Inferno Anthology (210 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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Chapter 14

Survival is not so much about the body,
but rather it is about the triumph of the human spirit.

—Danita Vance

than Claire hoped. Since the discovery of her lake oasis, she spent every day there and returned to the house by 6:00 PM, as promised. Truly, the first night was close. She even needed to run part of the way, but she made it. Now, she knew the way and knew each direction took an hour and forty-five minutes to walk.

As the week progressed, Claire took more supplies: a blanket, a book, and her lunch with water to drink. She even started wearing her bathing suit under her shorts so she could sunbathe on the shore. The bathing suit was a lot like underwear. This rebellious act brought a smile to her face.

Nearing the lake, she began to recognize the sights, sounds, and scents—a clean fresh aroma penetrating deep into her lungs. As the days passed, she soaked in the serenity of this secret haven and her strength and resolve returned. When Tony left for Europe, she’d felt as low as she had felt since her arrival, actually in her entire life. She wanted out and would have been willing to die to accomplish that goal, if only the means had been present.

Now, she was thankful that they weren’t. When he returned, he’d be the same, but she would be different. He hurt her—not just physically—but also emotionally, down to her core. Since her arrival, he humiliated her routinely and seemed to enjoy humiliating her. Forcing her to view herself in those situations was agony. Previously, she tried to put away the memories, to create a separation between her daily life and her daily duties. To some extent, she’d been successful. This compartmentalization facilitated her survival. His appalling videos documenting his brutal treatment and merciless instructions exposed her to herself. It broke her.

The lake, nature, sunshine, and freedom, rejuvenated her. She felt like the
Six-Million Dollar Man:
stronger, faster, and better. She would gain sustenance and strength from the memories of the crystal waves shining and flashing in the sunlight. He could say, do, or make her do anything, anywhere, and her mind would be hearing the leaves rustle, birds sing, and waves lap the shore. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but she also knew the routine. There would be breaks when he needed to travel and hopefully be gone—faraway, for long periods of time. She would live for those breaks, until the time came when her debt was paid and she’d be the one to leave.

It didn’t surprise Claire that Catherine didn’t know the time of his arrival. It was part of his game, a test to learn if she’d read his note, if she’d be prepared. Claire knew what she needed to do. When he arrived she planned to be ready, and she was.

ate lunch in her suite and sat on the sofa reading a book, a crime novel, except it was funny, the fifth in a series. She didn’t know for sure how many there were, but she enjoyed reading them. Since she didn’t know when he would arrive, she didn’t want to risk being away from her suite. Claire painstakingly chose her attire: white capris, a black and white top which accentuated her figure, and black sandals with a shorter heel. Since March, her hair had lightened and grown quite long. She styled it half up and half down, with the ends curled, and her make-up was flawless. If he didn’t show up until later, she had another outfit prepared. Claire planned to meet him head-on. The miserable wretched woman he left was gone.

The door opened without warning. Claire’s heart skipped a beat, but she controlled her breathing, and remained still. She appeared relaxed as she looked up from her book. Tony walked in and greeted her. “Good afternoon, Claire.”

Slowly, she placed her bookmark in her book, laid the book on the end table, and stood. Her smile radiated as pleasant a welcome as she could muster. Her mask was not only on, but polished. “Good afternoon, Anthony.” Their eyes met. “It’s nice to have you home. How was your trip?”

She didn’t walk toward him, but stood straight, tall, and defiant. He stepped forward. As their proximity decreased, he watched for her reaction. With their bodies nearly touching he looked down into her eyes. She stood her ground, smiling, waiting for his reply. She knew asking for a verbal answer to her question wasn’t a good idea; so she remained silent and maintained eye contact.

“My trip was long. I’m pleased with your greeting. Does this mean your temper tantrum, from before my trip, has reached its conclusion?”

She could smell his cologne and feared if she inhaled too deeply, their chests would touch. “Yes, I believe it has. I apologize for my behavior. It was childish and unnecessary.”

to decipher if her words were sincere or if she was playing him. His tone and words tried to enlist her motivation. “As I recall, a great deal of your behavior was far from childish.” He paused. No reaction. “But my memory could be failing me, it has been a long trip. I know how we could find out…” Another pause. No reaction. “…or review?”

Claire didn’t react. She didn’t take his bait. Instead, she responded, “You’re right, it was very adult. I’d be glad to do whatever it is you tell me to do again. I believe I have a debt to repay. My goal is to make that happen sooner rather than later. Fulfilling my contract is the means to that end.”

He pulled her against him and looked down into her eyes. He saw a fire, one which ten days ago had been dowsed with tears. She smiled, said all the right things, but her eyes were fighting. He bent down and kissed her. It started slowly, but soon became hard and forceful. She hesitated for only a split second and responded with equal force. Tony hadn’t intended for their reunion to go this direction. He’d expected someone different.

About 6:30 PM he used his cell phone to call the kitchen and have dinner brought to her suite. The flight was long. By 9:30 PM he was sound asleep in her bed.

moments she sat up in bed and watched him. She still loathed him, but Claire felt she’d won this battle. She stood strong and quieted the fury in his approach. She gave in without incidence, making him less aggressive. The final outcome would be similar no matter the mode, but this way it happened without violence and without video replay. To Claire that was a victory. She read her book for a few hours before joining him in sleep.

The next morning, when she awoke he was gone. She knew the tedious schedule of her daily duties had resumed. She didn’t mope. Instead, she headed to the exercise room and worked out, back to her suite and showered, then ate breakfast, and learned of Tony’s location. Today, he was at the office, not home. She sighed with relief. That meant she had until 5:00 PM to do whatever she wanted. Already 10:00 AM, traveling to and from the lake, a three-and-a-half-hour journey, would monopolize her day. She would need to get up earlier on days she wanted to go there
Perhaps, that would be something she did on days he was out of town. Claire would miss her lake, but she was determined she wouldn’t risk losing her piece of paradise. She’d wait until a better time to go. Of course, that didn’t mean she couldn’t go into the woods for a walk. So she did. Just getting away from the cameras felt liberating.

She spent at the pool, returned to her suite, showered, and was ready for instructions by 5:00 PM. Catherine brought word: Mr. Rawlings would be home, and they would dine in the dining room at 7:00 PM. Claire didn’t need Catherine’s help with appropriate clothing. Dining room meant formal. She knew how to follow the rules.

At 6:45 PM Claire went down to the sitting room and waited for dinner. A little after 7:00 PM Tony joined her. “Good evening, Claire.”

“Good evening, Anthony.” They walked to the dining room.

“I went to your suite expecting to find you there.”

“I apologize. I was told dinner would be in the dining room at 7:00 PM, I didn’t want to be late.” She emphasized her obedience to his rules. Tony pulled out a chair, she sat. She couldn’t help notice his eyes—black as night. She knew her impudence had an effect on him, and she needed to be cautious. She was walking a slim hazardous line.

“Your punctuality is dutifully noted. It seems my absence has helped you remember who’s in charge and what guidelines you are to follow.”

“Yes, your absence was advantageous on many counts.” She placed the napkin on her lap. Tony’s eyes were piercing. After a prolonged silence, Claire decided to lighten the mood. “I believe it helped me recognize I owe you much, not just the money to repay my debt, but the confidence you’ve shown in me.” He was listening, “The confidence to trust me with your intimate beliefs.” She paused and waited. He didn’t comment. “I will not betray that confidence.”

Cindy and Carlos entered the dining room, placed plates with food, and poured water and tea. Claire and Tony remained silent until after the staff exited.

“Claire, if you’re sincere, you never cease to amaze me. If, however, you’re playing me, you will regret it.” His eyes were intense, probing for answers to her motivation.

“Tony, what would I gain by playing you? I’m aware my present, future, and release are solely in your hands. I’m sorry for my behavior before you left.” She was pretty sure she sounded earnest.

Tony seemed satisfied. He didn’t tell her it was all right; instead, he changed the subject and they ate. After dinner they went out to the gardens for a stroll. It was there he asked about her hikes in the woods. How far did she walk? Where did she go? How long was she gone? Claire didn’t want to tell him about the lake, but she was afraid to lie. He saw on the video surveillance she left the yard at one time and didn’t return until another.

She told him about the multiple clearings, insects, flowers, and animals, and the lake. He seemed surprised. He said he’d seen it years ago on his flyovers, but it had to be six or seven miles from the house. Suddenly, she worried. “Is it still on your land?”

Appreciating her concern, he told her yes, she’d stayed on his land. While they conversed, his eyes lightened. He reached into his breast pocket and brought out a black velvet box. “I found these for you in Italy. I thought they made a nice complement to your necklace.”

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