Immortal Memory (Book One) (10 page)

Read Immortal Memory (Book One) Online

Authors: Sylvia Frances

Tags: #romance with a demon, #angel falls in love with a mortal, #angels and demons paranormal romance, #angels among the living, #angel and human love, #angels among us romance

BOOK: Immortal Memory (Book One)
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The slight brush of his warm hand
against the side of her face caused her heart to melt. Simra became
lost in his eyes, and tears filled her eyes. “I'll see them again
if I trust Him?”

Zach reached his arm around her waist
to pull her closer. His lips were only a breath away.

The angel’s warm skin ignited her soul
on fire when he brought her lips to his with a tender kiss. Never
did her heart melt in such a way to an all-consuming kiss. It felt
so true.

Simra opened her eyes to see a tall
figure of Tristan kissing her and jerked back in response. No, Zach
broke Lucinda's heart. Simra would not allow him to do the same to
her. And she kissed the angel who would collect her grandmother’s
soul! “I can't do this. Mandy and Grandmother will be here any
moment. I need to stop by my house and change into another pair of
clean clothes. Then, we can go to the coffee shop.”

A soft knock tapped at the door and
drew them more apart. Simra rushed to answer it. Her heart hammered
against her chest from Zach’s unexpected kiss. Simra’s lips still
tingled from the soft caress of his. She could still taste his
kiss, which reminded her of sweet honeysuckle. Falling in love with
an angel of death was a frightening and tragic mistake.

She opened the door to find her
grandmother with a blanket around her. Mandy stood beside Lucinda
with several bags of luggage. Simra sighed in relief and hugged
them. They were welcomed inside the kitchen. “Come in. Make
yourselves comfortable. Grandmother, welcome back. I’ll make sure
nothing happens to you. This house is still very secure.” She
framed her grandmother’s face in her hands.

Lucinda studied her surroundings, and a
slight smile slipped across the old woman’s face. Her grandmother’s
hands grazed the furniture as though she belonged there. She seemed
to feel at home.

The lady mumbled unclear words to Zach,
Mandy, and Simra. Lucinda paced around the house. Simra took her
grandmother’s hand and followed her around the place. She couldn't
help but wonder if Lucinda remembered this house.

Mandy followed them around the house.
“What are you talking about, Sim? Has Grandma been here

Simra sank into the plush couch beside
their grandmother. She explained the story Zach told her.
"Grandmother came from Farmerville, Louisiana to find her father.
He came here years ago and never returned there. She stayed in this
house to be protected from Tristan or Azazel. Azazel is his demon
name. That's why he and Zach have different last names."

Mandy gazed at their grandmother, who
smiled and mumbled. “She does seem happy to be here, but it's still
difficult for me to believe in ghosts.”

Zach picked up a pillow on the couch
and tossed it toward Simra’s cousin. Glowering at her, his eyes
ignited into a hot fire. “That should make you believe, and I'm an
angel. Not a ghost.”

Mandy’s lips parted in surprise, and
she gasped at her cousin. “How? How could it be? Who or what was

Simra couldn't control a
slight giggle. “Zach. He's an angel, not a ghost. He wants you to
believe in him and how this is real. He’s here to protect us
against Tristan. My ex-fiancé’ is the one who’ll hurt all of us.
Zach means no harm and saved my life from Quint

The words escaped from her lips. She
had no intention of saying such good things about the angel. Simra
still had her doubts about him.

“What should we do?” Mandy asked in a
hushed tone and took a seat on the other side of their grandmother.
Simra’s cousin placed an arm around Lucinda as though protecting

Simra exchanged glances with Zach, then
back to Mandy. “Jeff wants to discuss something at Espresso Café
with me. He mentioned something happening today. Can you stay here
with Grandmother and keep the two of you safe? If Zach’s parents
come, tell them to call me.”

“What if they call the cops on us, Sim?
You said this is their property now.”

Zach interjected before Simra could
respond. “They’ll understand completely. My mom and dad will
welcome all of you here. Just explain how this house is protected
from the demon who attacked them today.”

Simra repeated to Mandy what Zach told
her. “Just stay with Grandmother. There are three beds in the back
bedroom and the master bedroom. Pick which one suits you and
Grandmother the best. Zach and I must go meet Jeff.”

Mandy clasped and unclasped her hands.
“Wait. You said Tristan’s out to hurt you. Jeff might be in danger

Simra took her cousin’s hands in hers
and tried to avoid the fear enveloping her own heart. By going to
the coffee shop, she would place their friend in much danger. Simra
had to make sure nothing happened to the detective tonight. It all
started with trusting God.

“I know, Mandy, but Jeff's got to help
us. We’ll be fine. Zach told us to trust God, and He'll keep us
safe. And Zach will protect us.” Simra placed a gentle kiss on
Mandy’s cheek and squeezed her hand.

“I'll say a prayer for you all, Sim. Be

Simra lingered for a moment, opened the
screen door, and stepped onto the porch. She turned to Zach. “Let’s
get this done. I’m beginning to believe that everything will be

Zach gathered her into his arms and
went to Simra’s house. She observed the blurry surroundings out of
the corner of her eye, but his soft stare reached deep into her.
Simra savored a small taste of God’s world. She felt nothing but
beauty in these moments. Splendor enveloped Simra and flowed
through her.

Then, she shook her head after
recalling how he reminded her of Tristan sometimes. Zach was a
restless angel and would not stay in this world after serving his
duty to God. He'd leave her just like he left Lucinda all those
years ago. But where did he go before?

The angel placed Simra onto her feet in
her front yard and stepped onto the patio. Zach gave her a solemn
look. "I deeply regret not saving Lucinda in time. It's all my
fault that she got cursed because I was distracted. I was too busy
trying to sort out my feelings for her. She and I weren't meant to
be. Heaven needed me, and that's why I left. I had no intentions of
hurting her. I loved her, and that's why I distanced

Tears filled Simra's eyes. "You
could've been honest with her about you and Tristan from the start.
Then, maybe none of this would've happened. Now, you should
understand why it's so difficult to trust you. You tend to hide
things like your brother. Some angel you are." She walked away from
him and went into the house.

"Simra…" Zach followed after

Avoiding Zach, Simra walked into her
bedroom. Tormenting memories caused her senses to overflow. Shadows
of multiple candles flickered all around the bedroom. A bottle of
white grape juice glistened on the night stand beside two wine
glasses. Tristan’s gift of the wooden heart, “Forever Mine”, stood
beside the bottle. The heart was still there and sent chills
throughout her body.

She heard the faint sound of their old
love song "I Crave for You" somewhere inside the room. It was the
one Tristan picked out for them. The singer's eerie voice drove her
to the edge of insanity. Tristan's Burberry cologne sucked her into
a tormenting past of artificial love.

Simra walked out and rushed into the
angel’s arms. “He’s in the bedroom.”

Zach framed her face in his hands.
“Have faith that he won’t bother you. Pray while you change into
your clothes. Azazel’s only trying to win you back. Pay no
attention to him.”

Tears flowed down her cheeks from all
the emotions draining her. “He has it set up exactly the way he did
when I came in from work. It was before we had problems and like
the night he asked me to marry him.”

Zach pulled her close and squeezed her
with affection. “It was all a lie. Azazel’s only playing with your
mind. He wants you to stay in the past. Let go. It’s for your own

Simra tilted her head up and
nodded. Zach
Tristan were playing with her mind. “Yeah, I know. I refuse to
have my heart broken ever again.”

Zach framed her face in his
hands. "I might've let Lucinda down all those years ago. But
never let you down, and I especially won't let her down

Unsure of what to believe, Simra
refused to trust Zach. She turned and stomped into the bedroom. She
tried praying the entire time she was in the bedroom. Simra
searched the closet, grabbed what she needed, and rushed into the
bathroom. She took one last peek at the bedroom. Grimacing at how
Tristan tried to win her back, she shivered before slamming the
bathroom door.

Simra changed into a pair of light blue
jeans and a long white blouse with the sleeves stopping at her
elbows. She slipped her feet into a comfortable pair of sandals.
Her blonde strands of hair were tied into a ponytail. The outfit
was perfect for being at the lake.

She rushed out of the room to meet
Zach. The frigid temperature caused her to shiver. Objects in the
rooms clattered. Portraits rattled on the walls and almost
collapsed to the floor. The flames vanished from the candles in her
room. Tristan’s fury shuddered throughout the house.

Zach gathered her into his strong arms
and carried her out the door before it locked behind them.
“Azazel's getting angrier. Let’s meet Jeff before my brother
decides to do something insane.”

Simra peeked over Zach’s shoulder to
see the glowing yellow eyes of Tristan. She kept her eyes locked on
the hideous demon until Zach got them away. Her body shivered at
the frightening appearance of him.

Demons did exist, and his glowing eyes
proved the reality of evil. She recalled reading the journal. What
he did to her family all those years ago made her feel sick. Her
stomach churned more at the thought of something happening to Jeff.
She must do whatever it took to protect him tonight.

Chapter 11

"For He will command His
angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." -Psalm


They arrived at Espresso Café in no
time, and Zach placed Simra on her feet at the side of the
building. “Simra? We’re here.”

She almost didn’t hear him. Simra’s
feet stayed frozen to the ground from shock. “I…I know. His eyes.
Tristan’s eyes were-“

“Glowing? Yes. I know. They glow when
someone’s made him extremely angry.”

She leaned against the brick building.
“I've never seen anything so frightening. Why don't you and your
brother be honest about what you really are in the beginning? And
why haven't his eyes ever glowed before?”

Zach's eyes filled with softness. “He
was in his mortal vessel then. Just be glad you haven't seen his
entire demonic form. It's frightening. While the demon resides in a
human body, it can’t make its eyes glow. He didn't tell you
everything because he didn't want you to know what he is. I never
told Lucinda because she would've thought I'd gone mad. She
would've ignored my warnings. Then, Azazel really would've gotten
the best of her.”

He paused and explained further. “His
demon’s separated from the vessel now. He’s stronger than ever now.
Azazel should’ve returned to the underworld, but he stayed to
possess you.”

“Why’s it only me and Grandmother who
sees you and the demon? Why doesn’t anyone else see you two?” She
dared to ask.

“Azazel cursed you both. He made it so
all your grandmother could remember and see is the demon tormenting
you and her. She doesn’t remember anyone or anything else, but I
promised Lucinda I’d protect you.”

He paused and added, “Azazel
cursed you to see his demon and Lucinda’s death. I
death, and my brother
didn’t realize what he did until after he completed the curse.
Again, I’m sorry.” His eyes were full of compassion.

She kept seeing Tristan's eyes in her
troubled mind. And Zach couldn't fool Simra with his lies of not
betraying her. He had already betrayed Simra by showing the same
feelings toward her that he showed for Lucinda years ago. And he
was collecting her grandmother's soul.

“She’s not dying anytime soon. I’ll
make sure of it. Why’d he choose me and my grandmother?”

“Lucinda's beauty, determination, and
innocence captivated him years ago, but she rejected him. He sees
her in you. Azazel believes he has another chance to have her now.
What I feel for you is different. It's stronger than what I felt
for Lucinda. I've been praying for God to remove these feelings
because they're wrong, but He hasn't. I don't know why. I'm
fighting what I feel for you the best I can."

A sob lodged in the back of her throat.
He just admitted that he loved her. Hearing him admit it already
broke her heart because they were wrong for each other in so many

Simra fought back tears. “I’m going
inside to see Jeff.”

Zach placed a gentle hand to her cheek
with his eyes intense on her. “Even if it's wrong, know that I'll
always be with you. Go for now. Jeff’s waiting. I’ll guard the
outside of the shop.”

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