It Takes a Village (33 page)

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Authors: Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Du Pont Company


Earls, Felton

Early Head Start

early learning programs

Earned Income Tax Credit

Eastman Kodak

écoles maternelles

Edelman, Marian Wright


business community and


charter schools and

in child care

competition among schools and

discipline in

dress codes in

expectations in

“family schools” idea in

Goals 2000 Act and

HIPPY program for

by hospitals

IQ tests and

kinds of intelligence and

“local control” of

misplaced priorities in

model programs for

mothering as

national goals for

of parents

parents' role in


pregnancy and

public service and

religion and

School-to-Work programs and

standards of

and students at risk

teaching tolerance and

see also

Education Department, U.S.

EEXCEL Apartments

Efficacy Institute

Ehrenhalt, Alan

Eisenhower, Dwight D

Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity

Eliot, T. S.

Elmore, Clendon

Elmore, Iesha

“emotional illiterates,”

emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

enemies, love of

entertainment industry

Environmental Protection Agency

Equity 2000 Project

Erikson, Erik

Eron, Leonard

Escalante, Jaime

Etzioni, Amitai

Eugene Field School

Every Child by Two program

extended family


Fairlawn Coalition

Families and Work Institute



inherited culture and

moral sense and

nostalgic view of


pregnancy and


context of

stability of

technology and

tolerance and

working women and

Family and Community Critical Viewing Project

Family and Medical Leave Act of

Family and Work Institute

Family Conference

family health visitor

Family Math program

“family schools,”

“family values,”

fast-food restaurants

Father Knows Best
(TV show)

Faubus, Orval

federal budget

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Federal Reserve



Finkel, David

First United Methodist Church

First Year Anniversary Course

Fishman, Lyle


Food and Drug Administration

Food Marketing Institute

“Forgotten Half, The,”

Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Foster, Vince

foster care system

adoption in

race and

Frames of Mind


child care in

Frank, Robert H.

free market system

Friend of the Court system

Fromm, Erich

Fulton County, Ga.


Galston, Bill

Gandhi, Mohandas K.

“gangsta” rap

Gardner, Howard

Gerber Products

Gerbner, George


economy of

GI Bill of Rights

Girl Scouts

Girls Nation

Girls State

Goals 2000: Educate America Act of

Goerlitz, Dave

Gold-Bikin, Lynne

Goldman Sachs

Goleman, Daniel

Goodman, Ellen

Goodman, Nelson

Goodnight Moon

Goodwin, Frederick

Gore, Al

Gore, Tipper

Goto archipelago


antagonism toward

basic responsibilities of

business and

child care and

public service and

graffiti paint-outs

Graham, Martha

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
video game

Great Britain

Greater Expectations

Great Santini

Great Transitions

Greenspan, Stanley I.

Greer, Colin

Grunewald, Rob


Guidelines for Perinatal Care

Guide My Feet


Brady Bill and


Habitat for Humanity

Haggar Apparel Company

Hamburg, David

Hamill, Catherine

“Happy Birthday Baby Book,”

Hart, Betty

hate crimes

Having Our Say
(Delany sisters)


Hawaii Family Stress Center

Head Start

Health and Human Services Department, U.S.

health care

basic hygiene in

for cattle vs. children

checkups in

convenience of

diet, nutrition and

immunization in

and insurance for children

insurance practices and

physical education in

prenatal, incentives for

universal system of

see also

Health Department, Ark.

Healthy Start Program

Heckman, James

Herrnstein, Richard

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann


Highbridge Communicare Center

High Noon

HIPPY (Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters)



Home and School Institute

home health visitor

Hope, Ark.

household labor, division of

House of Representatives, U.S.

Houston, Tex.

Howard, Jeff

Howell, Dorothy,
Rodham, DorothyHowell

Hubka, Rachel

Hume, Ellen

Hundt, Reed


Huston, Aletha




I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings


Immanuel Baptist Church


funding of

rates of

social service programs and

Improving America's Schools Act of

income gap



Indian Health Service


infant mortality

Institute of Medicine

insurance, health

childbirth and


behavior and

Bell Curve


IQ tests and

kinds of

International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research

International Conference on Population and Development of


Interscope Records


IQ tests





Jacobs, Bob


economy of

Jefferson, Thomas


Johnson, Lady Bird

Johnson & Johnson

Jones, Donald


Kansas, University of

Kansas City, Mo.

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss

Kaufman, Joan

Keliher, Alice

Keller, James

Kelley, Virginia,
Clinton, Virginia Kelley

Kelly, Verna M.

Kempe, C. Henry

Kennedy, John, Jr.

Kennedy, John F.

Killer Instinct

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King, Rodney

Kiwanis International

Klein, Calvin

Knussman, Kevin

Kohl, Herbert

Koop, C. Everett

Kotulak, Ronald


Labor Department, U.S.

LaMay, Craig L.


Lanier, Bob

Lansing, John

Leading with My Heart
(V. Clinton)

Lear, Norman


encouragement of

individuation and

in play

in repetition and ritual

skill development in

in talking to child

see also

Levi Strauss company

Lieberman, Carole


“Life insurance,”

Lima, Ohio

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindsey, Duncan

Linn County Day Care Center

Little Rock Central High School

Little Rock Junior League

Little Women

Living History
(H. Clinton)

Long Beach School District

Lord of the Flies

Lost City, The

Lotus Development Corporation

“low birth weight,”

Lowe, Betty

Luttwak, Edward


McCarthy, Joseph

McClendon, Sarah

MacDonald, Margaret

McLemore, James

McLuhan, Marshall

McNeal, James

Mandela, Nelson

marketing, children targeted by

marriage, preservation of

Mary (student)


community service taught in

immunization program of

Maryland, University of

maternity leave policy

Mazique Parent-Child Center

Mead, Margaret

Meaningful Differences
(Hart and Risley)

“mean world syndrome,”

measles epidemic of

Measure of Our Success, The

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