Inferno Anthology (293 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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“Holy shit that’s hot, sweetheart.”

I didn’t answer, too caught up in the sensations. The slapping sounds of our bodies joining together filled the air accompanied by our heavy breathing, as well as plenty of moaning and groaning. All of it combined to make everything feel more erotic, fueling our desire for one another.

“Brooklyn, damn. I’m too close. Are you close?” Six asked breathlessly.

The pressure was building rapidly inside me. I was getting very close. “Go,” I panted and he began thrusting even faster. Dropping my hand, I had to use it to brace myself, he was slamming into me so vigorously. I knew he was getting ready to come because he suddenly got even harder.

“Ah, fuck yeah!” he shouted, continuing to rock heavily into me, groaning loudly as he did so. Holding the condom, he pulled out and I dropped to the mattress, rolling over, and staring at the condom, feeling pleased with the reaction he had to me. “Did you go?” he asked breathlessly, and I shook my head.

“Almost, but not quite. That’s okay, though.” I was throbbing down there.

“It’s not okay,” he growled, dropping to his knees beside the bed, he grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge. Immediately, his mouth was on me, his tongue licking the swollen nub there as well as sinking inside me.

“Six!” I shattered, arching off the bed as I twisted my fingers into his hair, bucking against him. Wave after wave of intense pleasure pulsated through me, overwhelming me, making me scream in both delight and pain. It was too much. I was going to break apart in a million pieces if he didn’t stop.

“Six!” I shouted. “Six, please!” He continued the sweet torture and I was dying. He was going to consume me with sex. Could someone die from an orgasm—from feeling too good? Pushing my feet against the edge of the bed I tried to push away from him, thrashing my head from side to side. “Stop!” I begged. “It’s too much!”

Chuckling, he tried to ease away from me. “Brooklyn, release your legs a little. Glancing down, I realized I had his head clamped between my legs like a vise. Embarrassment flooded me and I immediately opened them, still trying to catch my breath.

“Oh my gosh! That was…was….” I couldn’t think of a word.

“Intense?” he asked, with a big grin.

“Yeah. That’ll work.”

He ran his fingers over me again, causing another wave to shoot through me and I flinched.

“That is so not fair,” I said, and he did it, again.

“Not true. Haven’t you heard, all’s fair in love in war? Besides, I like seeing you have this reaction to me. It’s good for my ego.” He flicked his fingers over me again, causing me to gasp and he laughed.

I sat up on my elbows, staring at him. “Love and war? Since when are we at war?” I asked, confused.

Standing, he leaned over me, placing his hands on either side of me. “Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best saying to use. No war, but definitely love.”

Staring into his icy blue eyes, I couldn’t look away, my mouth going dry. “Love?” I repeated lamely.

He chuckled. “Yes, love. Or didn’t you know I am in love with you, Brooklyn Hall?”

“You love me?” I squeaked out, wanting to hear him say the words, again.

“I.” He bent and placed a light kiss on my right cheek. “Love.” He kissed my left cheek. “You.” He pressed my lips softly.

“I love you, too,” I whispered against his mouth and he smiled.

“Good. That makes it much less awkward when it goes both ways.” He kissed me again, sliding his lips across my cheek and over to nibble at my ear.

“I don’t want to go home.” I said, my body craving him again after his sweet declaration.

“I don’t want you to leave, either. I want to keep you here and make love to you all night long.” His mouth slid lower down my chest, pausing to suck on one of my breasts and I moaned. “But you’re going to miss your curfew.”

He pulled away and moved toward the bathroom. I watched him leave, noticing he was fully erect, again. When he reappeared, the condom was gone, but not the hard on.

“One more time, please,” I begged him and he glanced at the clock.

“You’ll be on time if you leave right now.”

“I don’t care. I want to do it one more time before I leave. This may sound dumb, but I want to do it knowing you’re in love with me.”

He grinned. “I was in love with you the last time we did it.”

“I know, but I didn’t know it then and I do now. I want to celebrate the declaration.” I didn’t care how corny I might sound. I needed this. It was important to me.

“Well, who am I to refuse a request like that?”

I scooted up on the bed and he crawled between my legs, pushing himself back inside. Propping up, his arms on either side of my head, he slowly withdrew and thrust into me, again. “I love you, Brooklyn,” he said.

“I love you too, Six…Trey,” I added, and he grinned.

“And I love hearing both of my names on your lips.” My hands lovingly ran over his amazing body as he picked up the pace carrying me off into bliss, once again.

He loved me.


My phone rang in the car dock and I jumped. Seeing the number was Dee Dee’s, I quickly answered. “Hey, Dee Dee. What’s up?”

“You’re dad just texted me saying you’re late for curfew and you aren’t answering your phone. He wants to know if you’re still here.”

Dread passed through me. “I’m on my way home right now. I was with Six. I hate asking, but can you cover for me?”

“Are you sleeping with him, Brooklyn?” she asked point blank and I sighed. I needed her help and she needed to be able to trust me, too.

“Yes. I am.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end. “Are the two of you being careful?”

“We always have condoms,” I replied. That was the truth, even if sometimes they’d been forgotten.

“Are you on the pill?”

“No. This is…new for me. He’s my first.”

More silence. “I’m going to help you get on the pill, okay? Just to be safe.”

“You won’t tell?”

“No. You’re almost eighteen, and I think you’re smart enough to make decisions regarding your own body, but I’ll rest easier knowing you’re protected.”

“Okay. Thanks, Dee Dee. Sorry to put you in the middle of this.”

“We’ll talk more later. Let me answer your dad. I’ll tell him you’re on your way home. That we got talking and lost track of time.”

“Thanks,” I said, again. “Love you.”

“Love you too, sweetie. Don’t be a stranger.”

The line went dead. I felt bad for putting her in this situation. My dad would be angry with her for my being late. She knew he was very strict when it came to rules regarding me. It was kind of funny to me. I wasn’t sure if he actually cared if I was out doing something wrong, so much as he cared that people thought I was above doing something wrong.

Appearances. That was the only thing that mattered to him. I could probably run a prostitution ring out of our home and it would be okay, as long as the public thought I was doing charity work. He was such a hypocrite.

The gate swung open as the car approached the driveway and I knew, then, that he was watching for me. I pulled into the three-car garage, parked and got out.

The door into the house swung open, silhouetting my dad. “You’re late,” he said, disapproval dripping from his voice.

“Dad, how often do I break the rules?” Silence. “Have I ever broken the rules?” The thought caught me off guard. I couldn’t think of a time that I hadn’t done exactly what was always expected of me—excluding Six, of course. “Can’t you give me a break just this once?”

“That’s not the point,” he replied, stepping aside so I could pass and then following me down the short hallway into the kitchen. “The point is that you’re late. What if the neighbors were looking out their windows just now? They would see you drive in past your curfew and immediately start wondering what you’ve been out doing and why you’re breaking the rules. That reflects badly on me as your father. If the mayor cannot keep his own daughter in line, how could he possibly manage a city, or even a state? Before you know it, gossip quickly spreads and voters start changing their minds. Suddenly, I’m behind in the polls and it’s all because you didn’t have the decency to be home on time. Dee Dee knows the importance of these kinds of things, too. If she’s going to encourage your delinquency, perhaps I shouldn’t let you see her anymore.”

Wow. Just wow.

Turning, I stared at him. “That’s a little extreme, don’t you think? Whether or not the two of you are married, she’s still Tommy’s mom. She’s family, and I love her. Besides, voters should be swayed by how well you’re doing your job—not on whether or not I’m thirty minutes late. That’s what matters.”

Leaning against the granite island, he tapped his fingers nervously. It was easy to see why he got the women’s votes. Most would call him devastatingly handsome with his dark hair, chiseled features and physique. But right now, knowing what he was capable of, I only saw the ugliness that surrounded him.

“I don’t recall rearing you to talk back to me. You’re starting to sound more and more like that brother of yours. I won’t tolerate that kind of disrespect from you.”

It took every ounce of restraint to not roll my eyes at him. “Tommy’s dead, Dad. Can’t we at least respect his memory? Don’t you miss him at all?” I watched him closely for a reaction, noting his fingers curled into a fist. Looking away from me, he stared at his hand for several moments before lifting it and lightly smacking the counter with it.

“Don’t be late, again,” he said sharply, stepping around me and leaving the room. Turning, I watched him go, unbuttoned his white dress shirt as he moved toward the hallway that led to his room. My gaze dropped to his waist, noting his cell phone was clipped to his belt. I had no idea when I would be able to get it.

Chapter Twenty-One

Grabbing the rag beside me, I did a final swipe over the finished tattoo before holding up a mirror. “How’s that look?” I asked my client, James, as he stared into it, observing the tribal wolf on his shoulder.

“Awesome. You did a great job!” He smiled widely, continuing to stare.

“Now you can say you survived your first tattoo.”

“It wasn’t too bad. I had to suck it up since my wife got one before me. I can’t let her show me up.” He chuckled.

“Did your wife get hers here, too?”

“Yeah, she has a couple, actually. A heart on her back that Edgin’ Eddie gave to her and another one on her wrist. She got that one on a trip to Vegas, though. She doesn’t like it as well as the other one. She keeps saying she wants to come in and see if Edgin’ Eddie can work on it and make it look a little better.”

“What’s wrong with it?” I asked, beginning to clean up some of the supplies as we visited.

“It has some light scarring in it and is slightly blurry looking in places. It’s not awful looking, but it’s not as good as the other.”

“Definitely tell her to come in. We can totally help fix it up so she’s happy with it.” I covered his tattoo with a clear cellophane wrap. “Don’t forget to keep that clean and moist with an antibiotic ointment. No swimming for at least two weeks, either.”

“Got it,” James replied, snagging his shirt and slipping it on before extending his hand to me. “Thanks a bunch! I’m really happy with how it turned out.”

“You’re welcome.” I smiled, shaking his hand. “If you ever decide you want another, come see me, again.”

“You can count on it.”

James left the cubicle and I continued cleaning up, glancing toward the clock. It was still two hours until lunchtime. This day was dragging.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket and I took it out, surprised to see it was Brooklyn calling. Instantly, I was worried. She should be in class right now.

“Sweetheart, why aren’t you in class?” I asked when I answered.

“I got a pass to the restroom,” she replied, her voice low. “I wanted to talk to you all morning, but I haven’t had the chance.”

I chuckled. “You’ll see me in a couple of hours.”

“I know, but I couldn’t wait. I found out the password to my dad’s phone.”

My nerves skyrocketed. She’d been trying to get it for several days now, without success. The whole thing made me nervous. I didn’t want Scott to know she was watching him. “Were you able to look at the phone, too?”

“No, he kept it on him. He dropped me off at school today so he could take my car in to be serviced and get new tires. He texted Rhonda to tell her he was running a little late right before we left and I saw him punch in the numbers—one, three, two, four. And I mean, I was sitting right there, so it wasn’t weird like I was spying or anything.”

“Well, that makes me rest easier, at least. So, does this mean you can’t come to lunch?”

She laughed. “Like I would miss lunch. Bailey is bringing me, but we’ll have to sit in your car this time.”

“I don’t mind. As long as I get to see you, I’m good.”

“Me, too. Okay, I better go before my teacher starts wondering what’s taking so long.”

“All right. Be safe. I’ll see you at noon.”

“I love you,” she said, and damn if my heart didn’t race. I grinned like a twitterpated teenager.

“Love you, too.” The line went dead and I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

“Who is she?” Edgin’ Eddie’s voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned to see him leaning against the doorway.

“Finally showed up to work today, huh?” I teased. He often came in late when I was at the shop in the mornings. “And I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I added, attempting to deflect the question. While I wanted nothing more than to share my relationship with Brooklyn to the world, right now, the fewer people who knew about it, the better.

“I’m talking about the female you were just on the phone with that has you grinning from ear to ear.” He laughed. “I’m not stupid, you know. I see the way you watch the clock and go streaking out of here on your lunch hour. You’re hooking up with someone, and from the way she has you running, I’d guess you’ve fallen hard for her.”

Chuckling, I shook my head and continued to clean. “You think you know everything, don’t you?”

“I think I know you. What I want to know is why haven’t I met her, yet? It’s not like you to hide your relationships. She’s not married, is she?”

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