Read In Too Deep Online

Authors: Roxane Beaufort

Tags: #damsel in distress story, #roxane beaufort

In Too Deep (31 page)

BOOK: In Too Deep
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'Climb on me,
ride me, mistress,' he begged, and Arlene took up position astride
his genitals, lowering herself and allowing the tip of his glans to
brush over her wet quim, teasing him. 'Where is Julia?' she

'Wh-who?' he
stammered unconvincingly.

'Julia!' she
hissed viciously, reaching down and squeezed his testicles.

'I don't
know!' he bleated, capitulating instantly. 'I promise you. She was
at Hazel House, but he's moved her.'

'Gabor, you

'Yes, that's
right.' He was panting heavily with alarm and sweat glistened on
his chest.

'And all this
fuss because of my designs?'

'As far as I
know,' he admitted. 'He's a dark horse and keeps his business
affairs to himself.'

Arlene reached
for the vibrator and wetted it at her delta, then trailed it over
his body. She held the buzzing end to one of his nipples and he
almost wept. 'God, you're a witch!' he wailed pathetically,
increasing her contempt for him. 'What is it you want from me?'

'I need to
find Julia.' She passed the vibrator across his scrotum, paused,
holding him with a challenging stare, and then pressed it
inexorably into his arse.

He jerked like
a puppet on a string, his back arching off the bed. 'I've told you
everything,' he wailed, his cock weeping milky tears.

The sight of
it was too much for Arlene, and she was pretty certain he was
speaking the truth; that he knew no more. She was confident Will
was about to save Julia, and she could no longer deny herself, so
keeping the dildo in place with one hand, she impaled herself on
Marty Blake, writhing up and down, feeling the glorious sensation
of his huge organ within her and the spreading vibrations from the
thing embedded in his rear.

He came almost
at once, and Julia only a few seconds later.

She sat back
on his thighs with a sigh, her head slumped forward as she savoured
the last spasms of her delicious orgasm.

'Take out the
vibrator,' he panted, his chest heaving. 'I've had enough. I can't
take any more.'

'And the safe
word is...?'

,' he

She'd beaten
him on every issue and was empowered by the good feeling this
evoked. But before she withdrew the sex-toy, she said, 'I want you
to show me your atelier.'

anything,' he panted, his cock stiffening again under the continual
stimulation of the buzzing plastic deep in his bottom.

'And you'll
take me into partnership,' she pressed. 'Do you agree?'

'Yes, I agree
- now please turn that thing off!'

'Only if you
promise not to rescind.'

'I do, I do.
Arlene, mistress, don't torment me any more.'

Arlene swung a
leg over him, reached down and flicked the switch, then pulled the
dildo from within his rectum. 'Marty,' she said, smiling down at
him and starting to unfasten his bonds. 'I think I can say that
you've been well and truly shafted...

'Now, it's
time to show me your studio. I need to see which part I'll take
over for my own use.'


'Sir!' Grace
shouted, hammering on the door of the master chamber. 'Mr Gabor,
we've caught an intruder!'

Julia was
already awake, her mind in a ferment. She sat up sharply as Gabor
got out of bed and slipped into his trousers, sweater and sneakers.
'Bring him here,' he called, and then turned on Julia. 'Is this
your doing? If it is you'll be sorry. Now stay where you are.'

Within a
minute several of the guards crashed though the door, hauling Will
in and then throwing him down at Gabor's feet. Grace had a revolver
trained on him, and Jason stood in the background, looking

'Julia, are
you all right?' Will said, ignoring his captors and looking at

'Yes, but I
want to go home, Will,' she said, her chin trembling with emotion
at the sight of his familiar, ruggedly handsome face.

'I know—' he
began, but was silenced by a vicious blow to the face, delivered by
a hefty guard.

'How did you
manage to track me down here?' Gabor raged. 'No one knows about
Wylde Court. You may be a member of the press, but this smacks of
something more. Internal espionage. Someone's been hacking into my
computer. Who? Tell me. You'd better comply, or suffer intensely.
My men are expert torturers and I'm determined to tear the truth
out of you.'

'Do your
worst,' Will said defiantly. 'You have no right to keep Julia here
against her will.'

'Against her
will?' Gabor echoed scornfully. 'I think not. You should have seen
her performance last night. She couldn't get enough of me. Get out
of bed, Julia, and let this cretin judge for himself if I'm
speaking the truth or not.'

She obeyed,
fearful for Will's well being, knowing that Gabor was capable of
anything. She had dressed up as ordered, and it was like taking
part in a fantastic play where everything was upside down and
nothing like real life. She suspected that Gabor had laced her wine
with an aphrodisiac, for it had seemed that she became the
characters he demanded; the eighteenth century courtesan in
powdered wing and hooped skirt; the blowsy Edwardian whore in a
bustle, corsets, feather boa and wide-brimmed hat; the chambermaid
in pink stays, black woollen stockings and cambric knickers with a
wide slit in the crotch.

She was still
wearing the latter, having fallen into an exhausted sleep without
undressing again. The corset was laced very tightly, her breasts
bulging over the top, displaying her pierced nipples. Long pink
suspenders were clipped to the tops of her stockings that showed
mid-thigh where her drawers ended. Somehow, during their sexual
excesses, these had been torn, and the gusset, far from covering
her, exposed her treasures, denuded mound and all. She stood there
with her head down, cringing because Will would see it all and
doubt her loyalty.

'Oh Julia,' he
said dismally.

'Will, it's
not what it seems,' she insisted desperately, daring to meet his
eyes. 'I've been kept here by force. Please Will, take me

'You're not
going anywhere, my dear,' Gabor said icily. 'And neither is he. I'm
afraid your friend has foolishly put himself in an untenable
position. I can't possibly let him go, and shall give orders for
his demise. As for you? A sojourn in one of my foreign
establishments will suffice - for the time being.'

'You won't get
away with it,' Will warned, and Julia's heart bled as she saw his
bruised eye and cut lip.

'Won't I?'
Gabor sneered, and Grace handed him his riding crop. 'Bend over,
sweet Julia.'

Oh, Julia was
mortified, not wanting Will to witness such things. But Gabor
pulled down her knickers and had her present her buttocks so that
no one could miss seeing the perfect globes, marked with last
night's whipping.

She gasped and
could hardly maintain her subservient pose as the crop struck,
welting her already bruised bottom. He laid them on cruelly and
precisely, forming a vivid criss-crossed ladder over the fleshy
area. Then he flung the crop at Grace and pointed at Will. 'Beat
him if you want, then lock him up! I'm sick of the sight of him
already. I'm hungry, and I want my breakfast!'

Julia cried
when Will was hustled away. 'Please say you won't harm him,' she

Gabor bit into
a slice of toast from the tray of steaming food and eyed her with
scorn. 'Why should I not?' he provoked. 'He's a busybody who should
have kept out of my affairs. He'll get what's due to him.'

Carrying his
coffee cup, he paced to the window that overlooked the front. One
of the shutters was open a crack. Julia saw him stiffen, and then
he spun round, slammed the cup on the table, and grabbed her by the

'What is it?'
she shouted.


He snatched up
his jacket, barked a crisp order into his mobile, and then dragged
her towards the fireplace. He pressed a carved rose and an aperture
swung open, emitting a dark odour. Without giving her time to think
he shoved her in and switched on a flashlight. Steps and more
steps, dripping walls and a passage that led into further

'W-where are
we going?' she managed to shriek.

'To freedom,'
he said. 'A helicopter is waiting for us in a field at the

'Us?' She was
too shocked to think straight.

'Of course.
You're coming with me, Julia. To France, and then Rio. I have
friends who will help me.'


'No buts -
I've decided. I could leave you down here to rot where nobody would
ever find you, but I want you too much.'

There was no
answer to this, but everything within her was rebelling. His grip
on her was unbreakable, but when they broke cover, climbing up into
the daylight and arriving at a small mock Greek temple, she fought
with renewed vigour.

'No!' she
cried. 'Let me go. I don't want to go with you!'

Just then
Grace appeared from the trees, dressed for action in her combat
gear, a gun in her hand. In the distance Julia could see the
helicopter, its blades rotating rapidly. Then Gabor was running
towards it and she couldn't get away, dragged along behind him.

'Leave her,
sir!' Grace shouted, above the increasing rhythmic beat of the
blades and the mini storm they stirred up. 'She's holding us up!'
Then Julia felt a stunning blow as Grace hit her. The field spun
and she collapsed on the grass. She heard the sharp staccato of
shots, saw Grace firing behind her as she ran, saw men chasing her
then stopping as she fired repeatedly. Then Gabor was in the
chopper, holding out a hand to Grace. She jumped aboard. The
aircraft began to lift, and still Grace fired from the open

Julia saw Will
fall and, screaming his name, scrambled to her feet and ran towards
him as the helicopter rose and disappeared into the clouds.


'What a
story!' Denise exclaimed, as they sat round Will's bed. 'And thank
goodness you're all right.'

'That's another of my nine lives gone,' he joked, but he was
ashen-faced. One of Grace's bullets had winged him in the shoulder.
Surgery had been necessary, and the police had taken him to the
nearest hospital. After surgery, an ambulance shipped him to a
private clinic in London, courtesy of

'They'll have
a hard job catching him, even through Interpol,' Eugene said, his
fingers linked with Arlene's. 'No one will talk. All his people
profess his innocence, but we know different. He'll hardly suffer,
either. His empire will go on, supplying him with money.'

'He'll make a
mistake one day,' said Will, and reached across the coverlet to
stroke Julia's arm. 'The undercover agents won't give up.'

Julia was so
proud of him, and proud that everyone could see how much he cared
for her. He would recover quickly and then she'd take him home to
recuperate. She lingered by his bed when the others had gone, and
he patted the mattress beside him. 'Come here,' he said.

'What is it,

'I've never
made love to you,' he said, and he was smiling. 'Hop in beside

'I can't,' she
said, blushing. 'What about the nurses? Anyway, you've got a bad

'I'll manage,'
he chuckled. 'I'm not talking full-blown coitus here, but I'd love
to hold you for a while.'

The idea was
most tempting and she slid under the sheet. He kissed her
lingeringly, then wrinkled up her miniskirt, found her panties and
eased them aside. She came in seconds, clinging to him with her
arms around his neck. 'Oh, Will... Will...' she murmured against
his throat.

'And when I
leave here, which should be tomorrow, I'll expect you to return the
favour,' he said huskily.

'Of course I
will,' she promised, and then wriggled off the bed. 'I'll come and
fetch you as soon as the doctors give you the all clear.'

She drove home
in a reflective mood. The magazine had promoted her. Arlene was
getting on well with Marty and had retrieved her designs. She was
planning to move in with Eugene, so there would be plenty of room
in Julia's house if Will needed to be looked after for a while. She
liked him a lot, but wasn't ready for a commitment.

She and Denise
had been discussing plans for Julia's next assignment. The world
was opening up before her and she anticipated more adventures
looming on the horizon where she could satisfy her endless quest
for excitement. She thought of Vincent Gabor, and as she waited at
a set of traffic lights, she instinctively slipped a hand down
between her thighs and touched her damp panties. He had been so
dangerous, so sexy, and so compelling. For some reason, just to
think of him made her chest tighten with excitement. Who could say
whether they would ever meet again, but she sincerely hoped so.
Perhaps without realising it he had taught her so much, turning her
from a naive junior reporter into a young woman who knew what she
wanted - and how to get it.




Enjoy more
damsel in distress and historical erotic romps by Roxane Beaufort,
all exclusively published as eBooks by us and available to download
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Memoirs of a


Horror gave
Lucy strength and she wrenched herself free of his grasp. 'How dare
you?' she yelled. 'How can you suggest such a thing, and you a man
of God?'

'What does it
matter to you, slut?' he spat, and taking his weapon in hand
commenced working the foreskin up and down over his glans. 'You're
only a servant who'll end up with child to Lord Ludlow or one of
his sons, and then you'll be turned out on the street to fend for
yourself and your bastard as best you can. You'll become a whore in
the end, so why not start now? You could buy a lot of fripperies
with a penny.’

BOOK: In Too Deep
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