January: A Dear Diary Short Story (Dear Diary Short Stories Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: January: A Dear Diary Short Story (Dear Diary Short Stories Book 1)
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As he says the last sentence, his fingers slip inside and I open my legs wider and push back against his hand. He has three fingers in me and he’s furiously pumping them in and out. The pleasure is more than I imagined and it’s intermingled with pain. I can’t stop grinding against him. I’m like a woman possessed and the only thing that can return my sanity is a mind blowing release.

He leans down and bites the curve of my shoulder as he removes his hand from my pleasure zone. I groan in frustration and mutter out, “No, don’t stop. I need to cum. Please…”

He laughs and it sounds harsh to my ears. I hear his zipper release and the tearing of foil as he licks my ear. “Oh, you’re going to cum. You’ll get what you want.” He presses down on my lower back and I bend over. His hands grip my hips and he surges in. I scream out as it feels like he hits my throat.

He groans and before I can get my bearings, he’s filling me over and over. My breasts are bouncing everywhere and my hands splay on the glass of the window. He’s showing no mercy. He’s fucking me with unbridled passion and it’s glorious.

Sweat is dripping from him onto my back where it’s mingling with my own. Grabbing my leg, he hooks it over his hip and it drives him more deeply into me. I’m about to pass out from the intensity of his fucking.

Finally, I feel the burn in my core and I scream out as I shatter around him. My climax prompts his own and with one final thrust, he empties himself inside me.

When he’s done, he pulls out and the suction sound makes me cringe. It’s like my body is reluctant to release his magnificent cock.

He’s breathing heavily as he steps back. I slide to the floor, where I just look up at him as my body continues to quiver.

He unrolls the condom and tosses it into the trash after tying it. His gaze returns to me and he says, “Five minutes. Clean yourself up. I want to continue the painting in five minutes.”

Nodding, I struggle to stand and head to the bathroom with a huge smile on my face.





me as I wait for my morning Zebra Latte. Julien is not here. Granted, he’s not here every day, but I was really hoping to see him today.

I’m lost in my head and full of despair when I feel a presence at my side. Looking up, I gasp. I quickly mask it.

Dammit, Ramsee! Get your shit together. Right now! He’s HERE! Talk to him!

Julien smiles down at me. He’s dressed differently today. He’s not paint splattered and he’s wearing jeans, a button down shirt, and a sport coat. His wavy hair is pulled back off his forehead. Just as I’m thinking it’s a shame his waves aren’t gracing his face, one springs free. He looks amazing.

His hand automatically goes to try to tame it and before I can stop myself, I reach out and grasp his arm. His brows raise and he laughs. “I don’t know why I try to tame this hair.”

I smile back. “Leave it.”

His eyes light up and he looks down to where my small hand is caressing his arm. I quickly pull my hand back and stammer, “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean… I’m so sorry.”

He reaches out and encloses it in his own before I can hide it in my coat pocket. My breath catches at the contact and a current shoots up my arm. “Quite alright. No harm. No foul.”

The barista coughs and when Julien looks over, he hands him both of our drinks. Julien takes them and holds one out to me. As I reach out to take it, he smiles. “I believe this one is yours, my lady.”

I can’t help it, I grin back, though my heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest and my hand is so wet I’m worried I’m going to drop the coffee on the floor. “Thank you.”

Ha! You’re talking to Julien and you haven’t dropped your coffee. Winning!

He gestures to the tables as we get jostled from behind. We’re blocking everyone’s way. “Shall we sit? Do you have a minute?”

I nod.
Hell yes, I have a minute. I have an hour. A day. A month. A year.

Whoa sista, slow your roll. He asked you to sit down, not have his babies.

Shit, those would be some pretty babies though.

Just breathe…

“I have a bit before I have to run off.” I head to an empty table in the corner and he pulls my chair out before I can switch my coffee to my other hand. I smile up at him as I sit. “Thank you. You’re very chivalrous.”

He chuckles. “Yeah, well my momma would smack me if I didn’t show a lady respect.”

“Aw, well, your momma would be proud.” I tuck a loose piece of my hair behind my ear before I cradle my cup. I’m so nervous and I want to kick myself for acting like a fool around Julien. Granted, he’s invaded my thoughts both asleep and waking for over four months, but still. I smile at him. “I’m Ramsee.”

He laughs out loud. “Would you think I was a stalker if I said I already knew that?”

He already knew that? What? Seriously? Is he as attracted to me as I am to him?!

Swallowing my nerves, I give him my full watt smile. “No, I wouldn’t think you were a stalker at all. Just don’t tell me you know where I live.”

He slaps the table. “I do not. I’m assuming you live around here though, since you’re here like every day.”

I laugh. “Well, so are you.”

He nods. “I am. I live upstairs actually. I have an apartment on the top floor.” He points up as he says it.

My mouth gapes open. “Really? I only live a block away. I’m surprised I haven’t seen you all over the place since we live so close.”

He crosses his arms and looks at me intently. His blue eyes fascinate me. “Well, who would have guessed? Maybe it’s fate.”

I roll my eyes. “Seriously? Fate?”

He laughs again and takes a sip of his coffee. “Ok, maybe it’s just the great coffee.” He points at himself. “I’m Julien.”

Now it’s my turn to confess. “I know your name. I’ve heard it a time or two. It’s nice to finally
you, Julien.” I hold out my hand.

He looks at it and then a smile that takes my breath fills his face. He takes it and shakes it firmly, but caresses my palm when he’s done. Shivers race across my spine and I can’t hold back my whoosh of breath as it expels my lungs.

Finally, he lets it go and leans back in his chair again. He glances at his watch before looking up at me with a sheepish expression. “I’m sorry. I have an appointment shortly and I need to get going. I’m certain you have a job to get off to as well.”

I glance at my phone and freak out as I see the time. I have to open the gallery in ten minutes and it’s a ten minute walk.
I stand quickly and sling my purse over my shoulder as I grab my coffee cup from the table. “I do actually. I have to be a work in ten minutes. My boss is a bear and will lose her shit if I’m late.”

His face falls. “I’m sorry.” He shrugs. “Look, if you’re free later tonight, would you like to have dinner with me? I know it’s last minute and we just officially met, but I’d like to get to know you, Ramsee.”

My heart thuds in my chest.
He’s asking me out. Like on a date?

I nod. “I’m free tonight. Are you asking me out? Like a… date?”

He nods and smiles. “I am. That is if you’re agreeable.” He takes a card out of his wallet and swipes a pen off the table next to us. The college student it belongs to looks up and calls out, “Hey!”

He waves him off and says, “I just need to borrow this for a minute. I’ll give it back. This pretty lady needs my number.”

He writes on the back of the card and hands it to me. I glance down. He’s written his number. He gives the pen back to the annoyed student and says, “Thanks, man.” The guy smirks and gets back to his reading. Julien looks at me as he turns away. “I really need to get going. That’s my cell. Text me your number when you have a minute and I’ll call you later. Dinner at seven?”

I glance at my phone again. Shit, now I only have five minutes. I’m going to have to run. I nod. “Seven is great. I’ll text you when I have a minute at work. I have to run. Literally.” We head to the door together and as I turn left to head to work, he turns right, toward campus. He walks rapidly backwards and calls out, “See you tonight, pretty Ramsee. Have a great day at work!” Then he salutes me before he turns and sprints down the sidewalk.

I take a minute to relish the moment before I take off at a run. I make it to the gallery out of breath and only two minutes late. Unlocking the door, I punch in the security code while I attempt to catch my breath. By the time my boss arrives fifteen minutes later, the gallery is open and my appearance is back in order.

I whistle while I straighten the displays and check in a new shipment for the viewing we’re hosting tomorrow night.

Mid-morning, my boss comes over and comments on my cheerful mood. “You’re chipper this morning, Ramsee. Is the art for tomorrow night accounted for?”

I check off the final item on the packing slip and look up. I smile at her. “It is. Everything is here and unpacked. This viewing is going to be amazing. The artist is absolutely brilliant.

“Once you give me the placement chart, I can start setting up.”

She taps her dark wine lips and stares at me. “I’ll have it to you after lunch. The artist will be here then and he has some suggestions about where he’d like certain pieces to be.”

Huh? She never allows the artists any say in where or how their pieces are displayed. This is her gallery and while she might be trying and a bitch at times, she’s also a genius and knows her shit. Most of the artists are so thrilled to be asked to do a showing, they gladly give her the control.

I’ve worked here for four years and for the most part, I absolutely love it. She’s an amazing mentor, though her general people skills need some work. That’s why she has me though.



from my lunch when the bell to the door chimes alerts me to a body in the shop. I quickly wipe them and smooth my skirt as I head out to the floor. A balding middle-aged man is in the center of the gallery, perusing over the art on the wall. He has the look of money about him. Placing my “work” smile in place, I walk over to him. The click of my heels on the marble floor alerts him to my approach. As he turns, I greet him. “Hello, Sir. Welcome to Art-mo-sphere. Can I help you with anything today?”

He glances me over and smiles. “Hello, young lady. We have an appointment with Jaqueline.”

We? What we? I only see him.

“Hello again, Ramsee.”

I whirl as Julien steps out from behind a display near the far wall. I shriek before I can stop myself. “Julien! You startled me!”

He walks over and holds his hands out, gently cupping mine as he says, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

I pull my hands back and hold one over the rapidly beating pulse in my neck. I exhale and then laugh lightly.

“It’s ok. I just didn’t realize there were two people in here. It was my fault.”

The older gentleman looks from Julien to me and asks, “Do you two know each other?”

Julien chortles again. “Yes, Ramsee is a new friend. We live near each other and both have a weakness for divine coffee.”

The gentleman laughs and exclaims, “Ah, another coffee addict.” He glances at his watch. “I think we might be a bit early.”

Julien is here for Jaqueline’s appointment!? He’s always covered in paint. Is HE the artist?

I cover my thoughts and ask both men to wait while I make certain Jaqueline is ready for them. She tells me she is and to send them in. After escorting both to her office, I head back to the floor and start grouping the paintings I’ve just unpacked. Are these Julien’s paintings?

I look longingly at the detailed brush strokes on the many canvases. His talent is not centered in any one genre. He has landscapes and abstracts and some are impressionistic. I’ve never seen such a variety of styles from any one artist and I’ve worked here for years. There are even portraits and a couple of nudes. As I look at the nudes, my cheeks flush and I remember my fantasy from the night before.

I’m so lost in my erotic thoughts, I don’t realize they’ve returned to the gallery floor until I feel a touch on my elbow. I shriek and jump. As I look up, Julien is once again standing there, looking bemused.

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