(Indigo Lounge #3) Spiral (2 page)

Read (Indigo Lounge #3) Spiral Online

Authors: Zara Cox

Tags: #sexy billionaire; wounded heroine; damaged hero; indigo lounge; erotic sex, #indigo lounge series

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Which was a shame because she’d been useful on the rare occasions when he’d needed to unburden. She would’ve been useful now. Because he was stroking the edge of his endurance. Because something had to fucking give.

But so far he’d made no exception to his CFR rules.

The inner door creaked wider and he tensed. But the words hammered relentlessly through his brain.

Seven Nights.

Seven Highs.

Could he do it? Take what he needed and walk away after? If the crack were showing enough for his friends to be worried, he was in trouble.

Seven Nights.

Seven Highs.

He could carry on as he was, ignoring the ache shredding his gut and the need fucking with his brain. Or he could grow some balls and do something about it.

Chapter Two


eia Michaels zipped the empty suitcase, put it away and looked around the large luxury cabin on the jumbo A380 she’d boarded half an hour ago. The control freak in her had declined the services of her personal valet and unpacked her own clothes.

She was well aware that at some point she would have to let others serve her. The experience wouldn’t be the same if she insisted on doing everything for herself, as Warren had warned her.

And considering he’d curbed his objection when she splashed out on this insanely extravagant trip, the least she could do was make sure she got her money’s worth.

She steeled her spine against the gut-clenching knots she’d come to associate with separation anxiety.

In one month she would turn twenty-three.

Things were about to change, were already changing. Leia had been surprised when Warren had let her choose how she spent her birthday instead of making the choice for as he’d done since she was seventeen. And although she’d sensed his disappointment when she went ahead and bought herself a ticket on the highly exclusive Indigo Lounge, she sensed that it was some sort of test he’d set that she’d passed.

It was one of many tests he’d set her over the last five years.

In the beginning, she’d failed many of them. But he’d been patient. Gentle, even sometimes. Nurturing.

Leia exhaled and smoothed a trembling hand over the side of her hair. The six-inch swathe she’d shaved off above her right ear had grown almost a millimeter. She was undecided whether to let it grow back completely or keep it shaved. But that was a decision for another day.

Right now the only thing she needed to think about was whether to join the champagne reception once they reached cruising altitude or stay in her suite and decide on which
Seven High
to indulge in first. Every self-preserving nerve screeched at her to stay put in her suite. To stay safe.

She started as her cell rang. Only one person knew her whereabouts. Only one person would call to check up on her so soon.

As usual mixed feelings of trepidation and elation wrestled within her. She picked up the phone.


“Are you well, my dear?” His voice, always soft, always modulated, drifted over her senses. A sense of calm stole over her, like a soothing pat on the back after a long cry.

“Yes, fine thanks.”

“Is your adventure everything you dreamed it would be?”

She laughed. “It’s barely started.”

He paused a beat. “You will be careful, won’t you, my dear? You won’t forget everything I’ve taught you?” Although his voice remained soft, she sensed a tiny threat of censure, the same tone she’d heard in his voice when she told him her plan to join the IL trip.

Her hand tightened over the phone as her trepidation escalated. “No, of course not. I haven’t forgotten.” Not that she needed the reminder.

Leia’s instincts had been on red-hot alert since she left the safety of home. And she planned to keep it that way.

The intercom next to the door buzzed. “I have to go, Warren.”

“Of course. We will speak tomorrow. The board meeting has been rearranged for the day after you return as we agreed.”

“Okay, sounds good.”

“I hope you’re prepared, Leia. It will be a big change for you.”

“I know. But I...I’ll handle it.” Stepping into shoes that had been so violently vacated she was sure there was residual blood and gore was one thing she wouldn’t be thinking about during this trip.

“But also don’t forget you have options. I can make a few suggestions—”

“Do you mind, Warren? I really don’t want to talk about that now. And no, I’m not burying my head in the sand.  I just don’t want to deal with it until I get back.”

She bit her lip at the silence that greeted her response. Warren disliked being interrupted. How could she have forgotten that? Her apprehension grew with the silence.

“Very well. As you wish.”

“I...thank you for calling.”

“You are precious to me, my dear,” he said simply, his voice once again smooth. Her heart stuttered at the wealth of meaning behind the simple words. At the subtle changes she’d begun to notice.


Slowly she hung up and breathed deep. Her mind slid toward what she’d labeled
The Next Step
but she pulled herself back. There would be more than enough time to think about it...later.

The buzzer sounded again. Smoothing her hand over her black leather pants, she went over and answered it.

“Miss Michaels, the pilot has just announced that we’re at cruising altitude. Would you care to be escorted to the Ozone Bar for cocktails?” Bjorn, her personal valet asked.

“Umm, sure. But I can find my own way there, thanks.”

A small silence greeted her answer and Leia bit her lip. “Are you sure? It’s really no bother,” he insisted.

You need to let go a little. Face your fears.

“On second thought, I’d love be escorted, Bjorn. Thank you.”

“Great, I’ll be right outside when you’re ready.”

Since she’d dressed before unpacking, there was nothing left to do but to slip her feet into the black Louboutins heels she’d splashed out on a week ago in anticipation of her trip, open the door and step into the corridor.

“Hi again, Miss Michaels.” Bjorn, blond, buff with a smile that lit up the whole plane, stepped forward and shut the door for her.

“Hi,” she replied.

Leia waited for the flash of warning, of danger and breathed a sigh of relief when her senses remained calm.

She walked alongside him, unable to stop her gaze from lingering on his well-toned biceps.

The inch-thick guide that had come with her ticket had mentioned the exclusive use of valets
in every way

part of the guide had made her stomach dive and quiver anxiously despite her determination to go ahead with the trip. But the clamoring had finally grown too loud to suppress. The need had overtaken the fear.

Take control. Keep control.

She realized she was still staring at Bjorn when his smile slowly turned curious...then carnal. He moved closer and she caught a whiff of expensive aftershave.

“Where’s the Ozone Bar?” she asked to divert his attention. Whether or not she chose to take advantage of what he was offering, it was unbecoming to gawp like a bitch in heat. Even if that was exactly what she seemed to have become lately.

“It’s on the lowest deck, two floors below. We can take the elevator or we can take the scenic route.” He paused beside a sleek glass elevator, one golden eyebrow raised.

The thought of being confined with him in the small space washed away a layer of the excitement that had suffused her moments ago.

“I prefer the stairs.”

His eyes widened slightly at her abrupt tone and Leia curbed the urge to apologize.

“I always like to get my bearings as quickly as possible when I visit someplace new.”
Always have an escape route in mind. Mentally and physically.

She pushed Warren’s voice aside and tried another smile.

Bjorn returned one of his own. “Of course. Great idea. The design of the plane is such that you can avoid certain lounges if you prefer. I’ll show you the whole layout before we go the Ozone Bar if you like?”

She shook her head. She’d already memorized the layout of the various lounges. “That’s fine. I don’t need a full tour just yet. Just take me to the bar, please.”

“Sure.” He gestured her ahead of him at the top of the wide, low-lit indigo-colored set of stairs that led down. Her heel caught in the carpet as she took the first step.

Bjorn caught her around the waist. “Easy, Miss Michaels.”

She tried not to panic at his touch, but her senses flared with enough adrenaline to make her jump.

Again his eyes widened before a small frown creased his brow. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, thanks. That could’ve been embarrassing,” she said quickly.

“Good thing I was around, huh?” His white grin flashed.

She smiled back and gripped the railing. “Yeah.”

“Come on. I think you need a drink.” As if he sensed her skittishness, he didn’t make another attempt to touch her, for which she was grateful.

They descended the rest of the stairs in silence and walked into what she recalled was named The Silk Lounge. Swathes of indigo and cream silk lined the ceiling and fell into privacy-providing curtains behind which several loungers had been arranged.

Besides a couple stretched out on twin leather studded lounges behind the second curtain there were only a handful of staff and two bartenders. The female bartender caught Bjorn’s eye and he winked at her.

Her dimpled smile betrayed a carnal familiarity even before she gave him a cute three-fingered wave.

Tucking that knowledge away—for God knew what—Leia followed him down a short hallway into another large space. The doors on either side of the hallway were shut but she heard low voices and laughter through the doors.

“We’ve had a few people choose their initial events so we’re busy setting up,” Bjorn said. “Have you chosen yours yet?”

A wave of scorching heat drenched her belly as she recalled the activities in store for the guests. “Not yet,” she replied.

He smiled and led her down another set of stairs into a darker, indigo-lit lounge. “You want to take your time. That’s fine. But don’t wait too long. You don’t want any experience to pass you by.”

Before she could answer, he held open the door to the Ozone Bar.

The scene that met her stole her breath away.

There was no ceiling to the room, only white fluffy clouds. Although she knew it was an illusion no doubt created with special smoke, Leia was mesmerized all the same. As she walked further into the room, holographs of naked winged cherubs floated past, darting in and out of the clouds. She was so engrossed she stumbled into Bjorn. This time when he caught her, she didn’t pull away. Her senses assured her he was harmless.

“Shit. I’m sorry, you must think I’m the clumsiest woman on earth. And you would probably be right.”

He laughed. “I was blown away too the first time I stepped aboard my first IL plane.”

She sent him a smile for going out of his way to set her at ease. “How long have you worked here?”

“Just over a year. But it’s been a hell of a ride so far.” They reached the circular bar in the middle of the room and he nodded to the bartender. “What would you like to drink, Miss Michaels?”

“Please, call me—” The remaining words melted in her brain. At first she wondered whether the effects of the room were messing with her brain activity. Then she realized her mind had reacted
that strongly
to him.

The man whose laser sharp were eyes fixed on her, trapping her in place from ten feet away. He leaned against the bar, a beer in one hand.

The low lights ringing the edge of the bar lit his face, emphasizing the severe cut of his jaw and the rugged, edgy beauty of his face. His strong throat moved as he swallowed a mouthful of beer. Slowly, he straightened, turned fully toward her.

He was tall and lean. Well muscled. Black fitted shirt hid a wide chest and washboard stomach and his expensive dinner jacket hid the rest.

But his body didn’t interest her. Just yet. It was his face Leia couldn’t look away from. His face that enthralled her to the point of speechlessness.

“Miss Michaels?”

She tried to shake her head. She may have succeeded. She wasn’t sure. Voices buzzed around her. Bjorn may have exchanged puzzled looks with the bartender.

She wasn’t sure.

What she was sure of was that she couldn’t stop staring at

And his blatant stare told her he didn’t intend to do the polite thing and break their connection either. Her mouth dried and each breath felt like a huge chore to just make her lungs work.


A glass appeared in front of her and she took it. The chill registered against her fingers.

Touch sensation. Present.

Heartbeat. Racing but present.

Zombie status. Reaching critical point.

He moved. She followed him with her eyes. Electric heat lanced her belly and spiraled outward, spreading like cracking lightning before zeroing in hard between her legs.

She desperately sifted through her vocabulary to find the words.



Carnal pleasure beyond reason.

He wanted it all from her.

And Leia was pretty damned sure she wanted to give them all to him.

Right here, right now.

Chapter Three


oah wasn’t sure which part of the woman standing across the bar captured his attention the most.

All he knew was that he was staring, a stunned shudder charging through his body at the spectacular vision before him. Jesus, whoever had put the combination together, had done one helluva job. Because he’d seen a lot of beautiful women in his time. But this one was in a sphere of her own.

Dark reddish blond hair had been pulled over to one side of her face in a careless tumbling heap that reached the middle of her back. From this distance he couldn’t see the exact color of her eyes but with her makeup they appeared smoky and hypnotic, with long lashes that quivered slightly with the need to blink. She denied that need and maintained eye contact with him.

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