Insatiable (37 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

BOOK: Insatiable
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Marcus’s voice shook a moment but firmed as he clarified and got to work.
“How do you want to proceed with this, Roman?” Wilhelm asked.
“They will be stripped of status. There’s no way Henry’s brother was unaware of his actions. I want them arrested and
brought here
. The entire top tier of Sessions is to be arrested and taken into custody. Max security.”
He put on a suit coat, smoothing down his clothing. “I want them, every last one of them, to be turned out of Sessions holdings. They are now
holdings. They will surrender every factory, every shop, every piece of land and home. All of it is to be in House Lyons hands by the end of the day. I don’t care if you send every last fucking soldier available to Lumina, it will happen, and it will be done.”
Wilhelm nodded and stood. “I need to get to work then.”
“What do you need me to do, sir?” Daniel asked Wilhelm. This was serious shit; he needed to keep his focus.
“You’re on call. You know the procedure here. You’ve been out, and now you’re grounded for a solid twelve hours’ mandatory rest. You went on two high-profile missions in a row. Sit your ass down and sleep, or have sex with your lovely lady. Whatever. If I need you and no one else will do, I’ll contact you.”
Roman called Abbie’s name as they all exited the office.
“What? Seven hells, Roman Lyons, don’t bellow at me.” Abbie came down the stairs, Carina right behind. “There you are, Daniel! I have a grievance with you. We’ve only now learned of your return. We learned from Marcus. We love Marcus, of course, but expect better of you. And oh my, what happened?” She came to an abrupt halt, her affectionate frustration with Daniel replaced by her attention to her husband’s face.
Carina rushed around Abbie and into Daniel’s arms. “You. You’re here, and you look so handsome and a bit tired, but still handsome.”
Even in the seriousness of the moment he had to take her face in his hands and kiss her softly. “I’m back, and I missed you.”
Her eyes widened, and she blinked several times. Her bottom lip even quavered a moment, but she held it together and sent him a smile.
“We need to go to the Governance Council right now. House Sessions has been trading weapons with the Imperialists,” Roman told his wife.
Abbie’s shock slid away, replaced by outrage. “What will we do? I mean, I have my own ideas on this, and you know I’d be happy to expound on that. But I know this is tenuous, and you have my support for whatever direction you take.”
Roman paused a moment, cocking his head. “Tell me. What do you think, Abbie?”
“I think you should burn Sessions to the ground and, as the old saying goes, salt the earth after. They need to know.”
“Know.” It was clear Roman understood what she meant.
“We’re on the verge of war. This sort of succor to the enemy cannot be tolerated. You’ve tried to be gruff, you’ve levied fines and put people on trial.
And still they continue to put this Federation at risk
. These are our people; we can’t let this sort of egregious offense against us go without the kind of response that will put a stop to anyone else thinking they can get away with it.”
Roman’s smile was bloodthirsty, and Daniel understood. He understood this was exactly what Roman had planned from the start. If she’d been too far the other way, he’d have perhaps softened or worked it through with her.
“I agree.”
“As do I,” Wilhelm grunted before going back to his personal comm, where he’d been issuing orders since they’d left Roman’s office.
Carina stepped forward . “You have to. I know you’ve decided this, but if you waver, let me tell you my father will not respond to mercy. To kindness or compassionate second chances. My father knows the lash; that’s the language he speaks, and it’s what he will hear.”
Roman nodded. “Thank you, Carina.”
“Would it help you if I said as much? At the Governance Council?”
Daniel turned to look at her. Seven hells! She did not just volunteer to head into the heart of what would surely be a firestorm of controversy. He shook his head, but she just patted his arm.
“We can be united. It’ll bolster your position as well.”
“Can you not say anything else?” Daniel grumbled.
“She’s right, you know.” Abbie shrugged. “Come on, we may as well all go together.”
“I’m not taking twelve off,” he told Wilhelm, who looked at him long without speaking.
“Fine. If you’re working, you can change into a uniform on the way.” Wilhelm turned on his heel, heading for the doors. Before Daniel could follow, Marcus came jogging up and handed him a uniform, freshly pressed.
“I overheard and took a chance you might need one. I had it rushed over from your office.”
“Marcus, I can see why my sister loves you so much. Thank you.”
“I’m in whatever conveyance Daniel will be changing his clothes in,” Carina called out.
Daniel groaned inwardly. Being with this woman would probably teach him a few things about keeping his composure in public. Or something. She was lovely to look at. And to know she was his.
“We don’t have time for that, young woman. We’ll be at our location in short minutes.” Wilhelm frowned at her, and she rolled her eyes.
Still, Wilhelm got into their conveyance, and he nearly laughed aloud at both of them.
“You left it? The marker?” Wilhelm asked, meaning the coin.
“Yes. They know. And they know we know.”
“Only men could ever use those words in a sentence,” Carina muttered, looking out the window. She reached out and took his hand.
Chapter 23
arina smiled as she watched Daniel shrug out of his clothes and into his uniform. He and Wilhelm were discussing what Daniel had found, and his attention was solidly with his boss. Leaving her free to fantasize about him and think about their future.
She’d had a lovely afternoon with Nyna and Clementine Haws. Daniel’s women, she’d come to think of them all as. Clementine was a lot like her own mother, and it had been bittersweet to sit and enjoy a meal the way she’d most likely never be able to again with her mother.
It had been an impulse, but she spoke with the building’s owner about the flat, and Abbie had insisted on paying a good faith deposit. In the end, she’d decided to lease it for her and Daniel. Carina hoped he came back still in love with her, because she’d drag him home every night by the hair if he thought he was going to leave her behind.
They pulled up near a side entrance. Wilhelm held an arm out. “You two have a few minutes alone. Not
too much
alone, mind you. But I want to check security myself, and you are off duty until I say otherwise.” And with that, he got out, leaving them blessedly alone.
A rush of love nearly knocked her over as he turned, and she shamelessly jumped into his lap for a fierce hug before she leaned away enough to look into his face. “You’re back.”
“I am.” He hugged her again, bringing her back against his body. “You feel good.”
“Not nearly as good as you feel. You’re here.” Happiness pooled in her belly, spread outward, until her lips curved into a huge smile.
“I’m sorry I didn’t contact you the moment I got back. This was so important, and my signal was jammed. I had to get that information to Roman.”
“I understand.” She sighed happily. “You’re here. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you, too.”
“Do you still love me?” she asked.
“Do you think me so shallow I’d fall out of love with you in just eight days?” He tried not to smile.
“I shouldn’t tell you this—it’ll only go straight to your head—but you look so dangerous and handsome right now. I’ve missed that. I’ve missed being able to reach out and touch you. To know you’re real and mine.”
He kissed her forehead. “I’m real and yours.”
“I can’t wait for you to show me.” She fluttered her lashes, and he laughed.
“Hold your panties, Carina. I have work to do first. Then there will be showing. Lots and lots of it. You’re not the only one who missed touching the other.”
“Oh, good! We’ll go to your flat then? After we finish this madness this afternoon?”
“I don’t know what will happen after Roman makes his speech. As soon as it’s safe, we’ll be together. As for my flat? We’ve gone over that. My flat is too small for us, Carina. The rooms at Abbie’s are what you need. Spacious, safe, luxurious. You need that.”
She sighed, patting his chest just a bit too hard. “If that’s what I needed, I’d have accepted Alexander Lyons’s repeated social invitations. I need
. I need a place that’s
. I have a salary now!” She grinned up at him. “We can get a nice place on the vents, with plenty of room. I looked at a flat in Nyna’s building. It’ll suit us just fine. The owner says we can move in any time we like. Abbie put a deposit down. She told me you had credits in savings. I assumed you’d be all right with that. I’ll also have credits soon, once I start my job.”
That line of his formed between his brows as he scowled for a moment.
She smoothed it with her thumb. “Such a handsome face to mar with those nasty frown lines.”
“First let me congratulate you on the job. I heard the news from Roman.”
She flushed with pleasure. “In the second circle. Vincenz went with us. He says it’s very safe. I start training in the new week. Then I’ll begin teaching once that’s finished up.”
“I’m proud of you.”
She blinked back tears she swore to herself she would not shed. “That means so much,” she whispered.
“You deserve it. Those kids are lucky to have you.”
The warmth on his face hardened into annoyance again, and she tried hard not to laugh.
“Now, back to the other thing. You and my sisters have gone flat hunting together?”
She laughed and hugged him again, only then realizing she’d only thought she missed him a lot. Right then, with his scent in her nose, his arms around her, she realized she’d missed him far more than she’d realized. She missed his steady, calming influence on her, the grumpy but totally sweet way he dealt with her. He filled up the empty spots without pushing everything else out.
“I really do love your sisters and your mother. Georges is such a lovely man, too! You’re so blessed to have them. They love you so much. I’ve heard so many wonderful stories over the last few days.”
He growled low in his throat, but she knew he didn’t mean it. “Stop trying to steer the conversation elsewhere.”
“Pish. It’s a very nice flat. I just wanted us to have a place of our own. I’ve never had that.”
He groaned, and she ruthlessly held her smile back. He was really was so softhearted. It was a pity so few knew what an adorably sweet man he was. Though she did suppose it was safer for him that his reputation was that of a stone-cold warrior.
Just not with her.
“Nyna and Abbie said you’d like it. Abbie even tried to arrange with Wilhelm to have your things moved. Wilhelm got very gruff with her though, said you’d want to handle that yourself. It was only just a short while before you arrived. We were at Roman’s offices to pester Wilhelm, and Abbie wanted to get something from her office. It’s very cute that they have adjoining offices.”
“Seven hells, Carina! I have weapons in my flat. I don’t want you poking around and getting hurt.”
“Shush, you! I didn’t go. Wilhelm refused, and Roman agreed. Even Vincenz gave me a dirty look. Your precious dirty underpants and scores of blades are untouched by me. But I’m not thick. I can actually see something dangerous and not poke myself in the eye with it.”
“Hmpf.” But he relaxed a little. “I’ll look at it with you later.”
She tried to resist but gave in, bouncing around a little, making him laugh. She’d pretend not to notice the way he kept watch on the world outside the conveyance. She knew it was ingrained into him, and she couldn’t complain about being safe. “You’re back, and things all feel better. I just want to be with you, and you’re letting me. Thank you.”
“Gods above and below, you undo me.” He said it not as a complaint but with wonder, and she threw herself into his arms again.
She burrowed against him so tightly it was like she tried to get inside his skin. Where if he had the right words he could tell her she already dwelled within him. Holding her like that, so small and totally, utterly resilient, he let himself breathe, truly just let go of his anxiety.
This was what he had been missing: the sense of return. Not just coming back to Ravena but returning to someone, something bigger than simply himself. She was his place to come home to, the reason to return.
“I love you.”
She sniffled. “You said it first. You said it.”
“Yes. Well, I was gone. You smell good.”
Tipping her head back, she smiled up into his face. “I do?”
He leaned down to breathe her in. “Mmm, yes you do.” He stiffened as he suddenly registered what she had said earlier about Alexander. “Wait. What?” He jerked, anger making him jittery for a moment. “Alexander Lyons did what?”
“Now, Daniel. Do you think I couldn’t put him in his place?”
“His place is with my fist in his nose,” Daniel all but snarled. She looked very pleased with herself, and amusement at what she would have done to Alexander did temper his anger. But Alex was supposed to be a friend. Daniel had thought Roman’s brother was finally growing up, but this sort of thing was something the old Alexander would have done. And damn it all, he had to go debrief and his cock was hard; he needed to be with her, and this whole thing about Alexander had riled him up.
“You’re very attractive when you’re jealous, but there’s no need. As if some pretty boy could ever be more attractive and wonderful than you. Anyway, I don’t think he truly meant it.”
He groaned, shoving a hand though his hair. “Wilhelm will be back in a moment. Please follow my instructions and let me keep you safe. I’ll be right behind your chair. I’m proud of you.” He kissed her, meaning for it to be quick, but there was never quick when his lips touched hers.

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