Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux (18 page)

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Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux
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“Unneeded?” Nicola mocked her. “You’ll have confusion until the day of the DNA test. And I think that you already know that so I’m going to ask you one more time. Why did you not tell me? No lies, now.”

“Because…” Ivy was unprepared for a late night interrogation. “Because I knew that you were just a playboy. Someone I fell for…someone any woman would have fallen for under the present situation. And truthfully, I knew that you are not ready for a child. You’re not one for commitment and that’s what I need right now. I don’t need someone to bring all of his insecurities to table and just dump them on me. So, I’ve been keeping the pregnancy to myself. Besides that we used protection, which changes the probability when you really look at it.”

“First of all, I think that you need to let me determine whether or not I’m ready for a child, okay. Secondly, sooner or later someone will notice and there won’t be an ounce of stability in your life. Third, no one wants to dump anything on you. Hell, I don’t even know you well enough to dump anything on you. Besides that, yes, we used protection, but we made love five times that night. Neither you nor I can remember if we were truly careful enough to be in the clear. Anything is possible, especially when it comes to that night.” Nicola was shocked at her perception of him and mildly embarrassed.

“That’s why I’ve come up with a plan.” She stared at her fingers.

“A plan? What are you going to do, get married and hope he doesn’t notice that his kid is half white?” Anger began to seep out of Nicola’s pores.

“No, I wouldn’t try to trick him like that.” Tears began to fall down Ivy’s cheeks. “I had planned to leave right after graduation. Go across country, get a job and start a new life.” Inside she knew that her plan was ridiculous before she could even get it out of her mouth, but she told him anyway.

He laughed at her. “Don’t be foolish. Running won’t save you or that child. You’re just going to have to tell him. If he loves you as much as you evidently love him, then he’ll forgive you for us, and you’ll still get married. ” Nicola only prayed that he was right, because he wasn’t ready to take on all of this right now.

“And what if he doesn’t forgive me? What if he rejects me completely?’ She wiped her eyes.

“Then fuck him,” Nicola said passing her his handkerchief. His buzz was officially dead.

“Thank you,” she said blowing her nose.

“I meant for you to wipe your eyes, but don’t mention it?” Sitting back down he sighed again. What a birthday.

“Why do you smell drunk?” she asked finally noticing his condition.

“Because I am. It’s my birthday.”

“Well, I guess that’s a reason, then,” Ivy said sarcastically. She didn’t feel sorry for him at all. “What about us? What about if it’s yours?” She had been waiting for that answer for over a nearly two months.

“Oh,” Nicola rubbed his fingers through his hair. “If it’s mine, I’ll help raise it. You’ll have child support and everything you require to help with him or her.” He sighed heavily. “I’ll be there.” His words were few.

“But you don’t’ want to…be there,” she looked across at him. She needed to know the truth before she went any further.

“No, Ivy. I don’t. I know that it sounds cruel, but it’s the truth. I don’t want either one of us to be this situation, but we are. And it is our fault that we are. So, now we deal with it.” He met her eyes accidentally and immediately looked down at the ground.

“You can’t even look at me,” Ivy said feeling the tears stream back down her cheeks.

“It’s not that. I just feel guilty. Hell, what man wouldn’t feel guilty? I was only with you once, and it’s very possible that I knocked you up.” He searched for a calmer tone in his hysteria. “I mean…got you pregnant. But most importantly, I’m worried about you. And to be honest, I do feel like you need to tell this guy of yours ASAP, or you may end up loosing him, too. I mean, I can’t even tell you how pissed I was, and I’m nobody in all of this.”

“That’s the thing. I don’t know how to tell him that I’ve done this.” Ivy stood up walked over sit beside Nicola.

“Just tell him,” Nicola said holding her hand. “Tell him everything, and let him make a decision. It’s not like you did this alone. And you two were broken up. Besides, it could very well be his. This could be a false alarm. You know?”

And there it was again. That twinkle in Nicola’s eye that made butterflies erupt in Ivy’s stomach. It was then that her compassion returned for him, and she began to feel guilty for the way that she had behaved earlier.

“I only said those things today to make it easier for you to leave me. I did want to call you after that night we spent together,” Ivy said changing the subject. She knew that it was important that he hear the truth.

“Then why didn’t you? Because, you know I called you. And I waited a long time to hear your voice. So, it doesn’t sit right now that I have to hear it like this. I have to see you out of obligation. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Nicola was shocked at her confession but relieved. Somehow hearing those words healed his wounded ego.

“I was afraid that if I called and you acted as if nothing had happened, I wouldn’t be able to handle it.” Ivy sighed heavily wiping tears.

“Huh.” He thought for a moment. He could see how that would hurt her. “What…what do you feel about that night?” Now was the time to ask.

“Well.” Ivy sat back on the couch. “I don’t regret it at all.” She looked over at him. “In fact, I’m thankful for what we shared. It’s very special to me, but at the same time, I feel like eventually after everything comes out, I will regret it. Mostly because I will probably end up losing Grey.”



“Ivy, I hope you don’t lose him. And if there is anything I can say or do for you to help you, I will.” He had lied to a lot of women, but she would never be one of them. He had made that up in his mind the first time that he kissed her.

“Thanks, but just knowing that you are prepared to be the father is more than enough.”

Hugging him tightly, Ivy let out a few more tears brought on by the extreme anxiety she felt. Nicola held her tightly and smelled the lilac in her hair. “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be okay.”

“Do you really believe that?” Ivy asked holding him just as tight.

“Yeah, baby. I do.”

“Thanks for your vote of confidence.” She looked up at him and smiled.

“Don’t mention it,” he said touching her chin. What an end to a day.

For Nicola, there was the reality of being on pens and needles for the next seven months waiting to see if the baby she carried was his. For Ivy, there was the reality of telling Grey that she had been unfaithful to their relationship by not telling him that she had been with someone else during their breakup, along with the a child on the way, and a possible wedding that would never take place. But somehow amidst all that they would face in the next several months, they knew that they would get through it together.































Chapter Eight: Grey’s Christmas Gift

Chapter 8




“On the count of three, everyone say cheese,” the small balding Jewish photographer said angling in on the large group as they lined the long elaborate spiral alabaster staircase and circled the gigantic fifteen foot perfectly decorated Christmas tree twinkling under a huge crystal chandelier.

“One, two, three,” the photographer said finally getting the picture just right.

“Cheese!” the group yelled cheerfully in unison.

After the photo session, Ivy retired to the corner of the magnificent grand ballroom and carefully watched her soon-to-be family as they carried on in merry conversation.

It was Christmas Eve at the Henderson’s mansion, a time for joyous laughter and celebration for one of the most powerful families in Memphis. All the Henderson men had returned from their various posts around the country to dote on their lovely mothers, sisters and wives, to bring gifts of prestige to their colleagues, to brag on their tremendous accomplishments and seek approval from the three heads of the family, Mayor Henderson, Congressman Henderson and Senator Henderson.

All four of Grey’s brothers where home. There was eldest son, Bishop Henderson, the lawyer, home from Houston where he had just made partner at the prestigious law firm, Ingle, Davison, Mergein, and Claroborne, whom aspired to one day to be a supreme court justice. He was the only true family man, married to a beautiful doctor with two kids. There was the next to oldest son, Emerson Henderson, home from Quantico where he had just become an intelligence agent for the FBI, whom aspirations seemed unknown. There was Benjamin Henderson, the all too familiar anchor of Channel 4 news in Atlanta, who aspired to be the next Ed Bradley and was already one of the most notorious whoremongers in the state of Georgia. There was Bradley Henderson, the musician, who aspired to teach and be the most humble of the haughty brothers in hopes to hide his impeccable homosexuality. And then there was Grey Henderson, the relentless businessman who aspired to take his uncle’s place as Congressman in the upcoming election. Senator Henderson was retiring due to his failing battle with cancer.

She paused for a second as she watched Grey engaging a small audience of men that had collected in the opposite corner of the room by the oversized fireplace in a small debate. Grey was the meat of the family. He was the only son that chose to stay in Memphis to help maintain the political image of the family. He was his father’s right hand man. He was the investor, the banker, the bean counter, the CFO of the Henderson family. In him, she found very little fault but a great deal of pride, dignity and respect.

As Ivy went over in her mind all of her fiancé’s accomplishments throughout the last few years, she also revisited Grey’s discomfort with choosing to marry her. Maybe all of his hesitation was due to the heavy load that he was carrying? He was such a deserving young man commanded by so many tasks in so many areas. It was stupid of her to think that his reasons for leaving had anything to do with other women. Sure, she had heard the many rumors, but he had denied them with great conviction and tried hand over foot to prove to her that his fidelity was the last thing that she should ever question.

I don’t deserve you
, Ivy thought to herself of Grey as she rubbed her stomach. Although the pregnancy was a secret to everyone except Nicola, she felt as though everyone knew. Her fingers were puffy, her stomach pudged slightly and her very aura reeked of malice and deception. It was in her pity party that she caught Grey staring across the room at her sitting alone.

Excusing himself from his following, Grey strolled across the floor to his beautiful socialite sitting gracefully in the corner in her crimson velvet Ralph Lauren gown.

“And how is the lady tonight?” Grey asked flirting with Ivy as he offered her a glass of champagne.

“Fine, thank you.” She took the glass and set it on the table beside her.

“Uh huh,” Grey looked at the glass. “You know, as long as we have been together, I have never seen you turn down a glass of champagne. You’ve been a sucker for it since you were a teeny bopper.”

“Things change,” Ivy tried to smile.

“They do don’t they,” Grey kneeled down and looked carefully in Ivy’s eyes. “You have something you need to tell me?.” Taking the champagne off the table, Grey finished the contents and offered Ivy his hand. “Let’s take a walk.”

“Where to?” Ivy instantly became suspicious. He never liked leaving the crowd in fear that he would no longer be the center of attention. Was it possible that he knew? “If you want to go off and fool around, the answer is no. What would your mother say, if she caught us?” Ivy tried desperately to act as though nothing was wrong just in case Grey was privy to her new developments.

“I don’t want to mess around; I just want to talk with you…. spend a little private time away from everybody for a minute. Can’t we do that?” There was a menace in his eyes that Ivy instantly detected.

“I don’t think I want to,” she said lifting her eyebrow. “What are you up to?”

“Figuring out what you’re up to?” Grey offered his hand again. “Come on. I think that I already know anyway.”

“Oh, alright.” Ivy didn’t want Grey to make a scene, especially if he did in fact know that she was pregnant. So, she went quietly and quickly.

It was a crisp, clear night. The moon was out finally after six straight days of snow and ice, but Grey insisted that they take a walk in the back yard. He loved his mother’s elaborate garden even during the dead of winter with its beautiful statues and elegant landscaping. It had been the envy of Central Gardens since its conception during the post-civil war era.

The Henderson mansion was purchased in the early thirty’s by Jefferson Henderson, the son of a freedman from Michigan who had done well with the lumber trade. He purchased it from direct descendents of very wealthy slave owners who could no longer maintain the treasure during the Great Depression. The two-story antebellum home was on the national registry as a historic landmark and the pride of the community much to the Henderson’s delight.

“Why are we out here in the freezing cold?” Ivy asked shivering under her waist length silver mink coat.

“Well, I wanted to talk to you about something that has really been on my mind.” Grey looked at Ivy to read her very obvious body language. “You’ve been distant for a few weeks now. And I wonder if it is because of the baby or because you don’t want to have it?”

For a moment, there was complete silence and all that could be heard was the snow under their feed as they walked.

“How did you know, Grey? Did Trina tell you?” Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes.

“No, I’ve just been watching you. You normally call me when your cycle comes to congratulate me on a job well done,” he said jokingly. “Plus, you’ve been under the weather and
. And tonight when you wouldn’t take the champagne, I just…knew.” He looked at her and noticed there was more behind her discomfort than just him knowing that she was pregnant.

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