It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5)

BOOK: It Takes Two (Blindfold Club #0.5)
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for my husband

Chapter One


Music played from the speakers of my car, but cut off abruptly.

At least, I thought it did. It was hard to focus. The engine wasn’t running now, because my keys were clenched in my fist, and I stared at the office building beyond my windshield.

The single story building was small and unassuming. Faded shingles wrapped along the roof, and the aluminum siding was worn. A few wayward weeds poked through the cracks in the broken sidewalk, but otherwise the place was in good shape. The sign on the glass doors had a logo and hours. The studio looked professional enough, much like any other office business. How many people knew what really went on behind those doors?

Deep breath.
You can do this.

I tamped down the anxiety in my stomach and got out of my car. I had to lock it with the key because the car was twenty years old. Hell, the piece of shit was almost as old as me, but I shouldn’t complain. It still ran, and it was free. Well, except for the bottle of coolant I had to put in it once a week. I couldn’t afford to get the slow leak repaired. Thankfully, it had made the trip from Hammond, Indiana up to Chicago without an issue.

It was difficult to swallow my breaths as I teetered on my unaccustomed heels toward the studio. God, I needed a drink to calm my nerves. Even though I wanted this, it was still a huge step forward and one that couldn’t be undone. The internet made things forever.

I placed a sweaty palm on the bar across the door and pushed it open.

The woman behind the desk glanced up. Her evaluating eyes peered directly into me, right past the blonde highlights I’d gotten last week, the spray tan, and the acrylic nails. I’d done all I could to make myself look the part.

Nina Hale, ready for stardom.

The office matched the outside. There was a large board with schedules written on it hanging on the back wall, and headshots pinned beside it. Computers, phones, fax machines. Everything was businesslike, even down to the desk clutter.

The skinny woman, who looked to be in her late forties, had brown hair with bangs, and just the right amount of makeup to look trashy-hot. Her red lips pulled back into a smile, but it was guarded.

“Are you Nina?”

I forced a warm, friendly smile. “Yeah.”

“You don’t look like your pictures.”

We’d spoken on the phone, and she’d been clear that if I didn’t match the pictures I submitted, they’d send me home immediately. “Uh, I changed my hair, but—”

The woman held up her hand, cutting me off. “You look even better. You mind?” She spun her finger in the air, asking me to turn.

I tried not to wobble on the heels when I did as asked.

When I came back around, she was grinning. “Well, damn, girl. Aren’t you something? I’m Kimberly.”

I let out a relieved breath. “Nice to meet you.” I bent over her desk and shook her outstretched hand.

Kimberly’s gaze drifted beyond my shoulder, and then the door behind me creaked opened. I turned once more—

Oh my God.

The guy who stepped inside melted the panties I wore beneath my dress. He had that cocky frat boy look going on, a t-shirt stretched tight over his upper body, leaving nothing to the imagination. I could see how much this boy liked to work out. Jeans slung low on his hips and a baseball hat was turned backward, not shielding his gorgeous face.

He was the kind of guy who occasionally hit on me at the bars. I’d gone home with some of them, even let a few of them fuck me. But I’d learned they weren’t interested in anything but pussy, and once they’d had it, it was time for them to move on.

This boy had an easy smile, which faded the edge of the cockiness just enough so I worried I might swoon like a fucking idiot. Was he the other talent? My heart lodged in my throat, clogging my ability to speak.

“Hey, Scott,” Kimberly said.

“Hey,” he echoed back. His gaze shifted my direction, starting at my feet and working up. He seemed to have no shame about the way he was drinking me in, and it made the nerves rattle harder in my belly.

“Scott, this is Nina,” Kimberly said. “It’s her first time.”

Holy hell, his smile was amazing. It struck a balance between sweet and sinful, and his eyes lit up. “Yeah?”

I nodded because there was no telling what ridiculous sound I might make if I tried to speak.

“Nervous?” he asked.

I was. My knees were shaking under my dress, but I was determined not to show it. For months I had stared at the listing and fantasized about taking action, and once I had, more months passed as I completed all the steps necessary to bring me to today. No one knew where I was, except for the people in this room, and it fed into my fantasy. I could be

I sucked in a calming breath. “I’m fine. Sort of excited.”

He blinked, stunned. It was a reaction I was used to. I had a deep, smoky voice which didn’t match people’s expectations. They saw a pretty, feminine face with nice boobs and long legs, and assumed I’d have a high-pitched, girly voice to go along with it. It’s not like I sounded like a man, but my alto voice caught people off guard.

“Excited?” His grin somehow widened. “I think we’re gonna have a great time.”

Kimberly rose from the desk. “Either of you want something to drink?”

My mouth was a desert from the realization I was going to be working with Scott. I’d assumed the guy would be decent looking, but not overly attractive. This guy looked delicious.

“Water?” I asked.

“Sure.” Kimberly disappeared down the hall past a row of filing cabinets.

I could feel Scott’s gaze on me like hands exploring my body, studying every curve, but I stared at the back wall. If everything went well, I’d see plenty of him in a few minutes.

The desk groaned softly as he leaned against it, and his shift in position wordlessly demanded my attention. So I turned my gaze to him and the dirty blond hair that curled at the ends beneath his baseball hat.

“What’s a girl like you doing here?”

His gray-blue eyes were full of curiosity, not judgment. “I dunno,” I said. “What’s a
like you doing here?”

His perfect mouth quirked into a half-smile at my barb. “I asked first, Nina. If that’s your real name.”

I’d gone back and forth, but in the end I decided to use my first name, not caring who knew. “It is my name, and I need the money.” Not just that, I needed a whole new life.

“Yeah? Don’t we all?” He rubbed a hand on the back of his neck, which gave an excellent view of his toned form. “Well, you’re fucking hot. You’ll have no problem getting lots of work.”

It was a compliment, but he’d said it like it was fact. Coming from this sexy stranger, it was a huge turn-on. My face flushed with heat and I wavered slightly. “Thank you.”

“Hey, if you get nervous . . . it’s cool. Everyone is their first time.”

So, he’d done this before. Relief passed through me. This was like dancing, and I was glad to have a strong partner to lead. “Were you?”

His expression was amused. “Yeah. I put a lot of pressure on myself and, fuck, I was awful. But don’t worry.” Scott flashed a devious grin. “I’ve gotten less awful since.”

It was unstoppable that my gaze flowed down him. I couldn’t imagine him being awful. No, something told me he’d be much, much better than

Kimberly returned carrying two bottles of water. When she offered them to us, I took mine quickly, not wanting either of them to see my hand was shaking. Scott casually took the bottle, unscrewed the cap, and downed a long sip. He was cool as a cucumber.

“Well,” Kimberly said, glancing up at the clock, “I guess we’ll start without him. Either of you need a minute before we begin?”

“We’re doing it without him?” Scott asked.

I wondered the same thing. Where was the director? We were going to shoot without one?

Kimberly shrugged. “Why not? Everyone else is here. No point wasting—”

The door flew open, and we all turned at the sound.

There was no way this guy was the director, he looked the same age as me. He had on flip-flops, cargo shorts and a polo shirt. Preppy, hot asshole, in the flesh.

Oh, good lord, who was this? I was annoyed at my body’s response to him. He looked good, even though I didn’t want him to. He pulled the aviator sunglasses down from his face, giving me a peek at his deep brown eyes. Wait a minute, was this who I was performing with? Kimberly hadn’t said who, specifically, and neither had Scott. All he’d said was he thought we’d have a great time.

Both men were really attractive, and I’d only known Scott for two minutes, but in my flustered state, I’d cling to what I knew.

“You’re running late,” Kimberly said.

“I guess you didn’t get my text. Sorry.” The guy ran a hand through his almond-colored hair. “Traffic.”

“Ben,” she said, gesturing to us, “this is Nina and Scott. Scott does regular work for us, but she’s new like you.”

Ben’s attention turned to me. I felt like a piece of meat under his heated scrutiny, but I also begrudgingly liked it. His appreciative stare was a needed confidence boost, like a pregame pep talk.

“You mind if we head straight back?” she said. He shook his head, his gaze never leaving mine. Good God, was the air conditioning working in this office?

“Okay, uh . . .” I said, unable to contain it. “I’m confused. Which guy am I with?”

“Shit, Kim.” Scott’s tone was annoyed. “You didn’t tell her?”

Chapter Two

Kimberly scowled. “She said she was up for multiples.” She sighed and gave me her full attention. “It’s both guys. Ben auditioned for us once before but he had an issue performing . . . I think having Scott there will help. But if it doesn’t work out with Ben, we’ll still have footage to use.”

Oh. My. God.

“Jesus,” Scott groaned. “You’re gonna spring that on her thirty seconds before we get on set?”

She tried to hide her guilty expression and pushed her bangs out of her eyes. “You think it’s a hardship to have two willing cocks?”

Everyone’s eyes were on me, waiting to see my reaction. I didn’t know it was possible to simultaneously be so thrilled and terrified. Both men. I was going to have both of these sexy guys at once.

“Girl, if you don’t want to, that’s no problem,” she continued. “You can just pick one and we’ll shoot a standard.”

Both men hesitated. I didn’t think either of them liked the idea of losing out, and how the fuck was I supposed to pick?

Ben’s handsome face skewed with fleeting embarrassment. “There won’t be any issues this time, I promise.”

I’d never been with two at once, but holy hell, I’d fantasized about it. When I’d filled out the questionnaire for the studio on what I was willing to shoot, I’d gotten turned on just writing it down. But it sounded like more work to please two guys at once. “Does it pay extra?”

“It does, and you should know,” her eyes gleamed mischievously, “two means twice the fun.”

I pressed my knees together, containing the rush that moved through me. I wasn’t going to live with regret at turning the opportunity down, and God knew I needed the money. “You don’t have to sell me on it.” My voice was tight, but strong. “I’m up for both.”

Kimberly beamed. “I’d hoped you’d say that when you saw them.”

Scott’s face took a dark cast, like he wasn’t pleased with Kimberly’s manipulation.

My legs were jelly as I followed the group down the hall and through the doorway. Two diffused lights were suspended in each corner of the far wall, casting light into the room and on the main feature . . . the bed. It was king-size, made neatly with a white, fluffy comforter and a stack of pillows leaning against the headboard.

It was surreal to turn the corner from the office into a set that looked like a hotel bedroom, down to the nightstands with matching lamps. Well, except for the lighting and the sophisticated cameras on tripods. One on all three sides of the bed.

Kimberly went to a table in the back and picked up a handheld camera. “Nina, have a seat on the bed and get comfortable. I like to start with a short interview so both the guys and the viewers can get to know you better.”

The bed was soft and I sank down into it, my gaze fixed on her. It was becoming clear that the director wasn’t late . . . she was already here. The feminist in me was both pleased that a woman stood at the helm of the studio, and also annoyed that I’d assumed the director would be male. Very little of this day had gone as I expected, and the camera wasn’t even rolling yet.

The bed jostled as the guys sat on either side of me. Ben, on my right, sat a comfortable distance, but Scott was much closer. He leaned back casually on his arms, so one of his hands was behind me, his right leg up against my thigh. Not to be outdone, Ben slid closer. Every inch of my body was hyper aware of the two men who seemed to be circling before attack.

“When you get close,” Scott said to Ben, “you let me know by putting your hand on her throat.”

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