Inferno Anthology (262 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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Mr. Evergreen addressed Paul. “How does your client plan to plea?”

“My client is not guilty and plans to plea as such.”

“I’d like to ask your client some questions, to let her know what she’ll be facing at trial. Mr. Task, Ms. Allyson, do you have any objections to this plan?”

Paul began, “Claire, this isn’t a bad idea. This allows us to understand where the prosecution is coming from with their charges. It also lets you experience the questioning portion of the trial. The questions here are not asked under oath. You can refuse to answer, and your answers cannot be used against you in the actual trial.”

“All right, please ask away.” Claire’s mind was made up. She was innocent, and planned to tell the world the truth of what she had endured. Having Marcus Evergreen, a contemporary of Tony’s, sitting across the table was unnerving. After all, Marcus attended their wedding. Tony wouldn’t approve of her telling him certain things. But she was innocent, and if Tony wouldn’t help her, the truth would.

Mr. Evergreen opened his laptop and began his questioning. “First, Mrs. Rawlings, as your attorney informed you this is not under oath, and your answers cannot be used against you at trial. You should also be aware my team and I have read Mr. Task’s preliminary brief which discusses the relationship between you and your husband, as well as your allegations to his behavior. I realize Mr. Task and Ms. Allyson plan to use your allegations in your defense. This procedure is a snapshot of how I, and my team, plan to cross examine you. Do you understand?” Claire nodded. “Mrs. Rawlings, please answer all questions verbally.”

Claire said that she would.

“Please state your name.”

“Claire Rawlings.”

“How long has that been your name?”

“Anthony Rawlings and I were married December 18, 2010.”

“Mrs. Rawlings, I didn’t ask when you were married, but rather how long Claire Rawlings has been your name.” Mr. Evergreen continued with mundane questions regarding dates and times. Then his questions turned to her life before Mr. Rawlings. What did she do for a living? Where did she live? How did she and Anthony Rawlings meet?

“Why did you move into Mr. Rawlings’s house?”

“I didn’t
into his house. I was taken to his house,” Claire corrected.

“Why were you taken to his house?”

“Mr. Rawlings and I had a business agreement.”

“What kind of agreement did you have?”

Claire hesitated. “He hired me to be his personal assistant.”

“And how much did he pay you to be his personal assistant?”

“He didn’t actually pay me.” Claire wasn’t sure how to explain this so Mr. Evergreen or a jury would understand.

“You worked for free? Yes or no?”

“No. Actually he paid off my debts.”

Mr. Evergreen looked curious. “Your debts? He paid off your debts? Did he pay off your car and maybe a credit card?”


“And do you have any idea the total amount of your debts?”

Did Claire know? Of course, she knew. Tony mentioned the amount hundreds of times during the beginning of their relationship.


“Well, Mrs. Rawlings, please share. What was the amount of debt Mr. Rawlings paid off for you?”

“He told me it was 215 thousand dollars.”

“My! 215 thousand dollars to be his personal assistant. Was that all? Or were there other benefits?”

Benefits? Claire didn’t know what he meant.

He continued, “Did Mr. Rawlings provide you housing, clothing, or food?”

“Yes. I lived in his house. The staff prepared my food, and he had clothes for me.”

“Now, Mrs. Rawlings, were these old clothes, or did he buy you new clothes?”

“They were new, but I never asked—”

“Please just answer the question. So the clothes were new. You lived in his mansion, and he paid off 215 thousand dollars’ worth of debt. Tell me what you did as Mr. Rawlings’s personal assistant. Did you answer his phone?”


He continued, “Did you answer his e-mails?”


“Did you coordinate his schedule?”


“Did you make him food?”


“Did you make him drinks?”


“Mrs. Rawlings, what did you do?”

Claire felt her face flush. “I was supposed to be available, whenever he wanted me.”

“Can you please explain yourself?” Mr. Evergreen leaned into the table. “What do you mean
available whenever he wanted you

Claire looked down. “I was supposed to satisfy his sexual wants and needs.”

“Did you do your job?”

“I didn’t have a choice.” Claire was still looking at the table.

“Mrs. Rawlings, I asked if you did your job: yes or no?”

Claire looked the prosecuting attorney in his eyes. “Yes. I did what I was told.”

“And, if my notes are correct, you and Anthony Rawlings married nine months after you began your job. Is that correct?”

“Yes. We discussed that.”

“Yes, we did. I’m just trying to understand. At 215 thousand dollars, housing, food, and clothing for a period of nine months, I figure that Mr. Rawlings paid you nearly a thousand dollars a day for sexual pleasure. You must be a great lay!”

Claire glared at the prosecutor.

Jane and Paul exploded. “That was unnecessary!”

Mr. Evergreen apologized and continued with his questioning. He asked questions about Claire’s claim of imprisonment. Then he showed pictures of her with Anthony at various activities: dinners, fund-raisers, and outings.

Claire thought he had a picture of almost every time she was out of the house during the first six months of her imprisonment. “You don’t understand. I was only allowed out—”

“Mrs. Rawlings, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your reasons for exaggerating the truth when your attorney is cross-examining you. This is my opportunity. I’ll ask the questions.” He went on in his condescending tone, asking about supposed physical abuse. Did she have any doctor’s statements? Had she reported the abuse? Had she even told Mr. Rawlings she didn’t like it?

This again got Jane and Paul out of their seats. Claire felt ill. Her head pounded and her blood sugar felt low. She leaned toward Jane. “Could we break for lunch?”

While Paul went to get sandwiches, Jane and Claire spoke privately. Claire had told them all the information before. She had explained how Tony controlled her. She hadn’t been allowed to complain. She couldn’t leave her suite for the longest time, and she was never allowed to leave the property without his permission even after they were married. But the way Mr. Evergreen twisted it, it seemed like she was some kind of prostitute. He made it seem like she was after Anthony’s money from the beginning.

Jane reassured Claire that the defense had an opportunity to ask more questions following the prosecution. That would be their time to explain things to the jury. However, even Jane admitted concern about the pictures showing Claire and Anthony out in public. Claire didn’t look like a woman being held against her will. Jane had photos on her laptop sent by Mr. Evergreen during the pre-examination. She pulled up a picture of Anthony and Claire at an upscale Manhattan restaurant.

Claire remembered that night: Tony had completed a big business deal and they had celebrated before dinner. She remembered hating him that night. However, the person in the picture didn’t look like she hated him. The Claire in the picture was exquisitely dressed, beautiful, contented, and attentive: the perfect companion. The realization that she’d learned her lessons too well began to add to her pounding head.

Feeling more nourished, Mr. Evergreen resumed the questioning. “Mrs. Rawlings, you stated Anthony Rawlings was physically and mentally abusive, yet you decided to marry him. Isn’t that true?”


“Now, can you please tell us who took care of the wedding? And if it was nice?”

“Tony paid for the wedding. He hired wedding planners. They did everything, and it was beautiful. You should know, you were there.”

“Do you have any idea of the cost of your wedding?”


“Well, for your information it came to over 350 thousand dollars. Your dress alone was over seventy-thousand-dollars.” Claire really had no idea. “And those figures do not include your rings or your honeymoon. Mrs. Rawlings, can you tell us where you went on your honeymoon?”

“We went to Fiji, to a private island.”

“The cost of this honeymoon, Mrs. Rawlings, do you know the cost?”

“No. It was never discussed with me. I didn’t care about the money!” Claire suddenly felt tired.

“When you were apprehended, you were driving a very expensive car, registered to you, wearing multiple pieces of fine jewelry, and expensive clothes. Do you still claim you didn’t care about money?”

“I drove that car because I found the keys. The clothes and jewelry were all because Tony made me wear them. I didn’t even choose my own clothes that morning.”

Mr. Evergreen went back to his laptop. “Now back to your wedding. Did you know that you and Mr. Rawlings didn’t have a prenuptial agreement?”

“Yes. He told me we didn’t need one, if I ever tried to leave him, there would be unpleasant consequences.”

“Mrs. Rawlings, I’m asking the questions. Did you know that his legal consul wanted him to have a prenuptial agreement?”

“Yes. He told me that the decision was solely his.”

“Did or do you understand without a prenuptial agreement if you and Mr. Rawlings were to divorce you would have claim to half of his fortune?”

“I hadn’t given it any thought.”

“And, I suppose you hadn’t given any thought to the fact that if Mr. Rawlings died, you would have sole claim to his entire fortune.”

“Honestly, no.”

He then showed Claire a picture of an apartment house in Atlanta. “Do you recognize this building?”


“I would assume you would. It’s the apartment in which you lived prior to moving into Mr. Rawlings’ mansion. How big was your apartment?”

Claire hadn’t thought about that apartment in almost two years. “It was a one-bedroom with an eat-in kitchen.”

“Now, Mrs. Rawlings, do you recognize this residence?” It was an aerial photograph of the estate. It showed the sprawling mansion, the various patios, the pool, the gardens, the long drive, and the massive expenditure of surrounding land.


“Yes, it’s the home you and Mr. Rawlings shared. Is that correct?”

Claire wanted to be done with this. “Yes, it is”

“Mrs. Rawlings, how big is this house?”

“I don’t know. Do you mean in square feet?” She was becoming irritated.

“All right then. How many bedrooms?” Mr. Evergreen was smiling. Claire thought about it for a minute. “Honestly, I don’t know. Do you want the staffs’ rooms counted too? I don’t know.”

“So, let me get this straight. You’ve been held captive in this home for nearly two years and you don’t know how many bedrooms are there? Or perhaps you were enjoying the life of luxury too much to worry about such things?” Mr. Evergreen tapped his computer screen. “Well, let’s shift gears. Do you recognize yourself in this photo?”

Claire nodded.

“Can you please tell me where you are and what you’re doing?”

“I’m in Davenport, shopping.”

“You are shopping, but I thought you didn’t have any money?”

“Tony gave me a credit card.”

“Was this before or after you were married?”

“I believe that this picture was before, but seriously, you don’t—”

Mr. Evergreen interrupted her. “Mrs. Rawlings, allow me to ask the questions.” He paused. “So, Mr. Rawlings gave you a credit card before you were married. Who paid the bill?”

“He did.”

“Who is with you on this shopping trip?”

“Eric, Tony’s driver was there in the car.”

you were a prisoner, wouldn’t this have been an excellent opportunity to escape? After all, you were all by yourself in Davenport. Mrs. Rawlings, did you try to escape?”

“No. I was afraid.”

“Stick to the
answers.” Mr. Evergreen looked at his notes on the screen. “Did you only use your credit card in Davenport?”


Mr. Evergreen showed some more pictures: Claire on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, shopping at
Saks Fifth Avenue
in Chicago. He continued, “Mrs. Rawlings, did you use your credit card on these occasions?”


“Where are you?” he asked, pointing at a photo.


“So, you were shopping in Manhattan…” He shook his head. “…the inhumanity of this prison! How much did you
to spend, or let me ask, do you know how much you spent on this particular shopping trip?”

Claire did. “Yes, I spent five thousand but I was told to—”

“Mrs. Rawlings, let’s continue. Did you have a credit card once you were married?”


“Did you ever have the opportunity to use it?”


He was looking right at her. “This money thing wasn’t so bad now—was it?”

“I didn’t want the money. I don’t want the money. I told Tony I didn’t care about his money—”

Marcus’ associate showed Claire an e-mail address and telephone number, as Mr. Evergreen continued the questioning. “Mrs. Rawlings do you recognize this e-mail address?”


“It’s yours. Is that correct?”

“Yes, it is, but—”

“Mrs. Rawlings, whose cell phone number is this?”


“Mrs. Rawlings, I thought that you said you were isolated: no way to communicate. Let me see, I believe I have photos of you and your husband in Hawaii, Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, and yes, in Europe. Mrs. Rawlings, did you enjoy the south of France?”

Claire’s head pounded with increasing intensity.

Mr. Evergreen went into a long tirade about how an unemployed
weather girl
deep in debt latched on to a lonely wealthy businessman with no heirs. This was an entrepreneur that not only made his fortune through hard work, but was highly regarded due to his benevolent endeavors. She then seduced him into employing her as a live-in prostitute and lured him into marrying her without a prenuptial agreement. Given the perfect opportunity, this tawdry woman put poison into her poor, unsuspecting husband’s coffee. If that weren’t enough, she sent his driver away on a wild-goose chase, and drove away. It would have worked, except with technology as it was, fifteen people witnessed the collapse, and help arrived in time. The prosecution had many character witnesses willing to testify to the generous spirit and good-heartedness of Mr. Rawlings. No one would back her slanderous accusations of this respectable man.

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