January: A Dear Diary Short Story (Dear Diary Short Stories Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: January: A Dear Diary Short Story (Dear Diary Short Stories Book 1)
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And you fucked him. Shit! What if I just had sex with someone else’s man!?

Julien finally breaks the silence. “Ramsee…” He stops walking and I’m forced to stop walking, too.

I look up with apprehension.
Is this where he’s going to tell me that he has a girlfriend? A wife? Shit! A boyfriend?!

He chuckles. “I can read your face, you know?” I shake my head in denial. He leans down and stops right in front of my face. He taps my nose. “I can. I can tell exactly what you’re thinking right now. Just like I could tell what you were thinking at the gallery.”

My face burns as his words register.

He chuckles again. “I’m single. Are you?”

Whew! Shit, he’s single. Yes!

I nod. “I am.”

He leans down and looks into my eyes. “I think we did this shit ass backwards. I asked you out this morning. I’ve been wanting to talk to you for months. I thought you were interested, but I could never be certain. So, I talked to you today to figure it out.

I asked you out and you said yes. I didn’t know you worked for my aunt. You didn’t know I was the artist whose event is tomorrow night. Then after spending the afternoon with you today and then just now…” His eyes light up and fill with mirth. “The sex between us is incredible. We have great chemistry and hot ass sex. We already know that… but now since I asked and you said yes already anyway… Can I take you to dinner tonight?”

Ha. Julien is asking me out AGAIN. Even after we’ve already had sex without him taking me out. Hell yes, he can take me out.

Reaching up, I pull his head the remainder of the way down to mine and kiss him. He returns the kiss before he shivers. “It’s fucking freezing out here. Where do you want to go? We can go to my place or yours. Do you need to change? We can go someplace to eat or order in. Whatever you’d like.”

I laugh and hold out my hand. My panties are in it. “Well, I need to get to my place. I need some underwear and some pants. What happens after that is fine with me either way. My ass is just pretty much frozen right now.”

Julien throws his head back and laughs. The street lights are reflecting off the darkness of his hair and his blue eyes are sparkling with what could be described as happiness. He says, “Well, I know a way to warm your ass up. But, can we eat first? I’m starving!”

I laugh along with him as my place comes into view. I pull him into the elevator with me and we make out like teenagers as we ride to my floor. As the elevator dings, we break apart. This morning, I was convinced today was going to be the day I talked to Julien. Only by the end of the day, a shit load more than talking happened.

Laughing, I pull him into my studio apartment.



Dear Diary,



Today was quite a day. I did it! I accomplished my task and so much more.

Not only did I talk to Julien, but I had SEX with him and then we had our first date. I know, I know… we did that backwards, but to be fair, he did ask me on the date before we had sex.

He spoke to me at the coffee shop this morning and before we parted ways, he asked me out. I was late for work and was busy preparing for the important gallery showing tomorrow night and daydreaming about who else, but Julien. And lo and behold, who is the showing for… JULIEN!

He’s the artist and he’s amazing.

We worked together all afternoon long and lost track of the time. Before we knew it, it was closing time and we were alone in the gallery. I’m not even really certain what transpired, but before I realized it, I was trapped against a wall, more turned on than I’ve ever been in my life and Julien was asking me if I wanted him.

Ha. He asked me if I wanted him. Only for months. He’s only in my every dreaming and waking thought.

My fantasies about him were not even close to the real thing. Holy shit. He’s a phenomenal lover. And he woke up the wanton in me. I couldn’t get enough.

We did actually have that date. After the janitor almost caught us in our “compromising position,” we left and discovered that we’re both single.

I know. That was something we should have made sure of BEFORE we got naked and made each other moan, but it all worked out.

We’re both single and we had dinner.

We ordered in and had it here, at my place, but it still counted as a date since he would have taken me anywhere I wanted to go. I just wanted to stay here though and stay warm.

Of course getting naked again was very likely to happen this way, too.

It did. It was better than the first time at the gallery and that’s saying something. Less frenzied. More delicate.

He left a short while ago and he asked me to accompany him to the showing tomorrow night. I told him that his aunt might have an issue with that and he said he didn’t care. We’re both adults and have the right to date who we want.

Besides, he asked me out before he knew I worked for her.

What could I do other than agree?! I mean, it’s Julien.

So, I’ll be accompanying him to the gallery showing tomorrow as his plus one and he’s asked me to meet him for breakfast in the morning, well coffee. It is where we “met.”

We’ll be spending the entire day together tomorrow and I’m looking forward to it. Not only is Julien a dream to look at, but he’s smart and talented and I enjoy his company, too. He’s the total package.

Things are finally on track diary and I couldn’t be happier.

Who knew that today would be the day that changed it all?! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.







Skye Turner


Skye Turner is an avid reader and an editor turned Internationally Bestselling Author of the Sexy Adult Romance series Bayou Stix and the Adult Romantic Suspense series James Black.She attended Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University where she majored in Mass Communications, centering her studies in Journalism. Unfortunately, life intervened and she never finished her studies.

She lives in small town Louisiana with her husband, two children, and six fur babies.

When she's not chained to her laptop pounding out sexy stories she can usually be found playing ‘Supermom’, reading, gardening (playing in the dirt), listening to music and dancing like a fool, cooking, baking, crafting, or catching up on her family oriented blog.

She loves to incorporate pieces of Louisiana into her writing.


You can find her here:


Twitter: @SkyeTurner_Auth


READER GROUP/ Street Team on Facebook: Skye Turner’s Bayou Belle’s and Beau’s



[email protected]


I love hearing from readers, so please feel free to reach out!







James Black

Book 1 James Black







Bright lights, big city…
the perfect place to lose yourself.

That’s the impression I first obtained of Los Angeles, the day I arrived... almost twenty years ago. And it’s the impression I still have today. The city of Lost Angels. I fit right in here, though I’d call myself more of a devil on any given day.

This is where I started over. This is where the boy with nothing took on the world and became the man who has people at his beck and call for every little whim.

As I glance around my mansion, high in the hills of Hollywood, I laugh cockily at the way life has panned out. Do I have love? No, but I have money. I have adoring fans and people follow me wherever I go. It works.

Is it a perfect life? Of course not. Being in the public eye, never having any privacy... But, it is what it is and it’s the life I’ve chosen. It’s the life for me.

The large clock chimes in the foyer and I glance at my bags near the door. The limo driver should be pulling up at any second.

Next stop… Louisiana. Not at all where I want to spend the next year and a half of my life, but it’s where we’re filming and blockbuster roles keep my bank account happy. All of them. This three movie deal should easily drop another chunk of change into them.

Not that money is something I really need more of.

Smiling at the thought and the irony of that logic, I open the door just as the bell rings.

“Mr. Black. Good morning, Sir. I’ll get your bags into the car and in just a few minutes, we’ll be off. Is there anything else you need before we head to the airport?”

I think about that…

“No, I think I’m good. I have everything I need… Everything I’ve ever wanted.”

He nods. “Very good, Sir. Let me take these.”

Chapter One





“Dammit, James! You have to have a driver! You have no idea where you’re going here. GPS is an option, but I know how you are, and I don’t want to have to pay for a device or vehicle when you break the dashboard. I also can’t be with you twenty-four hours a day. I’m not your keeper!

“I did some research and I found out which company almost everyone uses when they’re here. They can be trusted and I’ve spoken with the owner. He guarantees he’s sending you their best driver. They’re knowledgeable about the area and can get you where you need to go, as well as give you the history you crave to fill that head of yours with knowledge. Can you just stop fighting me on this?! You’re acting like a petulant child here!”

I hear what Hugo, my manager, is saying. I even understand the reasoning, but I don’t like it. I don’t want some backwoods Louisiana idiot driving me around and more than likely getting me kidnapped. But, I also don’t want to have to pay for repairs to yet another vehicle. I don’t like being frustrated.

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