It's Only Make Believe (21 page)

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Authors: Roseanne Dowell

BOOK: It's Only Make Believe
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Brad reached down and unplugged it. “There.” He took her in his arms and kissed her neck, her eyes, and finally her lips.

Michele heard the distant ringing of the phone. She thought she heard the door downstairs open. Probably Anna. Then she was lost in the world of passion.

Later, she lay next to him trying to catch her breath. “We better get up, I need a shower and we have to be at the doctors by ten.”

Brad rolled over, got out of bed and came around to her side and helped her up. “Showering is almost as much fun as undressing you.”

Michele’s face burned. Why did he have that effect on her, making her blush? And no doubt that she was blushing. As hot as her face was, it probably looked like a ripe tomato. Brad carried her to the shower, waited while he adjusted the water. She loved the way he took care of her. The gentle way he held her and helped her. You lose, Ruby.







Michele and Brad sat across from Dr. Haskell while he studied her X-rays. Striking man, tall, slim, but muscular and those blue eyes, Michele couldn’t recall seeing eyes that blue before. Wonder if they’re contacts. Too blue to be real. She liked Dr. Haskell’s easy going manner.

“Not a bad break.” He turned off the light behind the x-rays. “I think a boot will do the trick. That’ll keep you mobile, and you can take it off to shower.”  He stood up, picked up her foot and looked at her ankle.

After he fitted the boot on her he showed her how to pump it up, and helped her stand. “How’s that feel? Go ahead walk on it.”

“Little clumsy but not bad.” Michele made a mental note to put a shoe with a higher heel on the other foot to even her out. “At least I can walk.”

“Okay, I want to see you back in here in about three weeks. We’ll take more x-rays and see how it’s doing.”

Brad held Michele’s arm while they walked to the car. “So now you have no excuse to lie on the couch all day. Looks like you’ll have to go to work. Earn your keep.”

Michele laughed. Thank God, she didn’t need a cast. Wouldn’t she look cute walking around on crutches?

When they pulled into the drive, Ruby stood next to her car, waiting for them. Michele didn’t wait for Brad to open her door. That damn woman made her so angry, she could spit nails.

Ruby ran to Brad and threw her arms around him. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick. Why didn’t you answer your phone?” She hugged Brad and threw a vicious look at Michele.

Michele cringed and went into the house before she did or said something she was sorry for later. No way she’d stand there and watch Ruby in Brad’s arms. Too familiar. What gave her the right to hug him that way? What kind of relationship did they have? Brad wanted to build a house. Or was that just talk? Building a house took more time than buying one already built. They’d have to find a lot, talk to an architect, find a builder. That all took time. Time they didn’t have if their marriage ended after a year. Michele hobbled to the kitchen. She needed coffee.

Brad came in a few minutes later. His jaw set, tension lined his brow. Lipstick smeared on his collar. “I have to leave again. Edgehurst has a problem that needs immediate attention. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Maybe a few days, maybe a week.” He leaned down kissed her cheek and went upstairs.

Michele’s heart fell to her feet. Damn, Edgehurst! Damn Ruby!  What did he mean he didn’t know how long he’d be gone? How could he not know?  Ruby wins again. What about dinner Sunday with their parents. Was she supposed to tell them about the baby herself?

Michele hobbled upstairs. Brad closed his suitcase and looked at her. “I’m sorry, Michele. Really, I...”

“Am I supposed to tell our parents about the baby Sunday? Or do you want me to wait?”

“Dinner, damn I forgot.” Brad rubbed his chin. “I wanted to tell them with you, but... I think you’re going to have to tell them before they hear it from someone else. You know how hurt they’ll be if that happens.” He picked up the suitcase, walked toward her, leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I have to go.”

Michele stared after him. Just like that he was gone. Gone for God knew how long. And here she stood – alone again. Alone to tell their parents about the baby, while he gallivanted across the country with Ruby. Michele sat on the edge of her bed and let the tears flow. How stupid she had been. What made her think she and Brad could build a real marriage? False promises, empty words. She felt abandoned and betrayed.

Half hour later she got up, wiped the tears from her eyes, and fixed her hair. She had work to do. She had to order the crib and chair for the Kirby’s. She didn’t have time to feel sorry for herself. Whatever would be would be. She couldn’t change it. All the tears in the world couldn’t change it.

Life had to go on.








Sunday, Michele pulled into her parents drive and sat in the car for a moment, dreading going in there alone. Dreading the looks from Myra and her mother. Hated that she had to tell them Brad was in California again. Although, they both probably knew that from Jack and her father. How could they not know it?  They knew everything. Well they’d change their tune when she told them about the baby. At least they wouldn’t drill her about Brad’s activities and blame her and her job that he was gone.

“What happened to your foot?” Her mother asked when Michele joined them in the living room.

Darn, she hadn’t mentioned her ankle when she talked to her mother last time. Oh well, just something more to talk about.

“Actually, I fell down the steps and broke my ankle.”

“Oh for goodness sake, Michele, I thought you had outgrown that klutziness. In too much of hurry, that’s your problem. Always in a rush. Here, sit down.” Her mother patted the cushion next to her on the couch.

Michele went around the room and kissed everyone hello, making contact with their cheeks. “Hi, Daddy.”  Daddy how long had it been since she called him that. Her mother didn’t like it, didn’t think it appropriate. Mother and Father, that’s what she taught Michele to call them. But her friends all called their father’s Daddy, and Michele liked the sound of it. She liked the sound of Mom too, but her mother had a fit. So it had been Mother and Daddy for a long time, since her father hadn’t objected. But when Michele hit her teens her mother won out, and she gave in. It had been Father ever since then.

“Michele.” Her father’s surprised voice delighted Michele and he brought his arms around her and hugged her.

“Uncle Jack, Aunt Myra.” Michele kissed each of their cheeks and gave Jack an extra hug. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe because he reminded her so much of Brad.

She sat next to her mother who looked flustered after Michele kissed her hello. Alice actually touched her cheek. Michele couldn’t help herself. Suddenly love for her family and Brad’s overwhelmed her. Mother’s instinct kicking in? She didn’t know the reason, but suddenly she didn’t mind being here. Too bad Brad hadn’t been able to come. Brad – what was going on with him and Ruby? She heard Ruby’s voice in the back ground every time Brad called. Urging Brad to hurry, Edgehurst was waiting. Or they had a meeting.

“Well, dear, I understand Brad’s in California again. What is going on that he has to make so many trips?”  Here it comes, Michele thought. Already her mother started the questioning.

Damn Brad for not being here with her. She wanted to wait until they sat down to dinner to tell them about the baby, but she didn’t think she could handle another grueling hour of Myra and her mother questioning her about Brad.

“Now Alice, you know I explained that to you already.” Michele’s father piped in. “Leave the girl alone. She has no control over Brad’s job.”

“Well, I for one don’t understand it.” Myra not to be out done by Michele’s mother had to add her two cents. “They’ve been married four months and Brad’s been gone three. How is anyone supposed to build a relationship, let alone a marriage like that?”

“Now, Myra,” Jack interrupted. “You know it’s his job and Edgehurst is a difficult client.

“Well why can’t you assign him to someone else, Frank?” Michele’s mother asked.

“Because he’ll only work with Brad.” Michele’s father answered. “Enough talk about work. We invited these people for dinner not to talk about work.”

Michele leaned back on the couch and let out a deep breath. She could have kissed her father and Jack again. They had no idea how much she appreciated it. So it was true Edgehurst was difficult. Brad hadn’t lied to her. Relief flooded through her. Thoughts of Ruby throwing her arms around Brad flitted through her mind. Why wouldn’t that image leave her? And, she’d been having that same nightmare over and over again.

The maid came in and announced dinner, and Michele joined their parents in the dining room. She’d rather eat in the kitchen where it was warm and cozy.

Michele waited until the maid left to make her announcement. Because God forbid you discussed anything personal in front of the help. She took a deep breath. May as well get this over with. Make the announcement and listen to Myra and her Mother gush. Brad owed her big time for this. A smile played about her lips at the thought. How would she collect? 

“You look like the cat that swallowed the canary, Michele.” Her mother said. “What are you grinning about? Care to share it with us?”

“Actually, yes, I’m pregnant.” There she dropped the bombshell.

Her mother and Myra dropped their forks. Mouths dropped open. Her father and Jack looked at her like she announced she wanted to go to mars.

“Pregnant!  When...How...Oh never mind that.” Her mother threw down her napkin. “That’s wonderful. When are you due? We’ll have to plan a nursery. Oh, I’m so excited.”

Michele laughed. Her mother, as usual, didn’t give her a chance to answer.

“Oh my... Grandparents. Did you hear that, Jack? We’re going to be grandparents. This is wonderful news. Oh my yes, we’ll have to start planning the nursery right away.”

“Well, I for one would like to know when my grandson is going to be born.” Jack said.

“Grandson, what makes you think it’ll be a grandson. It might be a girl you know.” Myra set her napkin on the table and got up. She came around and hugged Michele. “Are you feeling alright dear? No morning sickness or anything?”

Michele’s mother joined Myra and hugged Michele too. “Of course that’s why you looked so ill when we had lunch. Why didn’t you tell us then?” A hurt look crossed her face.

Michele felt a gnawing of guilt. “Because I didn’t know then, Mother. I only just found out for sure.”

“I bet Brad’s excited.” Myra sat back down and put her napkin across her lap. “He’ll make an excellent father. If he ever stays home that is.” She threw a look at Jack.

Michele caught the meaning. He had better see to it that Brad stayed home. She hoped now that Brad would take the promotion once this ad campaign with Edgehurst was done. She listened to Myra and her mother plan the nursery through the rest of dinner.

“Oh, and we have to plan a shower,” her mother said.

“Yes, we’ll have it at the club. January, I think.”

Jack and her father got up and excused themselves for their after dinner cigar.

Michele sat with her mother and Myra for another hour, and then got up to leave. It was just too much listening to their plans for the baby’s room. Although the more they talked about the baby, the more excited Michele became. And at least she made them happy for a change. Surprisingly, they hadn’t brought up her job.

“We’ll stick with white since we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl.” Her mother said.

Well that came as no surprise. Michele held back the laugh that bubbled in her throat. They went on and on.

“A white Jenny Lind crib,” Myra said.

“Yes and white walls and a white satin quilt. Oh it’s going to be a beautiful room. I can just picture it.”

“Well I’m tired and I think I’m going to call it a day.” Michele stood up to leave.

“Oh dear, do you think you should be driving?” Michele’s mother face showed concern.

“Oh for heaven sakes, Mother, I’m pregnant not an invalid.” Michele couldn’t hold back the laugh. How outdated and old fashioned they were for all their modern ways.

“If you need anything you call.” Myra actually kissed Michele’s cheek. Actually made contact.

“Thanks, Aunt Myra, I will.” The action moved Michele. She kissed her back.

“Can you see your way clear to calling me something other than Aunt Myra? How is that going to sound to the baby?”

Michele saw the hurt in Myra’s eyes. She never intended to hurt the woman. But Mother Lawson. She just couldn’t bring herself to call her that and Mother, well that was her mother. She didn’t want to be rude and call her Myra. “Okay, Grandma, how’s that?”

Myra smiled. “Well it beats Aunt Myra, and I may as well get used to it. Although I’d prefer Mom if you could bring yourself to do it, that’s what Brad calls me.”

“Okay, Mom.” Michele leaned down and kissed Myra’s cheek again. Mom, how she had wanted to call her own mother Mom, now here she was saying it to Brad’s mother and not minding it at all. “Night.”  Michele hurried to the door before they started talking about the nursery again. What a strange dinner. She could hardly wait to tell Brad about it.

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