Inferno Anthology (138 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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Leaving the doorman behind us, I open the glass door and we hustle inside. I breathe a sigh of relief once we are in the lobby area. It’s classic in design. Marble floors, elegant lighting, and rich colors of wood greet us.

“Show me to your elevator, woman,” I say playfully.

“This way, Mister.” She teases right back and leads me to the hallway behind the concierge desk.

She pushes the up arrow and the doors open instantly, like they were awaiting our arrival. I follow behind her as we step inside. She lights up the number twenty, and we feel the cage start to climb.

Kathryn leans against the shiny wood side of the elevator wall and gazes up at me. I move in closer to her. The nearness of her body and scent wreak havoc on me and my ability to rein myself in like I promised. I don’t want to push this woman too far, but I’ve never had to control myself like this, either.

Totally new territory for me. And my cock doesn’t like it one bit. When a woman gets me aroused like this, waiting is something I don’t have to do. Usually by now my cock would be buried inside of her.

Restraint was never required, at least not until now. One thing for sure: The confines of this tight space are pressing me to the edge of my control with her. My thoughts turn to kissing her again and pushing her roughly against the wall while my lips devour her. I’m lost in my fantasies when she begins to speak.

“Our running into the building like two silly people was stupid and probably drew more attention to us. We kind of stuck out.”

“True, but I liked holding your hand.” I reach out for her hand again. She willingly lets mine encase hers. I walk a step forward. Now our bodies are almost touching, my eyes looking down into hers. God, how her lovely eyes do crazy things to me. I place one hand on her back while the other one cups her chin. I tilt her head upward with my fingers, and bring our faces even closer together.

This time I don’t ask for a kiss. There’s no need. Her eyes are full of desire, and her lips are parted in anticipation. I know the telltale signs when a woman is saying, kiss me. Leaning down I take her mouth with mine.

Her lips part and my tongue meets hers. This simple contact ignites me. Fuels my desire. I’ve never felt this hard, this desperate, with just a kiss. What happens when I can’t have more from her? The thought makes me nearly delirious.

I hold her tighter to me. Her body yielding, melting, and molding into mine. Bending into me she holds me around my waist. It feels so good to be in her arms. She tightens her arms around me, drawing us even closer.

She has to feel my cock pressing hard into her stomach. There’s no mistaking how much I want this woman. Now she knows. But like before at the restaurant, she pulls her lips away from mine and breaks the kiss. I am feeling on fire, and by the flush on her face and darkened eyes, I know she’s feeling the same thing. Even if she’s not willing to admit it.

Her breathing is heavy, matching mine. She stares up into my eyes. The elevator is the only movement or sound around us as we near her floor.

“I want you, Kathryn,” I whisper to her, nibbling on her ear between breaths. She lets out a slight moan. “I’ve never wanted to fuck a woman like this before. Spread you wide and take you.”

“What are you doing to me, Kingsley? I don’t do things like this.”

“That makes two of us.”

“This is all you do,” she replies sarcastically.

“You’re wrong. I never have to wait or ask with a woman. They give and I take.” I draw her to me and hold her tight. Pressing her small body to me. My face buries in her black hair. I close my eyes and just breathe. She smells like heaven, but having to hold myself back is hell.

“But I’m willing to play by your rules.” I release her and feel the elevator’s carriage come to a stop. The doors part, and I take her hand in mine.

“Lead the way. I’ll be good. I promised, remember?” I need to somehow cool things down a bit. I’m torturing myself, and possibly her as well, by pushing for more too quickly. But when I get hard for her, it’s impossible to think straight.

“I have no doubt in my mind you’ll be anything but good,” she says with a laugh. Once again this woman knows me so well.

She exits the elevator and I follow her down a long carpeted hallway. There are very few apartments on her floor. I remember from the information Peters dug up that her apartment is rather big by New York City standards.

When we reach the hallway’s end, she unlocks the door to her right and opens it. “Home, sweet, home.”

I walk into her foyer. Marble lies under my feet. A table sits against a wall with an ornate silver-framed mirror placed above it. A flush chandelier hangs over my head.

Moving forward into the open space in front of me, I find myself in the living room. The décor is unmistakably French. Beautiful and stylish. I’d expect nothing less. Classically elegant, but still comfortable. A perfect reflection of Kathryn.

But what catches my eye is the view from her large glass window. Central Park. It’s a view almost as magnetic as Kathryn.

I find myself walking toward the windows. Once I’m in front of them, I gaze out at the park. Night has fallen and only a few lights appear through the trees. Such a contrast against the normal Manhattan skyline of lights and high-rises. It’s peaceful. Untouched by man’s need to build bigger and higher.

“Beautiful view. Believe it or not, I share a very similar one just a few blocks away. Nothing like it. Especially in a city like this.”

“I agree.” Kathryn concurs after joining me to stare out the window. “You only live a few blocks away?”

“My penthouse is at The Pierre.”

“The hotel?”

“There are a few floors in the hotel where people actually live. Mostly penthouses. I enjoy the hotel’s service. Makes life more convenient at times.”

Turning toward me, Kathryn leans against the glass. “I’m sure. I’ve been inside the lobby. It’s very grand.”

“I’d love to show it to you someday. You would be the first woman, besides my housekeeper, to enter as my guest.” I’m not sure why I just confessed this to her.

“First woman? Where do you take all of them? Or do you just use the back seat for all your fun?” I swear there’s a hint of anger in her voice. Could it possibly be jealousy? Part of me hopes it is because then I’d know she has feelings for me. What else would make her jealous other than wishing she were one of the women?

“Various places.” I want to end my explanation with these two words. She doesn’t need to know that I have an ongoing hotel room waiting a few stories below me at The Pierre. I can imagine the disgust in her eyes if I told her this little fact.

“I don’t want to talk about other women when I’m with you. But I can assure you that you’ll be my first.”

“For some reason that isn’t very comforting, but in your case I guess I should be flattered. I bet there are likely very few firsts left with you.” She moves away from the glass. Her words, as always, cut through my bullshit and go right to the truth.

“Touché.” I concede. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I know this little bubble we are in is about to be invaded with news about Simon. Amazingly, I keep forgetting about him. She’s that good at distracting me. Or maybe what I feel for her is distracting me? Who knows?

“Excuse me, Kathryn, while I take this call.” I pull the phone out and see it’s Peters.

“Any news?” I say with no formal greeting.

“Yes. Simon hasn’t been apprehended but his credit card was used a short time ago at a gas station in East Orange, New Jersey. Does he know anyone there to your knowledge?”

“I have no idea. He’s from Buffalo, originally. You know my relationship with Simon. It isn’t that close.”

“He could be heading to Buffalo or Canada for that matter. The route through East Orange would take him there. The police have confirmed his Mercedes is not parked at his building’s apartment garage. So they’ve issued an all-points bulletin for the car. I’m still not convinced he’s left the city and need to see the video surveillance camera at the gas station to be convinced. He’s a shrewd man. Why would he use a card to announce his whereabouts? Seems like an idiot move.”

“I’ll let you worry about the details. That’s what I pay you to do. Remind me to give you a big bonus for this.” Peters is really overpaid as it is, but he’s the best and I don’t want anyone luring him away.

“Right, I’ll remind you of that.” He’s laughing to himself because he knows I’ll remember without him having to mention it. “How did everything go getting to Ms. Delcour’s apartment? You’re there now, right?”

“Everything is fine. Brilliant idea, me staying here.” On many levels, I’d like to add but refrain. “Simon has no idea that I met Kathryn last night, either.”

“I think you’re safe for now. I’ve told my police contact that you are unavailable until tomorrow morning. They want to speak with you, but I said they would have to call and discuss a formal interview with your attorney. Speaking of, have you heard from MacDonald?”

“Not yet. Patrick is handling all of that for me tonight. I am sure I’ll be hearing from him later. Keep me updated.”

“Will do.” Peters ends the call and I pivot away from the window to find Kathryn standing in the middle of her living room by a large coffee table stacked with books and magazines. There are books and picture frames everywhere. Large to small ones dotting the room. Leaves it with a welcoming feeling. I’d love to browse through them and get a glimpse into her life.

“Sorry for the interruption, but good news. Simon may have left the city. Something about a credit card of his being used in New Jersey.

“What a relief. I hope they catch him, Kingsley. This has to be hard on you. A life-long friend and partner.  I can’t imagine.”

“To say it’s been crazy is an understatement. But what troubles me the most is why? What made him snap like this, and in such a spectacular way?”

“Who knows? Sometimes people have troubles that boil over and become too much for them to handle.”

“Maybe so. But I want to thank you.”

“Thank me? For what? You liked that grilling at the restaurant, didn’t you?” She giggles, and it’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. Musical, joyful. I can’t help but laugh with her. It’s contagious.

“Yes, Maurice’s grilling.” I shake my head trying to remove the memory. “Not my favorite part of the evening. But I need to thank you for being the best kind of distraction tonight. There are times I’ve even forgotten about this whole Simon debacle. Like when we were kissing. He was the furthest thing from my mind.”

“I could tell.” She raises her brows, and a smile dances across her lips. She’s wickedly stunning and quite the minx. I’m sure her words and expression reference my hard-on pressing against her stomach in the elevator.

“And you’re very welcome, too. Every girl loves to hear that she’s been a great distraction.” She rolls her eyes at me. But the way she said this makes my compliment sound horrible. Was it?

I’m so out of my element here. Fucking women never required work or having to say the right words. It was as easy as breathing but boring when compared to being around her. I’ll just have to watch my words, which may prove to be an impossible task.

“Let me show you the rest of my apartment.” She turns slowly away from me, tossing her long hair over her shoulders. I love the way it bounces, picks up the light, and shines with the motion.

I imagine the long waves of her hair lying across my pillow in wild disarray. Her smile and arms welcoming me. I stop myself before I go farther down this fantasy road, as it will only get me in trouble tonight. So I clear the thoughts out of my head and follow her lead down the hall. It’s a position I don’t mind being in as the view walking behind her is divine. Her small, tight ass and swaying hips. Oh, what a man could do with that ass.

“The kitchen is down that hall.” She points in the opposite direction we are headed. “But first I’ll show you where you will be sleeping for the night. And just to make it clear, it’s not my bedroom.”

Her rebuff is firm. But who knows, perhaps she’ll change her mind. It doesn’t hurt to have hope.

We turn down another hallway. The walls are painted a unique shade of gray with glossy white molding that pops out in contrast.

She stops in front of a door and walks inside. “This is your room. There is a bath connected to it. My brother stays here with me sometimes. Like he did last night after the benefit for my mother’s foundation. He’s a med student at Harvard and only makes it into the city for special events. I think you’re about his size. You’ll find some of his pajamas in the top draw of the black dresser.”

The room is surprisingly masculine and modern. Almost sterile in contrast to the large living room. However, the one common theme in her decorating seems to be books. Hundreds of them line a built-in shelf that covers an entire wall of the room.

“Thank you. Yes, the brother who I thought was one of your trainees.”

“My trainee?” I realize she has no idea what I’m talking about. I need to explain.

“Last night, when you spoke using the phrase ‘turn boys into men.’ Well, when you left me at the bar and I saw your brother greet and escort you to the ballroom, I naturally thought he was in training. You know. To be a man.”

“Oh, well that explains a lot.” She laughs. “I wondered about the look on your face when I introduced him. You appeared shocked.”

“Shocked, but mostly disappointed,” I say.

“Disappointed that he was my brother?” Her head tilts, and she has that adorable confused look on her face. Adorable? I’m using girlie words used to describe cute photos of kittens. What the fuck has gotten into me? I quickly clear my head and get back to answering her question.

“No. Not that John was your brother. I was disappointed because I thought he was your lover. I would have tried harder with you last night had I known otherwise.”

“Tried harder for what? Getting into my panties for the night?” She moves a little closer to me. Again it’s like there are magnets pulling us together. It seems impossible for us to stay too far apart.

“Yes, I’ll admit it. After I met you last night, I didn’t just want in your panties, I wanted to camp out for the night. Make you want to invite me back.” I add a little wink of my eye and a smirk. But I am only half kidding her, and my words aren’t far from the truth. “But you already suspected this, right?”

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