Inferno Anthology (250 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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The concierge placed Mrs. Rawlings’s bags on the sofa and thanked her. She reached into her purse for a tip when Tony appeared from the bedroom. He smiled gallantly at the concierge, thanked him, and handed him a generous tip from his money clip.

Thanking Signor Rawlings, the concierge bowed and left.

Claire’s heart began to pound in her ears as she and Tony stood silently for what seemed like an eternity. She’d used all her resolve maintaining her facade with the concierge. She hadn’t witnessed the other Tony in quite a while. She worked diligently day and night to keep him away. But now she was late. She broke his punctuality rule, and there was no need to explain. She knew her reasons wouldn’t matter. So she stood tall and resolute. Her eyes weren’t full of fury; they brimmed with tears. He just watched and said nothing. The pupils of his eyes were taking over, yet his expression wasn’t keeping up. Claire waited.

He’d been worried. What if something happened to her? He didn’t even know where to begin to look. When he heard her arrive his immediate feeling was relief: she was okay. But then he saw her, knew she was safe, and relief faded into displeasure. It wasn’t conscious, but he felt it happening, and he didn’t want to give in to it. Her expression looked so frightened, yet she stood so strong and proud.

There was a time he would have enjoyed quelling her resolve; but right now, all he wanted to do was make her feel safe. Finally, without speaking Tony indicated they sit on the sofa. Claire sat and waited. He broke the silence. “Tell me what you saw today and what caused your delay.” He didn’t yell or strike. Claire’s obvious relief led to a sudden loss of control. Tony reached for her, and she started to involuntarily tremble. “Claire, it’s all right.” His tone comforted her as he pulled her close.

“Tony, I’m so sorry. I was at the
Galleria dell’ Accademia;
which was amazing. When I realized the time, I immediately left the museum. But I couldn’t understand the signs, and the streets all look the same.” Her words ran together small sobs between. “I knew the hotel was within walking distance, but I suddenly couldn’t remember the direction.”

At first, he didn’t speak, only holding her. Then he said, “It’s a foreign city. Mistakes happen. I was worried something happened to you. I didn’t want you to have an accident.” His voice was tender, yet his words…

Their discussion continued to the bedroom. She finally regained her composure. He tried his best to show her she was safe and loved. She showed him her relief at his reaction. Later after they’d soaked in the large marble tub, they dressed for a romantic dinner and walked through the streets of Florence. Although the streets were packed with people, as they walked arm in arm it felt like their private journey. The romantic city, beautiful structures and tepid night breeze combined to enhance the evening.

until they arrived at their next destination, Rome. Tony had meetings scheduled for one of their two days. They stayed at
Rome Cavalieri-Waldorf Astoria
, in a luxurious suite with a magnificent view of the city highlighted by the dome of
Saint Peter’s Basilica

Claire was relieved to learn her tardiness in Florence didn’t cause the loss of her roaming pass. Although Tony continued to allow her to sightsee alone, he reminded her multiple times to keep track of time. She spent the day walking and busing around the city while Tony attended to business. The ancient history that accompanied everything in Rome fascinated Claire.

She visited the
, the
, and the
. She enjoyed a latte in
Piazza Navona
and watched as couples threw coins into the
Fountain. The sights were breathtaking and remarkable, but the entrenched fear she felt in Florence affected her. She enjoyed everything, but now it felt tarnished. She didn’t want to feel that way, but sometimes memories and emotions would overcome her. Not wanting Tony to see the change, she dutifully put on her mask and performed to the best of her ability. The sights were still amazing and spectacular.

The next day, at Vatican City, they walked hand in hand through the atrium of
Saint Peter’s Basilica
. They viewed the Vatican grottoes, Saint Peter’s Treasury, Saint Peter’s Square, and the Vatican gardens. As they walked the steep road back to their hotel, Tony confessed, “With all of my traveling, I rarely sightsee. Today, when you said you wanted to spend the entire day at the Vatican, I thought you were crazy. I expected to be done in an hour or two.” Claire watched as he spoke. “But it was incredible. I just want you to know I understand how you lost track of time in Florence. I get it.”

She didn’t speak; she squeezed his hand. Something from her past came to mind, and she smiled. He once said she was trainable; perhaps he was too. It just took longer with him.

The last country on their journey was Switzerland. Tony had meetings, first in Interlaken and then in Genève. They spent one night in Interlaken. The Swiss Alps were the epitome of pure unsullied nature and grandeur. The small town of Interlaken was surrounded by crystal-clear lakes, sparkling streams, and waterfalls. And ever present were the
mountain range of the Swiss Alps. Claire felt like she was in the middle of a postcard.

While Tony met with investors, Claire chose to relish the relaxing scenery and take in the atmosphere. She wandered the streets, enjoyed the cafés, and rested in the beauty of the tranquil landscape. Their two weeks were action packed. She could have spent her time any way she chose, the options were numerous; however, she enjoyed some downtime to reflect on all they’d seen and to relax in the natural splendor.

Her memories overflowed with sights and sounds of ancient cities. She could close her eyes and recall the amazing art and architecture. Inhaling the sweet Swiss chocolate as she sipped her coffee and nibbled on the candy bar, she remembered the amazing cuisine and delicious wines. She thought about her husband. He’d spent the entire two weeks open and understanding. She never anticipated the freedoms she’d been granted. Her stack of books remained unread. Even when she was late, his voice and expression were more of care and concern than of anger. Her thoughts moved from his voice and expression, to his strong, safe embrace. They’d made love at every stop.

She recalled the yacht with the rhythmic rocking from the sea. Smiling, she thought lustfully about wanting him, how on many occasions it was her who initiated their carnal encounters, and he who responded appropriately. Claire slowly realized he was doing what she’d asked: filling her with good memories. She finished her chocolate and smiled contentedly.

Early Saturday morning they boarded a train to Genève. Tony had one more meeting. It was his last obligation of their trip. After it concluded, they’d spend the last night in Genève and fly home in the morning. Claire couldn’t believe how quickly the fourteen days had passed. She felt completely exhausted and yet exhilarated. The first time she remembered Tony traveling to Europe he’d stayed for eight days. Claire remembered when he arrived home he had said he was tired. She understood. Being absent from Iowa for over two weeks, she was ready to get home. Their destinations were spectacular; however, Claire longed for the serenity of her own bed and suite.

Before they went out for their final night in Europe, Tony insisted they take some time to visit famous boutiques and shops on
Rue du Rhône
. Claire repeatedly told him she needed nothing. As if unable to hear or comprehend, he led her to an exclusive jewelry store. He wanted her to have something to remember their
, so he purchased a sparkling diamond watch. She wondered about a possible double meaning.

After a nine-hour flight, they arrived home. She couldn’t remember being more tired. Their flight from Fiji was longer, yet they predominately rested in Fiji, or at least spent time horizontal. She felt like she had been literally sightseeing, walking, and hiking for the past seventeen days. Their dinner in New York seemed forever ago. Still, she knew it was not.

Before they went to bed, Tony brought Claire a large stack of e-mails from his home office. She chose to not look at them. She’d do it tomorrow. They both collapsed into her bed. She thanked Tony repeatedly for the trip of a lifetime and the wonderful memories. She drifted into a dreamless sleep with her head resting on his shoulder, listening to his breathing.

arm embraced the soft warm body that nestled against his side. Her steady breathing told him she was sleeping. Closing his eyes he could hear her voice thanking him for the memories. Inhaling the scent of her hair he recalled their unforgettable trip and marveled at the intense satisfaction blooming within his chest.

Before he drifted off to sleep, Tony whispered, “I plan to go into the office tomorrow.”

Stirring only slightly, Claire murmured, “All right, I’ll see you tomorrow evening. I plan to sleep through your alarm.”

He smiled at her honesty as they both floated into blissful slumber.

Chapter 41

It’s not a question of enough, pal. It’s a Zero Sum game, somebody wins, somebody loses. Money itself isn’t lost or made, it’s simply transferred from one perception to another. Like magic.

—Gordon Gekko

outside the grand doors of his grandfather’s home office. Even though the double doors were tightly closed, he could hear the voices from the other side. His father insisted Anton be excluded from the conversation within. As far as Anton was concerned, that was ridiculous. Something big was happening, and it had to do with
name and the company he’d been told would be his. Samuel could shelter him from the discussion and knowledge of the business dealings, but Anton wasn’t ignorant. He could read a NYSE ticker. Rawls Corp. stock had plummeted from 79.8 to 56.4 at the close of trading. The news release proclaimed rumors of wrongdoings within the corporation. The four men within the office weren’t drinking beer and playing cards. This was deadly serious. It felt like everything was crashing down around them. Someone opened a dam and the water couldn’t be stopped.

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