Inferno Anthology (206 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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Claire stepped from the car. Her high-heeled sandals hit the concrete and her chiffon sundress blew slightly in the breeze. She felt like a model doing a magazine shoot. It didn’t seem real. She kept telling herself: play the part. The summer heat radiating in waves off the pavement and the sounds of the city invigorated her as she fought the crowds of people along the sidewalk.

First, she entered
. The ornate limestone facade with the large glass doors, and an unlimited amount of money in her purse gave her a rush of adrenaline. It felt different from exercise. It was the strange sensation that she could buy anything and everything she wanted. She did her best to feign the image of someone accustomed to spending. It didn’t take long before she believed it as much as the store’s associates.

She tried very hard not to notice prices as she chose dress possibilities. She liked a cotton pique sheath dress and a gathered bodice sheath dress. They accentuated her trimmer figure. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she judged her image by would Tony like this? She decided he would. According to the associate she also needed shoes. When all was said and done, and she paid for her two outfits, she almost lost her composure. The associate smiled and said, “That will be thirty-six hundred and fifty seven dollars. Would you like to place that on an existing account?”

Claire worked diligently to keep her mask intact. Despite the dramatic increase in heart rate, she replied, “No, I’ll pay for it now and my driver will pick it up. Let me give you his number, and he’ll work out the details.” She handed the associate her American Express.

“Thank you, madam, I’ll be glad to take care of that for you.” She rang the transaction. This kind associate definitely needed a tip—appearances.

Claire preceded north, next stop
. She was determined to make it back to the apartment with items to show Tony. She decided on a nice little pair of sunglasses for only five-hundred-dollars. She thought about the ten-dollar sunglasses she wore all four years of college. Her shopping adventure continued. The crowds of people talking, the cash registers ringing, the smells of exhaust, the sights of tall buildings as she looked up to the sky, all worked together to create the feeling of elation.

By 1:00 PM Claire was exhausted. She purchased a few dresses, some shoes, a few new lingerie items, and sunglasses. She successfully spent over five thousand. It truly seemed ridiculous, but she was determined to make Tony proud. She didn’t want to shop anymore. She stopped at the
Trump Tower
, less than two blocks from her pick-up destination, for lunch. She’d been there before and remembered the
Trump Café
. The people and beauty of the glass caught her attention as she entered the atrium, but her mind focused on food.

In the past four months she hadn’t made one decision about food. Now, she salivated at the idea of ordering anything she wanted. There were even desserts. She took a few minutes wandering around the cases—so many choices. The aroma from the grill caused her to think of hamburgers in the summertime. She could almost taste the foods as she inhaled their delicious scents. She silently debated her options.

Claire found a table near the window and ate her spinach salad, iced tea, and yogurt. It was still her choice, but eating healthy made more sense. She ate and watched. New York had always been fun, and even today, by herself, she found it fun. She glanced at her watch: 1:40 PM. She finished her lunch and walked toward the
Plaza Hotel
. Tony wouldn’t be waiting, but Eric would. And she didn’t want Eric to tell him she was late.

When Eric pulled the car to the curb, Claire was ready; however, she waited for Eric to park, get out, and open her door. She’d learned to perform her part well. Once back on the road, he inquired as to the next destination.

“I believe I’m tired and would like to go back to the apartment. Oh, did you pick up my purchases?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Eric replied, and continued to explain that they were in the trunk. He would have someone take them to Mr. Rawlings’s room immediately upon arriving at the apartment.

Claire sat back, closed her eyes, and let herself be taken back to Tony’s apartment. It wasn’t until she was almost back that it occurred to her: Emily and John were only three hours out of the city. She could get there by train. If she had Eric drop her off near a station, she could get to their house and be back in the span of a day. She used to ride the train all the time. No one would ever know. She couldn’t do it today, but excitement brewed as she began to work out the details in her head for tomorrow.



Napping soundly on his large bed, late in the afternoon, Tony’s voice brought Claire back to reality. “We did it! The deal is complete.”

She pushed the sleepy fog from her mind and tried to concentrate on his words. “That’s great. I’m happy for you.”

“I believe a celebration is in order!” Smiling at his enthusiasm, Claire began to get out of bed.

“Where are you going?” His intimidating tone narrowed her focus.

She watched his accomplished expression quickly morph into a new menacing gaze. Claire felt a chill, despite the warmth of the blankets. “I thought you wanted to celebrate. I need to dress.”

“Yes, you do, but first, you need to undress.” Tony removed his Brooks Brothers suit jacket and silk tie, allowing them fall to the floor, and unbuttoned his shirt. “Our celebration will begin here.”

Claire hadn’t expected him to return this early and was napping in shorts and a camisole. Her instincts told her the vigor and energy acquired from his successful business dealings would be unleashed here and now. Thankful she’d napped, she obeyed and removed her shorts and top.

Apprehensively, Claire watched as Tony approached. His clothes created a trail from the doorway to near the foot of the bed. Adjusting her eyes to the dim light, she beheld his completely nude body. She’d been groggy when he first entered the room, but something about his demeanor alarmed her, like the warning rumble of thunder indicating an imminent storm. Now, fully awake, her body quivered. Coming toward her, she beheld his wide chest, defined, and covered with dark hair, his trim abdomen, his narrow hips and waist. There was a light trail of hair, leading to where… Claire could plainly see he was ready to celebrate. Everything about his presence said

She steadied herself as Tony pushed his body against her petite form. Moving fast and rough, he pulled her into his embrace. Forcibly engaging her lips, she tasted coffee and attempted to slow his actions—trying to control his explosion of energy. It was a matter of momentum. Claire was helpless to slow this force of nature. Her only defense was to move with it. Anticipating his actions, she expected to be lifted onto the bed. Instead, he turned and pushed her to the bed. Her cheek felt the softness of the satin covered, down comforter. His plans were unexpected, and he hadn’t prepared her. She stifled the urge to cry out in pain, as her fingers gripped the cover, forming fists. Dominating, Anthony Rawlings showed no meekness, only total control.

His voracious need was only momentarily satisfied. He instructed Claire to kneel, held her head, and dictated her movements until he was ready again. Insatiable, the afternoon went on and on. He took his time. His authoritative tone resumed, as did instructions and directions. Eventually, he led her to the shower. They needed to get ready to go out. The soap, the multiple shower heads—he continued.

Finally, gratified—Tony took shampoo and began to wash Claire’s hair. After ravaging her body, he reverently caressed her chestnut trusses. Suddenly, his movements were tender and gentle. Outwardly, she responded appropriately, but inwardly she burned with loathing. One day she wanted to help him, to be with him, the next he treated her like a whore. It made her furious and her heart ache, but she stopped the tears. He’d already taken too much. She wasn’t giving him those too.

That night, dressed in a sleek black strapless dress with black heels, Claire was escorted by Tony to
, a four-star restaurant in Manhattan, located on the Upper East Side. It was known for its elegant ambiance and delicious French cuisine. En route, Tony reminded Claire about his rules: do as she was told, keep up appearances, and the severity of punishment for public failure. Perhaps he sensed her unspoken revulsion and her overwhelming desire to flee, and he felt the need to reiterate the consequences if she tried.

When they arrived to
, they went to the lounge where Tony ordered cocktails. They sipped drinks while Tony chatted about his amazing rescue of this sensational deal. Claire felt like she was spending the evening with two different men. He could chastise her in one breath and be refined and charming in the next. While talking about his deal he said he didn’t like to talk about money, but today he made more than most people do in an entire lifetime, quoting, “Hell, more than most
do in their lifetimes.”

When the maître d’ informed them their table was ready, they moved to the exquisite dining room. Again, Tony ordered their meal. Claire’s attention was completely centered on him. He required that—maintaining appearances. That evening, Claire discovered Tony spoke French. Since she did not, she didn’t know what was said to the waiter. When the bottle of wine arrived, after sipping on cocktails, Claire tried unsuccessfully to hide her surprise. Tony explained, “This is a special occasion.”

The waiter poured a small amount of wine into a glass and offered it to him. He approved and two glasses were poured.

If the prelude hadn’t been so tempestuous, the dinner would have been more pleasurable. Claire remembered Tony saying he didn’t approve of alcohol because it diminished the senses. Currently, feeling her body, head, and heart ache, she welcomed the diminishing effects. Of course, she didn’t show her uneasiness with the return of the Anthony Rawlings she’d known. She obeyed the rules and remained the perfect companion.

On the way back to the apartment, Eric drove them around Manhattan to enjoy the lights, sights, and sounds. New York City was truly spectacular, and it had been so long since Claire had experienced so many people and so much energy. If Tony weren’t running his hand up her thigh, it would have been more enjoyable.

Tony informed her they would return to Iowa in the morning. As they were about to fall asleep, he asked about shopping. Her body exhausted, her head spinning from the alcohol, she replied, “It was nice. May I please show you the purchases in the morning?”

They both fell asleep.

Chapter 11

We shall draw from the heart of suffering
itself the means of inspiration and survival.

—Sir Winston Churchill

and Mr. Rawlings called for the car. It would be ready to take them to the airport at 6:00 AM. Claire knew she’d rather be back in her suite, waking at 8:00 AM, working out, eating, and being on her own schedule. When she worked at WKPZ, she needed to wake before 3:00 AM every morning, but back then, she went to bed much earlier and most importantly—alone.

A little before 5:00 AM, she sleepily entered the shower. Turning her face to the hot spray, she desperately tried to revive her senses and dull the aches in her body. The water began the process, but the real awakening came as she heard the glass door slide, and saw Tony enter the steamy stall. His only expectation was to get clean; however, the act—the sharing of this personal space non-sexually—was more intimate than Claire anticipated or desired.

Once on the jet, she asked about his associates. Tony explained that Mr. Simmons and Mr. Field stayed behind to complete the contracts, and Ms. Michaels had left on another company jet, yesterday. During the two-and-a-half-hour flight, it was only the two of them in the cabin. Tony busily read his computer screen while Claire watched the clouds under the plane and contemplated the trip—disappointing and short. She thought pensively about her missed opportunity to contact Emily and John. She hadn’t spoken to anyone from her past for almost four months. Did anyone wonder what happened to her? Were they concerned she’d dropped off the earth? But then she thought about Tony. He’d taken her out and introduced her to the world. She couldn’t be a missing person or the police would have gotten involved. She wasn’t sure how this publicity thing worked. Maybe Emily knew she was seen out with Mr. Anthony Rawlings. Claire berated herself. She’d worried more about
disappointing Tony than thinking to contact her sister.

Suddenly, Tony broke the silence. The domineering man from the night before was gone. His tone was friendly and inquisitive. “Now, tell me about your shopping trip.”

Claire did her best to respond with the appropriate tone and inflection. “It was amazing. New York is such a bustling city. I wasn’t worried about people, or should I say reporters, approaching me.”

“That concerns you?”

“Yes—after that scene at the benefit, I’m terrified someone will approach me. I know how much appearance and privacy means to you.”

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