Read In Too Deep Online

Authors: Roxane Beaufort

Tags: #damsel in distress story, #roxane beaufort

In Too Deep (32 page)

BOOK: In Too Deep
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'You disgust
me!' she hissed, but could not drag her gaze away from the sight of
him masturbating...


When beautiful
Lucy Browne, orphaned, penniless and fresh from the country, finds
herself abandoned in London, she has no idea of the pitfalls. It is
during the last quarter of the 18th century, an era of vice and
debauchery. She is completely innocent and falls into the clutches
of a brothel madam who pretends to befriend her, and then sells her
to the highest bidder - aristocratic rake, Lord Tarquin, an expert
in punishment.


As her cruel
master, he robs Lucy of her virginity and submits her to slavery,
teaching her the painful pleasures of correction and bondage. She
is fascinated by him, but wilful and confused, falls in love with a
poor student, Charles Prescot. But they are forced to part.


She becomes
the mistress of a perverted old nobleman, and is soon renowned for
her extravagance and wild parties. She is pursued by Lord Tarquin,
and finds Charles again, but she is now a woman of substance.


Will she
continue to be a notorious courtesan? Will she be Lord Tarquin's
slave, or marry Charles, or do all three?




Sylvia stood
at the top of a staircase with shallow, carpeted treads. There was
nowhere to hide, every head turned towards her, but she was hardly
aware of anyone except Theo who lounged in a carved throne on a

He fixed her
with his tiger’s eyes and rose to his feet, his deep purple cloak
swirling around him. Sylvia advanced down the stairs like steel
drawn to the magnet. Her dress displayed her body rather than
concealed it. She had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, prey to the
eyes feeding on her from all sides.

She reached
the bottom of the steps and Theo loomed over her. His robe parted
with the sibilant whisper of silk and he pulled her into its
darkness. He was naked, his phallus already hard, pressing into her

He looked down
at her and smiled grimly, ‘Welcome to the Brimstone Club... welcome
to the holy place where your virgin knot will be untied.’


Miss Sylvia
Parnell, a beautiful heiress, leaves Bath and the Academy for Young
Gentlewomen for Regency London. There she resides under the
guardianship of her aunt, Lady Rowena.


innocence and wilfulness presents an irresistible challenge to the
worldly Rowena, and correction and punishment are routine in this
unconventional household until Sylvia flees, stumbling naively from
one frightening adventure to another...




There were
benches with holes in strategic places, a contraption that
resembled stocks, a vaulting horse and a whipping post set in the
middle of the floor, and racks of instruments; whips and paddles,
canes and tawse, rods and birches. Iron rings had been hammered
into the damp stone walls and several young women hung from them,
chained by their wrists. Their loosened hair fell over their faces,
and their heads were bowed. One had a gag fastened across her mouth
and another was blindfolded. They were naked, apart from one who
still wore a few tattered strips left when her dress was ripped
off. A man in top boots and riding breeches was moving among them,
his crop landing on their thighs, bellies and breasts. Their moans
and sighs augmented the organ toccata.


As a student
and a singer Stella is haunted by the vision of a beautiful man,
Lazio, who is often in the audience when she performs, but it is
not until she takes up residence in Troon Hall and visits a ruined
monastery nearby that she meets him properly, and falls victim to
those who made him a vampire.


A diary that
once belonged to Emma, her great-great-grandmother, tells of a trip
to Venice where she and her friend Candice met the leader of the
Nosferatu, Prince Dimitri. Candice fell in love with him and
accepted the dark gift of eternal life. Emma was distraught, and
spent years trying to contact this immortal girl who wanders in
limbo, but died without succeeding and now expects her descendant,
Stella, to unite them.


bizarre votaries seduce Stella, keeping her under restraint and
subjected to their unnatural desires, but the love that links her
and Lazio can be used to form a bridge between Candice and Emma.
Shall Stella exchange blood with him and become a vampire, too? Or
is she content to meet him at those times when he can function as a
human being?


There must be
a way in which she can have everything she desires and pacify
Emma's unquiet shade. Stella has to make choices and understand her
passions, the prompting of her heart and the lusts of her




The vehicle
stopped. She was lifted, carried down the steps, and then hoisted
over a broad shoulder. She guessed it to be Aidan by the smell of
him, and the way in which he held her with an arm under her

He was walking
and she swayed, her head hanging down, her hair streaming, hat and
pins lost in transit. Cold air. Sounds of footsteps and the jingle
of harness as the cab retreated. Where was she? What was the
bastard about to do to her? It was horrible to be robbed of sight
and voice, and unable to struggle or defend herself.

Would he let
her go eventually, or did he intend to keep her prisoner? She heard
the squeal of iron hinges and knew by his movements that he was
descending. It was colder still, and damp, and Angela was


Fate deals
beautiful, spirited and pampered Lady Angela Bayswater a cruel blow
when her wealthy landowner father dies suddenly. Not only is she
now alone in the world, but she discovers that he was deep in debt
and the house and estate has to be sold to pay his creditors. She
hopes her betrothed, the handsome Lord Aidan Driscol, will honour
his promise of marriage, but he refuses now there is no substantial


Instead he
offers to make her his slave, wanting to submit her to his
domination. But proud and headstrong she refuses and battles with
the vagaries of fortune now that she has fallen from riches to
rags, struggling to survive in the midst of the harsh life of
mid-Victorian London. She sacrifices her precious virginity in
order to claw her way up from the gutter, prey to many ruthless,
greedy, lustful people, including her former fiancé, and eventually
reaches her goal - that of independence and true love, despite the
perverts and villains who pursue her mercilessly.




listened and wondered and was disturbed by the tenor of the
conversation. She strained her ears to hear what might be taking
place around her, nerves stretched like bowstrings as she thought
of Mervin selecting the instrument he would choose to chastise her.
She heard rustlings and his footsteps and the sound of something
swishing through the air. A whip? A cat-o-nine-tails? Her skin was
stippled with goose bumps and her pussy ached, her nipples rising
against the hard surface of the bench.

There followed
a hush, the air loaded with anticipation. Waiting was a gruelling
enough punishment on its own. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach
and she panicked and struggled against those impossible bonds. Then
there was a whoosh behind her, followed by a thwack.

Ow!’ she screamed as leather connected with her bottom and
fire lanced her. ‘Oh, ow!’ She almost wet herself with the shock of
it, so harsh, so brutal, so inescapable. Worse than when Thacker
had whipped her – far, far worse.


Amelie Aston
is an orphan. When eight she was adopted by the Reverend Thacker
and brought up by him and his wife in a Somerset village. She led a
sheltered life, though as she matures she is subjected to the
unwelcome attentions of his sons. Thacker, too, lusts after her,
relieving his frustration by administering correction, using his
whip and cane.


Now eighteen,
Amelie is a lovely young woman with chestnut hair and green eyes,
and obsessed by his guilt, Thacker finds her a position as
companion to Lord Mervin Bessborough's sickly sister, Millicent.
There is nothing physically wrong with Millicent, her ailments down
to sexual frustration; she is a virgin, repressed and miserable,
dominated by her brother.


In this tense
household Amelie finds danger, pursued by Marvin, who introduces
her to his profligate cronies and forces her to perform lewd acts
with them. He uses and abuses her, introducing her to pain and
pleasure, beating her whenever he likes.


Can Amelie at
last escape Mervin's tyranny? Does she really want to? Or are her
darkest desires satisfied when she submits to his mastery?




Riku pushed
Romilly back till her knees pressed against the great slab. Mahil
was dancing round mouthing incantations. The tribe swayed and
chanted as they watched. The warriors lifted Romilly onto the altar
and bound her, spread-eagled, ropes about her ankles and wrists.
She had never believed in God, not seriously, bucking against
attending services in the church on her father’s estate or going to
those in London, but again she prayed. ‘Dear Jesus, save me. I
don’t want to die.’

She could not
move, tears running unchecked down her cheeks and dripping onto the
stone beneath her head. Then a large black-haired man with fierce
eyes leaned over her, blocking out everything. A cloak of vivid
feathers fell from his immense shoulders, and he raised his arms to
heaven, evoking his gods.


It is the
mid-seventeenth century. Lady Romilly Fielding is an 18-year-old
virgin. Beautiful, rich and spoilt, she is travelling to Virginia
to visit relatives who own plantations there. She is accompanied by
her betrothed, whom she does not love, plus several other friends
and servants, but there is a storm when they reach the West Indies
and they are shipwrecked on a tropical island.


Set upon by
natives, she and her companions are rescued by a mysterious man and
his ruffian followers. He is Armand Tertius, the scourge of the
Caribbean, a deposed aristocrat who has become a pirate, living
like an emperor in his fortress and controlling all the area
around. He has slaves of both sexes and a stunning mistress, and
introduces Romilly to pain/pleasure and becomes her master. Her
pride is ground into the dust and, although she has other suitors,
when the time comes for her to be rescued by a British ship, she
can't make up her mind whether to leave Armand or remain in his
Devil's Paradise forever, captivated by this intriguing


Stranger in


Candice felt
Gwenda’s hard hand in the small of her back, pushing her forward
till she lay face-down across the table, feet flat on the linoleum,
her posterior raised.

How dare you! You can’t do this to me!’ she protested, head to
one side, trying to see what the chaperon was doing.

She felt
Gwenda behind her, heard her quickened breathing and the words that
came, jerkily, from her lips, ‘Oh, yes I can. Your mother has
charged me not to bother her with trivialities. I’ll deal with you
as I think fit. It’s some long time since you received a


When Lady
Candice is sent to Venice to further her education, she has no idea
what lies before her. Education she receives, but in a way her
aristocratic parents did not intend.


She becomes
involved with a French libertine and his mistress who set about
seducing the innocent maiden, introducing her to the paradox of


But it is not
until Candice meets the mysterious Prince Dimitri that she
experiences boundless terror and overwhelming desire.


Who is this
darkly sinister prince of lust? Rumour has it he is immortal, one
of the undead - a vampire with an insatiable hunger for human


Is Candice
brave enough to find out, to embrace the savage, eternal love of
this mysterious Stranger in Venice?




Kiss my cock.’ His voice reached her as if from a great
distance. She dragged herself to her knees and, looking up, saw his
legs rising above her. They were parted and firmly placed. With a
hand on each of his black leather riding boots she raised herself,
staring upwards to where his breeches gaped, exposing his testicles
and erection. ‘Pleasure me with your mouth,’ he growled.


The French
Revolution, 1790 and onwards.


Chantel is furious with the leader of the revolutionaries, Captain
Gautier, who takes over her estate, but though hating everything he
stands for is strangely attracted to this saturnine man.


She is courted
by a French Comte and helps him escape from Gautier, adopting the
disguise that is going to cover her tracks as she organises escape
routes for her persecuted friends. She dresses as a man and earns
the name of The Fox, and through a series of adventures she is
threatened by the feared Chief of Police, who imprisons her in his
fortress where she is groomed for his mistress, the beautiful and
corrupt Voletta Delmar.


The regime is
brutal, with aristocrats going to the guillotine daily, and Chantel
risks her life to save some of them, eventually escaping to Dieppe
and an English ship that will take her home. But can she leave
Gautier, and can she ever settle for the humdrum again with so much
adventure on offer?


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