It Takes a Village (34 page)

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Authors: Hillary Rodham Clinton

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effects of, on children

see also




Meier, Deborah

Meir, Golda

Melville, Herman

Menninger, Karl

Miami, Fla.

Miami, University of

Michelina (newborn)


Michigan, University of

“midnight” basketball

MIKE (Medical Insurance for Kids Everywhere)

Million Man March

minimum wage

Minnesota, University of

Minow, Newton N.


Mistral, Gabriela


Model United Nations program

Moore, Brian

Moore, Ryan

Moppin, Deanna

Morningside Gardens

Mortal Kombat

Moses, Bob

Most Important Twenty Minutes of Your Day…Read with a Child, The


Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Murray, Charles



National Academy of Sciences

National Adoption Month

National Assessment of Educational Progress

National Child Care Survey

National Coalition on Television Violence

National Commission on Children

national debt

National Institute for Mental Health

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

National Parenting Association

National Political Congress of Black Women

National PTA

National Service Corporation

National Survey of Children

National Teachers Corps

National Youth Administration

“Nation at Risk, A,”


Native Americans

nature-nurture question



health insurance practices and

parent stress and

“secure attachment” and

Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of

New Haven, Conn.

New Jersey

New Orleans, La.

New York, N.Y., teachers in

New Zealand


Nixon, Richard M.

No Child Left Behind Act

“No Place to Play,”

North Carolina

North Carolina, University of

Nouwen, Henri


childhood diet and

“clean plate” vs. “no plate” theory of

excessive dieting and

overeating and

physical activity and

nutrition (


weight problems and


Oakland Health and Bioscience Academy

obesity, childhood

O'Farrell Community School

Ohio Family and Children First Initiative

Ohio State University

Oklahoma City bombing


Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

One Church, One Child

O'Neil, Susan

out-of-wedlock children




parent-child relationships

bedtime rituals in

early language experience in

play in

preconceptions and

reading in

teens and

violence and

Parent Education Program

parents, parenting

approaches to discipline by

Avance program and

business and

child as seen by

child's education and

class differences in

as “coaching,”

divorce and,
divorce early language experience and

educating of

men and

and modeling of behavior

“no” used in

play in

preconceptions of

religious role of

responsibilities of

in Rodham family

storytelling, reading and

talk and interaction in

as teachers

teaching tolerance and

time taken for children in

worry quotient in

Parents as Teachers (PAT)

Parents' Music Resource Center

Partners Project

Patagonia company

paternity leave

Peace Corps


Pennington, Gary Scott

permissive discipline

Philip Morris company


physical education

Picasso, Pablo

Pintana Community Center, La.

Plan B


as intellectual stimulation

learning in

recurring patterns and

police officers

Pollack, Sarah

Porter, Michael


pregnancy and childbirth

education and

insurance practices and

low birth weight in

relatives and

sex education and



see also
prenatal care

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of

prenatal care

in Europe

Healthy Start program and

hospitals and

incentives for

teens and

President's Charter Schools Initiative

President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

Prevention First

Price Waterhouse

Project XL

Promise Keepers

Provence, Sally

public safety

public schools, religion in

public service

affirmative living and

AmeriCorps and

educational system and

ethic of

federal support of

government-volunteer partnership and

political participation and

sense of identity and

setting standards for

teaching tolerance and

tradition of

Public Service Academy, U.S.

public television

Putnam, Robert

“Putting Children and Families First,”


“quality time,”

Rabin, Yitzhak

race, racism

adoption system and

negative stereotypes and

teaching tolerance and

Rachel's Bus Company

Rafaelov, Ruben

Raising PG Kids in an X-Rated Society

Ramey, Craig

Reading Recovery

Reagan, Ronald

Red Cross

Reich, Robert

Reinventing Government


character development and

in childhood vs. adulthood

children's comments on

education and

First Amendment and

misuse of


prayer and

in public schools

role of

spirituality and

teenagers and

values and

Reno, Janet

Republican party

Resource Mothers program

Return of the Prodigal Son, The

Reynolds, Barbara

Rich, Dorothy

Riley, Richard

Risley, Todd

rituals and routine


family meals as

in reading together


time needed for

Roach, Stephen

Robert E. Lee High School

Rodgers, Charles

Rodham, Dorothy Howell (mother)

background and character of

Rodham, Hugh (brother)

Rodham, Hugh Ellsworth (father)

background of

character-building approach of

parenting tactics of

Rodham, Nicole (sister-in-law)

Rodham, Tony (brother)

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Theodore


Rubin, Annie

Ruggiero, Dominick A., Jr.


Salveson, Kent

San Antonio, Tex.

Santiago, Chile

Sara Lee Corporation

Scheib, Walter

Schiro, James

School Development Program

School-to-Work Opportunities Act of

Schultz, Howard

Schwantes, Brianne

Schweitzer, Albert

Secret Service

“secure attachment,”


community and

crime prevention and

guns and

physical abuse and

physical environment and

recurring patterns and

sexual abuse and

verbal abuse and

violence and

welfare system and

Segal, Julius


Selling Out America's Children

Senate, U.S.

sense of identity

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of

Sesame Street
(TV show)

Seward Park High School

sex education

sexual abuse

sexual activity:

religious beliefs and

teen, television's influence of

sexual stereotyping

Shape Up America!

“shovel,” child's need for

Silber, John

Simpson County, Ky.

Sizer, Theodore

Smart Start initiative

Smith, Margaret Chase

Social Security

Solomon, judgment of

Sound of Music, The

South Africa

South Bronx

South Carolina

Southern California, University of

South Florida Preschool PTA

South Pacific

Special Supplemental Nutrition

Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)


Spiritual Life of Children, The

sports, stereotypes in


Sri Lanka

Sroufe, Allan

Starbucks Coffee Company

Starting Points

State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)

State of the Union address of

Stone, Elizabeth


substance abuse

parental discipline and

see also

suicide, teenage

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