Inferno Anthology (248 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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His last meetings were in Switzerland. He needed to be in Genève and Interlaken. He explained if she enjoyed the beauty and splendor of the Rocky Mountains at Lake Tahoe, she would marvel at the Swiss Alps. They were magnificent. He knew she would love all the nature had to offer in Switzerland.

As Tony spoke about their trip he expressed his desire to spend more time in Europe. “I want to show you so many places. We aren’t even planning for Venice. A gondola ride is one of the most romantic adventures, and what about London? Don’t you want to see
Buckingham Palace

“We have forever to visit those places.”

As he spoke about cities and sites, his eyes danced with enthusiasm. His excitement to share something with her meant more than the trip itself.

The Tuesday before their scheduled departure they sat in her suite with Claire reviewing e-mails and Tony working on his laptop. She only needed to discuss e-mails she felt deserved personal follow through of any kind. She read each one and eventually came to one from Emily. She’d expected to see it. The last one had been about a week ago. This one contained new information. It wasn’t just the “I want to see you” text.

To: Claire Rawlings [email protected]
From: Emily Vandersol [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2011
Subject: Hi.

Hi, Claire, How are you and Anthony? We are doing very well. I’m on summer break, which you know. Would be great to see my little sis, but anyway, know how busy you are. How have those dinner parties been going? Still cracks me up. You being the one hosting parties! Would never have guessed it. Anyway, didn’t you say you two were going on vacation? I heard something on the television about you being on another private island. Really? Have you been gone? I never know what to believe. But I wanted to let you know John and his associate just had a big win in court recently. They made a huge impression on the partners. Not to mention some big money for them, too. We’ve been invited to multiple dinners and John has had some “lunches” with a few of the partners recently. It is looking like all his hours and hard work will be paying off soon. Would love to hear from you. Please give Anthony our love. How is Iowa? I have some time, maybe you and I could visit in person? Or are you too busy for your big sister. (I’m trying guilt.)

Love ya, Em

Claire read it, sighed, and wrote on the top:
Patricia, please respond
and then moved on to the next. She sensed Tony’s eyes penetrating her consciousness. He’d read it. She didn’t need to discuss the contents. She wasn’t requesting anything. Lifting her gaze she saw his eyes and answered, “I don’t want to deal with it, okay? I’m too excited about our trip.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Well, that’s fine. I just thought you might want to see her and John while we’re in New York before our trip. It sounds to me like a celebratory dinner for your esteemed brother-in-law is in order.”

Claire looked at Tony in disbelief. “Are you suggesting we meet them this weekend before we leave for Europe?” She watched for his reaction, there was none. He continued reading on his laptop and making notes on his iPad. “Please don’t tease me.”

His smile appeared genuine. “I’m not teasing. If it’ll make you happy as we head out on our European adventure, I can suffer through a few hours of Mr. Wonderful.”

She got up from the table and went to him on the sofa. “Really? Can I please call her and see if they’re available?”

“Yes.” His hand touched the hem of her light pink sundress. “However, I can think of something I’d like to do first.”

Claire reached for his laptop and set in on the floor. Climbing on his lap she giggled, “Really? I can’t think of anything—”

Her world tilted as he pushed her onto the sofa and followed on top of her. The rest of her sentence, as well as dinner, and the phone call would need to wait.

New York on Thursday night and planned to leave Sunday for Paris. Tony thought Claire might need to shop before their trip, but she assured him she’d done enough research to learn she could do plenty of shopping in Paris, Italy, and Switzerland.

Tony laughed. “That even scares me, Mrs. Rawlings. I believe you’re getting too good at this shopping thing.”

They arranged to meet John and Emily Saturday afternoon at a restaurant in Newburgh, a scenic little city on the Hudson River, midway between New York City and Troy. Tony admitted their apartment could lend itself to a longer visit than he wanted. Claire knew this was difficult for him and appreciated his honesty. Besides, she liked the idea of a public setting. Tony would never do or say anything in a public place to jeopardize his image. She knew no matter how the dinner progressed, she would reap the consequences, negative or positive; however, seeing Emily and John for the first time since their wedding was worth Tony’s chosen aftermath. She could endure the night. Tomorrow they were leaving for Europe.

When they stepped outside their New York City apartment, the air between the tall buildings hung heavy and moist intensifying the July heat. Automobile exhaust filled their lungs as the motionless air refused to transport the odors away. The summer sun penetrated the dark lenses of her sunglasses, causing Claire to squint after exiting the dim cool lobby. Although, she used to like the city, she now thought pensively about the tranquility of the Iowa countryside.

During the hour and a half drive, Tony worked on his latest project while Claire appreciated the tinted windows and air conditioning of the limousine and tried to read. She had packed many books for their trip. Between flights, drives, and waiting for Tony, she anticipated significant amounts of downtime. Though she tried to read, the words on the page didn’t make sense. She read and reread, but her thoughts were miles ahead at the restaurant. It had been seven months since they had been together. She wanted it to go well; however, she overwhelmingly feared it would not.

Trying desperately to ignore the onset of another headache, she anticipated problems. What if John said something? What about the job topic? What if Emily pursued her earlier concerns? Her mind raced through these situations and more. She contemplated possible solutions. It didn’t always work, but having contingency plans made Claire feel better.

They were an hour out of Newburgh when Tony broke the silence. “Claire, please stop.”

Shocked, she turned to him. “Stop what? I’m reading.”

“No, you’re not. You’re sighing, fidgeting, and stressing about things over which you have no control.”

“I’m sorry. I just want this afternoon to go well.”

“Are you planning to do or say something wrong?”

“No! Of course not.”

“Let me tell you about this current project.”

She really wasn’t interested, but he rarely offered to share. She closed her book. “All right.”

“These are perspectives on a company. Actually, a family owned business in Pennsylvania. At one time it employed over seventy-five people. Today it employs forty-six. I don’t care about this company or the employees, but I am significantly invested in their major competitor.”

Clare definitely didn’t see the connection to their lunch, but she nodded and replied, “Okay.”

“When founded, the original president made wonderful decisions. In the past five years, the reins passed, and the decisions have been less fortuitous. The chairman is now seeking to sell the company, recognizing the economic climate. They need money to continue. Banks aren’t lending money. If he doesn’t sell, the doors will probably close in the next two years.” Still lost, she maintained eye contact and nodded. He went on. “I’m considering a very low-ball offer. The benefit to me is to reduce the competition. If my offer is accepted, the doors will close immediately. According to my accountants, the company in which I’m already invested is projected to increase sales by over 18 percent immediately upon the close of this company. This means I reap benefits. They project my venture in this company will be recouped in profits in less than two years. The long-term benefits are increasingly fiscally rewarding. What do you think the employees of the Pennsylvania Company are hoping will happen?”

“They either want their company to go on as it is, or to be sold to someone who’ll keep it running.”

Tony said, “Good, why?”

“So they’ll keep their jobs.”

“The people on the manufacturing floor, custodians, secretaries, and other auxiliary employees played no part in the decisions which now have direct consequences on their lives.”

“Yes, but they have families, debts, and responsibilities.” Claire thought about Tony’s daily decisions and their far-reaching impact. “And I’m sure they’re all worried.”

“Exactly, just as you’re worried about this afternoon. What can the people in that plant do to help their situation?”

Claire thought about it. “Nothing. It isn’t in their hands.” The reality made her sad. Not for her. Her situation suddenly seemed trivial, but for those forty-six people.

“Correct again. You’ve done all you can do.” He was now talking about this afternoon. “You’ve done much more than I ever imagined. Continue to behave as you have. If Emily or John do or say anything, it’s their doing, not yours.”

She thought about John’s words in the past and how she’d experienced consequences, just like those people were about to receive. Tony started to read again, but Claire had questions. “Tony?” He looked at her and raised his eyebrows. “Sorry, but I have some questions.”

“Go ahead.”

“So are you saying the actions of the people who don’t have control, have no consequence?”

He closed the screen of his laptop. “Are we talking about Pennsylvania or here?”

“Let’s start with Pennsylvania.”

“No. Their actions may have great impact. A lot depends on the goal of the person who has control. Let’s say someone else with capital decides they’re interested in this company. More than likely, they’ll either personally visit, or as I did, send an envoy to investigate the company. If those employees are hardworking, loyal,
if this investor is interested in keeping the doors open, their actions will be an important piece of the equation when decisions are made. Their attitude could actually determine if their company will remain open. On the contrary, if the employees are dissatisfied and disgruntled, investors interested in maintaining the company will shy away.” Momentarily lost in thought, Tony continued, “One of the issues which affect these situations is the knowledge of the employees, or the people seemingly out of control. It’s interesting how many people live their lives completely unaware of decisions unfolding around them.” Claire listened as Tony went on and worried about these forty-six people and their families. “Now if they are aware and proactive, they may try to recruit investment on their own. I have controlling interest in a few such companies, funded by Rawlings Industries yet run and invested in by the employees. They now benefit from not only paychecks, but also dividends. It creates a wonderful incentive for hard work and dedication.”

Thinking out loud, Claire said, “So if I decided I was tired of shopping for clothes and wanted to shop for companies, I could go to Pennsylvania, offer them a little more than your low-ball bid, and keep the company going, assuming the employees are hardworking, loyal, and want to keep the doors open.” She smiled as she spoke.

Smiling in return, he said, “Well, yes, Mrs. Rawlings, I know you have the capital; however, if you use my bid as a baseline, you’ll end up arrested for insider trading. You can’t make an offer based on the offer of a competitor, unless it has been made public. Mine has not.”

With nothing more than concern in her voice, she asked, “How can you make a deal without considering the people and lives it affects?”

“It’s called business. It’s how we have what we have and will have much more.” He wasn’t gloating or harsh, just stating facts. “Closing that business is my concern, the people are not. If my bid is accepted, their presence is no longer needed.”

“So, there are times when innocent people reap the consequences of others due to no fault of their own.” Claire spoke from experience, yet now seeing the principle from a different perspective.

“Yes. It happens all the time.”

“All right, tell me about our situation. You’re comparing the two. You were saying my actions have no effect on the outcome of this afternoon, so not to worry about it?”

“No. I said not to worry about it. Your actions have already had a great effect on this afternoon.”

Claire saw his eyes, brown and genuine. She wanted more information. “Please, Mr. Rawlings, tell me what I’ve done to affect this afternoon.”

He sighed. “Claire, why are we going to Newburgh?”

“To see Emily and John.”

“That isn’t the entire answer.” He waited.

“We’re going because of me?”

“Of course. Do you, on
level, believe this is my first choice of a Saturday afternoon activity?”

She knew it was not. “But it was your suggestion. We wouldn’t be going if you hadn’t allowed it.”

“You’re right, but we’re going because
want to. We’re going because you have patiently accepted every challenge, every test, and every ordeal which has come your way. And for the record, not all have been my doing, merely a byproduct of being Mrs. Rawlings. Apparently, it can be a difficult role.” She knew that too and smiled. He continued, “You’ve not just accepted, you’ve conquered.”

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