Jacks, Marcy - Eli's Reluctant Mate [DeWitt's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (5 page)

BOOK: Jacks, Marcy - Eli's Reluctant Mate [DeWitt's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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“What is it?”

“Chris, he has day-and-night eyes.”

James’s eyebrows lifted, and he turned to look toward the motel

door with its big gold numbers, where Chris was still hidden.

“Well, shit.”

Marcy Jacks

Chapter Four

Chris jumped at the knock at the door. He looked through the peephole and quickly unbolted the door. He was surprised to see the man he’d taken in wearing a pair of jeans.

“We need to go.” It was all he said as he grabbed Chris by the arm and yanked him out.

“Hey!” Chris tried to fight the guy off. Seriously, he didn’t think he was that small of  a guy, he did have muscle on him, but even using all of his strength he couldn’t pry his arm out of this man’s grip.

“Stop that. You’re going to bruise yourself,” he said, halting suddenly and looking Chris in the eyes.

Too weird
. “I have my stuff back there. My wallet and cards,


“My friends will get it all for you.”

“Your friends?” Chris looked over and saw all the men suddenly  hanging out on the parking lot. Each of them varied in size, but they  were all huge as far as Chris was concerned. Some of them looked  downright scary, like professional hit men with their sunglasses. Was  that guy wearing gun holsters?

Chris would have looked a little closer, had his attention not been

taken by the gray wolf behind the shrubs, head bent, orange eyes

glaring at Chris.

Jesus Christ! It was another one of them.

Without realizing it, he tried to back away. The man holding  Chris’s arms shook him a little, grabbing his attention. “Listen.  You’re not safe here. These men are part of my pack. They’ll help keep you safe until we can figure out what to do about those wolves

Eli’s Reluctant Mate

who saw you.”

Chris looked back at the group of men standing before him. He  didn’t feel much too safe in their presence either. Not with the curious  way they were all looking into his eyes.

Chris could still feel that other man on top of him, holding him  down, trying to remove his pants and pull out his erection.

Chris shook his head. “No way.”


“Forget it. No way. I’m glad you’re okay and everything, but I’ll

be fine on my own.”

“You can  trust these men.”

“I don’t even know who
are!” Chris shot back, and again he  tried to pull his arm out of the man’s grip, and again he failed.

“My name is Eli Martin,” he said, and Chris became still and  quiet. Not because of the tone Eli had used when introducing himself,  finally, but because of the pleading way in which he was staring at  Chris. “That’s my name. My brother was Eric Martin. He was my  twin and my best friend, and those men that tried to fuck you and kill  me, they killed him already. That one wolf saw your eyes, and he has  your scent. They found us here without any problems at all,” Eli said,  pointing with his hand to the whole group of his friends. “And after  what I just told you about your eyes, you’d better believe they’ll come  looking  for you, too, to get back at us for what I did to them.”

Chris’s heart pounded, and he swallowed hard. He was never the  brave sort of guy. He didn’t even much like survival horror video  games, or roller coasters, but he had seen what he had seen, and he  knew Eli was being perfectly serious.

“Please,” Eli said, his eyes, those dark, kicked-puppy eyes,  pleading with him to not fight him on this. “Come with me.”

Chris couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but he reminded

himself of Dean, and now, knowing that Eli also had a brother  murdered by werewolves, well, maybe it wouldn’t be too difficult to  get him to help Chris find out about his brother, seeing as they shared

Marcy Jacks

that sort of bond between them.

“All right,” he said.

*  * * *

Eli was glad Chris decided not to fight him on going to Eli’s pack.  Though it had been a bitch to open up about his brother in front of the rest of the alphas like that, they all knew about Eric. Christ, they’d been there when he was murdered, but saying it out loud like that, in front of them, and knowing he had that kind of pain in his voice, wasn’t something he wanted to dwell on.

He’d been happy, however, when Chris made sure to walk especially close to Eli during the walk back to pack land. He wondered if Chris had been aware  he was doing it, that he was looking to Eli for protection. Well, he had been doing it, and whether  Chris knew it or not, they were mated.

All Eli had to do was tell him.

That was going to have to wait. The second they got back to pack land, which after carefully watching every step they all took just in case they were about to run into an ambush or something, took way more time than it needed to, Eli ran to his cabin to be alone. He

barked orders at Adam to find Chris a decent cottage and a decent

room to  stay in as he ran.

Adam flipped Eli the middle finger as he ran away, and Eli  couldn’t be bothered with turning around and beating the living shit  out of the man for the offense.

Nope. Before that could happen, hell, before his little meeting with James could happen, there was something that he needed to take care of first, and it had been killing him all day.

Eli’s cabin was one of the newer ones that Isaac was being commissioned to build, and despite the fact that it had three bedrooms that were more than big enough to be shared with other members of the pack, he lived here by himself.

Eli’s Reluctant Mate

No one wanted to hang out with a depressed drunk all the time, and that suited Eli just fine. It meant he didn’t have to hide his booze very well from prying eyes, and he could keep the place in whatever condition he wanted.

At the moment, it looked like shit. He could never bring Chris in here until he got this place cleaned up.

One step at a time, however.

Eli ran into the bathroom and kicked the door shut behind him.

Thank God Andrew had shifted so that Eli could have something to wear. It was one thing to be walking around with Chris standing so close to him, but it was entirely another to be naked and Chris walking so close to him. With his scent right under Eli’s nose that whole time, Eli’s dick swelled painfully more and more.

Had it not been for the jeans, he was sure Chris would have looked down and noticed at some point.

He hadn’t, and now Eli had to take care of this or else he wasn’t

going to be of any use to anyone.

He pulled down the jeans, and they were like a second frickin’

skin. The hot weather, combined with his sweat, and the fact that

Andrew had a boney ass, meant he had to peel the cotton off his legs.

He got them down as far as he needed, and he wrapped his fist around his cock, his eyes sliding shut at the immediate jolt of pleasure as he stroked himself.

Fuck, that was good.

Eli rested his hand against the wall, leaned down, and pumped himself, his breathing hitching with every stroke.

It was good, but not quite what he wanted.

He reached under the tiny sink and pulled open the little cupboards under there, reaching for the bottle of skin cream he kept, though not for his skin.

He squirted a little into his hands and rubbed them together to slick his palm  just enough, and the next time he grabbed his cock, he nearly came.

Marcy Jacks

“Fuck! Chris,” he moaned.

He’d seen Chris with his shirt off. He knew what his chest looked

like, so there was no fantasy where that was concerned. He imagined  himself licking that chest,  the ridges between his smaller muscles,  pulling one of those little brown nipples into his mouth.

Chris would screw his eyes shut, spreading his legs, inviting Eli in  to claim him.

No, Eli pictured himself turning Chris over, putting him onto his hands and knees, touching his hole with his tongue, making Chris buck and moan before Eli stilled him by putting his hands on Chris’s hips and thrusting his slick cock inside and―

Eli groaned as he came, shooting into the toilet bowl.

He rested his face on his arm, giving himself a minute to catch his breath before finally releasing his dick and pulling the toilet seat


He cleaned up and showered, throwing the borrowed jeans into his

ever-growing laundry pile. He took the bandage off his face before it  could have the chance to get wet. There was a little blood soaking  through it, but otherwise, the slice had closed up.

Those blades the weres were using couldn’t have been silver,  otherwise he would have been sick and his wounds wouldn’t be

healing all that quickly.

Thank God for small miracles.

He sat on his unmade bed and rubbed his hands through his hair.

Christ, was this what it was like to have an unclaimed mate so close

by, but holding off on taking them?

They said that humans, despite being human, were capable of  experiencing the same emotional and physical needs as their lycan  counterparts when they were close to their mates.

Please God, let Chris be feeling these things, too, Eli silently  prayed, his cock already twitching as the faintest thought of Chris

naked and calling to him entered his mind. He didn’t know how much  longer he’d be able to hold off on just taking the other man, or else he

Eli’s Reluctant Mate

would go insane if he had to stay this horny and needy all the time.

* * * *

“I’m banning you from the bars,” James said when Eli finally  managed to get his ass out of his cottage and go and see him. “If I  ever find out you went there without just cause within the next twelve  months, I will banish you from the pack.”

James had been angry enough as it stood, considering Eli had  been late to show up, and whether Eli had found his mate as a result  from going to the bar or not, the fact stood that he had disobeyed ten  times too many, and now James clearly had enough.

He had a couple of bottles hidden under his kitchen sink  anyway.  He could take sips from them now and again whenever the reminder  of Eric’s death got to be too much, and slowly, he could wean himself  off the stuff.

He had to get sober now that he’d found Chris anyway.

“Yes, sir, of course.”

James looked at him skeptically. He wasn’t the sort of leader to admonish his alphas while sitting behind a desk. No, they were both standing, and James had his back to his new bookcase, and his arms were crossed as he stared at Eli. “You’re giving me your word on this?”

Eli nodded. If he was careful with the amount he had, he could

probably make it last for a couple of weeks. That should be more than

enough time for him to get his ass on the wagon. “Yes, sir.”

“And I’m not going to find out you snuck on down to town to buy

more booze?”

“No, sir, definitely not.”

“Good.” James uncrossed his arms and stood straight. Eli got the  message that he was being dismissed.

“Go find your mate now. Corey and Tristan were with him, last I  heard, trying to get him used to us, but he’ll be needing you.”

Marcy Jacks

Eli blushed. This was where things got awkward. “James, how am

I supposed to claim him?”

James’s brows went into his hairline.

“I know how to fuck him,” Eli clarified. “But how am I supposed  claim him? Will he be for it if I just go up to him and, I don’t know,  throw him over my shoulders or something?”

That actually sounded like it would make for really good sex. Eli  could go up to him and, caveman-style, just grab Chris around the  waist and walk off with him.

But Chris was still a human. Regardless of the fact that they were mated, and that Chris was probably feeling the same things Eli was, there was the great big, glaring fact that he probably wouldn’t appreciate being hauled off like that.

“Hm,” James said. “I don’t know. Corey was a werewolf himself by the time we claimed each other, so his case is a little different. You might want to ask Tristan or Isaac about that one.”

Considering all the money he owed to Isaac, Eli wasn’t too concerned about asking him for anything.

“You’re both adults,” James said. “He’s your mate, so he is sexually attracted to you at the very least. Just go up to him, offer him a drink,
, and explain your situation or don’t, I don’t think it matters, and you should have him in bed soon enough.”

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