Jamie Hill Triple Threat (45 page)

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Brady tossed the key in the air and grabbed it again. He grinned at her roguishly. "I would, but you'd probably like that."

"Ha!" she chortled, and went into her place. Watching out the window she saw Brady climb into his Explorer and drive away.

Gina reached for her phone and punched a number saved into memory.

"Hello," he father answered after two rings. He sounded frail, which always made her hesitate.

, Papa."

Cara! Come stai

"I'm fine, Papa. I have a question for you, though. I was out today and I thought I saw Xavier Tesco at the same restaurant."

"It's a free country,
. The man has to eat."

"Oh, come off it! This makes twice we've spotted him watching us in the last month. I wanted to believe it was coincidence, but the more I think about it…"

"That detective you're dating must not be too sharp if he's only spotted Xavier twice." He chuckled.

"Papa!" She stomped her foot, a ridiculous gesture since they were speaking by phone, but Gina was angry. "Why are you having me followed?"

"I never said I had you followed. You just assumed. You lied to me,
bella cara
. You told me you weren't dating the cop. You said you didn't even know his name. Yet his car was parked in front of your building this morning."

"At the time I said that, we weren't seeing each other. We only recently—"

"Before you go any further, remember I have Xavier's complete report from these last weeks. More lies would not be prudent."

Gina growled with irritation. "You just told me you weren't having me followed. Suddenly, you have complete reports?"

"Given to me by someone else, who has a vested interest in your behavior."

"Danny." She screwed up her face. "Why the fuck—"

"Watch the language!" he snapped at her. "Talk like a lady if you expect to be treated like one."

She took a couple of deep breaths to compose herself. Her father and brother swore in conversation all the time. The double standard her old-fashioned father lived by drove her crazy. She held her tongue to avoid further arguments. She was talking to the wrong man, anyway. "I'm sorry, Papa. I'll speak to Danny. I don't appreciate his having me followed, and I intend to tell him that."

He chuckled again. "Good luck,
bella cara

"Yeah. Bye, Papa." Gina disconnected the call. She looked out the window to make sure Brady hadn't returned. She punched a button, calling another number stored in the phone's memory.

"Hello." His voice was smooth and deep. For the first time Gina noticed, the older he got, the more he sounded like their father.

"Hello, Danny. Hope I haven't called at an inconvenient time."

"Hey, sis! How's it going?" His tone was friendly and cheerful.

She was angry, and wanted to rip him a new one. Again, she held her tongue. "I just got off the phone with papa. He told me you're having me followed. I'd like to know why the fuck you think that's necessary, please?"

Danny laughed. "Straight and to the point. Same old Gina. I'm fine, by the way. Teresa is good, real busy with her charity stuff. Max is playing t-ball, can you believe that? And Tess is taking ballet. You should see her in her little tutu."

"I'm sure she's adorable." Gina found herself gritting her teeth. "What's up, Danny?"

"Look, there's lots of weird shit going on right now. Shipments are being fucking swiped from under our noses every week. The—"

"That has absolutely nothing to do with me. Half that crap was probably stolen to begin with."

"Watch your mouth. We run a perfectly legitimate business. Someone is fucking with us. A security guard was killed, so don't tell me it's not serious. I'm concerned for your safety."

She gripped the phone tighter. "Try again, because I don't buy that for a second."

"Isn't it interesting that the cop you're banging is the same one on the warehouse district case? Do you think he's making nice with you to try and get on the inside and find out what's going on?"

"Brady doesn't know we're connected, and I'd like to keep it that way. Fuck you for implying he's using me to get to you."

, in some ways this is such a small town! He's going to find out. I'm simply trying to gauge if the man might be useful to us down the line. It never hurts to have friends in high places. Did I mention, the mayor and I are playing golf next week?"

She frowned. "You sicken me. Stay away from us, Danny. Brady will never be 'useful' to you, unless you're looking for someone to throw your ass in jail. You can be sure of that."

"Then I suggest you steer Detective Marshall in a direction away from our family business. If someone isn't useful to me, he's merely a distraction. You know how I handle distractions."

Gina's heart lurched. "Don't you fucking make threats, Danny. I swear to God—"

"There you go, swearing again. We should have sent you to charm school instead of rehab. You'd still be stoned, but perhaps you'd act like a lady." He laughed uproariously at his own joke.

"Call off your guard dog and leave us alone. I mean it." She disconnected the call.

Her stomach churned. She felt sick, and ran to the bathroom where she lost her lunch in the toilet. Sobbing, Gina clutched a washcloth and sat on the edge of the tub.
You know how I handle distractions.
She'd never heard her brother sound so cold-blooded before.
What is he thinking?

Obviously, the warehouse district case was much more serious than she'd realized. She wondered if Brady understood what he was dealing with. She couldn't clue him in without revealing her family ties. She had no intention of doing that.
There's got to be another way



* * * *



Brady drove to the station and put out some feelers for the man in the blue Chevy. His gut told him it wasn't a coincidence he'd seen the same guy watching them twice.
Watching us.
Not simply eating or passing by.
. Something was up.

The department was quiet for a Saturday. No one from his division was around, so he didn't have to explain himself. He entered what he knew on the computer and waited. There were no immediate matches, so he requested a more extensive search, which would take more time. He'd have to pick up any information retrieved later.

At his house, he changed the dressing on his wound and threw a few things into an overnight bag he hadn't used in years. He couldn't remember the last time he'd intentionally stayed over with a woman. The very concept caused a little niggling sensation in his gut, more from habit than anything Gina had done.

He was amazed how comfortable they were with each other. From the moment he'd woken with the cat butt in his face, they were a couple. No discussion, no what-ifs, they just were. The idea scared him slightly, but the alternative bothered him more. He wouldn't be ready to leave Gina that night, maybe not even the next day. He wanted to stay, to
be with
her until they were both exhausted and then simply
with her. Not sure he'd ever want to go, he only packed for one night so he'd be forced to go home on Sunday.

He smoked a quick cigarette and arrived back at her place in just over an hour. Using his new key, he let himself in and carried his bag to the bedroom.

Gina was napping on top of the covers. She looked so gorgeous—fluffy black hair, sexy little birthmark above plump, juicy lips. His erection stirred. The same problem he'd suffered every time he looked at her the past month. At least now he could do something about it.

Brady climbed on the bed quietly, holding himself above her with his forearms. He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose.

She stirred but didn't waken.

He nuzzled her cheek, pressing kisses down her neck, where he grew more adventurous. He nibbled and sucked every inch of exposed skin, heading for her shirt where he intended to expose some more.

Gina squirmed and smiled without opening her eyes. "Somebody call the cops," she murmured. "I think my virtue is about to be compromised."

"Cops are here." He raised her T-shirt over her breasts and released the front clasp on her tiny red bra. "And oh, yes, it is. Big time."

Her nipples puckered in the cool air. Brady admired one then the other before pulling each, in turn, into his mouth and sucking. When they were firm, tight nubs, he grazed his teeth over the skin and tugged each bud. Releasing them, he looked up to face her. "Sorry to wake you. You looked so cute lying there, I couldn't resist."

She opened her eyes and began unbuttoning his shirt. "I wanted you to wake me. In fact, this is exactly what I had in mind." Smiling, she leaned up and licked each of his flat nipples. "Flip over on your back, baby. My turn to be on top."

"If you insist." He rolled, losing his shirt before he hit the mattress.

Gina climbed on top of him, grinding her jean-clad crotch into his. She tossed her T-shirt and bra onto the floor and leaned over him, waving her breasts in his face. "I insist. Shall we see what we can do about these jeans?"

"I'm on it." He reached for her snap.

She wiggled against his rock hard erection. "So am I."



* * * *



Brady leaned back on Gina's sofa and kicked his feet up. Holding the TV remote, he flipped through channels without much thought.

"Here you go." She came out of the kitchen and handed him a beer. "I put the rest of the Chinese food in the fridge, if you want it later."

"Thanks." He looked at her appreciatively.

Dressed only in his button down shirt and a pair of tiny white panties, she looked amazing. She could be wearing painting overalls and old rags and he'd still think she was gorgeous.
I've got it bad
. He couldn't get enough of her. Brady smiled and patted his thigh.

She climbed onto his lap sideways and kissed his cheek. She continued kissing around his ear and down his neck. "How's your arm?" she whispered, her mouth pressed against his skin.

"Not bad. Only hurts when I move it a certain way."

"Then don't move it that way," she teased, still kissing.

He bent his neck to give her better access. "I'm trying. You've got me moving all different sorts of ways this weekend."

"You complaining?" Gina sucked the flesh on his neck.

He shivered and shook her loose. "Cut that out. No, I'm not complaining. But I don't need a hickey when I go back to work."

"I think it'd be cute." She latched on to another spot on his neck.

"Hey!" He squirmed.

"Okay, okay." She resumed gentle kisses and paused by his ear. "I'm worried about you, Brady. I mean, you were
shot at
yesterday. Is the case you're working on more dangerous than you thought at first?"

"Nah, I don't think so. It became more significant when that security guard was killed. But I think the incident yesterday was an accident."

She cupped his face with one hand and looked him in the eye. "We're together now. I need you to be more careful. Don't let your defenses down for an instant."

He smiled. "I'm always careful."

"Brady." She squeezed his face insistently. "I mean it. Things are different now. I'm attached to you. I expect you to come home safe every night. I refuse to spend all my time worrying about you."

"Nothing to worry about." He pulled her close. That was all he could say to her. In his line of work, there were no promises. He'd survived a lot of years on the force, and he was diligent. It was the best he could do. "Besides, worry won't change anything. You might as well spend your time doing something more productive."

She rested her head on his shoulder. "I plan to," she agreed. "Every chance I get."

He chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I knew I liked your style."


Chapter Five


Brady stretched and loosened his necktie. He'd been cooped up in a small conference room with Richard Allen for two hours, going over paperwork.

"Can I get another cup of coffee?" A note of resignation echoed in Allen's voice. He knew he was there until Brady was satisfied.

Brady nodded to the door. "Sure. It's right out there. Take a minute, stretch your legs."

"I don't suppose I could have a cigarette?"

"Sorry, smoke-free building."

"Right. Whole damn city is going smoke-free. Might as well quit." Allen sauntered from the room, heading toward the coffeepot.

"My thoughts, exactly." If he wasn't having one, Allen could suffer, too. He'd weaned himself back to a few per day. He didn't miss it when he spent time with Gina. It was here, in the office, when the craving reached its peak.

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