Impending Reprisals (9 page)

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Authors: Jolyn Palliata

BOOK: Impending Reprisals
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Chapter 13

Merivic draped his arm around Anya’s shoulders as he led her down the long hall. She felt light-headed as she floated on softened footfalls at his side, her mind immersed in a surreal world where only she and Merivic existed.

As they rounded the landing at the base of the stairs, Merivic looked down at Anya. His eyes bore into hers in serious contemplation, and exuded a raw wanton thirst that only her body could quench. His arm held tight while a shudder of need racked her body and settled as a simmering quiver in her belly.

When they ascended the first step, a voice called out, “Sire!”

Merivic’s jaw clenched as he turned to address the unwelcome interruption. The soldier came to an abrupt halt in front of them, his head bowing as a shield against Merivic’s glare of sheer annoyance.

“My apologies, My Lord. But this has just arrived urgent by messenger.” He held out a wax-sealed envelope, continuing to stare at the ground.

Merivic snatched the message out of his hand and tore it open. His eyebrows knitted as he scanned over the parchment, and Anya was struck for a moment by his anger.

She had never before witnessed him as anything but calm, and it was almost a comfort to know he was capable of losing control. And, she had to admit as she watched the lines of his face harden, it made him all that more attractive to her—the restrained fury certainly giving him some deliciously rough edges.

Merivic snapped his head up and stared at the soldier whose head was still bowed. “Gerhard.” He practically growled his name. “Show Lady Anya to her room and stand guard.”

Anya’s lips parted to protest when Merivic’s steel-gaze darted her way. She quickly closed her mouth and looked down in face of the visual assault.

Merivic sighed, tipping her chin up with a finger. His voice was soft as he explained, “I must see to this immediately, but I will come back to you.”

She nodded her understanding, but still did not look him in the eye.

“Anya, my truest love.” He nudged her chin up a little more, until she finally met his gaze. “Forgive me for being rude to you. It will not happen again.”

“I understand. Obviously it is of great importance.” She gestured to the paper fisted in his hand.

“It is. But that is no excuse.” He kissed her on the cheek before turning to Gerhard. “Take her up. I will return.”

Anya watched Merivic as he strode away, then shifted to Gerhard. She scowled when she recognized him to be the soldier who ordered her back into the carriage. 

“Milady,” he stated politely, sweeping his arm in an act of condescension toward the stairs.

“I do not require you to accompany me. I am quite capable of finding my own way to my quarters.” She pulled up the hem of her gown as she stepped up.

“If Lord Merivic wishes me to escort you, then that is what I shall do.”

Anya scoffed as she rolled her eyes. She could not put her finger on exactly what it was, but something about his manner raked on her nerves. “You are not going to hover outside my door, are you?”

“It is what I am instructed to do.”

“I cannot relax knowing
are the one out here. I hardly feel safe under your caustic eye. Go find someone else.”


Anya turned when she reached her door and stared him down. He returned her glare tenfold, jutting out his chin in defiance. “You would rather stay just to annoy me?”

“I am required to stay and not leave you alone. In order to find someone to relieve me, I would need to abandon my station. And that, I will not do.”

She exhaled a frustrated sigh and opened the door.

“He is right. You
headstrong,” Gerhard murmured, positioning himself to the side.

Not sure if she heard him correctly, she said, “Excuse me?”

“It was nothing, Milady. Have a pleasant evening.” The tone he used clashed with the meaning of the words, and it all came together as a patronizing sendoff.

Without a word, Anya slipped into her quarters and slammed the door. She let out a groan as she paced her large room, trying to work off the fury Gerhard easily elicited from her. Taking slow and measured deep breaths, she attempted to concentrate on Merivic and the perfect evening they had managed to create earlier.

Indignation gave way to apprehension and then, eventually, exhilaration as she dressed for bed. Sinking into the plush mattress, she pulled the blankets tight and stared out the window at the stars while she waited for Merivic’s return. But when minutes stretched to an hour, and then two, her lids got heavy and she could no longer combat the fatigue. Fighting it every step of the way, she fell into a deep slumber.


The dream holding Anya captive was unlike any she had ever had before, save for one exception—the dream she had of Merivic the day he proposed.

Usually she could tell when she was dreaming, the effects fanciful enough for her mind to have that cognition, but just as the one before—despite the peculiar quality of it—it felt convincingly real.

As she had done so often in her past, Anya laid in the meadow watching the clouds float by. The lush green grass beneath her was as soft as a bed of silk, conforming to her body and cradling her frame. She studied the sky intently, snuggling deeper into the warmth of the earth, as she sunk away from reality and became swept up into the vision before her.

From Anya’s vantage point, the clouds appeared to be floating on the surface of a pale blue sea, their frayed ends constantly changing with the tide as they drifted along their lazy, pointless journey. She was so focused on this imagery that it was not long before she began to feel their movements herself, a gentle swaying to and fro. She closed her eyes and allowed the motion to take her, and to keep her.

When Anya opened her eyes, she found herself floating amongst the clouds, the cool water vapor tingling her skin as it coated her in a glossy sheen. She watched through a drowsy haze as the billowy masses surrounded her.

Small tendrils broke free from the abstract setting, curling and weaving toward her face. She caught the scent of something sweet, something seductive, and she yearned for more. Easing her face forward, Anya inhaled the thin wisps. They slid into her nose and mouth, chilling a path down her throat and into her chest.

Anya’s will was no longer her own as she gave control to another—to the gods, the fates, the powers that be? She did not know, nor did she care. All that concerned her was the here and now, to the sensations washing over her skin and through her body as the chill turned to heat, as the tingles morphed into waves of pleasure.


Her name was a whisper on a warm breeze, tickling her ear and beckoning her from the depths of the concealing veil.

She whispered a moan in response as she felt a gentle pressure on her belly, her hips, her lips. Something of substance pressed against her side and a feather-light touch grazed her temple.


She opened her eyes as Merivic’s mouth brushed against hers, and when he retreated, she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him back. The scent of the dream still swirled in her head, that sweet intoxicating fragrance, while his hand fisted at her hip and his lips teased hers.

“You have finally returned to me.” He looked down at Anya, his mouth curving as he lay casually next to her. “I have to admit, I was hoping for another fantastic rousing like that day in the meadow.”

“Hmm. You can have that, but this time while knowing I am wide awake and taking what I want.”

Anya eased Merivic close and took his mouth with hers. The mood quickly altered and ignited as he changed the angle of the kiss, their tongues dancing in a seductive embrace as his hands tangled in her hair. He held her firm as he took her deeper. 

Her head swam from the contact as his hands swept down her neck and across her shoulders. She arched her back as he took her breasts in his strong hands, teasing her nipples with his thumbs over the sleek material of her nightgown. He moved to her neck and she let out a gasp of breath as his lips released hers.

Merivic’s busy hands ran down her belly and slid under the hem, hiking the material up to expose her for his use. He caressed a breast as his mouth enclosed over the other, flicking his tongue against the taut peak. A shiver traveled the length of her frame, rocking through her as she wavered under his heated touch.

Merivic’s own breath caught as she shuddered under him, fueling his craving to give her pleasure, whetting his appetite to consume her, body and mind. He gripped her sides to anchor himself before he slid down, trailing his open mouth across the swell of her belly. His fingers hooked the edge of her undergarment, and tugged it down.  

Merivic felt her muscles freeze, heard her breathing cease. He wanted her relaxed, to enjoy and savor what he would give her. And, of course, he wanted to be sure this was what she truly desired. He lightly bit her hip as he asked, “Do you wish me to stop?”

Her response was breathless. “No.”

“Do you trust me?” He eased up, taking her breast in his mouth again.

“Yes,” she whispered, squirming under his lips.

That was all he needed to hear.

Merivic slipped a hand between her legs, gliding over her and sliding his finger into her warmth. Anya inhaled sharply, her back arched and nails bit into Merivic’s shoulders. Her head hazed over as she fought to control the sensations warring within her, pulling her one way then banking hard in another.

“Feel me, Anya,” Merivic murmured as his mouth trailed down again, his hands continuing to explore her before gripping her hips. “Feel this.” His face lowered between her thighs as his tongue darted out.

Anya bolted upright from the intimate contact, bracing herself into an inclined position. Merivic ran his hands up her arms and slid them out from under her, easing her back down before giving her tender breasts a gentle squeeze.

“Let me give this to you.” His lips swept against her. “I want to give this to you.”

Anya whimpered as his knowledgeable mouth closed over her. She was helpless under his touch as he took what he wanted, stroking and caressing with his hands and tongue. The world around her swirled as the sensations stacked up, threatening to topple and bury her under.

Her breath hitched with each rise, and shuddered out as he pulled back to tease. On and on he drove her, riding an anxious wave of indulgence only to dip her in torment to bring her back again. Her desire rose higher and higher until she felt her sanity could take no more. Then, suddenly, Merivic pressed hard to shove her over the edge, and she cried out as she fell into a blissful oblivion. 

Anya’s breath wheezed as Merivic lowered himself next to her. She rolled into him, knotting her hands in his shirt as he wrapped his arms around her. Squeezing her tight, he kissed her hair, her forehead, her cheek as she molded against his firm body and waited for her heart to stop hammering.

“That was…” Anya trailed off, realizing she had no proper words to describe what he had done to her, the gift he had given her. Merely thinking about it sent her nervous system into overdrive, causing her to instinctually press even harder against him.

Anya heard Merivic’s heart thundering as she held her ear to his chest, and came to the quick understanding of how aroused he must be himself. Her nervous system sparked again as she twisted to kiss his neck.

The moment he felt her lips on his skin, he loosened his hold and attempted to ease back, but Anya had a good grip on his shirt and only tugged him closer. “Do not leave,” she murmured, her demand muffled in the crook of his neck.

“I cannot stay. Not like this.”

Anya pulled away to look him in the eye, her brow creased.

“You have no idea how hard this is for me. But if you wish me to stay…if you want me to hold you, I will hold you.”

Anya lowered her head and nestled into him. “Is there anything I can do to make it easier for you?”

“No. It will pass.” He chuckled, softly. “Hopefully.”

Anya bit her lip as she stared at her hands, still holding tight to his shirt. She was not so naive that she would not be aware of how a woman could please a man; she simply had never partaken in such an act. But holding Merivic close, listening to his heart as her own tingling pleasure faded away, she found she wanted to give him more than what he would ever ask of her. She only hoped she had the prowess capable of bringing him to the heights of passion she had reached herself only moments before.

With trembling fingers, Anya began unbuttoning his shirt.

Merivic’s hand flew up and clamped over hers. “What are you doing?”

“Whatever I want. Move your hand.”

Anya saw the debate raging in his eyes until curiosity won out and he released her. She could feel her face warm as she finished unbuttoning his shirt and spread it wide, running her palms over his defined muscles.

Glancing to Merivic’s face, she swung a leg over to straddle as she pushed him back. Caution overtook curiosity as the predominant emotion in his eyes as he griped her hips.


Anya silenced him with her lips as her hands grew steady against his shoulders. Drugging him with her mouth, she momentarily stunned Merivic before lifting away long enough to pull off her nightgown, and recapturing his tongue before he could protest. She pressed her bare breasts against him as she breathed in his gasp, then slid her mouth down to his neck.

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