In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You (18 page)

Read In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You Online

Authors: Marilyn Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: In Blood and Worth Loving 2: Lost Without You
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She glanced to her right where Adrian sat watching them before she responded. “Even though I thought my heart would shatter, I love him so much that…as one of Jay’s country songs says, I love him so much I can almost taste it.”

There was no doubting the sincerity of her words for Cayenne. Apparently Adrian felt the same way because he slipped an arm around her and rubbed his cheek against hers. He didn’t actually say anything but suddenly the air seemed heavy with love and adoration—flowing from him to her.

seemed heavy with love and adoration—flowing from him to her.

Damn it must be nice to have a man feel that way about you.

With his arm still around Brandi, Adrian reached over to grip Cayenne’s hand. “He might not be able to tell you himself, but his feelings for you run as deep as any man’s can. If you can bear with him, he’ll be good to you.” Cayenne sighed. “I don’t know where things are going for us.”

“You mean a lot to him. Just bear that in mind if he has any reluctance to admit it.”

“I will.”

He squeezed her hand before he released it.

The lights in the room began to dim.

Rayna got up and picked up a cordless mike from the end of the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we’re fortunate enough to have several of the founding members of Rolling Thunder with us. Several group members will be performing solos for the special ladies in their lives during this performance that has a wide–ranging oldies theme.

They’re going to open with one of my all-time favorites.”

As she spoke, several men dressed in cream-colored pants and shirts under black jackets walked onto the stage.

Cayenne was surprised to see Conner, dressed in a cream and black outfit, walk onto the stage last with a horn.

Cayenne frowned. Where was Jayvyn? And Desiree?

“Ladies and gentlemen, founding member and one of Rolling Thunder’s most talented lead singers, Jayvyn Redwolfe!” Rayna announced.

The band played the opening strands of Old Time Rock And Roll. The lights dimmed and Jayvyn wearing an undershirt, boxer briefs, and white socks slid out onto the stage.

Everyone erupted into cheers.

Cayenne sucked in a breath. One of her favorite movie scenes was of Tom Cruise lip–syncing
Old Time Rock
And Roll
in the movie
Risky Business
. She leaned forward as Jayvyn belted out the opening lines of the song.
take those old records…

He looked sexy as hell and he sounded great. He had a powerful voice with an amazing range. Within seconds of his sliding onto center stage, he commanded everyone’s full attention. And when Kristopher suddenly unstrapped his guitar and tossed it across the stage and Jayvyn caught it, fell onto his knees, and began playing it, the audience erupted into another round of applause.

Next, Kristopher performed a solo called
Wandering Eyes
. It was a song about a man telling his woman although he liked to look at other women, his heart never strayed from home or her. Following his gaze, Cayenne noted a tall, full-figured woman to whom he appeared to be singing.

The tall handsome Native American Rayna introduced as Braden Elkhorn, did a super sexy version of a song called
Am I That Easy To Forget?
Cayenne couldn’t figure out who he sang for, but couldn’t help feeling that the woman in question must be nuts. Who would want another lover when she could have him? Unless, of course, the other lover in question was Jayvyn, who walked back onto the stage at the end of the song, dressed like the other band members.

A few other members did solos. Cayenne marveled that men with such sexy voices would be content to limit their performances to private shows. All the solos had been love songs. After listening to the emotion in each rendition, Cayenne’s enjoyment in Jayvyn’s solo waned. While other women inspired their men to sing of endless love, she inspired Jayvyn to sing about rock and roll?

Rayna announced an intermission moments before the lights were turned up.

Adrian rose. “I’m going to get Brandi a drink. What would you like, Cayenne?” Jayvyn. She smiled. “A club soda. Thanks.”

* * *

Backstage, Jayvyn sprawled across a sofa and closed his eyes. He could feel the tension he’d experienced the previous night returning. Come hell or high water, he couldn’t afford to lose sexual control with Cayenne again.

Macarik sank onto the other end of the sofa. “We need to talk.” He really wasn’t in the mood but just being around Macarik generally helped. “About?”


“What about her?”

Macarik leaned close and spoke in a low voice. “She asked me if you were a vampire.” He opened his eyes and sat up. “And you said?”

He opened his eyes and sat up. “And you said?”

“That she should ask you. She said she had but you’d brushed the question off. It’s time you told her who you are.”

“Why would you suggest that knowing how she feels about us?”

Macarik took a sip from the beer can he held. “I know how you say she supposedly feels.”


Macarik shrugged. “If she really felt that way, why is she still here—given that she clearly thinks or suspects what you are? I think she’s a few kisses away from being in love with you—if she’s not already there.” The thought of Cayenne being in love with him sent an undeniable thrill of delight through him. “Given the situation with you and Shanise, do you really think you’re in a position to keep offering romantic advice? And while we’re on the subject of love, I’ll thank you to stop telling her I love her.” Macarik arched a brow. “Let’s leave Shanise out of this, Jayvyn. And if I don’t tell her you love her, who will?

Certainly not you or your brothers.”

“That’s probably because I’m not in love with her.”

“Oh, fuck it, Jayvyn! Don’t give me the usual shit about not being able to feel romantic love anymore. For as long as we’ve known each other, you’ve been existing. She gave you a reason to actually live.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“You’re not just existing anymore. You’re living. And if that doesn’t translate into love, tell me what does.”

“If I’m not in love with Eliza—”

“You’re not, but that doesn’t follow that the same can be said for Cayenne. There’s no way in hell you’d allow Cayenne to trudge all over the world fucking any and every man with a big dick the way Eliza does.” Damn straight. “Look—”

“No. You look. If you’re not going to tell her you love her, let me. Or you’ll risk losing her to her ex who will probably have no problem filling her ears and heart with insincere I-love-yous. Will he mean it? Hell no. Will she believe it? Who the hell knows? She’s human and human women feel a pressing need to hear those words—even when they know the man doesn’t mean them.”

Although he felt his grip on his temper slipping, he couldn’t deny the truthfulness of Macarik’s words. He sighed, closed his eyes, and sprawled back against the sofa. “Say whatever the hell you like.”

“Thanks. I will.”

“One of these days, I’m going to find myself a better class of friend, you know it all bastard.”

“Don’t you wish?”

He opened his eyes and turned to look at Macarik.

They both laughed and some of his tension dissipated.

Conner walked into the room and sat on the loveseat opposite them.

“Where’s your new woman?” Jayvyn asked.

Conner narrowed his gaze. “If you’re referring to Desiree, she’s not my woman.”

“Do you want her to be?”

“How the hell would that be any of your concern, Jay?”

“I only ask because I wish you’d do me a favor and stop spending the night with her.”

“You’re driving my new car after having given yours away. I think I’ve done all the favors for you I intend to.”

“Don’t lead her on if you’re not interested.”

Conner bared his incisors. “When I want your advice, I’ll ask for it. Until then, do me a favor and mind your own damned business, Minninnewah.” He rose and stormed out of the room.

Jayvyn and Macarik exchanged looks.

“Damn,” Macarik said. “He’s a goner already.”

* * *

After the intermission, Cayenne was surprised when Conner opened the second half of the show with a sexy rendition of
a la Tom Jones. Listening to him sing how a woman didn’t have to be beautiful to turn him on as he stared towards the back of the auditorium, Cayenne turned to look over her shoulder.

Desiree stood in the aisle, staring at the stage. She appeared to know Conner was singing for her alone. As he finished the song, he removed his mike, jumped off the stage, and walked down the aisle where Desiree stood.

Cayenne watched as he bent his head. This time there was no mistaking the fact that he was kissing her. “Yes!” Cayenne watched as he bent his head. This time there was no mistaking the fact that he was kissing her. “Yes!” Cayenne pumped a fist in the air and turned back to the stage as they walked out together.

Rayna walked onto the stage and she and Sebastian Stoner sang a sultry version of
You Don’t Have To Be A
. Studying their body language and the way they frequently leaned in to gaze into each other’s eyes, Cayenne wondered if they were in love or just lovers.

Next, Jayvyn and Braden Elkhorn did a duet of an old Jerry Bulter standard,
He Will Break Your Heart.

Listening to the emotion in Braden’s voice, Cayenne decided he must be in love with someone who had or was about to leave him for another man. But what woman in her right mind would leave him for anyone other than Jayvyn?

Braden then did a solo of
I Will Always Love You
that brought tears to Cayenne’s eyes.

Jayvyn and Kristopher followed with a super sensual version of
Groove Me
, a song Cayenne’s father had sung to her mother. Listening to Jayvyn sing about how no one else would enter into their world and how she had become a sweet taste in his mouth evoked memories of him eating her to a blistering climax. Her cheeks burned, her pussy ached, and she longed to feel his cock inside her again.

The next two solo songs from Jayvyn increased that need. He sat on the edge of the stage just feet from her. He sang a slow, emotion-filled version of
This Is My Song
. Listening to him whisper without her love there was no day, she had to struggle to keep her eyes tear free.

When he sang
You’re The Reason I’m Living
, she felt chills. The ending words, I’d Be Lost Without You, touched her so deeply, the tears spilled down her cheeks.

For a moment, she half-expected and wanted him to hop off the stage as Conner had done. Instead, he rose and joined Braden and Kristopher to close the show with a powerful and moving version of
You Light Up My Life

The audience broke into a thunderous round of applause as the lights came back up. Cayenne wiped at her damp cheeks and sat staring at Jayvyn until he jumped off the stage.

She rushed forward.

He smiled and engulfed her in a bear hug.

As they clung to each other, he whispered to her in what she thought was Tsalagi. Then without another word, he lifted her into his arms, and carried her out of the auditorium.

Embarrassed, but thrilled, she closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against his shoulder.

When he carried her down the corridor and ran up two flights of stairs with her in his arms without showing any signs of breathlessness, she knew what he was. And didn’t care—even though she felt a similar tension in him as she’d sensed the previous night.

This time she would attempt to keep things from getting too rough by fully sharing in the experience of having sex with a handsome vampire who made her feel both beautiful and desired above all other women.

In his suite, he sat her on her feet, and leaned against the closed door.

His blue gaze seemed to sear her skin. A quick downward glance revealed his fully erect cock, lying against his thigh.

Oh, hell. Judging by his blatant arousal, he needed a fuck big time. But the thought of him powering his hard cock into her sore pussy sent a chill through her. Although aroused, she decided intercourse was out of the question.

Of course, there were other ways for a woman to pleasure a man. Or in this case, a big, gorgeous, well-hung vampire.

She moistened her lips and forced herself to look into his eyes. “I…would you like me to…suck you?” Without a word, he swiftly stripped, leaving only his boxer-briefs on. He eased his long, thick cock through the slit in his underwear.

The sight of it, extending a delicious length in front of his body and already leaking pre-cum, sent her desire soaring into the stratosphere. “Take them off,” she whispered.

He quickly complied.

Oh, God, he had a beautiful body made for fucking. He was masculine and muscular without being muscle-bound. In fact, there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. His balls looked heavy and full of seed she suddenly wanted to feel blasting into her mouth. With her pussy flooding and almost shaking with the need to wrap her hands and lips around his big shaft, she dropped to her knees. “I want to taste you.” She leaned forward to brush her parted lips against his nuts before she dragged her tongue along the underside of his shaft. At the tip, she hesitated, recalling the many times Michael had begged her to suck his cock. The thought of taking a man’s genitals into her mouth had always repulsed her—until now.

Extending her tongue, she cupped a hand under his nuts and tentatively touched the tip of it to the big head. Her tongue encountered the pre-cum there. She closed her eyes and licked at the fluids. Surprisingly, it was tasteless.

Relieved, she gently squeezed his balls and slowly took the head of his shaft between her lips.

Keeping her eyes closed, she slowly inhaled, allowing herself to savor the taste and texture of his cock. It felt smooth but thick and heavy against her tongue and lips. The thought of it sliding into her mouth sent a jolt of panic through her. Once she started sucking him, he’d grip her head and surge forward, restricting her ability to breathe.

She couldn’t do this. She jerked back onto her heels until only the head of his shaft remained against her lips. Unable to overcome her returning fear, she looked up at him.

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