Inferno Anthology (266 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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Albany Post
, January 2012 Column listing arrests:
John Vandersol, 32, charged with embezzlement and fraudulent client billing charges, arraignment pending.

Iowa City News
, January 2012—Headline:
Anthony Rawlings Alive after Attempted Murder by New Wife
. No wonder so many reporters were on the courthouse steps!

Iowa City News
, April 2012:
Claire Nichols (formally Rawlings) avoids trial by pleading no contest to the attempted-murder charge
accompanied by more unfavorable articles.

Iowa City News
, July 2012—Headline:
Anthony Rawlings’ Efforts to Save the Iowa Taxpayers Their Money
The picture, black and white, showed a warehouse full of tables lined with merchandise: jewelry, shoes, handbags, clothes, etc. The article explained how Anthony Rawlings, uncomfortable that the taxpayers of Iowa were held responsible for his ex-wife’s pretrial expenses, held an auction of her belongings. It raised enough money to reimburse the state for her counsel and court costs. There was even an additional 176 thousand dollars, which was donated to the
Red Cross
of Iowa. Mr. Rawlings explained that this charity remained dear to him because it was Claire’s pet charity. A strip of newspaper stapled behind the first, had another picture, a close-up of some of the jewelry. The picture was not large, but center frame was a black velvet box containing a white gold necklace with a large pearl centered on a white gold cross.

As Claire was about to close up the box, something caught her eye. Folded in the bottom was a napkin. She pulled it out and unfolded it. On the napkin in scrolling red letters:
Red Wing
. Under the words on each side were signatures, Claire Nichols and Anthony Rawlings. Above the red letters: the date: March 15, 2010. She turned the napkin over, no other writing. There was no agreement, no definition of duties, and no life-changing contract—just a napkin with signatures.

Claire’s mind swirled with possibilities: she could take this information and ask for a new trial. No, she’d entered a plea of
no contest
and by definition couldn’t appeal. Tony knew that. Besides, the legal system and the court of public opinion didn’t believe her before, they wouldn’t believe her now.

She questioned why he would share the information. Obviously, he didn’t view her as a threat. As Claire repacked the box, she contemplated and found a better reason. Tony spent years, no, decades, planning his vendetta. He liked recognition for his accomplishments. He required gratitude for his deeds. There was no one else with whom he could share his hard work. She wondered what sort of recognition he expected, perhaps a well done note?

She kept some of the photos and papers, put everything else in the box, rang her buzzer, and requested permission to incinerate the box. The guard consented and accompanied her to the basement. As they walked the passages, thoughts and ideas began to flow through Claire’s mind. She believed her actions kept her alive. She also knew that obedience took more strength than retaliation. With each echoing step, her new knowledge empowered that strength.

She lived her life governed by her grandmother’s and mother’s words. Those words encouraged truth and forgiveness. The truth had not set her free. The thoughts of revenge weren’t fueled only by her consequences, but the consequences of her parents, John, Emily, Simon, her friends at WKPZ, and even her grandmother’s necklace.

Opening the incinerator, she felt the warmth. It reminded her of the fires in her suite, Tony’s suite, and Lake Tahoe. Throwing the box into the flames, she watched the contents ignite. The flickering of the flames brought back the flames of her past: love, fear, contempt, desire, passion, pain, and sadness. As the fire consumed the memories, it fueled a new determination. Two and a half years ago, she had one goal: survival.

Now she had a new one: revenge.

Mr. Anthony Rawlings would learn that his actions had consequences. Claire contemplated her decision; according to Catherine, Claire had received the rare opportunity to truly know Anthony Rawlings. With that knowledge, she had four to seven years to plan his demise.

Turning back to the guard, her mind spun with possibilities.

man noticed something different about the prisoner. It was her smile. How could he not notice? It extended into her emerald eyes.


In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.

—Robert Frost

remained cooler than normal. Shivering, Sophia entered her art studio thinking about the events of the last few weeks. First, she presented a hugely successful gallery exhibit. Guests and investors from all over the East Coast were in attendance. Her dream was becoming reality as word spread about her art. Then, in the course of a day, her whole world fell apart.

The call came just as she left for her studio two weeks earlier. She almost didn’t answer but decided to pick up after the fourth ring. The New Jersey police called to inform her a blue Toyota Camry was found by passing drivers. The accident must have occurred during the night. It was believed that perhaps her father lost control on the wet leaves, or it may have been an acceleration issue. She could request tests. The policeman offered his sincere condolences. Could she possibly travel to New Jersey and identify the bodies? Both her mother and her father were killed instantly.

Sophia had so many responsibilities, so many activities. The next week passed in a blur. There was the funeral planning and settling of their estate. That would take months or years. Sadly, she hadn’t realized the debt her parents incurred helping her with her art.

Now, with a minute to herself, she couldn’t stay home. She feared she would do nothing but cry. That was why, even on this cloudy Saturday afternoon, Sophia decided to go into the studio. Putting her purse in the office, she heard the bell on the front door. Damn, she’d meant to lock that. It wasn’t that she was afraid. This was a great town. She just wanted some quiet time alone.

As she stepped into the studio, the man at the counter looked familiar. Maybe he had been at the gallery event, or she had seen him on TV? She couldn’t be sure, but his eyes were so dark and mesmerizing. “I’m sorry. I’m not open today. I just forgot to lock the door,” Sophia said, as she approached the handsome stranger.

“That’s all right. I can come back,” the dark-eyed man said with an agreeable smile. “It’s just that I travel a lot and happened to be in town. A friend of mine told me about your gallery. He was here a week or so ago and bought three pieces. I’m very interested in nature, and he said you have a wonderful selection.”

Sophia exhaled and smiled. “Are you a friend of Jackson Wilson?” The man’s smile widened as he nodded his head. “He’s one of my biggest fans.”

“I don’t get this way often. Are you sure you couldn’t give me a speed tour? By the way, my name is Anthony, Anthony Rawlings.”

Sophia stuck out her hand. “Where are my manners? I’m so sorry. My name is Sophia, Sophia Burke. I’d be glad to give you a tour.” She couldn’t stop looking at those eyes.

“With one condition.” Anthony said, his eyes shining. “You let me buy you some dinner and a drink after the tour.”

Sophia gently took the man’s elbow to lead him around the studio. After a few minutes of enjoying his charm, she decided why not? After the last few difficult weeks—what harm could one dinner and drink do?


Don’t miss the continuing saga of Claire, Tony, and Sophia. Discover the secrets, ambitions, deceptions, and emotions that fuel their tangled web. Can Claire follow through on her plan? Is Tony’s façade impenetrable? Did love ever truly exist? Will revenge prevail? What will happen to Sophia? Whose vengeance will triumph?




Book #2 of the bestselling CONSEQUENCES series

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

—Galileo Galilei


Book #3 of the Bestselling Consequences series

Released October 2013


You must stick to your conviction, but be ready to abandon your assumptions.

—Denis Waitley

REVEALED: The Missing Years

Book #4 of the Bestselling Consequences series

Released: May 2014

Circumstances do not make the man, they reveal him.

—James Allen

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