Is God a Mathematician? (40 page)

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The author and the publisher gratefully acknowledge permission to reprint the following material:


Figures 1: by Ann Feild.

Figures 3: by Krista Wildt.

Figure 4: v Scott Adams/Dist. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

Figures 7: The Biblioteca Speciale di Matematica “Giuseppe Peano,” through the assistance of Laura Garbolino.

Figures 8: Courtesy of the author.

Figure 9: Bibliothèque nationale de France, départment de la reproduction.

Figure 12: Courtesy of Will Noel and the Archimedes Palimpsest Project.

Figure 13: Courtesy of Roger L. Easton, Jr.

Figures 18: Private collection of Dr. Elliott Hinkes. Obtained through the assistance of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, the Johns Hopkins University.

Figure 22: Roger-Viollet, Paris, France.

Figure 23: Courtesy of Sofie Livio.

Figure 29: The University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center, Joseph H. Schaffner.

Figures 30: Special Collections at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, the Johns Hopkins University

Figure 38: Library of the Academia delle Scienze di Torino, through the assistance of Laura Garbolino.

Figure 58: by Stacey Benn.

Figure 59: Courtesy of Steven Wasserman.


Page 51,
The Sand Reckoner:
Appears in T. L. Heath’s
The Works of Archimedes
(1897); reprinted with permission from Cambridge University Press.

Page 147, “The Vice of Gambling and the Virtue of Insurance”: Appears in J. R. Newman’s
The World of Mathematics
, vol. 3 (1956). Reprinted with permission from Simon & Schuster.

Page 198, “History of the Naturalization of Kurt Gödel”: Reprinted with permission from the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., and Dorothy Morgenstern Thomas, through the assistance of Margaret Sullivan.

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