Inferno Anthology (47 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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I stayed back, watching the two—curious of what Jared was doing. After all, it was my birthday and he was flirting with someone in plain sight. As I watched them, waiting for Tonia to return with my drink, the girl took Jared’s phone and then returned it to him after a few seconds.

Did she just give him her number?

“Hey!” I said brightly, wrapping my arms around his waist in a tight hug. I nuzzled his neck and then tucked my chin over his shoulder as my eyes shot daggers at the tramp.

Okay, to be fair, I didn’t know if she was a tramp or not, but she needed to back the fuck off because alcohol made me feisty.

“Oh hey, Brooke,” he said, looking over to the brunette like he had just been caught. “This is Tarah. Tarah, this is my…
, Brooke,” his hand motioned between me and Tarah.

Believe me, the pause before my “title” didn’t go unnoticed, even though I had been drinking a lot, and the way he said “girlfriend” made me want to punch him in the face for being a jackass.

“Oh,” Tarah said, looking a little surprised.

I really didn’t know what to make of the situation, which had quickly turned awkward. Tarah’s expression and tone surprised me, too. I never thought that Jared had a wandering eye, and I never thought he would be willing to cheat on me. He never left our apartment unless it was to go to work or the gym with his friends. Yet here I stood now, feeling uneasy and a little insecure.

I didn’t know if I was supposed to be polite in this scenario. I mean, this tramp obviously wanted my man—that was clear. They say “kill with kindness”, but really I wanted to kill her, period. Okay, maybe not really
her, but I wanted to punch her in the fucking face after I punched Jared. Hmmm, maybe what people said about discovering who you really are at thirty was true. Maybe I was supposed to kick some motherfucking ass and stop letting people use me.

Deciding to stick with the “killing her with kindness” shit for now, I stuck out my hand. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I didn’t know Jared had a friend named Tarah.” Alright, maybe there was a hint of sarcasm in my voice. Who could blame me?

“Oh, we just met,” she purred.

“Oh, well, not to steal your
friend, but
friends are waiting to start the next game.” This time there was definitely heavy sarcasm in my voice.

Jared turned in his seat and stood, disentangling himself from my arms as he gave Tarah the Tramp an apologetic smile.

What. The. Fuck?

Tonia joined me as I turned to head back to our lane with Jared following behind.

“What was that all about?” she whispered close to my ear as she handed me a Peach Long Island Iced Tea.

“Tramps,” I replied. She knew what I meant and didn’t need me to tell her the whole story.

After the boys beat the girls at a few games, we decided to switch things up and created co-ed teams, but it didn’t make any difference; my team still lost. I was pissed, but easily forgot about it when I took a sip of my liquid courage. Over the course of the night, several of my friends bought me fishbowl-sized drinks, and I was feeling pretty damn happy. So happy I couldn’t shut up. I talked and talked, forgetting about tramps and sucking at bowling. Then, finally, the night was over, and I was stumbling to the car with Nicole not far behind me on the drunken scale.

“I’m hungry,” I slurred as Jared drove us home.

“I can make you something when we get home,” Jared replied.

“I want Taco Bell.”

“Yeah, let’s go to Taco Bell!” Nicole shouted from the backseat, giving a little clap as well.

“No wait, I want donuts. Where can we get donuts?”

“Oh, donuts sound yummy,” Nicole concurred.

“I think you two just need to sleep,” Jared said, crushing our dreams of Taco Bell and donuts.

“No, I’m pretty sure I want Taco…oh God, I think I’m gonna be sick,” I said, rolling down the window of my SUV for some cool air.

The cool, February night air wisped across my face, making me feel slightly better. I could usually hold my alcohol. It was rare that I was ever drunk enough to throw up or be hung-over the next day. Of course, that probably had something to do with me always being the designated driver.

I sat with the winter air flowing through my hair as I leaned on the windowsill and started to drift off to sleep. “Don’t forget tacos and donuts,” I said to Jared in a hushed voice as I fell asleep.


“Brooke, wake up. We’re home,” Jared said, shaking my left arm from the driver’s side.

“I don’t want to!” I shouted at him.

“Why the fuck are you yelling?” Nicole asked, finally waking up herself.

“We’re home, time to get out of the car,” Jared replied.

I fiddled with my seatbelt for a few seconds until it finally sprang open. Jared came around to the passenger side door, opening it before grabbing my hand to lead me out. Walking up a flight of stairs was really hard when you were drunk, I learned as I almost fell three times going up the thirteen steps.

“Yep, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be sick,” I said as he led me to our bedroom.

“I’m going to go get you some water and make sure Nicole is settled on the couch,” he said after making sure I made it to our bed okay.

As I lay on our queen-size bed, remembering how much fun I had finally having my bowling party, a wave of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks—bricks I wanted to throw at tramps.

I was sick.

So sick I barely made it to the bathroom before the evening’s dinner came up with the tremendous amount of booze I had drunk. I didn’t remember much of anything after that. I later found out, I passed out where I was, sprawled on the bathroom floor in my pajama pants and the sequined tank top I wore that night with my arm draped over my head, shielding the bright light overhead.

Of course, Jared took a picture of this.

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.


Sun seeped through my bedroom blinds as I somehow woke up in our bed the next morning with Jared next to me and my head pounding. Fucking hangovers. This was why I never drank that much.

“Happy Birthday,” Jared said as he rolled over to lie face to face with me.

“Thank you,” I said as I smiled.

“I forgot to tell you after midnight before you went to bed…I mean, passed out in the bathroom.”

“Don’t remind me,” I groaned. My head was really pounding, and my right arm and shoulder were sore…well, basically my whole right side was sore from bowling.

“What do you want to do today?”

“Lay here.”

Why did I drink so much last night? Now I didn’t want to do anything on my actual birthday.

“Happy Birthday!” Nicole screamed, running and jumping on the bed like a little kid on Christmas morning wanting to wake their parents. At least that was what I saw in movies. My mom shipped me and my sister off to Arizona to my grandparents for the holidays when we were growing up—because she had a “business trip”, of course.

“Oh my God, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I am going to punch you in the fucking face!” I shouted back at her, only to make my head hurt that much more.

I groaned into my pillow as Jared laughed. “Brooke’s hung-over.”

“Well, I want to go to breakfast, so get your ass up. It’s your birthday, and I’m not letting you stay in bed all day. This is not how you are going to start your dirty thirties.”

“Fuck you, don’t remind me!”

“It’s not my fault you’re older than me.” Nicole laughed, walking out of the room.

Fuck me, I was thirty. Where had the time gone? I swear it was just yesterday I was in high school, and Nicole and I were ditching class to go shopping.


“How are you not hung-over?” I asked Nicole when I finally made it out to the living room after getting dressed.

“I don’t know,” she said with a shrug. “You ready so we can go to breakfast now?”

After drinking a glass of water and taking a handful of aspirin, I drove with Nicole and Jared down the street from our apartment for breakfast at Denny’s. My sister, Bailee, called me on the way to Denny’s to wish me a happy birthday.

I hadn’t seen Bailee since her winter break from Berkeley. I was proud of her. I was a bit jealous that she was able to go to college when I hadn’t, but at least
raised her right. When she told me almost four years ago that she was leaving Boston to go to sunny California, I was crushed. I felt like my own daughter was leaving since I practically raised her since she was six—no, scratch that. I
raise her. My mother shouldn’t get credit for being a parent when she was only home a few weeks out of the year.

Not only did Bailee call to wish me a happy birthday, but she also called to tell me that she and her friends were planning on going to Cabo for Spring Break instead of coming home. Having Bailee tell me that I wasn’t going to see her until the summer was not a very good birthday present and made me more sick to my stomach. Nothing sounded good except pitch darkness and my bed.

“I’m not hungry,” I said, pushing my menu away from me.

“What happened to tacos and donuts?” Jared smiled, acting like he was the funniest person in the world.

“Eww, if you mention that again, I’m going to throw up all over you,” I said, pointing at him.

Jared and Nicole both thought it was funny. Yeah, okay, they rarely saw me like this, but it was
fucking birthday, and I wasn’t against punching both of them in the face. Yes—yes, my thirties were making me angry.

The waitress came and took our order, and I finally decided on pancakes and bacon. I was hoping the grease from the bacon would make me feel better and that the pancakes would soak up all of the alcohol…like bread does. Bread does that, right? I should have asked Jared. I’m sure there was an episode of
about that.

“Before I forget, I want to give you your birthday present,” Nicole said, looking in her purse before handing me a card.

“You didn’t need to do that,” I said, but still reached for the envelope.

“This is actually for the both of us,” she said as she smiled warmly.

“A spa day?”

Nothing sounded better than a day at the spa to relieve the pounding in my head and the sore muscles on my right side—particularly my shoulder.

“Nope,” she shook her head. “Just open it.”

I did as she asked. After all, it was my birthday and I liked presents. After reading the front of the card about taking shots and some other mumbo jumbo, I opened it to find a piece of paper folded up. I eyed Nicole curiously and opened the piece of paper to find it was an email confirmation about a cruise.

“We’re going on a cruise?”

“Yep.” She was still smiling brightly.

“You bought me a ticket to go on a cruise?”


“What about me?” Jared asked.

“Sorry Jar, it’s a girl’s trip and not your birthday.” Nicole stabbed at her scrambled eggs before taking a bite.

“How can you afford this?” I asked.

“Well…the catch is, you need to buy your plane ticket to California.”

“Oh…” I thought for a moment. “California? Why California?”

“So we can go to Mexico where it will be warm.”

“I’ve never been to Mexico. When do we leave?” I asked, searching the piece of paper for the date.

“In about two months—for Spring Break.”

Nicole worked as a nurse for a doctor’s office and had weekends off like I did. We both worked hard during the week, relaxed on the weekends and rarely used vacation time. This was not only out of the norm for us, but would be good for us, too.

I sat there trying to process what she was telling me. “Is Bai really going to Cabo?” I asked, trying to put the puzzle together.

“I guess so; I haven’t talked to her,” she said as she shrugged.

“So it’s a coincidence that we are going to Mexico and Bailee is going to Mexico for Spring Break?”

“Looks like it,” Nicole said and then took a bite of bacon.

“Does the ship stop in Cabo?”

“I’m not sure. We can check online later. I just know we are going to Mexico for seven sunny days!” She sighed like she was daydreaming about lying in the sun and getting a tan already.

I had always wanted to go on a cruise, and I was happy that I would be going. I just needed to tell my boss and book my plane ticket. I hoped that we would port in Cabo so I could see my sister, because summer break was too far away.

After we ate breakfast, Nicole and I dropped Jared off at home, and she and I went to get manis and pedis and cupcakes—plural as in we each ate two. What? Don’t judge—it was my birthday!



hat time do you get off?”

There it was. The question asked nightly by multiple women who have had me serve them one too many drinks throughout the night.

“I get out of here around seven,” I replied, yelling over the loud thumping of the bass.

“Oh…” the blonde stammered, leaning in close to hear me, her clouded, glazed dark eyes looking back into my blue eyes that were almost grey at times.

Usually the women think I get off at five in the morning when our bar closes; they have no idea that it takes a while to close everything up on a Saturday night, especially since I’m the owner.

People have asked me over the years, “Why do you work Friday and Saturday nights when you have a daughter at home?” What they don’t realize is that I work the busiest nights of the week
I have a daughter at home. A daughter that I alone have to support. A daughter who is my world, for whom I would starve myself before I let her go without food.

Since losing her mother five years ago, Cheyenne has had a hard time. While she bravely puts a smile on her face, I know she misses Dana every day—even if she was only five when her mother died. I know in my heart that Cheyenne’s heart isn’t complete, because her mother isn’t here. My heart aches as I watch her growing up, looking more and more like Dana every day.

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