Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel) (20 page)

BOOK: Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel)
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“I am so in love with you,” I whispered, running my hands through his wet hair. “Make love to me,”


Ethan kissed me gently, I moaned against his lips with so much want and need. Just a few days without him near me, is far too long. I felt the fire his touch left upon my taut breasts course it's way down between my legs as he rubbed my heat between my swollen folds.


“I love how wet you always are for me,” he whispered against my lips.


“Mmm,” I moaned, his thumb drawing circles around my clit.


He pulled his hand from my sex and pressed himself between my legs. I gasped at the feel of him pressing at my entrance. My core aching and throbbing for contact, I spread my legs wider and bucked my hips. He filled me completely. 


“Maria,” he whispered, picking up his speed in a steady rhythm. I couldn't help my cries, and pleas for him to ravish me. No one, and I say no one could ever make me feel the way Ethan does. He sends me into pure ecstasy with the intense, uncontrollable urge to squirm and claw my way across the bed.


He stared into my eyes while he plunged himself deeper into me. “I love you,” he bucked his hips faster sending me into an eye rolling, lip biting frenzy as my body jerked beneath his beautiful sculpted body. I closed my eyes and smiled at the warmth he pulsated into me. I welcomed it openly knowing that soon, it would be something that Ethan and I did together. Something huge, and something from our love... a baby.





Four months later...


Married life with Maria is nothing I expected it to be... it is much better than my mind could have ever fathomed. We laugh, talk until all hours of the night, we like the same foods, drinks, movies, opinions on certain things and she never ceases to amaze me in the the ways she shows me she cares. It's the simple things like when she goes to the store and picks out the things she knows I like to eat and won't buy myself, always making sure my wallet and phone are next to my ironed suit for work the next day. We couldn't be happier together.


I am still working at Glow, but I haven't forgotten my dream of owning my own firm. Right now, I am making enough money still modeling ridiculous attire that Maria doesn't even have to work if she doesn't want to, but she insists that it's good for her to be around Vanessa. We bought a loft not too far from Vanessa and Ben, it was the girls decision. Maria decorated in earth tones which is the way I would have decorated it too.


“Hey, beautiful,” I kissed her on the cheek as she stirred the spaghetti sauce. Did I mention that she can cook?


“Hi, baby,” she turned her head toward me and kissed me on the lips. “How was your bath?” she turned, taking the garlic bread out of the oven.


“Good, though I wish you would have joined me. Washing you in the shower isn't the same,” I pressed her hips into my growing erection. Sex with Maria is better than ever, two to three times a day and if we are busy, we do it whenever we have the chance.


“Me too,” she frowned. “But the doctor said that until the second trimester I shouldn't and then it can't be warm enough to keep me from freezing,”


“At least I get you in the shower,” I moved her hair out of the way and kissed her neck gently. I felt her skin rise into tiny goosebumps beneath my lips.


I brought my hands around her flat tummy where our baby will make itself known in the next few months. That is why we are having dinner with Vanessa and Ben to tell them the news.


I gripped the end of Maria's dress and brought it up to her thighs. She moaned, bringing her head back against my shoulder. “Ethan, they should be here any second,”  I went to put my hand between her legs, Ding dong... “Told ya',” she winked at me then placed a quick kiss on my cheek and walked away adjusting her dress to let them in.


I grabbed two beers from the fridge and set them on the counter for me and Ben. I could hear the chit chatter getting closer to the kitchen.


“It smells amazing in here,” Vanessa gushed. “What are you making?”


“Spaghetti,” I popped the top of my beer open. “And she makes the sauce from scratch,”


Vanessa gasped. “No way!”


“The entire time you stayed with us, you never said shit about you being able to cook,” Ben's tone was playful. I handed him a beer. “Thanks,”


I nodded. “Didn't you buy wine for Nessy?”


“Oh, yeah! Do you want some wine, Vanessa?” she put the lid back on the sauce and walked toward the wine cabinet.


“Oh, no,” she waved her hand. “My stomach is kind of, ah!” she waved her hands crazily in front of her stomach.


“Okay,” Maria smiled. “Help me set the table?”


“Absolutely,” Vanessa helped Maria grab the plates and silverware from the counter top and they disappeared into the dining room to the left of the left of the kitchen.


“So everything is good?” Ben asked, hopping up and taking a seat on the counter.


“Everything is perfect,” I smiled. “She is the best thing that has happened to me,”


“I can say that same about your sister,” he took a drink of his beer. “So what's this news?”


“Nope,” Maria came into the kitchen shaking her head. “Do not say a word, Ethan,”


“And you stop bugging him,” Vanessa pointed at him.


“I wasn't bugging him,” he hopped off the counter.


“Yes you were,” Vanessa eyed him. “Don't think I haven't heard you asking him for the last five days what this dinner is about because I have,”


“Fine,” Ben rolled his eyes. “I was bugging him so what? I want to know, it's killing me,”


“You're as bad as a Gossip Girl, Benjamin,” Vanessa rolled her eyes grabbing the basket of garlic bread.


“That's a good show,” he nodded, taking another drink of his beer.


“Dinner time,” Maria said excitedly bringing the dish of spaghetti with her to the table.


We chatted about work, and everything in between when Maria nudged my knee with hers under the table. “So, we have some news,”


“Yay!” Vanessa squealed. “I have been waiting for this because we have some news too,”


“We're-” Vanessa and Maria said in unison. They laughed.


“You go first,” Vanessa insisted.


Maria shook her head. “No way, I want to know your news first,”


“You go,”


“No, you!”


“Okay, we're pregnant,” they said at the same time again. They both gaped. Then out of nowhere, they both screamed and bounced out of their chairs touching each others stomachs. Ben and I just watched the scene unfold.


“How far along are you?” Maria asked my sister.


“Six weeks,” she beamed. “You?”


“Six weeks,” they screamed again.


“Imagine that,” Ben smiled shaking his head. “We get married at the same time, and we are popping them out at the same time,”


“Well, I know what we were doing at midnight a few weeks ago,” I took a drink of my beer still staring at the girls.


“Hell yes, up top,” Ben held his hand in the air, I gave him a high five across the table. “Congratulations,”


“You too,”


I knew with the way things turned out with Maria, Ben, my family and the wedding that the next eight months is going to be just as crazy. All I can do is smile, hang on tight to the loves of my life and go along for the ride.




“Oh my God,” Maria was breathing hard, her sweat was beading on her forehead. “It's so damn hot,” she groaned.


New York was experiencing one of the worst heat waves in years, and to top it off it was July and Maria was due two days ago with our baby girl. The air conditioner was working at top capacity and to me, I was freezing sitting next to her on the couch in a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt.


“Go check the thermostat please, baby,” she patted my thigh with her swollen hand.


“Be right back,” I kissed her cheek softly.


I checked the thermostat and it was seventy-four in the loft as we have kept all the curtains closed and hadn't left in a few days. I was starting to feel bad for her as it was already set to sixty-nine and the degrees weren't dropping any lower. Secretly, I was thankful.


“It's at seventy-four,” I said as I came back into he living room and plopped onto the couch next to her.


“Really?” she looked at me. “Are you sure?”


“Positive,” I kissed her cheek again nervously. For the last few days she has been extremely hasty with me.


“Do we need to make you an eye appointment, Ethan?” she looked at me from the corner of her eye. Oh, God.

“Oh, uh...” I stuttered not wanting to say the wrong thing. “I had one two months ago, remember? I'm okay, babe,” I grabbed her thigh.


“I think you need to go read it again,” she said snidely. “It has to be like eighty or something,”


“Babe, I-”


Ding dong...


“Good, whoever that is can check the damn thermostat,”


“I promise you I can read it,” I shook my head as I walked to the front door. I had no idea why she was being so grumpy other than it is pregnancy related stuff. Without Maria knowing, I put a call into her doctor to tell her of Maria's sudden mood changes, which she laughed letting me know it was normal at the end of pregnancy. She reassured me that when the baby is born, it will stop.


I opened the door to an upset looking Ben and a very sweaty Vanessa who's bangs were sticking to her forehead.


“Hey, sis,” I smiled. “Hot out there isn't it?”


“Move,” she glared at me, walking past while bumping into my shoulder. “Watch it, over-sized load walking here,”


My eyes traveled from a waddling Vanessa who was due with my niece three days ago then back to Ben who closed his eyes and sighed. “I'm dying, I swear to God I am dying,”


“Yours too, huh?” I smirked.


“I thought she was in a bad mood until the air conditioner broke then she turned into the damn devil,” he walked in and I shut the door behind him. “Seriously, I thought I saw her irises turning red when she was threatening the service men on the phone,”


“Seriously?” my eyes went wide.


“Yeah, and to make matters worse, they can't fix it until tomorrow afternoon,” he gave me a hopeful look. “Can we stay here until they fix it? It's too hot for Vanessa,”


“Please, I could use your company,” That was an understatement.




“Yes, honey,” he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.


“It's hot in here, will you check the thermostat? I don't think my brother can read,” she yelled from the couch.


“It's seventy-four, I just checked it,” I whispered.


“Watch and learn,” he wiggled his brows. I followed him to the hallway and gestured my hand to the blue lit seventy-four without saying a word.


“It's a sweltering seventy-seven and on it's way down to a chilling sixty-five,” he hollered from over his shoulder.


I heard two sighs coming from the couch. “Thank you, Ben,” Maria smiled.


“How the hell-” I couldn't believe that she didn't bite his head off.


“Tell them what they want to hear,” he winked.


We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge for both Ben and I. We popped the top and drank the entire bottle while staring at each other as though it was a competition. We slapped the bottles on the counter top with a sigh.






They said at the same time. We turned around as saw both of them standing there behind us with their hands on their severely swollen bellies, both sweaty as hell looking like they peed their pants.


“Ladies,” Ben sighed. “Peeing your pants is not the way to cool off,”


“My water just broke,” they said in unison, then gasping they looked at each other. “It's time!” they shrilled, standing there rubbing each others bellies excitedly.


For the love of God.

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