Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux (22 page)

Read Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Online

Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux
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“That is very good to know, because you are not invited.” Grey sipped on his drink again and crossed his legs. “What is going to take? Money? A promotion? What? I’m sure that it is obvious to you by now that I have an abundance of resources at my disposal. This is the opportunity for you to write your own ticket in this city. Just name your price.”

“Look, I don’t know what Ivy has told you about me, but I’m not the kind of man that backs down from his responsibility at the
simple request
of another man. And I really don’t have time to play mediator in you and Ivy’s juvenile love games. So, I won’t be cooperating with either of you, unless I’m getting what I want. Besides, I don’t recall when this became all about you. And as far as you resources...I’ve been writing my own ticket for a while now. So you unless you’ve got a tight little pussy under those pants, you can’t do a damned thing for me.”

Grey was lost for words for a moment. For one thing, he couldn’t believe that Ivy had placed him in such a pitiful situation all because she had neglected her responsibility as an adult to use a fucking condom. Secondly, this man had just asked him in a public place if he had a tight pussy. He wanted to laugh, laugh at himself for being so blind. Ivy had wanted aggression their entire relationship. She had wanted him to be this man. Grey’s outrage was unmistakable, showing on his face and in his heart. He remembered himself and quickly returned to his task.

“No, Nicola, I don’t have a tight pussy for you, and the one I had you obviously took full advantage of. So, please control your locker room antics for the duration of this meeting.”

“I think you know where I stand, so what do you want now.”

“Utter discretion until we know for sure whose this child is.”

The waitress returned to the table with Nicola’s drink and extra glass of water as the two men sat quietly through the thick tension thinking where and how they would come to terms.

“So what is it that you want from us that makes you unable to step out of the picture now? Please help me understand, since it is apparent that I don’t?” Grey asked surveying the room to make sure that no one important was witnessing their heated discussion.

“I don’t want to miss out on this pregnancy. We have six months before we know which one of us is the father. During that time, Ivy will need a lot of help. There are doctor’s appointments, classes, baby crap to buy and other arrangements to be made. I mean, I’ve never had a kid, but I’m sure it takes a lot of preparation. And I don’t want to leave her to do it all alone. After all, she didn’t make it alone. Besides, I’m not convinced that this baby isn’t mine. If I was convinced, I wouldn’t be here.”

“Are those the only reasons that you want in on it?” Grey asked perplexed by the stranger’s devotion to

“I am in on it,” Nicola said gulping down his Vodka. “For that matter, so are you. My reasons are crystal clear. No love involved. No future involved with Ivy. I just want to make sure that this kid isn’t mine. Plus, she isn’t a bad girl. Why would I leave her to do all of this alone?”

“She isn’t alone. Why do you think that I’m here?”

“Unlike Ivy, I can’t put my trust in you. I have to take care of my own shit.”
“Just the kid?” Grey asked irritated.

“What the hell else is there? We split the responsibility fifty-fifty. You go to half of the doctor’s appointments, and I go to the other half. Anything that she needs concerning that child, we should both be responsible for and any decisions made about the child, we should both be privy to.” Nicola was sure that Grey would agree; he was much too self-centered not to.

“Well obviously, I would benefit from it.” Grey analyzed the situation further. “But what’s in it for you?”

“If it’s mine, then I just did what I was supposed to do and if it’s not mine then I’ve just spent six months making up for one long ass night that I assured you involved more than a
few quick pumps
,” Nicola said quickly.

Their eyes met.

“Fine. We will put up with each other until Ivy has the baby using complete discretion to protect Ivy’s interests and image, but immediately afterwards if the baby is not yours
…you’re totally out of the picture,” Grey said finishing his Mimosa.

“Sounds good to me. Besides, I’m sure you know that I have no problem finding a woman, but for that matter neither do you. You as much a dog in heat as I am.” Nicola sat back in his seat and sighed. He didn’t need to miss sleep for this bullshit. They could have easily done this over the phone.

“Yes. I know of your reputation. And I’m sure that you know of mind. But you still have no idea how precious Ivy is,” Grey said wiping his mouth with his napkin. “The only reason why I’m agreeing to any of this is because of what she means to me.” It was apparent that Nicola’s presence was an irritating reminder of Ivy’s secret indiscretion.

“Believe me, man. I know how special she is and my reasons are similar if not the same.” Nicola said thinking back to the night he had held Ivy’s body in his arms.

Nicola’s comments seemed to have been just enough to rob Grey of his cool. “I’ve been with that woman almost longer than you’ve been on the job. You can’t possibly share the same reasons for standing beside her as me.” Grey threw down his napkin. Nicola’s pestilence enraged him further. “Two more things, just so we’re clear…. Ivy is mine and this town is mine. If you get in my way, I will fucking crush you.”

“Or you’ll die trying,” Nicola said smiling. “And I can just about guarantee it will be the latter. I’m not one of your little political friends. If you’ve got a real problem with me you just name the place and time. We can handle this the old fashion way. Enough with all this panty waist bullshit!”

The room became quiet. All the patrons stared on whispering and snickering. Grey had to neutralize this quickly.

“Thanks for coming out,” Grey stood and offered his hand with the same smug smile. Regardless of Nicola’s rebuttal, he had made his point. It was time for the games to begin.

Nicola stood up and looked at Grey’s hand. “You can go fuck yourself. Give Ivy my
if you can.” He was sure that Grey would read between the lines. And secretly at that moment Nicola enjoyed the thought that Ivy might very well be carrying his child. In fact, he hoped that she was…just for Grey’s sake. He walked away poised and pissed in the same breath.

Watching Nicola stride confidently out of the restaurant as cool as he had come in dark blue jeans and black shirt demanding the attention of all the women with his brilliant looks, Grey felt a sudden desire to kill…not just anyone, specifically him. He had touched her, felt her, known Ivy in ways that no other man should have been allowed.

Looking down at his half-eaten meal, Grey thought about all the women that he had gone through during his time with Ivy. She was totally clueless to how physically unfaithful he had been; yet mentally he loved her only. His feelings were human reaction and totally uncontrollable. And even though he had wronged her for years, at that very moment he was the one who felt betrayed.

Had he messed up so badly that Ivy would resort to seeing a white man? Or was race really the issue at all? He had been with white women, Mexican and Asian women and others as well. Maybe, the issue really was love? Did that man love her? Did she love him? What would make a man like Nicola want to spend six months apologizing for one night besides love? Grey’s questions were endless.

“Excuse me,” Grey said finally to the waitress as she passed by, “Could you bring me the check?”






Nicola pulled into the precinct and parked beside Brooks, who was in his truck arguing with Trina on the phone. Getting into Brooks’ Yukon, Nicola laid his head back on the peanut butter leather seat and closed his eyes. He couldn’t believe that he was getting a migraine so early in the day.

“Baby, I’m gonna have to call you back,” Brooks said hanging up the phone before Trina could reply. “Damn that girl gets on my nerves!”

Usually, Nicola had something smart to say about Brooks’ arguments with Trina, but today he sat quietly.

“What’s wrong with you?” Brooks asked yawning.

“I just had a meeting with Ivy’s fiancé,” Nicola said popping his shades over his tired eyes.

“What?” Brooks laughed. “Did you two hook up the shooting range and have a duel?”

“Might as well have,” Nicola said half laughing. “Guess whose son this asshole is?”

“Grey Henderson, Mayor Henderson?” Brooks said putting his phone in his coat.

“You knew?”

“You didn’t?”

“No, I didn’t, evidently.”

“Why does it matter? You would have still slept with her if you did know, maybe even enjoyed it more. Hell, you’ve never liked his ass.” Brooks looked over. Was the truth finally about to come out about how Nicola really felt about Ivy?

“He’s the son of a politician; he’s a politician in the making. He wants to keep this quiet for some reason, and I intend to find out why?”

“Maybe he just doesn’t want everyone to know that she stepped out with a white boy from Miami?” Brooks said patting Nicola on the shoulder. “This is still the south, man. You know how ignorant people can be on both sides of the fence.”

“No. This isn’t about race. It’s something else. Something more valuable to him.”

“It’s called a relationship.” Brooks laughed. “You’ve heard of one those things before, right?”

“Once or twice. Their suppose to be something like cancer, the end result is that it sucks the life out of you. But still, I’m not stupid. Something else is going on.”

“Do yourself a favor. Don’t get caught up between their families. Ivy’s family is well known and so is Grey’s family,
. Memphis socialites make your life a living hell. I know. I’ve banged more than a few. Stick to girls with a quiet life. The only way they get attention is if they come up missing.”

“So, if you were in my situation, you would just worry about the baby?”

“What the hell else is there for you to worry about? Ivy doesn’t want to be with you, and you don’t want to be with her. You’re both too different. Remember? Just wait until the timer goes off, and check the oven to see if the kid is yours on not.”

“Spoken like a true romantic,” Nicola said looking at his watch and instantly thinking of Grey. He almost wanted to get a different Rolex.

“No, I’m speaking from experience.”

“Really? And what socialite have you knocked up lately?”

“You can be a smart ass if you want to, but you’ll see,” Brooks said cutting off his truck. “Come on man, let’s go before we’re late for briefing. We’ve been talking about your baby’s momma long enough.” Brooks cut a sly grin and opened his door.











































Chapter Eleven: Family Reunion

Chapter 11


Momma, I need to talk to you,”
Ivy said feeling her stomach in her throat. Far too much time had lapsed, Ivy had to tell her family about the baby.

“Sure, why don’t come over today and spend the evening with me. I haven’t talked to you for more than five minutes at a time in nearly a month Plus, every time I call you, I hardly ever get an answer. I was beginning to get worried.” Ivy’s mother, Sadie, had a knack for knowing that while Ivy could take care of herself, she only stayed away when something was wrong. Ivy had always been afraid of failure and never wanted to acknowledge when she had fallen short on her glorious climb to success.

Now at three months pregnant, Ivy was showing slightly. Luckily, it was the dead of winter, and she could hide her bulge with large designer sweaters, leather jackets and long sleeved shirts. She had to admit that she was keeping her secret well from the world, but there still was a longing to have the support of her family.

For Ivy, it was horrible visiting the doctor’s office by herself and watching as other young mothers came supported by their loved ones. She needed someone to tell her everything was going to be okay. She needed someone to tell her about pregnancy and how to deal with all the emotional and physical stress that came with it.

“Okay, I’ll be over later,” Ivy said knowing that the news would nearly kill her mother. “Well, I have to run now.” Her mid-morning nausea had arrived.

“Are you okay? You don’t sound like yourself?” Sadie asked suspicious.

“Oh, I’m fine. I just have a hundred things to do before I head that way.” Ivy felt her mouth begin to water.

“Alright, I’ll see you in a minute.” Sadie wasn’t convinced, but she let her daughter go anyway.

“Alright,” Ivy said hanging up the phone. She was already sitting in the restroom on the floor waiting to bid farewell to her breakfast.

Pulling her hair back from her face and kneeling over the bowl just in time, she hit the lever and flushed the toilet as she felt the violent surge from her belly. Damn all men! Wiping her mouth, she stood up and ran water into her sink.

“Girl, you throw up like clockwork,” Trina said sticking her head through the door. “I’m headed to class and then work. Call me if you need me.”

“I may today. I’m going to tell Momma about the baby,” Ivy said brushing her teeth.

“It’s about time. I thought that you were going to wait until the christening.”

“I started to,” Ivy said laughing. However, inwardly she knew that this was no laughing matter.






Later that morning after Ivy had forced another light breakfast to stay down on her stomach, she headed to her mother’s Germantown home tucked comfortably away in Auburn Hills, where all the retired, divorced and moderately wealthy women of Memphis were flocking.

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