nearly choked out a laugh. “I don’t see that happening.” Of course, at this point if she
touch him his head might explode.

“I’m serious,” she continued. “Any contact I’ve had with this particular area of a man has been about protecting myself. It’s been about delivering pain.” Concern filled her green eyes. “Tonight…earlier…I really hurt the man that…that…”

“The man that hurt you?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Good. He deserved it.” Blake wanted to touch her so bad, he ached with the need. To slip some hair behind her ear or trace her jaw with his thumb, or kiss the bruise on her cheek. “Abbey, you won’t hurt me and no matter what you think, you don’t have to do anything right this minute except maybe close your eyes and get some rest.”

One finger touched the swollen head of his penis and he jerked. “It’s okay,” he assured her when she yanked her hand away. “That was a good thing.” He clenched his jaw and held his breath as she slowly followed the thick line of his ridged flesh all the way to the base before moving up again, this time with two fingers and more pressure.

Blake closed his eyes and tried to control his rough breathing. That Abbey was touching him like this almost made every one of his dreams come true. He’d been practically convinced it would never happen.

After a few passes up and down where she got more used to the feel of him, she wrapped her hand around his length, careful to be gentle. Eventually he’d show her she could handle him with a much firmer hand, but right now was all about Abbey and her comfort level.

“You’re not normal, are you?” she asked. It was such an honest question that Blake found himself laughing again.

“I thought I was pretty normal. Why do you ask?”

She squeezed him then. Hard enough for him to suck in a rush of air. “
can’t be normal. You’re giant. I mean, I have seen a picture or two so…” She studied his face seriously. “Not normal, right?”

Exhaling slowly, Blake focused on her words and not the urge to thrust in her hand. His fog-filled head only had one thought in it. Abbey stroking him to completion. “I’m normal for my family,” he managed to say. “I’m a twin, remember?” Sweat broke out on his skin. Everywhere.

“Brendan has the same equipment?” she asked.

He laughed again. “Don’t tell him I told you. He’d probably not like having that advertised.”

“So the guys in the locker room must be really self-conscious around you.” She kept up the dialogue as she began stroking him in earnest, and the will to hold onto any bit of self-control eroded away with each pass. Her brows quirked together. “So when do you come? What do I have to do to make you come?”

“Aw, shit.” Apparently, all she had to do was say the word because her touch was too new, too intense after everything he’d done to her tonight, and the immediate coiling of heat and desire shot him to the finish. His come jetted out in thick spurts across his stomach as Abbey held him.

“Are you…” Her eyes widened as she watched him…as she felt his dick throb in her palm. When he finished, a bone deep shudder shook him from head to toe. Abbey gently released her grip. “I’ll get a towel,” she said, and slid out from under the covers.

A few minutes later, after they’d cleaned up, they lay facing each other, several inches separating them. Abbey didn’t look freaked out at all. In fact, she watched him with something different in her eyes. He didn’t know if it was confidence or knowledge or what, but he liked the look.

“How about we go to bed?” He’d set his watch alarm for eight in the morning. They still wouldn’t get close to six hours of sleep, but at least it was something.

Her eyes were already closing and she nodded and sighed. “Thanks,” she whispered. She took his hand, held it snugly between them and fell asleep. Blake had never been more at peace.

Chapter Seventeen

Kim closed the large black binder in front of her, rested her elbows on the giant espresso-colored desk and rubbed her temples. How was she going to break the news to Leo? He clearly had no clue. Not even an inkling of the trouble he was in. And this was just another reason why she was glad she’d quit looking for a sugar daddy. Seriously, what happened when you married someone for money, then something happened and they lost all that money? Then what were you left with?

A truckload of unhappiness, that’s what. And possibly an asshole like Carl.

Rolling the chair back over the spotless bamboo floor in Leo’s opulent office, Kim stood. Every room in this mansion screamed money. He ate it, drove it, lived it and breathed it. At least he used to.

This room alone said a lot about the man. Although she hadn’t figured out if all the memorabilia stemmed from conceit or pride. Framed movie posters signed by cast members covered the walls, along with pictures of his time in Africa calling attention to starving children. His Oscar, Emmy, Golden Globe and two People’s Choice awards sat on a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf across the room. Deep tan paint gave the room a masculine feel, along with the dark leather sofa and chairs in front of the fireplace to her right.

She sighed. Needed to tell him. She needed to walk across the house, find him, sit down and break the news to him.

It wasn’t as if she could call someone else to do it. It was his business who he chose to tell, not hers. He never talked about anyone else. No family members and he hadn’t mentioned any good buddies. It seemed as though he had a lot of
but not a lot of friends, at least not the kind that stuck with you through thick and thin.

As easy as it was to sit here and admire Leo’s career, Kim forced herself to move, then paced back to the desk for the binder. She’d need proof because he wouldn’t believe her. She almost didn’t believe it herself. How could a person be so oblivious about their own life? She watched every dime like a hawk. Of course she had to. She was alone and in charge of her own destiny so if she didn’t look out for herself, no one else was going to do it. Poor Leo had let someone else be in charge and now he’d suffer the consequences.

Leo was about to learn one nasty lesson a very hard way.

Kim stopped at the signed movie poster of
Dangerous Race.
Unlike the others, the extravagant frame of this one matched the colors in the poster. The whole cast had signed it along with Trace Bradshaw and her husband Mac Reynolds, the couple on whose life the movie was based. Kim shook her head as she moved away. The circularity of the universe always amazed her.

“What’s got you so serious?” Leo asked as she entered the massive den. Muted green walls set off the pristine hardwood floors and big comfortable leather sofas and chairs faced the giant TV.

Watching a baseball game on his seventy-inch flat screen, relaxed in his faded jeans, bare feet and plain black T-shirt that molded to his sculpted muscles, Leo was about to fall from the top of the world. His tan came from hard workouts in the sun with every sport imaginable. In the few days she’d been at his house, she’d seen him bicycle, surf, run, lift weights and swim. He loved cracking a sweat every day.

She stopped next to the coffee table. “I like your Dangerous Race poster,” she said, buying a few more seconds before she sprang the news. “Did I tell you that Trace Bradshaw was one of my clients in Indiana?”

“No.” His genuine grin socked her like a punch to the gut. She was about to wipe it off his face. “You told me you knew her sister, right?”

“Yeah. Her sister is my partner. We have an ad agency and we help Trace promote her race school.”

“Sounds lucrative. Doesn’t she make millions in endorsements?”

Kim nodded, her forced smile fading at the thought of the millions that Leo assumed he had in the bank and actually didn’t.

“It’s about time you took a break. Feels like you’ve been locked in there for days. I was coming to see what you wanted to do for dinner tonight. Want a drink?” He got up and headed for the bar in the corner. A thick multicolored area rug covered a large chunk of the hardwood floor.

Up until now, they’d either gone out or defrosted one of the frozen meals Leo had delivered by a personal chef at the beginning of each week. Not a bad deal if you could afford it. Which he no longer could.

He’d asked if she wanted a drink. God, yes. “Sure. You might want to get something for yourself.” They’d struck up the oddest friendship. She kept waiting to dislike the guy and it never happened. He gave her his full attention when they talked and he laughed at her bad jokes. He opened doors for her like a gentleman and not once had he put the moves on her.

“What’s it gonna be?” he asked, perusing his selection. “I’ve got beer, wine…” He lifted a dark eyebrow along with a bottle of Jack Daniels. “Your favorite, the good stuff.”

This news definitely required fortification. “I’ll take the good stuff.”

BOOK: Imminent Danger (Adrenaline Highs)
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