Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux (49 page)

Read Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Online

Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux
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“Last week.” Emerald stepped in the conversation. “And we’re expecting.” Lovingly, he put his hand on her stomach and smiled proudly, dually protecting his vulnerable wife. He couldn’t allow Trina to do this alone.

“It’s Brooks’ baby?” Nicola asked the question directly to Trina?

“Yeah.” Trina said not elaborating. “It’s a little K.C. Brooks.” Holding on to Emerald’s hand, she smiled to hold back her self-consciousness.

“Well,” Nicola shook his head in disbelief. “I’m…so happy for you.” He nodded on after his statement. “No, I mean it. I really am.” Taking Trina in his arms, he hugged her warmly and released a thunderous laughter vibrating against her chest.
Life was trip! Damn.
A lot had gone on while he was in Miami!

“That’s cool,” Emerald said speechless but pleased with the happy reunion.

“Thank you,” Trina said feeling his approval. “Thanks so much.” She needed that. She needed to know that one man on earth that was close to Brooks would understand, because if he did that she knew that Brooks would have too.

Nicola could see Trina’s pain, and he truly sympathized. It was apparent that the only stone left unturned in all of this was his. He had to give her his approval, or she would always feel as though she had done something wrong. He looked at Emerald.

“Congratulation’s, man. You have a very beautiful bride. You’re a lucky man.” Nicola extended his hand again, but Emerald hugged him. They all laughed while Grey watched jealously from a distance. And Madison observed instantly seeing what Ivy had seen in Nicola.






Sadie walked into the waiting room where her family sat patiently. At the sight of her, everyone stood up with eyes bright and curious. She stood in the middle of the waiting room emotionally drained and physically shaken. Her poor daughter had gone through so much. Madison walked over and hugged her. Sadie let out a soft sob on his shoulder and gripped his shoulders tight. Their poor Ivy.

“Oh, God. What’s wrong,” Trina said holding on to Emerald.

“How is she…they?” Madison lifted Sadie’s chin with care. He needed to know.

Sadie tried to give a smile. “She’s great. They’re great. Everyone is healthy and recovering.” Her eyes were red and her fair mocha skin was flushed. She kissed him on the cheek, glad he was there. Taking a deep breath, she looked over at Grey. “Grey, honey could you please follow me. Ivy wants to see you now,” she said glancing over at Nicola, who stood with at blank expression on his face.

Just what the hell is going on
, Nicola said to himself.

“Is she alright?” Grey asked looking back at Nicola. He fumbled with his coat as he rushed up to Sadie.

“Ivy’s fine. She just wants to see you,” Sadie said motioning through the doors. “She’s in room four.” She patted Grey on the back. “She’s fine.”






Ivy looked up as he walked into the room. Grey. Her self-proclaimed knight and shining armor. She tried to sit up a little and smile. He laid down his coat on the end of the bed and walked over to her. Lovingly, he kissed her forehead and rubbed through her hair.

“Hi,” she said hoarsely, trying to keep her tired eyes open.

“Hi. How are you guys doing?” He looked across the room and saw two basinets and nurses caring over them.

“Fine. Sorry, I didn’t let you come in for the birth. It was just best for the…”

“Shh,” Grey said putting his finger over her soft, chapped mouth. “I understand.”

“I’m lucky to have you,” she said as he bent down and kissed her lips.

“I know.” He smiled. “Now, can I see them?” he asked as he tried to see what color they were.

“Of course,” she breathed slowly taking in soothing breaths. “But before you do,” she lifted her hand. He took it hesitantly. “There is something I have to tell you.”

“Okay,” Grey said feeling a knot in his stomach.

“I love you.” Tears ran down her face. “And…I want to marry you.”

“And I want to marry you, too.” He looked into her eyes. “What is it?”

“The doctor has already taken blood from them. She says that after she gets your blood and Nicola’s, she’ll know by tomorrow. But from what I can see with my own two naked eyes, they look like they belong to Nicola.” Tears fell down her burning hot cheeks. “I’m so…sorry.”

“What?” Grey left her side and walked over to lay eyes on the people who had caused so much drama in his life. The nurses excused themselves hearing the conflict.

“Grey,” Ivy said wiping her eyes. It was inevitable that he had to see them. The world had to see them.

Grey stood over them, looking mystified and betrayed. The twin wonders lay wrapped in soft, baby blue blankets and head warmers quietly marveling at their new world. Their skin was fairer than Nicola’s. Their eyes barely open, one with green eyes and the other with blue. Their lips were the color of rose petals and visible dimples in each of their chins. Curly black hair lay slicked to their heads under the sides of their hats. They looked more Caucasian that Black to Grey. In fact, if he had not known that Ivy had given birth, he would have assumed them to have a different mother. Wow. He took it all in. Exasperated. Nearly defeated.

Grey smiled admiring their beauty and yet in pain. Touching one of them carefully, he looked back at Ivy and shook his head in approval. She had done a good job. He allowed tears to fall. He wanted them to be his. But he had known all along somewhere in the deep darkness of his thoughts that they were not. He felt it in the pit of his stomach every time they kicked in Ivy’s stomach.

Grey left them in silence and undisturbed. Going back to Ivy’s side, he wiped his face. He deserved this. For all the times he had cheated and lied, he deserved to be stripped of his dream. It was his fault. He was the liar. He was the con artist not Ivy. But thank God that he still had her.

“It’s okay,” he finally said trying to smile at Ivy who looked at him worried. “We’re still going to be a family.”






Nicola looked at Emerald who sat across from him whispering to Trina and finally stood up to leave. Why was he here? It was evident that Grey was the father. Grabbing his jacket, he smiled at Madison. He didn’t need to say anything, he was sure. When he was angry or unsure of himself it always showed, and he was sure everyone in that emergency room could see it now. Disappointment.

“I’m going to go on and head out of here,” Nicola said waiving uncomfortably.

Sade looked up quickly. “Wait!” She felt all eyes on her. “You can’t go yet.”

“Why” Nicola said dropping his jacket.

“Well, Ivy wanted to see you too,” she looked at Madison who she had quietly told while the others weren’t looking.



“Why?” He needed to hear Sadie say it. “What’s going on?” He looked at Madison.

“Son, you’re the father,” Madison said smiling. He could see the excitement in Nicola’s face.

“I am?” Nicola sat down feeling as though he was going to faint. “How do you know?”

“It’s obvious.” Sadie said going to him. “Does anyone in your family have blue eyes?”

“Yeah, my mom.” Nicola said looking up at her still stupefied.

“Well one of the children has
eyes and the other has green eyes. Madison’s side of the family carries that gene.” She sighed. “We won’t know for sure until you both give blood, but those children look like you, Nicola.” She smiled at Emerald who held Trina’ tightly. “Ivy’s decided to let you help her name them.”

“Really,” he said arching both of his dark brown eyes in disbelief. He put his hand over his mouth and shook his head.

Trina stood up and went over to Nicola, seeing that he needed a more familiar face. Touching his shoulder, she kneeled in front of him. He hugged her tightly like she was all that he had in this world. They both had gone through so much. They were the beginning of this all. She patted his back.

“I wish that Brooks was here,” he said fighting tears.

“He is,” Trina said shaking her head and crying. “He is.”

Just then, Grey entered back into the waiting room visibly distraught. He looked over at Nicola hugging Trina and cleared his voice. Grey figured that Sadie had already told Nicola, but he wanted to confirm the news for himself.

“Congratulations,” Grey said grabbing his coat.

“Thanks,” Nicola said feeling no need to fight with Grey any longer.

But Grey felt utter disgust. He did not stop to bid Ivy’s parents a good night. He did not go on with his normal pleasantries. He gracefully bowed out of the waiting room with no explanation of where he was going and no concern for leaving Ivy’s side.

“Where is he going,” Sadie asked Madison as Grey walked out.

“The boy needs to get some air,” Madison said rubbing Sadie’s back. “Let him walk it off.”






Ivy sat in the bed patiently awaiting Nicola’s entrance. She somehow could feel him near her the entire time that she was having her sons. Amazingly, before she ever looked at her children she knew to whom they belonged. Too tired to fix her hair or even smile after her exhausting confrontation with Grey, she gazed at the door as it openly slowly. Hesitantly. Then Nicola’s face appeared with a nervous smile, blush red and curious. His chestnut eyes swept the room; he spotted them on the far side of the room with nurses who had returned with small bottles of milk.

“Hey, lady,” he said smiling. “I heard that I’m a daddy.”

“Hi, yes you are,” she said weary. “Who didn’t keep their trap closed?” She tried to sit up.

Nicola quickly moved to her, adjusting the pillows behind her back. “Be careful,” he said tending to her. “Your mom told me.” He looked into her eyes. “Are you okay?” He kissed her forehead.

“I’m fine,” she said glad that it was all over. “I have stitches, but nothing that won’t heal in time.” She moved uncomfortably shifting slowly trying not to awake the pain.

He frowned. “Stitches?” He’d rather not know. He made his way over to the babies.

The nurses looked at each other in amazement. Dismissing themselves again, they wondered would any other possible fathers be in to see the new additions. Giving Nicola the babies’ milk bottles, they closed the doors and smirked.

“Oh my God,” Nicola exclaimed standing over them. “They look just like me!” He reached out to pick up one of the children. The baby with the blue eyes stared at him. “Can I pick them up?” he asked remembering himself.

“Do you know how to hold a baby?” Ivy asked alarmed.

“Yes,” Nicola said picking up the green-eyed twin and holding him close in his arms. “Hey, little fella,” he said cooing at the baby. “Hey, I’m your daddy and yours…” he said looking at the other baby that lay quiet awaiting his father’s embrace.

“What are you thinking right now?” Ivy asked watching him melt.

“I’m thinking that I have a reason to live,” he said in nearly a whisper. He put one baby down and picked up the other. “I want to hold them all day.” His tears fell on the baby’s skin. Ivy smiled as he watched him. She had never seen him like this before. Glowing. Radiant. Proud. He rocked the baby carefully, who snuggled comfortably in his large, muscular nest of arms.

“I’m thinking the same,” Ivy said making eye contact with the new father.

When Nicola had doted enough over his children, he returned to Ivy, this time more grateful. In the pupils of her eyes, he could see it lingering quietly unable to show its face for fear of losing Grey. Love. Their hearts seemed to beat at the same pace and their eyes spoke without their lips mouthing one word. The warmth of their bodies roped around them reminding them of the one night that they lie together intertwined as one and free from pain engulfed in exhausting pleasure. It was if their destiny was to be there together bringing new life into a confused and disheveled world. He breathed in intoxicated by the fragrance of lilac in her hair and the sweet smell of soft cologne on her body. Grey could have her for the rest of his life, but there would always be a part of Ivy that would indefinitely belong solely to him.

“Thank you,” Nicola whispered as he kissed her fingers.

“No. Thank you,” Ivy whispered back.

“There is so much more that I want and need to say to you, but now is hardly the time.”

Ivy nodded. “No,
is not the time.” She looked into his eyes. “We’ll talk soon when no one is around to take what we have to say the wrong way. Perception means so much right now.” Her words were just above a whisper.

“What do you
about the way that I feel about you?” Nicola asked looking at her long slim hand in his own.

“I believe that you will help me be strong and focus on my duties as a mother to your children and soon as a wife to Grey.” She looked away. “Neither job will be easy if we don’t have an understanding.”

“I know,” Nicola said wishing that she would just let him in. “I’ll do my part. I promise. I’ll support you and Grey as much as possible as long as you give me my boys.”

“How could I ever take them away?” She looked back at him. “They are yours for the rest of your life. Last names and all.”

“Speaking of which, what are you going to name them?”
“Well, I can’t give you a namesake,” she said trying to explain.

“Oh, I know.” He smiled at her. “Calm down.” He could see the immediate urgency in her eyes.

“But I do want to name them something that is significant for both of us.”

“We could name them after our fathers,” Nicola said looking back over at the children.

“Would you like that?”

“I really would.”

“What’s your father’s name?”
“Adamo. That’s Italian for Adam.”

“Ovviamente.” Ivy said rolling her eyes. “I’m not that slow.”

?” Nicola said laughing at her correct translation of “of course” in Italian.
“My father would love one of them to be named after him. Plus, it’s neutral territory.” She looked over at the children. “When do they start to cry a lot?”

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