Is Life a Random Walk?

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Authors: Harold Klemp

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ECKANKAR Presents:

Great skeptics and doubters often go farthest on the path to God. Someone may ask, “Is there hope for me? I don’t buy this God stuff.” No problem, take your time, for all seekers must proceed at their own pace.

Is Life a

But one truth I can give you is the word
, and the spiritual exercises to find God.

Random Walk?

Yet the success of these depends upon you.

Can you spend a few minutes a day to open your heart to the Holy Spirit? To do the spiritual exercises with love and passion?

To give your whole mind and heart to such a self-discipline for a few moments?

If the reply is yes, you are bound to make progress in your quest for the secret laws of life. Today’s mysteries will no longer be mysteries tomorrow.

—Harold Klemp

ISBN 978-1-57043-172-2

Is Life a Random


Harold Klemp

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Is Life a Random Walk?

Is Life a

Random Walk?

Harold Klemp




Is Life a Random Walk?

Copyright © 2001 ECKANKAR

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-mitted in any form by any means, whether elec-tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Eckankar.


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are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA.

Printed in USA.

Third Printing—2009

ISBN: 978-1-57043-172-2

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Klemp, Harold.

Is life a random walk? / Harold Klemp.

p. cm.

ISBN 1-57043-172-8 (saddle stitch : alk. paper) 1. Spiritual life--Eckankar (Organization) I. Title.

BP605.E3 K559 2001



This paper meets the requirements ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).


Is life just a random walk? Some ana-lysts think so about the stock markets.

Perhaps this bias is a spillover from their take on life. Who knows?

Others, myself among them, say life follows a natural order. It is predictable.

While history may not repeat in an exact pattern as to place or time, the present often is a rhyme to past events.

What do you think?

If you have a strong desire to find a better, more direct way to God, read on. The truth you seek may be at your fingertips.


Is Life a Random Walk?

I was in the post office when a father entered with his young daughter. The tod-dler started to run back and forth in the lobby, clutching a key.

When I went to my box for the mail, the little girl followed and watched with an intent gaze as I put a key into the lock and unlocked it. She seemed fascinated by the process. It was apparent she had tried her key in several boxes without success.

Key of Opportunity

She stood and stared as I relocked my mailbox. By then her dad had finished his business and was ready to leave.

Scooping up his little girl, he made for the door, then turned back and said, “When 3

you’re that age and you’ve got a key, the whole world is a lock.”

I thought about it, trying to learn the spiritual message. It is this: The whole world is a grand opportunity, a mystery for a child, something to unlock with a key, to discover what’s there.

Do you have such a key? How does it work?

A Search for Answers

Who am I? What am I? Why am I here?

Where am I going? When? And how?

Questions, questions—but good ones.

In search of answers to these questions, you come face-to-face with the very secrets of life and death. You unearth the true knowledge that has eluded the most learned scholars of mainline religions.

Even now you stand at the foot of a new ladder of discovery.

What are the ancient teachings of ECK?

What do they involve? Can they improve your life? Make you a better person? These are all questions you may well ask yourself someday. Maybe today.


Help Me Remember

What God Is Like

During the mass destruction of Hurri-cane Andrew in August 1992, many people in southern Florida lost their homes and all belongings. Some ECKists also felt the bite of its destruction. One such ECK family accepted shelter with another family until money from the insurance company let them set up housing again.

Their hosts told a story about their four-year-old girl and a brand-new baby in the family. Soon after bringing the newborn home from the hospital, the hosts’ little girl made a request. Could she please spend a few moments alone with the baby? At first the parents felt reluctance. Afraid of sibling rivalry, they wondered if she might harm the infant. But the four-year-old kept begging them to leave the nursery and let her stay with the newborn.

The parents gave in, but only after turning up the volume on the nursery inter-com.

(Trust in God, but turn up the inter-com.)


They listened from another room, pre-pared to rush back in if needed. Instead of distressed cries, however, they heard their daughter’s soft voice address the infant.

Her words were like a prayer.

“Baby,” she said, “help me remember what God is like. I’m beginning to forget.”

Many children do, in fact, remember what God is like—at least until they enter school at age three, four, or five. Then the memory begins to cloud over. Good school-ing teaches them to be responsible adults in society, of course. Yet at the same time a priceless gift is lost—a child’s understand-ing of God.

Straight Answers

Whatever your chosen religion or belief, that choice is necessary for you at this stage of your journey home to God. That’s why you hold to it.

Your religion or belief is a valuable and important part of you because it reflects all your experiences from past lives.

Our spiritual heritage is far richer than a single lifetime could ever produce, the real 6

reason many enter this life with a special gift or talent without the apparent need for learning it. Some kids even reincarnate with the knowledge of a foreign language which their siblings lack. Parents who treat reincarnation as foolish may simply dismiss such a gift with an airy, “Oh, well, he sure didn’t get it from us,” and let it go at that.

They have no inkling as to where or how the child picked up such an ability.

Learning the Spiritual Laws

Whenever I look at a child, I see a little adult. Mighty oaks from acorns grow.

There’s no impulse to talk down to children once you realize they are Souls returned from an older time and place. They need today’s leg of their spiritual journey, too, the same as you and me.

Sometimes they reincarnate to wield the sword of fear or power, while at other times they come to demonstrate the Law of Love.

A child of three, four, or five will dis-play a unique personality, perhaps an out-going or adventurous one. But by age eight 7

to ten, the child may suddenly turn shy and reserved. Upon reflection you’d say it isn’t the same individual.

A young child often remembers the distant past and may well speak of it.

A good question to ask a child of two to four is this: What did you do when you were big? You could be surprised if the child, in a nonchalant manner, sketches out a past life in broad details. Recognize it for that.

When people leave this physical life, they ascend to the next heaven, the Astral Plane. Some advance to a higher place, the second or third heaven. The second is the Causal Plane. St. Paul spoke of a third heaven. It is one of the regions in the up-per worlds where Souls go to rest, to learn different facets of spiritual law—including the Law of Love.

The books of ECK present these planes and laws in some detail.

How Children Enter a New Life
After a short or lengthy rest in the higher worlds, we return to earth as a tiny babe. The body is a new prison of sorts.


This containment of Soul is the hardest part of reincarnation to deal with. In the last physical incarnation an individual was perhaps an adult in a well-trained, func-tioning body. Now, with baby fingers, he will try to pick up objects but fail in the attempt. Eyes struggle to focus and make sense of a blurry world, but for some time a scene remains a smear of black-and-white shadings. Months pass, and a perception of color dawns. Little by little, the infant’s mind develops in a heroic way to influence the brain to put it all together.

In effect, the mind commands the brain,

“OK, now sort out the light waves and make order from chaos.”

Of course, as our true, eternal Self—

Soul—we exist beyond the human mind.

From the lofty heights of Soul, we flash marching orders to our mind, which, in turn, passes them down the chain of command to our physical brain for execution.

And so the will develops. We thus move and act. We grow.

With the passage of time, the infant comes to recognize Mommy and Daddy, 9

vague forms that begin to register as real objects. It knows when the bottle’s on the way, and so forth. A baby thus learns to put things into categories or files.

Its growing ability to place a thing into a familiar slot reduces the infant’s fear, making the world a more comfortable place.

* * *

A mother observed the way her young child characterized things and put them into categories of his own making. Around the age of ten months, he began to mimic certain sounds. Sometime later, the mother noticed that every time they passed a body of water or a drinking fountain, he would say, “Mo.”

One day she figured it out.

She had been teaching him to drink water from a glass. After each sip, she would ask, “More?” The child had taken the characteristics of this wet stuff in the glass and put it into the wrong file. He thought its name was “more.” So anytime he saw water, he tried to call it by that name.

A child learns bit by bit. First on its 10

agenda is the name of basic things—how to identify the concrete objects in the world around him.

How Do I Get God’s Love?

Over time, children pick up the finer subtleties of getting along with others. If they have the good fortune of loving parents, they soon realize that as one gets love, he must also give it. Love is like water in that only so much of it fits into a glass.

Before more can go in, some must be let out. So, if one doesn’t keep giving out love,

“mo” can’t come in.

People often wonder,
How do I get God’s
You get more of it by giving of your own to others.

Spiritual School

All in all, earth is a spiritual school.

Designed and set up by God, it lets each of us, each Soul in this world, learn more about becoming godlike—becoming more like God.

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