In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You (26 page)

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Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You
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“And sometimes things between us might get a little kinky. Can you handle kink?”

“I can handle most things short of sex with a woman.”

“You have something against threesomes?”

The thought of two horny men, both of whom wanted me, held definite appeal. “I don’t have sex with women.”

“Is that your only restriction?”

I hesitated. “Well, I can’t think of anything else short of heavy S & M or manhandling that I won’t be at least willing to consider.”

“I like to pamper and spoil a woman, not spank or handcuff her.” Although I wasn’t averse to an occasional spanking before anal sex, I wasn’t interested in being tied up, blindfolded, or sexually humiliated. “Good.”

blindfolded, or sexually humiliated. “Good.”

He smiled. “If you’re prepared for the final test, we might have a deal.”

“What did you have in mind?”

He pushed himself away from the desk and patted his lap. “Come sit here and we’ll discuss it.”

“You want me to sit on your lap?”


I moistened my lips. “Why?”

“I like the sound of your voice, but as you know, I can’t see you.” I stared into the lenses of the dark glasses. “What happened?”

“To my sight?”


His lips tightened. “Sometimes friendship costs more than one expects.”

“What does that mean?”

“I tried to help a friend and got more than I bargained for.”


He shook his head. “I want to talk about you and me. If you’re still here I’m assuming there’s nothing about my face or physique that turns you off.”

He was handsome, he looked fit, and he was sexy. “No.”

“Good. Now, I need to know if there’s anything about you that will turn me off.” He patted his lap. “Come sit here.”

My heart raced. I’d come to his house knowing why I was coming. At least I knew what he’d expect if I landed the job. I guess I just hadn’t considered he’d want me to audition.

“Are you coming, Ms. Black?”

At thirty, I’d spent most of my life playing it safe and sticking to the rules. But there’d always been a wild streak I’d suppressed. Mark’s unexpected death had been my wake up call. Life was too short not to fully embrace it and make the most of it. When Mark had wanted to have a baby within months of our becoming lovers, I’d wanted to wait until I sold my first book. Had I not put my career first, I might have at least had Mark’s baby to love.

I’ve always admired women with enough guts to use their bodies just as they liked, despite what society said or thought. From the moment I’d lost my virginity at eighteen, I’d known sex was one of the greatest things ever. Since that time, I’d frequently wished I had the courage to let myself go and have as many lovers as I wanted. And I’d long suppressed the fantasy of doing something totally wild and sexually irresponsible—like sleeping with a total stranger or having a favorite lover fuck me in a public place.

Now I had an opportunity to live out at least a part of my fantasy. I wasn’t planning to start a career at Naughty Girls and I probably wouldn’t be having sex in a public park, but I sure as hell planned to have sex with the handsome stranger in front of me.

Was I coming? Oh, yeah. I rose and walked around the desk.

His hand shot out and closed around one of my wrists. “Sit on my lap,” he instructed.

I glanced down at his lap and caught my breath. His pants were unzipped. A luscious shaft with a helmeted head protruded from the opening. His naked cock stood at attention, rising a satisfying length above his groin.

I went wet as I stared. He was only an inch or two above average length, but Lord was he thick. And I’ve never been one of those women who thought size and skill was the same thing. I’ve always believed a big cock wielded by an unpolished lover would be a painful turn off while a skillful lover with an average sized shaft could take his lucky lady close to heaven.

Josh tugged at my hand and swung his chair away from the desk. “Sit on my lap.” I licked my lips, took a deep breath, and tossed one leg over his body. Then I straddled his thighs, only just resisting the urge to press myself against his thick length. I sat staring down at the big, dark pink head staring up at me, my heart racing.

Some women love wide shoulders or washboard abs in a lover. Others go wild over a tight tush. I went wet at the sight of a beautiful, fully erect cock. I’m not easy. Despite my repressed fantasies, I’ve only had three lovers.

Nevertheless, the favorite folder on my computer was filled with sites that featured men with huge cocks. Okay, so maybe I do prefer big cocks to average sized ones when it comes to pictures. In real life, an average sized guy with a fair amount of width will get the job done for me. Since Josh was a few inches above average length, he had nothing fair amount of width will get the job done for me. Since Josh was a few inches above average length, he had nothing to be ashamed of.

Although I’d seen bigger cocks in my favorites folder, Josh had a very nice tool. It had been so long since I’d been so close to the real thing, I had to clench my hands shut to resist the urge to reach down and wrap my fingers around him. I was almost giddy with the need to feel him inside me.

His big hands moved gently over my face. There was something very sensual about sitting there while he caressed my face, as if he were committing every inch to memory. From my face, he trailed his fingers down to my breasts. He fumbled with the buttons of my blouse for several moments before his fingers slid inside my bra to tweak my nipples.

I hadn’t been with anyone since Mark’s death and the feel of his fingers on my sensitive nipples sent a strong streak of lust down my spine. I moaned softly and arched my back, pushing my breasts against his palms.

* * *

Naughty Girls, Inc—No Commitment Required is published by Marilyn lee Unleashed at

Marilyn Lee’s Booklist:

Marilyn Lee Unleashed

Blue Desert Heat Part One

Blue Desert Heat Part Two

Marilyn Lee Sampler Two

Marilyn Lee Sampler

Soul Mates

Falling For Sharde

Large, Shy And Beautiful

Where You Find It

Naughty Girls, Inc—No Commitment Required

Loving Large—Yours, Only And Always

The Quest—Hunter’s Passion

Daughters of Takira—One Night In Vegas

Daughters of Takira II—Kyla’s Awakening

Daughters of Takira 3—Revelations

Any Time Any Place

Red Rose Publishing

Finding Love Again

Betrayed By Love

Song of Desire

It Had To Be You

Tempting Neal

In Blood And Worth Loving

Eye of the Beholder

Night Heat

Summer Storm

Skin Deep

Ellora’s Cave

Night of Sin

Bloodlust series:

Conquering Mikhel Dumont

The Talisman

The Taming Serge Dumont

Forbidden Desires

Nocturnal Heat

Midnight Shadows

All In The Family

Moonlight series:

Moonlight Desire

Moonlight Whispers

Long Line of Love series:

Night of Desires

Love Out Loud

Only One Love

Teacher’s Pet

Trina’s Afternoon Delight


Road To Rapture

The Fall of Troy

Full Bodied Charmer

Breathless In Black

Playing With Fire

White Christmas

Quest II—Divided Loyalties

Quest III—Return to Volter

Changeling Press

Moonlight Madness

Bloodlust—Nighttime Magic


Fantasy Knights

Dream Lover

Marilyn’s homepage:

Email: [email protected]

Marilyn’s Bio:

Award winning author Marilyn Lee lives, works, and writes on the East Coast. In addition to thoroughly enjoying writing erotic romances, she enjoys roller-skating, spending time with her large, extended family, and rooting for all her hometown sports teams. Her other interests include collecting Doc Savage pulp novels from the rooting for all her hometown sports teams. Her other interests include collecting Doc Savage pulp novels from the thirties and forties and collecting Marvel comics from the seventies and eighties (particularly Thor and The Avengers). Her favorite TV shows are forensic shows, westerns (Gunsmoke and Have Gun, Will Travel are particular favorites), mysteries (loves the old Charlie Chan mysteries. Her all time favorite mystery movie is probably Dead, Again), and nearly every vampire movie or television show ever made (Forever Knight and Count Yorga, Vampire are favorites).

Marilyn has won numerous writing accolades, including a CAPA award for Bloodlust: Conquering Mikhel Dumont and the following Lub-Dubs Awards for 2009: Lifetime Achievement Award, In Blood And Worth Loving (Best erotic novel and best sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal Award.

She loves to hear from readers who can email her at [email protected] or who can visit her website, She has a Yahoo! Group called Love Bytes that readers can join by sending an email to: [email protected]

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