In the Earth Abides the Flame (72 page)

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Authors: Russell Kirkpatrick

Tags: #Fantasy, #Epic, #Suspense, #Fantasy Fiction, #Fiction

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Now this is what 1 thought I would see on my travels, thought Leith, as he stared at the strange figures in the canoe.

The canoe hove to beside them, and the pilot stepped forward, one foot in the canoe and the other on the wharf. He said nothing, but stared at them belligerently, as though daring them to speak.

'We want passage to Straux,' Maendraga said, a little Wordweave in his voice. 'Will you take us?' We have power and money. You would do well not to refuse us.

The brown-skinned pilot turned to his men and spoke in an incomprehensible tongue. Though 1 suppose Phemanderac would understand it, Leith thought, then with a pang realised just how much he missed the gaunt philosopher.

The pilot turned to face them, folded his arms proudly across his chest and shook his head vehemently.

Maendraga grunted in exasperation. 'We must go north. It is very important! We need your help. We will pay well. Will you not take us?' Do as l ask. I am being reasonable at present; don't make me angry.

This time the pilot laughed, and again shook his head.

The magician turned to Leith. 'Am I losing my touch?' he asked plaintively.

'No, I felt the Wordweave. But perhaps they are impervious to it,' Leith replied. The pilot signalled to his crew, and they began stroking with their paddles, manoeuvring the canoe away from the wharf.

'Wait!' Maendraga cried. 'I have a name to bury. Aid her in finding rest!'

The pilot barked an order. The canoe spun around in its own length and again drew close to the wharf. This time the pilot regarded Maendraga with a wary eye.

'A name?' he said. 'What name?'

'Nena,' said the magician.

At the sound of that name, one of the oarsmen cried out. The eyes of the pilot narrowed.

'Outcast,' he said.

'But Aslaman,' replied Maendraga.

The pilot reluctantly nodded his head in acknowledgement. 'Come and bury her name on the sacred shore, where she may find rest,' he said by way of invitation.

As they got awkwardly into the boat, Leith noticed that the oarsman who cried out had tears in his eyes.

To be concluded in


Fire of Heaven Book Three



AS - Ancient Straux

CT = Common Tongue

FA = Favonian

FI = Firanese

FM = First Men

FN = Fenni

JS = Jasweyan

M = Mist

MB = Middle Bhrudwan

NM = Nemohaimian

OB = Old Bhrudwan

OD = Old Deruvian

OF = Old Falthan

OSV = Old Sna Vazthan

OT = Old Treikan

P = Pei-ran

S = Sanusi

ST = Straux

WZ = Widuz

Academy, the: Instruian institution to train guardsmen in the arts of swordfighting and self-defence.

Achtal (Arck-tahl) aka the Acolyte: Personal name of the young Bhrudwan acolyte, a Lord of Fear. [OB death dealer]

Adolina (A-doh-lee-nuh): A small town at the western end of Sivera Alenskja, the great gorge of the Aleinus River; first dwelling place in Faltha of the First Men. [FM idyll]

Adunlok (Ah-doon-lock): Fortress of the Widuz, built around a deep sinkhole just south of Cloventop. [WZ down look] a-Hami-ag-sheikh (ah-har-mee-agg-shake): Sanusi name for Haputa the water-carrier. [S desert king]

Aleinus (Ar-lay-ee-niss): Great River of Faltha with headwaters in the Aldhras Mountains, then flows through central Faltha. [FM barrier]

Aleinus Gates (Ar-lay-ee-niss): Place where Aleinus River emerges from Vulture's Craw, surrounded by high cliffs. [FM barrier] Almucantaran Mountains (Ell-moo-kan-tah-ran): A dense knot of high mountains in eastern and southern Nemohaim. [FM mountains of the dream]

Amare, Plains of (Ah-mar-ay): Densely populated lowland to the west of Bewray in Nemohaim, site of many battles. [NM wind] Andratan Island, keep (Ann-druh-tan): Island off the coast of Bhrudwo, home of the Destroyer. [OB dread] Appellant Division: Sub-committee of the Council of Faltha charged with managing appeals to the Council. Appellants' Corridor: Corridor in the Hall of Meeting where those seeking a ruling from the Council of Faltha gather to wait their turn.

Archives, the: Collection of historical material housed in the Hall of Lore.

Archivist, the: Person in charge of the Instruian Archives. Arkhimm, the (Ar-kim): The five members of the Company who set out to retrieve the Jugom Ark. [FM five of the arrow]

Arkhos (Ar-coss): Leader of a clan in the Vale of Youth; later coming to mean an ambassador to the Council of Faltha. [FM arrow'bearer]

Armatura, the (Ar-muh-too-ruh): Lofty and impenetrable mountain range separating Faltha from Bhrudwo, runs between The Gap and Dhauria along an ancient fault. [FM armoured hills] 

Arminia Skreud (Ar-min-ee-uh Skroyd): Scroll of prophecies by Arminius of Dhauria. [FM Arminius' scroll] 

Arrow of Yoke: Alternative name and literal translation of the Jugom Ark.

Asgowan (Az-gouw-in): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located north of Deuverre. [FM horse country]

Aslama (Az-la-muh): Nemohaimian name for Rehu Archipelago, an extensive island chain to the north of Nemohaim and Deruys. [NM spoiled islands]

Aslaman (Ass-la-muhn): Nemohaimian name for the inhabitants of Aslama. [NM spoiled men]

Astraea (Az-tray-uh): Nemohaimian name for an old losian kingdom, home of the Pei-ra until they were driven out by Nemohaim. [NM spoils of war]

Aurochs (Or-rocks): Legendary wild ox, found only on the inland moors of Firanes. [FN urus]

Austrau (Orst-rouw): Eastern and less populous of the two provinces of Straux. [FM east wheat field]

Axehaft aka Leader: The Warden of the Fodhram, from Fernthicket.

Badiyat (Bard-i-yat): Eastern province of the Sanusi. [S deep desert]

Bandits' Cave: Limestone formation in Withwestwa Wood, formerly a base for robbers, now the abode of the Hermit.

Belladonna: A young woman of the Vale of Neume, daughter of the Guardian of the Arrow; her name comes from the tradition of naming guardians after species of plants found in the Vale.

Bewray (Bee-ray): Arkhos of Saiwiz, entrusted with the Jugom Ark by the Council of Leaders. Founded Nemohaim and hid the Jugom Ark [FM to reveal involuntarily]; also capital city of Nemohaim.

Bhrud achannin Aldh (Brood ak-kah-neen Eld): A Bhrudwan order pledged to serve the Destroyer, composed of those rejected for the Maghdi Dasht. [OB brown-bibbed elders]

Bhrudwo (Brood-woe): Continent covering the north-eastern hemisphere, a federation of provinces ruled by the Destroyer. [OB brown land]

B'ir Birkat (Buh-air Bear-cat): Vast province of Bhrudwo, located in the northwestern interior, a land of desert and plateau. [S golden lake]

Birinjh (Bear-arnge): Vast province of Bhrudwo, located in the northwestern interior, a land of desert and plateau. [OB tableland]

Blessed, the: Informal name for the leaders of the Ecclesia, those chosen for special roles.

Branca (Bran-kuh): Large northern river draining Asgowan, Haurn and the far north borders; a tributary of the Aleinus. [OF river]

Breidhan Moor (Bray-than): Westernmost highlands of inland

Firanes, considered part of the Myrvidda. [OF white lands]

Bright-eyes: One of the two Escaignians who travel with the Arkhimm; so called by Leith in lieu of his real name.

Brookside: Small hamlet at the southern end of Loulea Vale.

Brown Army: Colloquial term for the Bhrudwan army which overran Faltha at the end of the Golden Age.

Brunhaven (Brohn hay-vin): Coastal city and capital of Deruys, one of the Sixteen Kindgoms; home of the Raving King. [FM last home]

Cache, the: the elaborate network of food supply and storage for Escaigne.

Captain of the Guard: Leader of the Instruian Guard, answerable to the Council of Faltha; currently under orders of the Arkhos of Nemohaim.

Ceau (Say-ow) aka Bright-Eyes: Escaignian who helps rescue

Company, accompanies the Arkhimm southwards. [ST abrupt]

Central Plains: Vast lowlands of central Faltha, a hundred and fifty leagues from north to south and three hundred from east to west.

Chance Three: the traditional Watcher signal for flight.

Children of the Mist: The losian who dwell in the land of the Mist, forced there by the First Men.

Clasped Hands, Book of the: One of the Five Lost Books; a book of ancient tales, including the Domaz Skreud.

Cloud, Book of the: One of the Ten Books of Dhauria, preserved in the School of the Prophets.

Clyma II (Cli-mah): Former king of Firanes (971-982), king when the black fly plague covered Firanes. [FI strength]

Clymanaea I (Cli-man-ay-ah) Only king of that name in Firanes, ascended to the throne in 982; succeeded by his son Prosala I. (FI arm strength]

Collocation: Name given by Esacignians to any formal gathering of Escaigne with elders in attendance.

Company, the: the group of northernes who came south attempting to warn Faltha of the coming Bhrudwan incursion.

Council of Faltha: Ruling council of ambassadors from the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, based in Instruere.

Culmea, the (Kull-me-ah): Hill country to the south-east of Bewray in Nemohaim, heavily populated. [FM pasture]

Dakru (Dack-roo): Of the House of Wenta, most famous of the Scriveners of Dhauria, copyists who ensured the safekeeping of the sacred texts. [FM delicate]

Dassie aka rock hyrax: small rodent-like animal living in the Valley of a Thousand Fires.

Deorc (Dee-york): Lieutenant to the Destroyer, Keeper of Andratan. []S spearhead]

Deruys (Dee-roys): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, a coastal land south of Straux. [FM no regard]

Dessica (Dess-ih-cuh) aka Khersos, the Great Desert: Desert land extending over southern Faltha. [FM to dry out]

Destroyer, the aka Undying Man, Lord of Bhrudwo, Lord of Andratan, Kannwar: Rebel against the Most High, cursed with immortality and now makes his home in Bhrudwo. Rules from his fortress of Andratan.

Deuverre (Doo-vair): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located north of Straux in central Faltha; rich, densely populated farmland. [FM twin rivers]

Dhaur Bitan (Dour Bit-arn) aka The Poisoning: Story of the fall of Kannwar and exile from the Vale, contained in the Domaz Skreud. [FM death bite]

Dhauria (Dau-ree-yah) aka the Drowned Land: Names for the Vale of Youth after it was drowned by the sea. [FM death estuary]

Dissotis (diss-oh-tiss): Small, cactus-like plant adapted for harsh environments such as the Valley of a Thousand Fires. [FM little water]

Docks, the: Warehouse and shipping district of Instruere, outside the main wall of the city.

Domaz Skreud (Doh-marz Scroyd): The Scroll which recounts the rise of the Destroyer and the fall of the Vale of Youth. [FM doom scroll]

Dominie (domm-in-ee): Dhaurian name for a scholar who trains students. [FM schoolmaster]

Dona Mihst (Doh-na Mist): City built on the site of the Rock of the Fountain in the Vale of Youth. [FM misty down, later corrupted to dunamis, FM power]

Druin (Drew-in): Youth of Loulea, large boy who bullies others and is keen on Stella. [FI brown]

Dunay (Dunn-ay): Instruian guardsman; accompanies Arkhos of Nemohaim in search of the Jugom Ark. [ST red'hair]

Ecclesia (E-kle-zyuh): Name given to the group who began meeting at Foilzie's basement. [ST called out]

Ehrenmal (Air-en-mall): Town in western Favony on the north bank of the Aleinus River. [FM bad blood]

Elders: Rulers of Escaigne, once high-ranking members of the Watchers.

Escaigne (Ess-kane): Hidden kingdom in rebellion against Instruere [FM entangled]; Escaignians are also known as Cachedwellers.

Escarpment, the aka Timmis-zao: A tall cliff running north-east to south-west across south-western Faltha.

Faltha (Fal-thuh): Continent of north-western hemisphere, an alliance of sixteen independent kingdoms. [CT contraction of Falthwaite, itself a corruption of Withwestwa]

Falthan Patriots: Name given by Arkhos of Nemohaim to those who joined him in treason against Faltha.

Farr Storrsen (Far Store-sin): Older son of Storr of Vinkullen, a thin, angular man. [FI far]

Favony (Fah-vone-ee): One of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha, located on the central Falthan plains north of Straux. [FM hot wind]

Fealty, Knights of: Knights said to have driven the Destroyer out of Faltha a thousand years ago, led by Conal Greatheart.

Fealty, Treaty of: Treaty signed by the kings of the Sixteen Kingdoms at the home of Conal Greatheart, establishing the Council of Faltha.

Feerik (Fee-rick): Man of Sivithar in northern Straux, now the Presiding Elder of Escaigne. [ST foeman]

Fenni, the (Fen-ny): Race of hsian dwelling on the moors of inland Firanes. [FN ancient people]

Ferdie (Ferr-dee): Husband of Foilzie, property owner of Instruere, recently deceased. [FM shrewd]

Firanes (Firr-uh-ness): Westernmost of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Faltha. Named for the sunrise on the heights of the Jawbone Mountains. [FM Fire Cape]

Fire, Book of the: One of the Ten Books of Dhauria, preserved in the School of the Prophets.

Firefall, the: the moment in the Vale when the Most High came to the First Men with fire; also applied to subsequent visitations to individuals and groups.

First Men, the: Those called north from Jangela by the Most High to live in the Vale of Youth; name also applies to those exiled from the Vale who settled in Faltha, and to their descendants.

Fisher Coast: Broken, rugged coastal region in southern Bhrudwo, an amalgam of many small provinces.

Fodhram (Fodd-rum): A short-statured hsian race dwelling in the forests of Withwestwa. [FD woodsman]

Foilzie (Foyl-zee): Widow from Instruere, tenement-owner, shoe-maker and stall-holder. [FM help mate]

Fountain, Book of the: One of the Ten Books of Dhauria, preserved in the School of the Prophets.

Fountain, Rock of the: Place in the Vale of Youth where the Most High set the fountain of eternal life.

Fuir af Himmin (Foo-ir Ahf Him-min): Affirmation of the Watchers, used as a greeting. [FM Fire of Heaven] 

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