Immortal Dreams (68 page)

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Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #Paranormal

BOOK: Immortal Dreams
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The low-cut neckline of the dress offers a sneak peek of my cleavage, and the short front reveals the fronts of my legs - almost up to my thighs - while the back drapes in a long, dragging train.

"I need to go check on some things," I grumble.

He takes my hand and pulls me to him.  His breath traces over my lips when he stands too close, and his grip grows to feel almost desperate as he clings to me.

His light brown hair highlights is golden-hued eyes.  There's hope in his eyes he doesn't deserve to possess.

"Let me go, Jerry.  Now," I warn.

"No.  Just talk to me.  You've avoided me for a year, and I had this elaborate plan to lure you back today.  Then you show up with Mr. Random, and... well... I don't like it.  I can't stand seeing you with another guy."

Oh!  The audacity of this creep is dumbfounding!

"Well, I really don't give a rat's ass about what you do or don't like.  I personally wasn't too fond of seeing you with another girl while we were engaged, but life's a bitch.  You don't get to tell me what to do a year after you crushed me.  Let. Me. Go," I demand.

His hold only tightens as his hand slides up my arm.  It actually hurts now.  He jerks me closer to him, making my body press against his.  The determination in his eyes almost scares me.

“I'm sorry.  I fucked up.  If you'd take five minutes to talk to me, you'd know how damn crazy about you I still am," he barks in a pleading tone.

Melissa walks off quickly to avoid the confrontation.  A lot of good she fucking did me.

"I don't want to know because I don't care.  I have more self respect than you're giving me credit for.  If you don't let me go, I swear I'll scream."

A breeze carries a familiar scent to me just before a voice sounds out to interrupt our heated argument.

"You don't have to scream because he's going to let you go right now."

Butterflies form and multiply ferociously as my eyes meet Devin's.  His swirling blues move from mine to glare threateningly at Jerry while he walks over to us.

Jerry drops my arm just as Devin pulls me away and tucks me behind him protectively.

"I don't want you touching her again," Devin threatens.

"You don't fucking own her," Jerry growls.

"If you touch her again, I swear I'll make you disappear," Devin cautions while taking a step toward my cowardly ex who starts backing down.

Jerry swallows hard as Devin continues to glower at him.  He takes a step back and then walks away with his tail drawn up in a knot between his legs.

Devin exhales heavily while turning back to face me, and the backs of his fingers stroke my cheek with a caress that makes me almost dissolve.  Tears try to breach my eyes now.  I almost wish he wouldn't touch me at all.

"You okay?" he asks softly.

"Yeah.  I'm fine," I say with heartbreak still threatening me with its tears.

His lips tighten to a thin line, and then he draws my hand up to kiss the back of it.

"I need go finish some stuff, but I'll be back before the wedding.  If he looks at you wrong, tell me."

How did he know I needed him?  Why did he come down here?  He's so fucking confusing.

"You don't have to stay and help me save face.  I'll just tell everyone you had business to attend to," I say curtly, my whole body trembling as a painful wave of heat rushes through me.

Sheesh.  Why do I feel like I have a fever?

His eyes instantly spark with shock, pain, and surprise.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know this all too well; hot one minute, ice cold the next.  You can save the sweet, easy let down.  Been there, done that, and it got old a long time ago.  Just make sure you tell Charlene you need someone else.  There's no need in us seeing each other again."

He sits down in one of my girly dressed chairs and stares at me in complete bemusement.

"I'm not leaving you.  I just have a lot to do.  I'm sorry if I've somehow come off as cold, but you got hurt earlier.  It upset me a little.  I needed to get away, and I really do have stuff to do."

I stare back, wanting to believe him so badly, but I know there’s more he's not telling me.  There's only one thing it could be.  Why is he dragging this out?

"I need to get the music ready for the bridal entrance.  I'll see you later if you're still here."

I turn to walk away, and I'm whirled back around into his arms.  His swirling blues burn into my eyes, making the glacier around me melt.  His incredible lips find mine without warning, his tongue invading through my parted lips.

I can feel the electricity zapping me mercilessly as his hands grip against my lower waist, forcing my body closer to his.

He pulls back slightly, leaving my throbbing lips begging for more, and whispers, "I'll still be here."

I swallow hard as he leaves me scattered in the reception hall.  My breath eludes my grasp, almost taunting me as it runs away.  He walks away, leaving me to ogle his back, and forcing me to wonder if I need medication.

He's fucking driving me crazy.  Why is he doing this?  What is he doing?  What the hell am I doing?  Since when am I an overanalyzing, nagging drama queen?

"Adisia?" I turn to see my mom just as her arms wrap around me, and I fall apart in her embrace - finally letting my tears fall in their abundant flow.

"Oh, don't cry, honey.  Clara is going to be just fine."

It's not Clara I'm worried about... it's me.

She draws back and wipes the escapees from my cheeks.  “Now, that's better."  Then she turns to take in all my hard work as her eyes shift from one girly decoration to the next.  "This place looks amazing.  Clara is going to be thoroughly ecstatic with all of your hard work."

I force a smile and cram all of my self conscious bullshit into a tiny box and shove it into a dark corner in the back of my mind.

"She better be," I scoff.  "I've killed myself on this place.  I spent weeks making the center pieces because she couldn't find anything that 'matched her vision.' "

Mom chuckles lightly, and then I get that Mom stare down.  Ah, peachy.  Here we go.

"So, your father tells me you have a new boyfriend."

Oh great.  Now she's really burning into my eyes.

"Yeah.  It appears so," I mumble, not feeling so convinced it's the truth anymore.

"And why didn't I know?" she gripes.

"Because it's very, very new.  I didn't know he was going to be here.  He just kind of surprised me, and I haven't really had a chance to make formal introductions.  You'll meet him though."

look spreads across her face, and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Oh honey, I know I'll meet him.  I hate knowing your father beat me to it.  He also said you got sick.  What happened?"

Her concerned mother look takes over her irritated expression.

"I don't know.  It was weird.  I'm okay now though.  I still have a few things to do before the wedding, so I need to get to rushing.  I'll see you later," I say dismissively.

I really don't have anything else to do for the wedding.  The only thing I need to do is talk to Devin and find out what the hell is going on.  My mind and my sanity have both abandoned me.

I start walking up the steps, my feet feeling light as a feather.  They're not making the slightest creak against the old stairs.  I've never been so quiet in all my life, and I have no idea how I'm doing it.

My stomach knots when I hear his voice.  I'm not even all the way to his room yet, so how can I hear him this clearly?

I stop my stalk and stand perfectly still to eavesdrop.

"It's about fucking time you answered.  Where the hell have you been?" he snaps.

Holy crap.  I feel sorry for whoever he's talking to.  I've not heard him angry before.

“Did you get my messages?...  And?...  Well find out!  I don't want anything like this to ever happen again.  She could have been hurt... If it had ever happened before I wouldn't be calling you... Of course I'm freaked out... No.  I'm not going to leave her... I'll figure it out on my own if I have to... It can't be an infection yet... Good.  Thanks."

Infection?  What the fuck?

I shiver slightly.  I could hear a faint voice on the other side of that conversation, but I couldn't make out who it was or what they were saying.  How could that be possible?

Devin darts out of his room, and his eyes lock with mine at the end of the long hallway.  He swallows hard as he stalks toward me while straightening his tie.  There are a thousand questions in my mind right now.

His face is soft, not angry like his tone was seconds ago.  The heat burns through me the second his arms wrap around my waist, and I shiver again for new reasons as I stare up into his smoky blue eyes.

"You look beautiful.  I'm sorry I neglected to tell you that earlier," he says in his sexy voice.

He doesn't have a trace of the fury I just heard bellowing out of him.

“Thanks," I murmur through trembling lips as I try to catch my the stubborn breath he keeps stealing.  "What's going on?"

He tilts his head to the side as his lips purse.  "What do you mean?"

"I mean, who could have been hurt, and who are you not leaving?  And an infection?  Were you talking about me?"

"You heard that?  I never heard you-"

"Please don't shift the subject.  Tell me what's going on," I interrupt pleadingly with small tears teetering.

"Please don't look at me like that.  It's heartbreaking," he murmurs while running his hand down the side of my cheek.

"Just tell me.  I feel like I'm going crazy."

"I know the feeling.  I'm pretty damn addicted to you.  It's not a feeling I'm accustomed to.  It's as though I can't get enough of you, and I'm quite possibly going mad."

His lips cover mine as he successfully evades my questions, and I surrender too willingly as I give into the passionate entanglement.  He pulls me tighter to him, and the frost completely melts and turns to lava.

His hands start sliding up the front part of the dress, sending me into a need for his body, but approaching footsteps quickly break us apart.

He adjusts his suit and tie just as my mother rounds the corner.

"There you are.  I've been looking for..."

Her voice slowly trails off as a pool of drool forms on the edges of her mouth.  She stares speechlessly at the magnificent creature I'm obsessed with.  Her right hand hovers over her heart as if she's worried it's going to flop out of her chest, and her eyes are so wide I'm worried they're going to dislodge from their sockets.

"Hello Mrs. Titan.  It's nice to finally meet you," Devin says cordially while proffering his hand.

Finally?  He's barely met me.

She shakes it while steadying herself over her wobbly knees.  I'm almost worried I'm going to have to intervene when she's reluctant to let his hand go.

He snickers lightly just as she finally releases him from her hold, and her hand returns to its place over her heart.

"Yeah... too you... I mean, you too," she flaps.

I cover my face that is stained with embarrassment for her crude reaction.

Oh good grief.  Have some dignity woman

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses me lightly on top of the head.  She smiles foolishly at his action, and then she covers her giddy mouth.

"I'm a little surprised.  You're very... different from what I expected.  I'm impressed."

I almost feel a little slighted by her gawking disbelief.  It's not like I haven't dated hot guys before.  Granted, none of them were ever this hot, but then again, I don't know if I've ever seen anyone this hot to date.

"Thanks... I think," he chuckles out while blushing as well.

I roll into his arms and shake my head against his chest.  She giggles a little more, and when I turn around, she's staring dreamily into his eyes while twirling her hair.

Really?  Wow.  My mother is officially fifteen again.

"Okay.  Well, I need to get downstairs.  I'm sure Clara's flipping out by now," I grumble.

"I'll walk you," Devin says quickly.

With the way my mom is staring at him, he's probably afraid to be left alone with her.

He scoops my hand in his, and I help him escape from the over-aged teenager.  I laugh a little as he smirks with a touch of embarrassment revealing itself more prominently in his deeper blushing hue.

"Not used to moms going gaga for you?"

He roars out his laughter and covers his face while shaking his head.  He's so cute when he's embarrassed.

"I think it's time for you to join the wedding party," he chuckles out.

"Are you going to find a seat?" I ask while staring up into his eyes.

"Yeah.  I'll be watching to make sure your ex doesn't get too clingy down the aisle."

I want to laugh at his jealously rearing its head again, but I'm still worried about... us.

"When do you have to go home?" I ask pitifully.

He sighs out as he rubs my hand between his.

"I'll probably head out first thing in the morning, but I'll be seeing you soon, even if I have to schedule an appointment.  You know I'm not above using my influence."

I giggle a little, and he pulls me in for another kiss.

"Go before I decide I can't resist you any longer," he whispers.

My hand slowly falls out of his as I walk to the hiding place Clara has found for the women and herself.

"Oh thank God," Clara squeals as I walk in.  "Where have you been?"

I smile at her panicky meltdown proving to be sincerely severe when she downs a shot of tequila.  Her eyes scrunch as her nose wrinkles, and she holds her breath for a moment while she tries shake off the strong aftertaste.

"I've been finishing up the rest of the decorations for the reception.  I know you wanted it to be perfect, so I made sure to study each detail before I came back here."

She clutches me in her arms and squeals.

"I'm getting married!"

I laugh a little.  "I know."

Devin is sitting near the
back, and I haven't taken my eyes off him yet.  His daring eyes promise to seduce me at all times, and I'm a willing fool to fall prey to his gaze.

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