Imprisoned Match [Mé 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Imprisoned Match [Mé 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You mean face the fact that his decisions cost you your family? Your life?” Mitch asked, with no anger in his voice that she had called him out on how he was wasting the rest of his life.

Elliott was amazed that Mitch had taken her criticism on how he was handling life after prison. She’d summed up what he’d been trying to say for the past year and knew that if he had ever uttered those words to his brother, Mitch would have physically tried to hurt him.

“He doesn’t have to face it,” Anna said, shaking her head. “I do. My parents didn’t deserve to die for his mistake.”

“How did they die?” Mitch asked softly.

Was this really the brother who rarely spoke and could have cared less what happened in other people’s lives? Mitch and Anna had common ground, and Elliott could only hope that they both saw the light before it was too late for any of them. Elliott wasn’t sure how much time they had before things came to a head. One thing was for sure, they weren’t going to let her face Sam alone.

“From what I’ve pieced together, the Contractor threatened to kill Antonio’s family if he didn’t hand over the weapons. Because Antonio had tried to steal more money from him, the Contractor wanted the weapons for free. Antonio couldn’t go back to his sellers empty handed, so Antonio called his bluff. When my brother realized the Contractor had placed a hit on us, Antonio panicked and called me.”

“And he thought you’d be able to help him out of that mess by—what? Involving you in criminal activity?”

“I don’t know what he thought I could do to help him,” Anna replied. “I’ll never know, because when I arrived, Antonio had been shot.”

“If they’d already killed your brother, then why take out your parents?” Elliott asked, walking toward them. When she turned to look at him, the answer hit him in the chest. The anguish was written all over her beautiful face.

“Oh, Ginger, his call saved your life, didn’t it? They came to your house, murdered your parents, and then killed him—all the while not knowing you were on the way.”

Anna swiped at a tear that tried to escape. “You can judge me all you want. But I promised, in front of those three graves, that I would seek the justice that needed to be served.”

“Why wouldn’t you have let the cops do their job? If you had the information, why not just give it to them?”

“Because they couldn’t prove a thing, that’s why,” Anna said, the distress still evident in her voice. “Antonio had a friend named Carlos, and he helped me gather the intel I needed. There were numerous people involved, at various levels. I slowly integrated myself into that world as Anna Cruz. The only way to bring someone like the Contractor down is from the inside.”

“An investigation like that takes years, Anna,” Elliott said, obviously not telling her something she didn’t already know. But he needed to understand why she would willingly give up her life. “Why would you sentence your life to revenge?”

“Because I was the one to find them,” Anna whispered. “I was the one who walked into that house, thinking I needed to tell them that their son had died, only to find my parents lying in a pool of blood. Judge me all you want, but the only way I’m going to erase that image is to make sure the Contractor pays for what he initiated. Sam Fowler will go to prison or die.”

Chapter Eleven


Anna awoke to the feel of lips traveling up her inner thigh. From the arousing scratching sensation along her skin, she assumed it was Mitch. His large hands came up underneath the undersides of her knees, his touch causing her to gasp.

“Elliott was right,” Mitch murmured. “You are sensitive behind your knees.”

Knowing that Elliott had told Mitch about their shower tryst wasn’t surprising, but it did bring to mind every place that he had touched. Would Mitch want to go on an exploring expedition?

“I’m responsive in a whole bunch of other areas, if you’d like to find out,” Anna replied, wanting him to know it was okay with her if he continued.

After Anna had bared her soul to them last night, Elliott and Mitch had decided they all needed some sleep. She had agreed she was mentally and emotionally drained, but she wasn’t physically tired. Much to her dismay, they tucked her in between the two of them in Elliott’s bed, which was designed for three. She’d meant to ask him about it, but every time she’d tried to talk, they’d hushed her up and told her to close her eyes. While Anna hadn’t thought she was tired, amazingly, she’d fallen quickly into a deep sleep.

“I’m only interested in one, right now,” Mitch answered, reaching his destination. “I found it.”

Mitch used his tongue to slide up her folds and latch on her clit. Anna let out a yelp and grabbed onto the pillow underneath her head. Using his hands, Mitch spread her open to his assault. Her engorged flesh was exposed, throbbing for his touch. He didn’t disappoint her.


“Just relax,” Mitch whispered, his breath hot against her nub. “Elliott’s bringing you coffee up in a moment.”

“Coffee and an orgasm?” Anna questioned, not able to hold back from lifting her hips for more.

“We’re full service here,” Mitch answered, blowing on her clit. The hot air made her moan. “See? Aren’t we better than the B&B?”

“I’ll reserve judgment until I get what’s promised,” Anna replied breathlessly, knowing that would spur him on.

Mitch’s answer was a growl, and then he attacked her pussy—in a good way. Sucking her clit in between his teeth, he used his tongue to rasp over the delicate tissue. He released one side of her folds, bringing his finger down toward her entrance. With her cream dripping out of her, Mitch had no problem sliding his finger right into her. Her pussy contracted, wanting to hold him in place.

“More,” Anna begged.

He added another finger, stretching her. It wasn’t enough. His teeth unclenched, releasing her clit, but then he used his tongue to move over it in a circular motion. He gradually increased his pressure, but his pace was still too slow for her to reach that apex.

“Mitch, I need more,” Anna pleaded, releasing the pillow and tangling her fingers into his hair.

She tried to move his head, but he was resolute in his progress. Mitch started to slowly pump his fingers in and out, the action causing her to mimic his motions. Her hips were now lifting off the bed. Anna was slowly climbing to that peak, but it was sweet torture. If only he would—oh! That wasn’t what she was thinking, but it would work.

Mitch took his middle finger out of her pussy and placed it against her anus. Having been inside of her, his digit was soaked with her cream and there was no resistance when he slid it into her dark tunnel. The muscle tightened and the slight burning increased. It didn’t really hurt, and to Anna’s amazement, the sting made traveling to that zenith faster than she could have imagined. The conflicting sensations were too much for her body to handle, and the second that Mitch started thrusting his fingers into both of her holes, her body exploded.

Anna’s legs tightened around his shoulders, while he was lucky that her fingers didn’t pull out his hair. Instead of slowing down, pulling his fingers out of her, or lightening up the pressure of his tongue, Mitch kept up the speed. He led her straight into another orgasm, or for all she knew it was a damn long one that never ended. Either way, Anna couldn’t contain the scream that tore from her throat. She was amazed to hear her voice begging for him to stop, for the sensitivity in her clit was on the verge of agony.

Gradually, Mitch brought her back down to earth. Her inner thighs were shaking from the intensity of her release. He removed his fingers and slid a trail of moisture down her thighs, rubbing every inch of those trembling muscles.

Through the blood rushing within her ears, Anna heard voices mumbling, and while her brain refused to categorize them, Mitch had no such problem. Jumping from the bed, he lunged for his black T-shirt and yanked it over his head. He’d already had his jeans on, but apparently, the button had been undone. As he fed it through the hole, Mitch clued her in on what was happening.

“My parents are here.”

“What?” Anna sat straight up in bed. His eyes went straight to her breasts, and any other time, she probably would have laughed at that. But right now, reality had hit her hard. Whereas his parents were able to walk in the door and visit whenever they wanted, her parents were dead. The cold facts washed over her, making her decision easier. Scooting toward the end of the bed, Anna started to throw her clothes on. “That’s okay. You visit with them. I need to go and see if I still have a job.”

“Hold up there, Ginger,” Mitch said, coming around the side of the bed. “There is no way you are heading into town without one of us with you. And you still haven’t told us the rest of the story.”

“You mean how I found out that Sam Fowler is really the Contractor? I made friends in places that you’re probably very well aware of, Mitch,” Anna answered, pulling on her panties. “I was able to sniff out a name, and lo and behold, it brought me to Triple. To make this easier on you, how about I tell you that I turned state’s evidence? Will that change this
you feel over me? I’m not your responsibility, Mitch. I’ve had my own back for a very long time. An orgasm or two doesn’t change anything.”

“Don’t lessen what we have, Ginger,” Mitch warned, holding out her black sweater. “You don’t have to do this on your own anymore.”

“Let me guess at something, Mitch,” Anna said. She pulled her sweater over her head and then started to slip on her jeans. “When you were twenty and on trial, you had a girlfriend. You let her support you all the way through, until the verdict was handed down. Then, when you saw ten years of prison in your future, you opted out. Why? Because you were too much of a gentleman to make her waste ten years of her life. How close am I to being right, Mitch?”

His jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed. Anna knew she’d hit the mark with her speculation. Fastening her jeans, Anna sat on the bed and slipped her boots on. When she was done, Anna placed her palms on the bed and finally looked up.

“Do you understand that even though I turned state’s evidence on people whom I have documentation on, it doesn’t guarantee me that I won’t serve jail time for the activities I was involved with? You were charged with involuntary manslaughter. You, of all people, should know that I can’t control the outcome of this. And this”—Anna lifted her hand and gestured toward him and the door, indicating Elliott as well—“is too new to even assume it has a chance.”

“And what? You’re willing to walk away and not find out?”

“That’s the thing, Mitch,” Anna said sadly, “it doesn’t matter what I want anymore. The ball is in motion. I have no control over how things play out. Agent Monroe has already called the DEA. They should’ve arrived by now. I need to head in to the diner and hope that I haven’t messed things up too bad.”

“Mitch!” Elliott yelled.

“Coming!” Mitch turned back toward her, his hair still tousled from her fingers. He took the few steps that separated them, holding out his hands. She stared at them and then finally relented, placing her palms on top of his. He pulled her into a standing position. His fingers slowly trailed their way up her arms, coming to rest on her face. “For whatever reason, you are the only one who has been able to make me see beyond today. I’m not just letting you go, and neither is Elliott. We’ll figure out a way to make this work.”

Chapter Twelve


Anna pocketed the tip that Mrs. Wheelock and her friend had left on the table. They had sat and chatted for over an hour about various gossips circulating around Triple. Anna was relieved when she didn’t hear her name mentioned.

One month had gone by since Anna had snuck out the back door of Elliott and Mitch’s house, borrowing the keys to Mitch’s truck. Mitch had understood her need to leave, but it had taken a few days for Elliott to calm down. She wasn’t anywhere near ready to meet their parents, especially after having had such a mind-blowing orgasm.

Once the three of them had gotten into a routine, Anna was able to slowly gather the information that Agent Monroe, who was much relieved that she hadn’t confronted Sam when she originally wanted to, needed. The DEA agent wasn’t happy that Elliott and Mitch refused to back away though. Once he realized they were serious about keeping her protected around the clock, Agent Nicholi came up with a way to integrate them into her life without tipping off Sam that something was amiss. It wasn’t difficult, since Elliott and Mitch had pretty much already done that. She had the early morning shift, so that meant the men usually stayed at the B&B with her during the evening hours. In the afternoon, Anna would walk across the street to the garage. Sometimes she’d help Mitch with whatever vehicle needed work that day, or she’d sit and keep Elliott company while he did the invoicing.

She hadn’t meant for it to happen, but given the time they were spending together, Anna learned more about them day after day. It wasn’t enough. She found that Elliott liked comedies, while Mitch liked action films. Elliott tended to not function too well in the mornings unless he’d had two cups of coffee, but it was Mitch who got cranky at night if he wasn’t asleep by eleven. She loved that Elliott liked to take his time while making love with her but then appreciated Mitch’s need to rack up the intensity at just the right time. They were the best of both worlds, and she was slowly losing her heart to them.

Anna had left a message on Sarah’s voice mail, thankful that her friend hadn’t picked up the phone when she called. It was brief and to the point. Anna used her work as an excuse as to why she would be gone for a while, mentioning her employer needed her on-site for a couple months in a branch office of their company located outside of the city.

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