Japan's New Middle Class: The Salary Man and His Family in a Tokyo Suburb (47 page)

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Authors: Ezra F. Vogel

Tags: #General, #Social Science, #Sociology, #History, #Asia, #Social History, #Japan, #Social conditions, #Social Classes, #Middle class

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Abegglan, James G., 40 n.

Abortion, 222

Academic standing, 55

Acquaintances, 119 -124;

and introductions, 119 -120;

and formalities, 120 -124;

and honorific language, 120 , 122 ;

and ceremonies, 124

Adolescence, 236 , 273 -274, 280

Adopted child, 169 , 179 , 240

Aesthethic values, 158 -160

Affluence, 275 -277

Aggression, 121 , 138 , 247

akarui seikatsu
(bright new life), 71 -85

Alienation, 99 , 261 -262


Japanese attitude toward, 94 , 271 , 278

Anomie, 263

Antifeudalism, 154

Apprentices, 161

Ariga, Kizaemon, 165 n.

(part-time work), 53

Asayama, Shinichi, 107 n.

Asceticism, 64



Authority, 194 -207, 242 , 243 ;

of male, 194 -197;

decentralized, 195 -197;

shared, 197 ;

of husband, 198 -200;

of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, 203 -207

Automobiles, 275 , 276 , 277

Avoidance, 139


Baby sitters, 233

Baker, Wendell Dean, 9 n., 261 n.

Bar girls, 222 -223

(clique), 105


of child, 231 -232

Beardsley, Richard K., 38 n., 180 n., 224 n., 232 n.

Bell, Norman W., 281 n.

Bellah, Robert N., 146 n.

Benedict, Ruth, 124 n., 125 n., 244 n.

Benefactors, 124 -135;

obligations to, 124 -126, 130 ;

in working relations, 126 -128;

and maids, 128 -129;

and relatives, 129 -133;

and go-betweens, 132 ;

and rural friends and relatives, 133 -135

Birth order, 238 -241

Blood, Robert O., 176 n., 183 n., 219 n.

Bonuses, 77 -78


Businessmen, successful

Boy's Festival, 144

Branch family, 168 -171, 172 , 174 , 181

Breast-feeding, 231

Budgeting, household, 76 -77

(branch family), 168

burujoa (bourgeoisie), 19.

See also
Businessmen, successful

Businessmen, successful, 19 -26;

position in Mamachi society, 20 ;

and participation in community affairs, 20 -21;

and employees, 22 ;

and wives, 22 , 24 ;

relatives of, in business, 22 -23;

and home affairs, 23 -24;

and inheritance, 25 -26


Calling cards, 119 -120

Caudill, William, 146 n., 149 n., 151 n., 230 n., 234 n.

Ceremonies, 134 , 143 , 159 , 192 , 208

Child-rearing, 225 , 227 -252;

lack of formal tradition of, 227 ;

modern views of, 228 -229;

and dependency of mother and child, 229 -238;

and second child, 231 ;

and development of independence, 235 -237;

birth order in, 238 -239;

and sex of child, 240 ;

role of father in, 241 -243;

co-operative techniques in, 243 -247, 251 -252;

and aggression, 247 ;

toilet-training in, 247 ;

memorization in, 248 ;

and flattery, 249 ;

and conflicts, 249 -251;

and study, 251 -252


Japanese attitude toward, 94 -95

Civil Code, 172


Cole, Allan B., 90 n., 95 n., 100 n.

Company gang, 103 -109, 152 , 280

Competence, 146 , 156 -158, 161

Competition, 66 , 67 , 106

Compulsory education, 45

Confucianism, 142

Consumer goods, 71 , 72

Consensus, 143 -144, 147 -149, 157 , 158 , 196 ;

informal, 150

Contraceptives, 222

Co-operation, 244 -245

Crime rate, 256


effect of, 127


Dating, 117 , 218 -219, 280

Daughter-in-law, 174 , 203 -207

Democracy, 100 , 142 , 144 , 147

Dentists, 26 -30

Department stores, 83 , 85

de Tocqueville, Alexis, 116

Deviance paradigm (Parsons), 154 n.

Deviants, 145 , 148

De Vos, George, 45 n., 177 n., 218 n., 252 n., 256 n.

Disapproval, 139

Division of labor, 181 -193

Divorce, 177 -178

Divorce rate, 256

Doctors, 26 -30

Doi, Takeo, 155 n., 230 n., 232 n.

Dore, Ronald, 108 n., 144 n.

"Double structure" of Japanese economy, 6 -8

Dowry, 74 -75, 166

(locality kin group), 165 n.

Durkheim, Emile, 106 n.


Educational expenses, 74

Ekken, Kaibara, 227

Embree, John, 174 n.

Emotional disturbance, 271 , 285

Employer-employee relationships, 22

Entrance examinations, 40 -67, 251 , 258 ;

importance of, 41 , 273 ;

in girls' schools, 44 ;

for kindergarten, 46 ;

content of, 46 -47;

application for, 48 ;

interviews for, 48 ;

study for, 49 ;

mother's part in, 49 , 50 , 54 -57, 65 ;

results of, 50 -52;

publicity on, 52 ;

tutoring for, 53 ;

teacher's part in, 57 -60;

alternatives to, 60 -64;

shortcomings of, 64 -65;

as a measure of achievement, 66 -67

(escalator) schools, 45 -46

Etiquette, 120


Entrance examinations

Existentialism, 144

Expense accounts, 21

Extramarital affairs, 222



and salary, 15 , 276 -277;

and public welfare, 15 -16;

solidarity of, 208 -226, 279 -281;

affection in, 211 ;

coalitions in, 211 -216;

and travel, 277


salary of, 16 ;

death of, and family, 16 -17;

position of, in family, 211 -216;

role of, in child-rearing, 241 -243

Favors, 79 , 84 , 130 -131, 151

Feudalism, 256

Field-work procedures, 285 -298;

first contacts, 286 ;

techniques used in, 286 -294;

with disturbed children, 293 ;

and interviews, 293 ;

and questionnaires, 293 -294;

and salary men, 294 -295;

and community relationships, 295 -296;

and study of child-rearing, 297

Flattery, 59 , 126 , 249

Flower arrangement, 192

Folk beliefs, 288

Foodstuffs, 78 -79

Foreign affairs:

attitudes on, 93

Foreign language study, 47 , 57

Formalities, 123 , 137 , 143 , 158

Freud, Sigmund, 105

Friends, 136 -138;

and formalities, 136 ;

and obligations, of husband, 136 ;

of wife, 136 ;

of women, 137 ;

status of, 137 -138

Fringe benefits, 35

Fukutake, Tadashi, 4 n., 15 n., 148 n., 252 n., 255 n.


Games, 246

Geisha, 81

Ghosts, 249

Gifts, 61 , 79 , 131 , 151 , 210

Glick, Paul C., 17 n.

Go-betweens, 80 , 132 , k40 n., 175 , 259

Gombeis (Joneses), 56

Goode, William J., 241 n.

Goodman, Mary Ellen, 9 n., 91 -92 n., 141 n., 234 n., 248 n.


as viewed by family of salary man, 86 -101;

image of, 86 -87;

and Imperial family, 88 -90;

and political leaders, 90 -91, 279 ;

and militarism, 92 -93;

and foreign affairs. 93 -95;

role of citizen in, 95 -98;

alienation to, 99 -101

Grandfather. 130 , 226

Grandmother, 185 , 225 -226

Grandparents, 224 -226, 279


Group concensus.


Group pressures, 118 , 138 -141


Handel, Gerald, 294 n.

Heian period, 88

Heirlooms, 26

(secret savings), 197

Hess, Robert, 294 n.

Hibbet, Howard, 265 n.

Hierarchical positions, 150

Hirohito, Emperor, 88 -89, 90

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