In the Desert : In the Desert (9780307496126)

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Authors: Jan (ILT) J. C.; Gerardi Greenburg

BOOK: In the Desert : In the Desert (9780307496126)
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Hiya! My name Thudd. Best robot friend of Drewd. Thudd know lotsa stuff about deserts. What bug is good to eat. How to get drink from frog. How spiders live underground.

Drewd like to invent stuff. Thudd help! But Drewd make lotsa mistakes. Drewd invent shrinking machine. Now Drewd small as ant. Unkie Al try to help Drewd get big again. But gotta go through desert first. Hot! Hot! Hot! Lotsa danger, too. Thudd worried. Want to see what happen? Turn page, please!

Get lost with
Andrew, Judy, and Thudd
in all their exciting adventures!

Andrew Lost on the Dog
Andrew Lost in the Bathroom
Andrew Lost in the Kitchen
Andrew Lost in the Garden
Andrew Lost Under Water
Andrew Lost in the Whale
Andrew Lost on the Reef
Andrew Lost in the Deep
Andrew Lost in Time
Andrew Lost on Earth
Andrew Lost with the Dinosaurs
Andrew Lost in the Ice Age
Andrew Lost in the Garbage
Andrew Lost with the Bats
Andrew Lost in the Jungle
Andrew Lost in Uncle Al
Andrew Lost in the Desert

Andrew Lost with the Frogs

To Dan, Zack, and the real Andrew,
with a galaxy of love.
To the children who read these books: I wish
you wonderful questions. Questions are
telescopes into the universe!


To Cathy Goldsmith, with many thanks


Andrew Dubble

Andrew is ten years old, but he’s been inventing things since he was four. His inventions usually get him in trouble, like the time he accidentally took the Time-A-Tron on a trip to the beginning of the universe.

Andrew’s newest invention was supposed to save the world from getting buried in garbage. Instead, it squashed Andrew and his cousin Judy down to beetle size. They got hauled off to a dump, thrown up by a seagull, and carried off to the Australian rain forest on the back of a bird. Now they’re
crossing the Australian desert with their uncle Al to see if his partner can help them get un-shrunk. But a lot of dangerous surprises lurk in the desert. And Andrew and Judy are about to meet up with them.

Judy Dubble

Judy is Andrew’s thirteen-year-old cousin. She’s been snuffled into a dog’s nose, was pooped out of a whale, and had her pajamas chewed by a Tyrannosaurus—all because of Andrew. Judy had been hoping that her life would get back to normal. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen today.


etective. Thudd is a super-smart robot and Andrew’s best friend. He has helped save Andrew and Judy from the exploding sun, the
giant squid, and the really weird stuff inside Uncle Al. Now can he protect his buddies from the deadly desert?

The Goa Constrictor

This giant fake snake is Andrew’s newest invention.
is sort of short for
way. The Goa is supposed to keep the world from getting buried in garbage by squashing rotting vegetables, green meat, and dirty diapers down to teensy-weensy specks. Unfortunately for Andrew and Judy, the Goa doesn’t just shrink garbage. In two minutes and one stinky burp, the Goa can shrink anything—and anyone!

At first the Goa shrank Andrew and Judy to the size of beetles. But since then, they’ve been changing size more often than some people change their underwear!

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