Inferno Anthology (136 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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“No idea whatsoever. Tom and I batted around the idea that when his fiancée dumped him he lost it. Other than that reason, it’s anyone’s guess.” I am now pacing the tile floor in the tiny office. Taking two strides back and forth in front of the desk is all the room I have for walking off the tension.

“I’ve been after you for two years to get a damn bodyguard. No more fighting me on this. I placed a call to a buddy. He owes me a favor or two. He’s got an ex-Army friend who will fit the bill as a bodyguard for you.” Peters has everything figured out just like I knew he would. It’s what I pay him to do. But hiring a bodyguard is something I’ve refused every time he’s insisted on it.

“You know why I’ve held off on getting a bodyguard. Even the celebs here in NYC don’t walk around with them.” I despise the thought of having someone with me at all times. Watching over me. Silently judging me. Eddie is the closest person I have to security. He knows me, my habits, and keeps his opinions to himself. I’ve never once felt condemnation from him over my lifestyle choices. Having someone with me, guarding me 24/7, just seems too much.

“Those celebs you’re talking about would be under lock and key by their agents and managers if someone was wanting them dead. Do you realize you’re being protected from a potential killer? Simon, for some unknown reason, wants to end your life.” Peters’ sharp words cut me. Sadly, he’s making sense. But I still don’t like the idea.

“I just can’t really believe he’d do it. The whole thing is crazy.” I run my fingers through my hair, frustrated with this whole mess and its complications in my life.

“Crazy is the keyword. A bodyguard needs to protect you from crazy. And from what we’ve seen and gathered on Simon, he’s acting mad. You can’t take a chance and risk your life, Adam.”

“Okay, I’m not going to fight you on this anymore. Simon’s crazed. Wants me dead. So I’ll say yes to the bodyguard, but it will not be a permanent situation in my life.”

“Finally.” There is no mistaking the relief in Peters’ voice. “You’re a stubborn ass sometimes, Adam. Your bodyguard’s name is Jordan Hayes. He’s already on his way up here from D.C. He’s been working private security down there for a couple years. He should arrive and be ready to go by morning. He’s also a native of Queens, so he knows the city.”

“I’ll trust you on this one.”  And it’s true. I have no choice at this point. What are my other options?

“Now we need to figure out what to do with you for the evening as you aren’t going back to your apartment. Hotels aren’t an option. Too public. You said you’re with that Kathryn woman you had me investigate, right?”

“Right.” I reply wondering where he’s going with this. I look over at Kathryn when Peters mentions her name. She’s still biting her lip, and I see her brow scrunched together in concern. Likely wondering what the hell is going on.

“You need to stay at her place tonight. Simon will have no idea you’re there. He doesn’t know this woman or your connection to her, right? Ask her. Beg her if you have to. I’ll wait while you do.”

I pause and pull the phone away from my ear. My hand covers the receiver. I’d rather Peters not be privy to this conversation; I have no idea what I’m going to say or how Kathryn will react to what I’m about to ask her.

“Kathryn, my security guy, Peters, is on the phone. Says he doesn’t want me going home with Simon loose on the streets. Checking into a hotel is out of the question, too. He wants me to stay at your apartment tonight. Are you comfortable with this?

“I don’t know. It makes sense, I guess.” Her head tilts, and her brow presses together in thought.

She’s concerned with my request. Possibly wondering about the ramifications of me being with her. I don’t want to put her in harms way, either. So I decide to ask Peters if he thinks it’s a safe choice for both of us.

“Peters, how safe is it for me to be at Kathryn’s tonight? I don’t want her in any danger.” My voice is firm. I will stay here in this fucking office if I have to and wait for the bodyguard if needed. But being in Kathryn’s apartment for the evening sounds like the best plan. A tempting alternative, too. I’ll be crossing her threshold sooner than I imagined.

“How far are you from her place? Upper East Side, right?” Peters asks.

“Just a couple of blocks. Not far at all. And yes, Upper East,” I say.

“I don’t like that your apartment is in the area. But I think you’re okay. Have someone hail you a cab in front of the restaurant and then cab it over to her place. Even if it’s only a couple blocks away, I don’t want you on the sidewalk out in the open.”

“Agreed. Anything else?”

“Yes, keep your eyes open. Simon was last seen wearing a black trench coat. Police are searching his apartment now. My guess is he’s laying low somewhere. We should know more in the morning. I’m communicating with my NYPD contact. I’ll update you hourly via email or call if there’s something urgent.”

“Sounds good.” The call ends. But I have one more to make. Patrick. He’s going to have to handle all the fallout for me. Tom’s with Lois, who’s understandably upset, and I have to hide out tonight. I press call as I give Kathryn a reassuring smile and mouth the words, “thank you.”

“Adam. Have you heard the news?” Patrick says, animated, ready to jump out of his skin and through the phone. For him this is something extremely rare. He’s even less likely to show emotions than I am.

“Yes. Spoke to Tom a few minutes ago. He filled me in on everything. Did you talk with him?”

“Just for a second. Lois was too upset, and I told him we’d talk later. Unreal. Fucking unreal.” His assessment is right there with Tom’s and mine.

“I still can’t comprehend it. How does someone like Simon go from boring, software genius to hunted criminal?” I ask the question knowing there still isn’t an answer. “I’m staying at a friend’s apartment this evening. But I need you to handle our public exposure. Call the attorneys, PR, and try to get ahead of this story before it gets out of hand. Stress to the PR folks we are as confused as everyone else concerning Simon’s behavior, and we’re hoping he turns himself in and gets the help he needs. I don’t want this to become anything more than a person who snapped. Got it? Keep it private. Just Simon acting alone.”

“Sure. I’ll get on the phone with them all now.”

“Call or email me later after you’ve talked.”

“Will do.” Pocketing my phone, I hang my head and gather my thoughts before looking at Kathryn. I can feel her eyes on me.

Hesitantly, I lift my head and look over at her. “I guess we need to head to your place. Give Maurice back his office. My apologies for dragging you into this mess.” I tilt my head and raise my brows, hoping she sees I’m sincere.

She’s been sitting there patiently waiting with her hands in her lap, but her lovely face is marked with worry. If I were in her shoes, I’d likely have bolted and got the hell away from here. Who wants to be around a man who has a crazy gun-toting maniac intent on killing him? Truthfully, I don’t want her in harm’s way, but I don’t want her leaving me, either. Silently we stare at each other. Neither one of us wanting to break our gaze.

“Are things always this intense on your first dates?” She says with a wink. And I have to laugh as she breaks the tension between us. “Not sure how you’re going to top this one. Cops and would-be killers aren’t something that pops up every day around here. It’s usually rather boring in this part of town.”

“I can think of several ways to top tonight,” I say, adding a wink of my own.

“Oh, I have no doubt you can.”

She rises out of her chair and in two small steps is standing in front of me. Her beautiful face looking up at me. Eyes kind and soft. And her lips. Damn those lips of hers. How I want to taste them.

She places her hands on my shirt beneath my jacket. I have no idea what she’s doing, but I soon find out as she slips my suit coat down my arms. The formal uniform of my day lies next to us on the desk.

She runs her fingers up and down my forearms with the lightest trace. Her fingers caress and lightly massage. Soothingly they pass over my shirt-covered skin. The effect of her touch races through me, and I feel myself getting hard for her. I want to pull her against me and ravage her with everything I have.

But there’s something different in her touch. A real caring feeling for me, and I can’t remember the last time another human being comforted me this tenderly. Apart from my mother, no one ever has gotten this close. I close my eyes, tilt my head back, and let the foreign and intense feeling of her touch wash over me. I should be making plans to leave the restaurant right now, but everything can wait.

“God, Kathryn.” I moan her name knowing she can hear the desperation I have for her in my voice.

“I specialize in touch,” she says seductively. I know it’s the whole Tantra thing she’s talking about. “Are you all right?” Finally I open my eyes and see her staring back at me.

Her eyes appear darker than before, more violet than blue. There’s no denying the want I see in them. She feels this thing between us, too. So I decide the time has come to act on this strange unnamed energy drawing us together.

“No, I’m not all right. But I know what will help. There’s something I’ve been dying to do to you. And you know my restraint with women. Practically non-existent.”

My actions are lightening quick. Giving her little time to think or react, I pull her to me. One of my arms wraps around her just above the hip. I bring my other hand to the back of her neck. My fingers weave through her silky hair. The scent of Shalimar floats all around us. This woman is so fucking intoxicating to me: a beautiful and alluring aphrodisiac. I feel her arms encircle me as her body leans into mine.

“I’m going to kiss you now, Kathryn.” She doesn’t protest. Instead she closes her eyes and tilts her head up closer to me. It’s then I know I’ve won the right to claim her lips. And I do.

Our lips clash and press together. Tongues searching for more. There is no beauty in this kiss. Just two people needing to satisfy a hunger that’s been building between us since we met.

My tongue delves farther into her mouth. I simply can’t get enough. Wanting to feel every inch of her, I pull her body closer to mine and press her into my rock-hard erection.

When I place my hands on the side of her breasts, she abruptly pulls away from me. Both of us are breathing heavy, trying to catch our breaths. She’s left me standing there empty-handed and panting with need. The need I have for her is like nothing I’ve ever experienced with another woman. It’s consuming.

“Kingsley. I’m sorry. I don’t know what it is with you. But I don’t go around randomly kissing men.”

“Randomly?” Why is she telling me this? Is she denying what we just experienced? “There’s something between us, Kathryn. Can’t you feel it?”

“Lust,” she replies. “Just pure lust. Nothing more.”

“Believe me, some of the best sex comes from pure lust. It’s what heats passion. Makes us burn.”

“You mentioned it last night. Fucking for a release, right? That’s not enough for me.” She steps away from me.

“You kissed me back. There’s no doubt in my mind.”

“You’re right, I did.” Her voice is barely above a whisper.

Chapter 8



Kathryn admits she wanted that kiss as much as I did. It’s not a great admission, but I’ll take it. There’s no denying there’s lust between us. But it’s more than a basic lust that’s satisfied with a single fuck and then burns out. It’s more consuming for me. Definitely a first. The need to be buried inside her, fucking her within an inch of her life is all I can think about even in the midst of all the shit going on tonight. She’s magnetic to me. I can’t help but be pulled toward her.

A force is pushing me beyond my normal control. A force I’ve never felt with any other woman. A force that makes me wonder who the hell I am.

I take a deep breath and say, “You can’t deny it. You feel it too, don’t you?”

She looks away from me briefly before answering my question. “Okay, maybe. Just a little. But I know about your conquests. I’ve seen you in action strutting around like a matador. Sure, your charms are enticing and deadly to women, but your treatment of them is debasing and self-centered.” She is proud of her punches, and I don’t want her to see they landed where she hopes.

“I am not one to turn down opportunities when they are presented to me. I never have to pursue the women I’m with. Never. They want me, and I simply have given them something they asked for. With both parties satisfied in the end.”

“You really are something else. I’d love to speak with the women you’ve been with and ask them how satisfied they truly were with a quick bang or the one-sided head they gave you. I bet their names, faces, and bodies all blend together. Nothing meaningful about them stands out to you”

I can see the slight flare of her nostrils. Her reaction to my philandering is quite passionate.  She thinks it’s anger, but I think it’s something else entirely: an attraction she’s trying to fight.

“Why are you so concerned with my past pursuits? You seem very upset about my behavior, especially since there’s nothing more than lust between us. Or are you trying to fight what I think you really want: Me. You want me inside you, satisfying the desires I know you feel when you’re with me.” These words are my counterpunch, and I see they hit their target. Dead center in the bull’s-eye. Her eyes are wild with anger. Hot and intense. I have to smile at her little display. It won’t take much to have that anger of hers clawing at my back while I fuck her senseless.

“God, what is wrong with you? I’ve never met a man with such an ego. It’s why I’ve called you a boy. But you aren’t a boy anymore, Kingsley. It’s time you realized there is so much more to life than living for the next fuck or mega business deal. You need to grow up.”

What can I say to her assessment? No I don’t need to grow up.

I am at a loss with nothing to say. A familiar situation with this woman. Her words have a way of silencing me in thought. Do I really know how these women felt after being with me? They wanted my cock, and I gladly gave it to them. But that was it. No one received anything more from me. All my relationships have been skin deep.

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