Impending Reprisals (4 page)

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Authors: Jolyn Palliata

BOOK: Impending Reprisals
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Chapter 5

When Anya and her father arrived at the great hall, they were greeted by Lord Merivic with a simple salutation before attendants ushered them inside. She was relieved by the quick admittance as the lordship barely took notice of her, and was confident he was not to be her escort for the evening after all. But she could not deny, it only piqued her curiosity as to who it might be.

Anya was led through the milling crowd and out into the garden. She looked around with wide eyes at the gorgeous floral display, certain she could not name more than a few, and positive she had never before laid eyes on the majority of them.

“Wait here, Anya, while I seek out your escort.” Chiberus padded her hand before he left, oblivious to her wonderment and immersed in his own thoughts.

“Yes, Father,” she muttered absently, wandering to the closest row of stone planters.

Anya reached up with timid hands, softly brushing the long pink petals with her fingertips and inhaling deeply. Closing her eyes, she then skimmed her nose against the neighboring white flowers, enjoying the delicate scent they emitted. She glided through the fragrances swirling through the air, drawing deeper into the walled enclosure as she discovered one magnificent floral arrangement after another. So intent on the various aromas, Anya did not even register the clicking of the boots as they approached.

“Miss Anya?” She twirled around in surprise, her hand flying to her throat as her breath caught. “I did not mean to startle you.”

Anya smiled politely and tipped her head in respect. “My apologies, My Lord. I supposed I was a little distracted by all the flowers.” She glanced around with a bewildered expression, not even sure herself how she had traveled so deep into the garden.

“I feel I must apologize for my brief greeting at the door. I only wished to acknowledge my guests in a quick manner so I would be able to join you sooner.”

She stared hard at the lord with narrowed eyes, not entirely unsure of his meaning, but wishing to make it crystal clear. “My father left me here while he sought out my escort for the evening.”

The lordship smiled as he bent into a sweeping bow. “And so he has.”

A flutter consumed Anya’s stomach as he confirmed her father’s intent. Apparently Sedalene was not so foolish after all, she thought as her skin began to flush. “Very well,” she murmured, studying his fine dress uniform before holding her gaze at the jeweled hilt of his sword, securely sheathed in the scabbard on his swordbelt. She knew from past experience that the lordship also carried a dagger, and as she nonchalantly continued to examine him, she tried to determine exactly where he might be hiding it.

Lord Merivic noticed her lingering eyes. “Does this”—he placed his hand on the pommel— “intimidate you?”

She scoffed, refusing to be impressed by the regalness of this man. “My father is Weapons Master of Liberwood. He carries armaments on himself daily, even more in number than yourself.” To further her argument, she nearly admitted aloud how she herself had learned to wield a similar weapon—though not a jeweled one—but bit her tongue for she knew it was not proper to have had such an experience, despite the insistence of her father.

He grinned at her response, more so for the obvious respect she had for her father, displayed clearly in her tone, than for the awe she was attempting to conceal. “Yes, well, I suppose that is true,” the lordship agreed, flashing his teeth in a perfect smile. “I must ask you, however, if you are opposed to my companionship this evening.”

Anya’s heart leapt at the opportunity to decline his invitation, but she knew she must not. Her father obviously had a part in arranging this pairing and she must abide by his wishes. Besides, it would be dreadfully rude of her to treat Lord Merivic in such a manner. Although she continually attempted to deny it to herself, she felt as if she owed the lord something for his assistance the previous year —whether it be gratitude, friendship, or simple attention. “I am not opposed,” Anya stated, clasping her hands in front of her.

Lord Merivic nodded as he held out his arm, allowing her to approach at her own pace. As she hooked her arm around his, he pulled her close to his side and gazed at her with penetrating hazel eyes. “Thank you, Miss Anya. I am truly honored.”

She read much into the intensity of his stare, and though his eyes never fell below hers, she was suddenly very aware of the revealing cut of her dress. Anya felt the blush rising in her cheeks as she forced a smile. “You are welcome.”

Lord Merivic’s brow creased as he eased back, loosening his hold on her arm. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

Her stomach cinched at his distress, and she felt absurd for doubting his intentions. So inexperienced in such intimate situations, she barely knew how to respond. “No,” she replied in a muted tone, letting her eyes drift to the ground.

Noticing her countenance, he coaxed her chin up with a long slender finger until she was forced to make direct eye contact once again. “If you do not wish…” Merivic’s voice trailed off as he tried to read into her timid expression. Was it simply shyness, or a lack of attraction, he wondered, feeling his own flurry of anxiety with her hesitation.

Anya visibly gathered her nerves and let loose a broad smile, stunning him with her radiant beauty. Pulling herself close to his side once more, she said, “It would be a great honor if you would be my escort.”

Speechless, Lord Merivic chuckled as he shook the haze out of his mind, for her innocent, yet sultry, manner surely clouded his thoughts. And with a happiness no man had any right to, he led her out of the garden.


Anya’s eyes sparkled as Lord Merivic led her around the great hall, his strong arms supporting her frame during the various dances—some of which she had never before attempted, but he led her through with ease. Opposing the norm, they danced nearly every song together for no one dared to cut in on the lordship when he was so clearly enjoying the company of his beautiful companion.

Lord Merivic was very attentive to Anya, sporadically asking if she was enjoying the evening, and displaying well the part of a gentlemen as he eased her in and out of the crowd, protective in his stance to ensure she did not get jostled.

Despite Anya’s prior misgivings, and her continual endeavor to remain aloft from the lord, she could not help but revel in the looks of envy being cast in her direction from the other female guests, jealous of the adoring consideration Anya was receiving.

Unable to contain herself for long, Anya succumbed to his rather agreeable manner, and was swept away by the excitement of it all. And by the end of the night, her head was in a swirl, causing her to be light on her feet and giddy besides.

Anya giggled as Lord Merivic held her hand in the air, twirling her under his arm while they walked through the elaborate archway leading into the garden. Her smile beamed as she spun away from him, her gown flowing in a graceful sweep of fabric. She turned toward him as their arms extended, and he leaned down to whisper a kiss against the back of her hand before releasing her.

Anya’s face warmed with his tender action as she unconsciously fiddled with her amulet.

He smiled at her bashfulness as he straightened. “If you will excuse me, I need to bid my guests farewell. I will return with due haste.” Lord Merivic tipped his head as he backed away a step, and then took his leave.

Flushed and still with a smile on her face, Anya wandered through the garden, following the same path she had earlier in the evening. She hummed a soft tune as she strolled, the light melody matching her mood as it drifted through the air. If she had paused to think about it, she probably would have found it had been quite awhile since she had last felt so content.

Her eye caught a patch of small blossoms; white with sapphire edges bleeding into the pristine petals and complementing the color of her gown perfectly. Anya plucked one of the flowers and breathed in its intoxicating scent before tucking it behind her ear, resuming her song as she turned about.

At the curve in the path she noticed Lord Merivic leaning against a great stone planter, holding two glasses of wine, and donning an endearing grin.

“You are truly radiant, Miss Anya.”

“Thank you, My Lordship.”

He chuckled under his breath as he approached. “How many times must I request you to call me Lord Merivic before you will finally do so?”

Anya shrugged and laughed, unsure if she would ever feel completely comfortable addressing him in such an informal manner.

“Please, come sit with me.” He handed her a glass of wine and then gestured further down the path to a wrought iron bench nestled amongst the floral arrangements.

Once they settled, Lord Merivic took a drink of his wine and set his glass down before turning his full attention to the beauty at his side.

“Did you enjoy yourself this evening?”

“I had a wonderful time, and I thank you for that.”

He leaned his head to the side, a smile teasing the corner of his lips. Watching her reaction carefully, he reached down to her lap and claimed one of her hands. Anya, although a bit surprised, surrendered her hand freely as he clasped it between his.

“There is no need to thank me, Miss Anya. I quite enjoyed our time together, as well.” He squeezed her hand gently and took a steadying breath. “Might I ask you a question?”

She arched a brow as the lord’s entire body tensed in anticipation of her response, and her stomach fluttered. “You may.”

His eyes darted to the pebbled walkway as he took another breath, and then held his shoulders back proudly as he finally made direct eye contact. “I will be staying in Liberwood for the duration of the summer to attend to some family matters. Would you mind if I called on you from time to time.”

“Call on me?”

“Court you,” he explained, matter-of-factly.

Anya’s eyes grew big as her frame seized with anxiety.

“I have spoken with your father.”

Her heart thundered in her chest as she dared to ask the next logical question. “And he approves?”

“He does.”

Her shoulders fell with his admission, as did her gaze, as did her heart. “Then it is settled,” she whispered, trying to hide the defeat in her tone.


Anya looked at Lord Merivic as he absently rubbed the top of her hand while he spoke.

“I understand your customs, that your father has the right to choose your suitor until you are twenty-three years of age. However, I would like you to decide for yourself.”

Her spirits lifted with her curiosity. “You do?”

Lord Merivic studied Anya and thought he understood her hopeful tone, but needed to be sure. He wanted to simply agree it had already been settled between himself and her father and leave it at that. But he knew the proper course was to give her the choice.

To ensure he did not sway her replies, he released her hand and rubbed the back of his neck as he nodded in response. “And your father has agreed to my request. It is your decision to make.”

Anya stared at him, incredulity shining in her eyes.

“It will always be your choice where I am concerned, Miss Anya. I simply view this as a chance to get to know each other better. It will forever be up to you as to where it will proceed.”

She continued looking at him, her stare softening into a gaze, but still she seemed no closer to uttering any words.

“Would you prefer time to think about it?” Before the inquiry barely left his mouth, Lord Merivic was flooded with angst and mentally berated himself for rushing her. He did not give Anya a chance to respond before he spoke again, averting his gaze as he shifted to stand. “That is perfectly acceptable. I will escort you home now.”

Anya could tell he was nervous and flustered, and suddenly she was not so intimidated. In her eyes, at that moment, he was just a man reaching out to her, and her instinct was to return the gesture, despite the conflict she felt within.

She put a timid hand on his arm to hold him still. “I do not need to think about it. You may call on me, if you wish.”

Anya nearly did not believe she had spoken the words herself, and found the lord to have a similar reaction of disbelief. His hazel eyes were widened in pleasant surprise as his mouth curved into an unsure smile.

He once again took her hand into his as he leaned closer. “Are you certain?”

“I am.”

Lord Merivic’s smile widened as he leaned toward her, his gaze darting to her lips to show his intent. Anya felt her whole body vibrate with nerves as she discerned the situation—he only leaned in halfway, leaving the remaining distance for her to close, if she wished to. Apparently, it was as he said: It would always be her choice.

Locking on his gentle, adoring gaze she eased toward him, closing her eyes a moment before their mouths met.

The kiss was innocent, a soft brushing of lips before respect had him drawing back. 

Anya opened her eyes and flushed as she looked to her lap, not because it was her first kiss, but because it was her first kiss with another man. In the brief intimate moment there were so many sensations she had felt that were completely foreign to her—from the tingle traveling her frame, to the tickle of the light stubble on his face. It was all entirely new, and thoroughly exciting.

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