Infinitas 1 - Warriors of Faith (9 page)

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He lifted his head up slightly and smiled at her.

»You would have liked that, wouldn’t you?« he whispered back.

She gave him a disapproving look. »Channing, please. Drink from me. Do you have enough energy to bite my neck?« He shook his head violently and groaned in pain.

»No, I don’t want your blood.« »You have to take it. You don’t have a choice.
Don’t be so

Sara pulled him up into a more comfortable position and sat down on his lap.
She pushed her hair back and then held her neck directly up to Channing’s nose.
Despite his serious injuries, he registered her scent as it drifted appealingly into his nostrils.
His legs seemed to be burning where Sara’s thighs were touching him.
He could feel his fangs beginning to grow.

»God damn it! Can’t you do what I tell you just once? We have to get out of here fast and as long as you’re too weak, this is a dangerous situation to be in.« She rocked closer to him.

»You’re bleeding all over me! So come on!«

Driven by an internal force, Channing lifted his head and saw Sara’s perfect skin in front of him appearing like an oasis in the middle of the desert, illuminated dimly through the dirty window.
Although the thought of fresh blood sent a chill down his spine, he followed an instinct and drove his fangs into her neck.
He drank in deep, hurried gulps, each mouth full bringing him more and more back to life.
The two creatures had messed him up horribly.
His neck was covered with bites and the wound on his chest extensive, but the bleeding was beginning to stop.

Channing lifted up his arms and wrapped them around Sara to pull her closer to him.
After awhile, he drank in calm, deep swallows and held onto her tightly. It intoxicated him to drink her blood.
It tasted sweet with a hint of honey, and with each swallow, he could feel Sara’s sensuousness flowing into his body.


Sara could feel his heavy tongue on her neck, as he took the blood from her.
Although he was totally covered in filth, she only took in his own unique masculine scent.
He smelled like sandalwood and a fresh, salty breeze, as if he’d just taken a swim in the ocean.
She held onto his shoulders carefully so that she wouldn’t hurt him, as there was hardly a spot on his body that wasn’t injured.
Sara watched as the wound on his neck slowly closed, and little by little his body began to stop bleeding.
The sound in her ear as he drank from her made her crazy.
It was arousing and she could feel his tongue on her neck again and again.
Sara moaned and her legs pressed harder against him.
Channing lifted his head to look her in the eyes when he noticed that his erection was pressing hard against his pants.

»Keep on drinking, Channing,« said Sara quietly, running her finger tips lightly over his face pressing his head back down to her neck.
Her voice sounded so wonderful in his ears.
He let his hands wander slowly down her back as if he were checking to make sure she wasn’t injured anywhere.
He could feel her breast pressed close to him and he had to gasp for breath.

Sara was moving her hips in the rhythm of the blood flowing out of her body.
Her skin was tingling and felt like a thousand needles flowing through her veins as she felt Channing’s hands stroking her back.
She wanted more. She wanted to feel him on her naked body.
Without thinking she took off her black turtleneck sweater.

»Oh my God, Sara!« moaned Channing. His thirst had been quenched and he looked into her passionate silver green eyes. The wound on his chest had begun to close slowly now and the other smaller wounds were hardly visible.
She ran her finger along his arms and looked him longingly in the eyes.

The gesture said more than a thousand words. He touched the back of her head softly and pulled her closer to him.
Full of desire, he brought his lips to hers and entered her mouth with his tongue.
Moaning, Sara began to move faster against him as she unzipped his pants with her agile fingers

»Please, Channing, I want you, now!« she whispered full of eagerness.

It was clear to her that they didn’t have much time.
They had to get out of there fast so neither the creatures nor the police would catch them. But her body wanted something totally different.
Channing was just as fast as Sara and he quickly got her pants off of her. Wearing only her bra, she moved onto his lap as he entered her and they began moving together in a steady rhythm.

The sound of heavy boots on the pavement forced itself into Sara’s consciousness and persisted in her movement.
Channing even stopped to listen for a moment and then looked into her eyes.
Sara held her finger up to her lips telling him not to say a word.
Someone turned the doorknob, but the door didn’t open.
Quiet voices could be heard on the other side, but after a few endless seconds the footsteps disappeared into the night.

They felt wonderful, soft and warm.
He kissed her mouth again and then down her neck and shoulder, his fangs leaving a little trail in the process, grabbing hold of her hips to penetrate into her even deeper.

He knew that he couldn’t hold back any longer.
He moaned loudly as Sara’s body began to shake with pleasure. In a muted cry, they exploded together moving one step closer to heaven.


A half an hour later, the two cars stopped in the parking lot behind the old warehouse. Sara had notified Maroush and Shia of her position via cell phone and a couple of minutes later they were there at the meeting point.

»Where have you guys been so long?« Shia jumped out of his Audi GT angrily. »Our doctor urgently needed a blood transfusion!« Sara called out to him and got into the car shrugging.


Shia put his hands on his hips and watched Maroush help Channing into the Audi.
Although his wounds were closed, they still hurt like hell and he could hardly hold himself up straight.

Shia sat down behind the wheel again and Sara noticed that he had a huge bite on his neck, which hadn’t stopped bleeding yet.
He pressed down on the gas pedal scowling and the car shot out onto the street.

He didn’t say anything for a while, only looked over at Sara who was looking out the window lost in thought.

»And which one of us here smells like sex now?« Sara shrugged her shoulders. »I told you to leave Channing in the car.«

Shadows of the Day

Chapter 9



he woke up slowly to the constant hissing sound of water.
Eva could see the bathroom light on under the door, but she needed a few minutes to clear her head.

The water was running in the shower. Shia was there!

She smiled and turned over onto her side, but after listening to the same constant sound of running water for ten minutes, Eva jumped out of bed and cautiously walked into the bathroom.

Shia was sitting on the shower floor with a huge ugly gaping wound on his neck.

He was still bleeding profusely and there were other wounds on his body that were bleeding too.

»Oh my God, Shia!« Eva turned the shower off and bent down towards him.

»What happened?«

»I don’t want you to see this blood, but the wounds aren’t closing.
I need to feed.«

Shia’s voice was weak and he didn’t want Eva to see him like this. He stood up.

»Get out of your wet clothes.« She handed him a large towel and after he’d struggled to take off his blood soaked clothes, threw them directly into the washing machine.

Eva had already seen too many things on the job as a police officer to be troubled by bleeding wounds.
Being near Eva was almost unbearable for Shia.
He’d wanted to attack her immediately when he’d seen her asleep in bed, but he’d been covered in blood and hadn’t wanted to get close to her in that condition.
His wounds were so bad that he was hardly able to stand on his own.

Eva was as busy as a bee trying to clean up after Shia.
He’d sat down on the edge of the bathtub smiling and watching her. Then reached up and grabbed her arm.

»Eva, stop. Come over here to me.«
He pulled her into his arms.

»Why don’t you take care of me instead?» he whispered quietly to her and then kissed her.

Eva turned to jelly in his arms.
She’d spent all night thinking about how to tell him that their relationship had no future, but after one kiss, she’d forgotten everything she’d wanted to say to him in a breath.

She felt his teeth puncture her throat and a feeling of tremendous power came over her.
She didn’t want to feel anything else ever again.
Although he was sitting on the edge of the bathtub and she was standing in front of him, she was just tall enough for him to look into her eyes.
She felt his hands on her back and how he pulled her head closer to him.
He took deep, steady mouthfuls and Eva could hardly hold onto his shoulders.
His scent was too intensive, too arousing to fight against.
Eva realized at that moment that she would never be able to banish Shia out of her life.
If it ever came to that, he would have to take that step.
She caressed his muscular chest and traced along his tattoo with her hands.
She heard him moaning softly and a deep rumbling in his chest got continually louder.
She tried to stay away from his gaping wound, but after he’d taken her blood, the injury finally began to close up.
He pushed her away from him and looked into her eyes and then kissed her on the mouth.

»Thank you!« he whispered tenderly to her. »For what?«

»For my breakfast!«


The flight in economy class was everything but comfortable.
Sixteen hours in a tight, uncomfortable seat, squished between a pimply kid torturing his ears with heavy metal on his ipod and an overweight French woman, were enough for Philippe Orlandie.

It was the cheapest flight he could get and he was sure that all this trouble would pay off.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to track Sara down, coming from one of biggest cities in Europe.
He was excited to see the look on Sara’s face when she saw him.
She would definitely know at that moment how he felt about her.
Just taking this long trip to see her would have to prove to her how much he was in love with her.


Channing stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.
His body had recovered remarkably well from all the wounds.
Thanks to Sara’s blood.
But he didn’t want to think about that.
He hadn’t wanted her blood and he didn’t want anything from her now that he’d have to pay back later.
He picked up his shaving brush and lathered up his chin when he met Sara’s eyes staring at him in the mirror.
She was standing there leaning against the doorframe with her arms folded in front of her.

»I knocked.«

»It’s your house.«

»But it’s your room.«

Channing shrugged his shoulders as if it didn’t matter and began to shave like he had all the time in the world.
It had been a fairly long time since Sara had watched a man shave and she realized that she was enjoying it.
She was lost in the moment, watching his muscular arms move in short precise strokes over his skin.
Their eyes met again in the mirror when he was finished.

»I wanted to see it with my own eyes.«

Channing didn’t really know what she was talking about so he raised his eyebrows in question.

»Your destiny.
You were talking about it in the car with Roush.«

Channing was wondering how she knew about the conversation.

»You forgot to turn off your headset, you dope, because I assume that conversation wasn’t meant for my ears.« Channing wanted to walk past her into his room, but she blocked his way with her arm.

»Why didn’t you tell me earlier?« She hissed with anger and Channing noticed that her fangs had emerged.
He stopped in front of her and looked down at her coolly since she barley came up to his shoulders.

He looked into her dark green eyes and then at her red curly hair and it was clear to him that he knew her somehow.
Only he had no idea from where.

He looked at her stunned.

»You heard what Maroush said.
You have to find out for yourself,« he said hesitantly.

»Yes«, nodded Sara, »just like you!«

»Would you have anything against me getting dressed?« He looked at her provocatively.

Her proximity to him was awakening feelings that he didn’t want to feel.
The memory of drinking her bleed was too fresh and seemed too close and inviting to him now.
The feeling of her body on his was absolutely present and the pure sweet honey smell of her drifted into his nose.
Her body was giving off an incredible amount of heat, which seemed to burn him and the fact that he was standing in front of her covered only in a towel only made the situation worse

Sara let her arms fall and turned to go.
Then she turned around again to Channing, who was standing at the window with his hands on his hips watching the rising sun.

»What happened between us doesn’t mean anything Channing.
It’s not important.
It’s just the way we are.«

He looked at her angrily. »Whatever you say!« he said nodding and turned back towards the window.

»If you’re interested in working out, then be downstairs in the
in a half hour!« Before he could answer, Sara had left the room.


She quickly walked over to her room, which was located right next to Channing’s.
This vampire was driving her nuts.
Of course, like any of his kind, he hadn’t picked his own destiny, but that he should be her chosen one, the one she’d waited for so long, just couldn’t be true.

Even his posture, so high and mighty, as if the world had been waiting for him, made her blood boil.
She had to admit though, that he was incredibly handsome.
His height, the strong contours of his profile, his dark complexion, even the dark hair on his arms were all things that she loved about a man.
Plus, he was educated and sophisticated, attributes that she usually found fascinating, only not on Dr. Channing McArthur.


In her indigo blue
, the traditional headscarf, and a white
, Sara sat in the Seiza position on the exercise mat waiting for Channing.
She had absolutely no doubt that he would show up.
When he sat down next to her, she nodded towards him indifferently.

»I expect you to respect me, show reverence like you would any other trainings partner.«

He nodded. »Why Kendo?« he asked.

»Kendo is very similar to the fighting of a vampire.
Remember the motto:
He who protects misses the chance to attack!
Whether we are hit or not isn’t so important. What difference does one or two more hits make? More important is our attack.
Never hesitate to attack because if you aren’t absolutely sure of what you’re doing, it’s useless.

Kendo is not a true fighting sport.
We attack our opponents with mental pressure.
We want to break them so that they are unable to fight back against us.«

Channing nodded in understanding.

»First I want to show you a few moves with the
, which you can practice without a partner, a dry run so to speak
.« She stood up and Channing followed suit.

»First the
, a heavy hit, carried out on the diagonal.«

She showed him and he copied her movements.

Then came the
Jôgeburi, Shõmen-uchi
, which simulated a diagonal hit to the temples. Finally, she showed him a hit over the shoulders combined with a wide turn called the
. She repeated the practice moves until he could do them and then prepared for the first practice fight.

Without any really warning, Sara went for a blow to his temples.
Channing dodged the blow by taking a powerful step backwards, as if flying through the air.
In return he let out a loud cry and tried to land a blow on Sara’s shoulders, but she flew upwards while circling Channing.
She’s been able to predict his move and was then able to dodge it skillfully.
He smiled and was happy that his face was hidden behind his mask.

Next, both of them went at each other with their Shinai.
They flew upwards about three meters off the mat slamming against each other and then falling to the floor.
In the process, Channing landed directly on top of Sara.
Breathing heavily, she tore off her helmet and started laughing.

»Never fight with a vampire! They can fly!«

Channing took off his mask and tried to free himself, which wasn’t that easy because their training swords had locked together.

»Could you get off me? You’re squishing me!« Her loud laughter echoed off the walls in the room.
Channing couldn’t get up either.
He tried, but fell back down onto his back into Sara’s arms.

The look in her mysterious dark green eyes just did him in.
He lay next to her breathing hard totally paralyzed by her expression.
He looked deeply into her eyes and saw something in them that he could hardly fathom.
He saw that she was his!
He belonged to her like the sun belongs to the earth and the stars to the sky.
Never again did he want to look into another’s eyes or feel another body next to his.
The sound of her voice as they’d made love in the warehouse echoed through his head.
The way she’d thrown herself at him so passionately, he could hardly imagine ever being without her.
He saw something else too.
He’d dreamt about her. While he was in the hospital, he’d dreamt about a woman he hadn’t been able to save, who had sunk onto the depths of the ocean.
He could see her face clearly in front of him now and he heard how he’d called out her name. Sara!

What had Maroush said to him?

Chance is a powerful ally
!‹ Maroush had been right and from now on, chance was his ally.


He jumped to his feet and held out his hand to Sara to help her up.
She grabbed hold hesitantly.

»I’ve had enough for today.
How about showing me your weapons?« Sara looked at him surprised.

»Okay, let’s go to the shooting range.«

She put down her
, the traditional armor, and the
. Channing’s shirt was drenched with sweat and his hair was sticking to his face and eyes.

At the range, Sara handed him her weapon.

»This is a SIG P210-8, a 9 mm luxury version with the usual side magazine release and the adjustable trigger.
It’s got a wooden grip and feels great in my hands.
I love this thing.
There’s nothing else like it in my opinion.
Try it yourself.
We use special ammunition, which can go through anything.
If you want you can look at some of the other weapons.
We’ve got a few Glocks and Brownings to choose from.«

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