Inferno Anthology (142 page)

Read Inferno Anthology Online

Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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“Of course she’ll say yes.” Kathryn replies with a smile. “I’ve seen the two of you together. You are meant to be.”

Eric turns my way, all happy and boyish smiles, and holds out his hand to me. “Mr. Kingsley,” our hands connect firmly, “you have quite the woman here.”

He’s smiling, and I’m left speechless. Well how the hell to do I respond to this? I agree with him totally; Kathryn’s quite the woman.

Going with the flow, I say, “Thanks. I couldn’t agree with you more.” Why disrupt his happy mood with my uncertainties. I choose to generalize what he said. This approach might be more palatable for Kathryn. “Any man would be lucky to have her at his side.”

There I said it.

“Such flattery from both of you.” Kathryn laughs. “Two charmers under my roof at one time.”

“Well, this charmer needs to get back to his girlfriend before it gets too late. Might need to show her a thing or two.” Eric winks and I tense up. Again for the millionth time wondering what she taught him that he now has to share.

“Thanks again, Kathryn.” Eric begins heading to the front door with Kathryn right behind him. “We’ll see you next week. Same time.”

“Looking forward to it. Please give my best to Melanie, too.” Kathryn gives him a brief hug. Their bodies aren’t as close this time, which suits me fine.

“Nice to meet you again, Mr. Kingsley,” Eric adds while he’s turning the door knob. “You two have a good evening.”

He gives Kathryn and I a wink before closing the door. Being a man who’s learned a few things about Kathryn this evening, I choose to keep my mouth shut and wait for her to speak.

She turns toward me with her hands already on her hips. A pose I know very well and usually means trouble for me. A laugh and smile grace her lovely face. She’s amused at me, and I’m sure I know why.

“So what did you really do while I was working with Eric?” Her question isn’t really a question but more like a trap with claws.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I say, “Answered a ton of emails. Called my housekeeper advising her to take a few days off. We need to assess the security of my penthouse and building before I’ll allow her to be there.” Not lying at all. I deflect as best as I can by giving her a list of innocuous activities.

Kathryn slowly approaches me, her head tilted to the side, analyzing me. “Anything else?”

“I read a bit from the books you gave me.” Trying to sound like they were the most fucking awesome things I’ve read in ages, I continue. “There was a great chapter on the human touch. Really made me think.”

“Oh, is that right?” She moves even closer now. It’s that magnetic pull between us. With each step the strange energy I always feel when I’m close to her increases. “So what did you learn about human touch?”

“Mainly that touch is essential. The book claimed it’s the most powerful force on earth, but I’m not quite buying that theory yet.” I’m not sure why I added that last part. Whenever I speak to her, it’s like a truth serum is running through my veins. The big bullshitter in me hides away, locked in a closet, whenever I look into her eyes.

“You did read. And here I thought you were just leaning against the door listening to what I was doing with Eric.” She laughs once she’s finished exposing my bad deeds. “Were you listening for moans or cries of passion? I’m sure you were disappointed as neither one happened here tonight.” She smirks and then adds with a quick wink. “Unlike last week.”

Fucking minx.

“All right, you caught me. I admit I listened for a second. Seriously, all I could hear was some music, but I wanted to hear more. And the door moved when I tried to get closer. I figured you heard me. So I didn’t stand there waiting for you to come out and ream me out.”

“It’s okay.” She giggles. “Seriously, tonight I used my years of psychologist training with Eric more that my Tantra expertise. I just wanted to see you squirm as I nailed your nosy ass to the wall.”

“Who knew you were such a sadist?” Damn, I love teasing this woman. It really turns me on. Well everything about her does, but this challenging part of her really fires me up. Makes me want to kiss her into next week.

“No one has ever accused me of being a sadist before. But I do like getting the best of you. I enjoy putting you in your place. Feels like a tiny victory for all womankind when I do.”

“Too funny. But I’m really not that bad of a guy. I swear.” I hope I sound convincing.

“No, I suppose you’re not. But you do have some growing up to do. Maybe I just see the potential in you, Kingsley.”

Well, what can I say to that one? She sees possibilities in me. I can’t help but be encouraged by her words. At least she’s not writing me off completely.

“Potential, huh?”

“I believe so. Do you want to hear what I really think, though? It might make you more than a little uncomfortable.” I take a strand of her soft hair and gently rub it between my fingers. I can’t seem to keep my hands to myself.

“Please. Hit me with it.” I’m dying to know her thoughts. I realize this is one of the first times I’ve been uneasy hearing a woman’s perception of me. Another first for me tonight.

“Okay. Here goes.” She takes a deep breath and looks me dead in the eye.

“From what I’ve seen and heard from you tonight, I’m convinced somewhere deep down inside there’s a decent man in there.” She brings a finger up to me, points and lays it straight on my chest, over my heart. “He’s been hidden away for years while you pursued sex, money, and all the power you could grab. During all of these chases, a public persona was created, entrapping you. But I wonder if all of these gains in your life have brought you the happiness you hoped for.”

I’m blown away at her assessment. Processing her words for a moment, I pause before responding. I have no idea what the hell to say, because I have to face the facts. If I wasn’t standing here in her living room right now, I’d be at another location all by myself with no one to help me through the craziness of this day. No one to care about how I’m really doing as a human being. That reality is sobering and a fucking depressing thought.

“You really don’t mince your words, do you?” Whoever said “the truth hurts” was the wisest damn person alive.

“Sorry. I tried to warn you first, remember?” Her hands touch my arms as she speaks. Rubbing me assuredly. Her touch is always so comforting to me. “Listen, I don’t mean to beat up on you. It’s been a shitty day. What do you say we change the subject?”

“Sounds good.” Between dwelling on the demons surrounding my mother, discovering Kathryn’s wedding picture, and realizing I might be the biggest shmuck on the planet, I welcome a topic that doesn’t leave me so raw and exposed.

“I have some chocolate ice cream. How’s that for a change?” She raises a brow in question.

“Do you have some whipped cream to go with it?” I wiggle my brows in return.

“Haha.” She moves down the hallway, and I follow her dutifully. It’s like there is a leash attached to me keeping me by her side. I don’t like being far away from her. Normally this thought would scare the shit out of me, but not tonight. Maybe it’s those tight yoga pants of hers. Damn, her sweet little ass fills them out so fine.

“Two scoops or one?” she asks as we enter her kitchen.

It’s the first time I’ve been in here since arriving at her apartment. Sub-zero refrigerator. Viking stove. Granite counters. No expense spared in its design. For New York City, it appears to be a cook’s kitchen. Rare because most professional people eat out or have dinner delivered. Truthfully, I only need one large kitchen drawer. A place to store my silverware and takeout menus.

“Two scoops for me, please.” I point to the pots hanging over the six-burner stove. “It looks like you actually cook.”

“I love to cook. After living in Paris for more than a decade, it’s impossible not to pick up the Parisian’s love for cooking.” She bends over retrieving the chocolate ice cream from the Sub-zero’s lower freezer. Her lush ass prominently on display, waking my cock up with a slight twitch.

“I love to eat, you love to cook. Who knows, this thing between us could work out after all?” She stands up after I finish speaking. Her eyes lit in amusement.

“This thing?” She chuckles as she places the ice cream on the counter and stretches to reach the bowls on the shelf. I intercept and help her with them. My body presses up along her backside. The Shalimar perfume hits my nose, and it takes everything I have to pull away from her once I have two bowls in my hand. After depositing the bowls on the counter, I stay close by leaning my back on the counter next to her. Kathryn gets a scoop from the drawer by the freezer and opens the ice cream carton.

“Yes, this thing. I’m not sure how to define it. Care to help a guy out?” She pauses with her hand on the ice cream scoop and looks up at me, searching my seriousness. I can tell she’s thinking too much and is probably over-analyzing everything I just said.

“My guess is you don’t do ice cream with women much. Right?” She hits the mark as usual.

“No, not in a casual way like now. More likely the ice cream I eat is served in a silver bowl on a crisp linen tablecloth.”

“So talking and hanging out with me is something new for you. I doubt you’ve ever been friends with a woman, either. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

“No, you’re right.” I suddenly find it sad to think I’ve never even thought about having a girl or woman as a friend. Sure, they act friendly to me, or more specifically my cock. But on a human level, person-to-person, I’ve never had more than a fleeting acquaintance or a professional working relationship with a woman.

“Maybe we should start with friendship.” Kathryn finishes filling the bowls with ice cream and returns the carton to the freezer. I watch her bend over once again and suppress a moan. But I do my best to focus on our conversation even if I’m distracted to the point where I can barely think straight.

I clear my throat. “Okay, friends. I can do that. Maybe I should pass you a note like we’re back in grade school.”

“Dear Kathryn, will you be my friend? Please circle yes or no.”

“I’ll need you to add a maybe to that one. Verdict’s still out.” She smiles and pushes a full bowl of ice cream toward my chest.

I take the bowl. “Oh, come on. Remember those kisses from earlier? Surely we are at least friends now.” I patiently wait for her response. She takes a bite of chocolate ice cream while closing her eyes and licking her lips after swallowing. The simple act is nothing short of erotic to me.

“God, how I love ice cream,” she practically moans. Opening her eyes, she looks at me dead serious. Gone is the ice cream high, which melted away quickly. “Let’s just call those kisses getting friendly.”

“Works for me.” Silently I hope for more chances at being friendly tonight. But I’m truly enjoying just talking with Kathryn.

“I thought it might.” Her smile gleams at me, full of amusement. She knows me so well already.

She exits the kitchen area and extends her index finger, beckoning me to follow her, which I do willingly. Back in the living room, she jumps on the couch and tucks her legs under her body. Since she weighs so little, her body bounces with the impact, along with those magnificent breasts. The act is almost more than this guy can take, but I swallow hard and hope things below my belt behave.

“I have a TV in the cabinet. I hardly ever watch it, but the news comes on in a few minutes. Do you want me to turn it on?”

“I’d like to see what the media’s saying. When I saw the ancient TV in Maurice’s office, I didn’t even want to try. But if you don’t mind. My PR head emailed with details about what was being spouted, along with our official response. But I want to see it for myself.”

“Of course. I’d like to see it, too.”

Kathryn places the now-melting ice cream on the coffee table and walks to a cabinet adjacent to the bookshelf displaying her photos. She opens two large doors in the middle of the cabinet. A large-size flat screen television appears as she slides the doors to the side. A remote control sits on the wood base in front of it.

“I only watch movies on this contraption. I abhor television.” She flips on the television; the channel menu appears and she struggles to find the correct news station, or any one for that matter.

Having inhaled my ice cream, I put down my empty, bowl. “Here, let me help with that.”

She hands me the remote and immediately I find my favorite news channel. “Voilà!” I say in victory.

“Men know their way around remotes. I think it’s in your DNA.” She huffs as she returns to the couch and her soupy ice cream.

“I tend to be good about pushing a woman’s buttons.” Kathryn responds by rolling her eyes.

“You’re freaking hilarious.” Her eyes show her mirth even when her words don’t. She flops down on the couch. “So can you turn up the volume, too? Or is multitasking too hard?”

Ignoring her jab, I carry the remote back with me and purposely sit down a little closer to her this time. “Ice cream was great. Thanks.”

“You woofed yours down. I’m glad you liked it. Nothing like eating some chocolate at the end of a sucky day.” Her eyes soften, appearing more affectionate as they lock with mine. She likely has no idea how much her concern means to me. She holds my gaze for a beat and then turns back to the television and I do the same.

Both of us stare at the screen as the eleven o’clock news gears up. The newscast begins with the female lead anchor starting with the first report of the night.

“Good evening. In an unusual and frightening turn of events, this evening the New York Public Library’s annual gala was interrupted by a lone gunman.”

Chapter 12



My throat constricts and tightness grips my stomach as the lead story unfolds. I rub my hands across my trousered legs as my palms begin to perspire.

Sweating again. How many times have I encountered this new trait in the last two days? I’ve begun to lose count.

“It’s the lead story, Kingsley.” Kathryn doesn’t look my way as she speaks. Her eyes are glued to the story on the television. “This is unreal.”

“You’re telling me?” I scoff at her comment but focus on the screen. “I wonder how far the reporters will go with this story? The police haven’t released the threat Simon made on my life yet.”

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