Immortal Rapture: Immortal Heart

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Immortal Rapture

Immortal Heart Novel



Magen McMinimy


© 2014 by Magen McMinimy


First of all, to my amazing Alpha’s and Beta’s, without you lovely ladies Uriah’s story wouldn’t have come together. A special thank you to Gayle for her massive love of Uriah and proofreading of all my manuscripts.

To Cynthia for all her time and effort spent editing. And to Rene though I haven’t seen the cover just yet I have no doubts it will amazing.


While the Fae warriors help their people mourn the loss of Rowan, they struggle to survive the harsh, frozen lands they call home. The snow has blanketed the Middle World, leaving it a dormant wasteland. Still struggling from both the physical and emotional losses he’s suffered, Uriah, the solid, elite Light Fae warrior, has withdrawn from his brothers as he searches for answers. Uriah must find his strength before the Dark strike again.

Jelena has spent the past ten months as a prisoner. Having given birth to Uriah’s
baby in her brothers’ domain, she knows the Underworld is no place to raise a child. Looking to Makyle for help, she may just give him what he needs to question all he has ever known.

Curses, secrets and the Dark Fae all loom in the fourth installment of the Immortal Heart Series
. Follow your favorite warriors as they fight to save what is left of their home, the people they love, and the new additions they never saw coming.

Table of Contents



Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five


Also By the Author


About the Author



Cree woke to the same recurring memory haunting his dreams. His beautiful Rowan dying in his arms
, while Uriah cried over Jelena’s lifeless body, and Bain and Holly succumbed to the pain of loss. The day was fresh in his mind and heart. Today, they would say their goodbye to their queen and lay her to rest. He sighed and rolled off the couch in their room. He still couldn’t bring himself to sleep in their bed. Moving to the balcony doors, he peered out at the frozen world. White. All he saw for miles was white. He prayed the lake was still liquid, that Rowan’s pyre would be able to float on the calm waters she loved so much.

A knock pulled
him from his thoughts.

“Come in.”

Uriah entered, wearing his Royal guard uniform. Black wool, with tiny, almost unnoticed, purple-and-gold detailing. “It’s almost time.”

sighed and looked to Uriah. “You look like you want to do this about as much as I do.”

“I want to honor her, but no, I
do not want to say my final goodbyes. I find that I am held together by a single thread.”

Cree nodded. “I feel the same. I will meet you in the foyer shortly.”

Uriah turned and left—the struggle to remain whole warring deep within his soul.



Kyra clu
ng to Izzy. Bain’s beautiful little girl wore a black dress and tights. With her little boots and a long, black pea coat, she still shivered in Izzy’s arms. Izzy had her other arm wrapped around Holly. While the warriors stood by a boat, covered in flowers, and filled with lavender blossoms, that cradled Rowan’s cold body, it was the first time Izzy had ever seen a crown atop Rowan’s head, it was delicate and looked at home upon her blonde tresses. Gold and silver was twisted into a floral and leaf pattern and was accented with amethysts. It fit perfectly with the purple-and-gold detailing of the white silk that hugged Rowan’s slender frame. The dress was elegant and looked as though it had been plucked from
closet. Izzy found Darnel in the crowd and smiled, thankful his magic was able to create what they envisioned for Rowan. Her skin was pale and all the lavender around her added to the purple tint of her cool skin. Her hands were clasped on her stomach, and her fingers were laced around a single, deep red rose that stood in stark contrast to her silky, white dress.

“Come on
,” Izzy said softly, setting Kyra down and handing her a white rose before lacing her fingers with Holly and Kyra, urging them forward to say their goodbyes. They each placed a rose in the boat with Rowan. Holly mumbled a few words as large, round tears began to fall against her red cheeks. Izzy wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her back to where they stood during the services. The lake was surrounded by the Light Fae who loved Rowan, and who supported and shared in the grief the loss created.

Holly reached for Kyra, lifting her up as more tears gathered on Holly’s
thick, dark lashes. The warriors held torches and with a flick of Kale’s fingers, they flamed to life in unison. Taking a step forward, they each laid their torch to the Pyre boat. Uriah lifted his hand and set the boat floating to the middle of the lake, where magic would allow it to burn for the next three days. A reminder to mourn the loss and rejoice in the life Rowan had lived.

Bain looked over to the women left in his life. He found solace in the sight of his beautiful daughter in the arms of his little sister. His gaze moved to his Izzy, his stunning Izzy who smiled softly at him. He moved to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She cupped the back of his head and held him to the crook of her neck.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

“Don’t ever go
,” he murmured.

“Never, Bain.” She pulled back to see his eyes shimmering with tears. “You are stuck with me. I love
you, and I’m not going anywhere without you.”

He pressed his lips to hers, then wrapped an arm around her shoulders and took Kyra from Holly’s arms as Lothar came to hold her. Kale and Kat soon stood with them. The group
waited for Uriah and Cree to finally look away from the flames that burned bright in the center of the lake.

With a shattered
heart, Cree cupped Uriah’s shoulder. “You take all the time you need. However, I am done mourning now. Now I want the Dark to know that I won’t stand and let them walk all over us.”

Cree turned, his light blue eyes more glacial
than any of them had ever seen. His movements were predatory as he stalked past them. “Celebrate her life… things will be changing very soon.”

that, Cree let his massive, black wings loose and lifted into the sky.

Makyle watched from a hunched position in a tall tree. He saw the pain on Cree’s face as he took flight after Rowan’s funeral. He felt the pain of the others. He watched the tears slip down Izzy’s face
, and he yearned to reach out to her. He hadn’t seen her since before the battle, and he knew he wouldn’t see her again for quite some time. The Underworld was out of balance and destiny was weaving around them, setting new rules and paths for all the Underworld’s rulers. Jelena was his current concern, and it would remain that way for the next few months.

Makyle felt an unfamiliar wetness on his cheeks as he watched Izzy walk away. He would miss her
. She had changed something fundamental about him. Still, he knew the tears were for his lost friend as well. Rowan had encouraged him to be something more than he’d been created for.

“Immortal Rulers don’t usually cry.”

Makyle looked to his left to see an ancient, white-haired woman floating next to him. He smirked. “Perhaps you made a mistake when you created me, Lachesis.”

The woman shook a crooked finger at him. “I don’t make mistakes, Makyle. You’re just special.”

Makyle scoffed. “Was this the destiny you wove?” he asked, gesturing to the scene before them.

Lachesis arched a white brow at him,
and then looked out at the scene around them. “Not exactly… this is all the result of the free will we created them with.”

“What free will? You weave their destiny.”

“I weave their path,” she said, smirking at him. “Some of them are too damn stubborn to stay upon it. And often that leads to the snipping of their lifeline.”

“Was I created with free will and a woven path?”

“You were created to be special… what you do with that is up to you. This world won’t find peace and warmth again until balance is returned to the Underworld.”

Makyle looked back to her. “Has there ever truly been balance on both sides?”

Lachesis grinned, showing she was missing a few of her back teeth. “I suppose that is the true question.” With those less then helpful words, she faded out.


Esperanza peered through the throne room window at a
small, glowing orange ball visible in the Light lands. She sighed and turned from the final leg of Rowan’s existence. She should have been mourning. Still, she had her own worries here in the Dark lands. That damn Holly—this whole thing was Holly’s fault. She knew the day that girl was born that she should have ended the child before she took her first breath. With a sigh, she moved through the passages and into her chambers. She had left Ardea to Darion. He was feeling rather ruthless in his feeding lately. She didn’t have the energy for his insatiable appetite. Not on this particular evening.


Chapter One


Squinting, Uriah lifted his face to the bright sun. Everywhere he looked, the light reflected off the glistening snow that blanketed the Middle World. The flakes hadn’t fallen in days, but still the world was frozen. Silence surrounded him. The death-soaked earth hid deep beneath his feet, while flashes of the battle haunted him. It had been nearly ten months, and he still couldn’t move past that one day in all the centuries he had lived. Jelena dying in his arms, and Cree bellowing his pain as Acacia took Rowan’s soul. The Middle World was still mourning the loss of their leader. He was mourning both Rowan and Jelena. Nothing made sense now. Thankfully, however, with Lothar’s new powers, he was able to stop the snow, but he couldn’t change the dormant state their world had fallen into.

“What’cha doing out here, brother?” Kale tried for casual, but it was forced and felt like a cover for the caution he was feeling.

Uriah shook his head. He should have known he wouldn’t be left alone for long. Kale was all over him lately. His brothers both knew what he was going through. “Just… trying to feel her,” he admitted. “Trying to make it all make sense.”

“It never will, Uriah.” Lothar rested a gloved hand on Uriah’s shoulder and squeezed lightly.

Turning from the tree line that separated the Light lands from the Dark, he looked to his brothers. Lothar was in a long, dark wool coat, and Kale looked like he was heading on a ski trip in the Alps. Uriah arched a brow. “Why are you bundled up? Doesn’t the fire in your veins keep you warm?”

Kale smirked. “You’d think so, but even I can’t keep warm in this weather.”

Wind whipped around them, and Uriah almost jumped as Holly and Izzy appeared a few feet behind Kale and Lothar. Izzy hunched over, gasping for air, while Holly rubbed a hand over her back. “Just breathe, Iz.”

“I hate flashing
. Why couldn’t we have just flown?” she grumbled, as she stood upright to meet the gaze of the three warriors smirking at her.

“Flying only works when I know where we’re going
,” Holly answered as she trudged through the deep snow to wrap her arms around Lothar.

“What are you two doing out here?” Lothar asked
, before dropping a kiss to Holly’s forehead.

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