Jase (Kings of Korruption MC Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Jase (Kings of Korruption MC Book 3)
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“How far along
do you think you are?”

Charlie looks
at me and beams, her smile lighting up the entire dreary room.
“About six weeks, I think. I go for an ultrasound on Friday to see
for sure.”

That’s great news,” I gush. I had no idea that this was
something that Charlie and Ryker were wanting, but looking at them
now, there’s no doubt that they’re ecstatic about the

Her eyes go
beyond me, and I watch them narrow, anger flashing across her
previously happy face. Turning, I follow her gaze and see Jase
leaning against the bar, talking to a blonde woman, a smile on his
face. A slow burn starts in my stomach as I watch her touch his
arm, throwing her head back in laughter over something he says. I
can’t see her face, but I can tell from here that she has a very
attractive body, and isn’t afraid to show it off.

Uh, Ryk,” Tease says, interrupting my moment of shameless
spying. “We might have a problem.”

I follow the
path his finger is pointing and see a group of three women charging
towards Jase and the woman he’s talking to.

Shit!” Ryker spits as he jumps out of his seat, hurrying to
intercept the women.

What’s going on?”

The club whores aren’t liking all the new ladies walking
around here tonight, and they’re about to make a move to protect
what’s theirs.” Tease drawls.

I watch as the
women start screaming over Ryker’s shoulder, calling the other
woman some nasty names that I’ve never even heard before.

What’s theirs?” I ask, my stomach sinking as I turn back to
watch the show. “Is Jase theirs?”

They think so,” he replies as he gets up to help Ryker and
Jase keep the screaming women apart. Just as he reaches the group,
I watch as the mystery woman turns and charges at the others, and I
finally get a look at her face.

It’s Tawney,
the woman from the bar that had given Jase a blowjob in the
bathroom. Bile works its way up my throat, and I suddenly feel like
I can’t breathe. Jase snakes his arm around Tawney’s waist and
pulls her back against him, yelling for everyone to calm down.

I can’t watch
this anymore. I feel numb as I stand from my seat and head for the
exit. I vaguely hear Charlie calling my name, but I feel like my
head is spinning. I push my way through the cheering crowd as they
jeer the women on, anxious for a fight to break out. Finally, after
what feels like forever, I make it outside.

I step out
into the night air and breathe deeply. The air is starting to get
cooler, and I know that our long summer is coming to an end.
Wrapping my arms around myself, I turn the corner and press my back
against the cold brick. The noise from inside still reaches me, but
I can no longer make out the words, and I don’t want to. I don’t
want to hear them screaming about who owns who, and who needs to
get the fuck out.

my mind is racing. What was Tawney doing here? And why did Jase
seem to be so friendly with her after what had gone on between
them? I think the part that bothers me the most is why do the club
whores think that Jase belongs to
? Is he still sleeping with them? Thinking about it makes
me want to puke.

Jesus, El. You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing
out here, hiding in the dark?”

I roll my
eyes. “I didn’t think you’d notice. You seemed to have your hands
pretty full in there.”

He chuckles.
“What, those bitches? I don’t give a fuck about them.”

That’s the problem!” I yell, frustration taking me so high
that I can’t find my way back down. “You don’t care about them. You
use them, and you think this thing between us is just one big
fucking joke. But it isn’t a joke to me, Jase. I can’t deal with
this shit. I can’t deal with your life, or your past, or any of the
hundreds of women that come along with it!” I push off from the
wall and hold my hands out in defeat. “I have a little boy to take
care of. I can’t do this.”

I go to step
around him, just wanting to get the hell out of here, when he steps
in front of me, blocking my escape. “When are you going to quit
fuckin’ hiding behind your kid, El?”

I jerk my head
back as if I’ve been slapped. “I don’t hide behind Bryce.”

Bullshit!” he yells. “Since the very first time I asked you
out, you’ve spouted off your bullshit about all the stuff going on
in your life, but the truth is, you’ve been hiding—hiding from
life, hiding from me, and hiding from ever taking a risk with your
heart again.”

I do—”

You do! No matter how hard I try, you always find a way to
shove me back, and every fuckin’ time, you use him as an

Well I don’t trust you!” I blurt.

And there it is,” Jase says. “The real reason you run scared
all the time.

Your history speaks for itself!”

And you don’t believe people can change?”

I don’t want to be on the losing end of taking that

Are you into me?”

I… what does—”

Just answer the fuckin’ question. Are you into me?” he
screams, his face twisted in anger.

Yes,” I scream back.

Jase’s body
hits mine before I can blink, backing me up against the wall. His
lips are all over mine, his tongue sliding inside my mouth. It’s
like a switch gets flipped in my brain, and suddenly, all thoughts
of Paul, Bryce, and my fight with Jase, leave my mind, and all I
can think about is how much I need this man inside of me. I kiss
him back, my body trembling with need.

Jase pulls
back and glares down at me. “Can you do this? Can you handle

Shut up,” I breathe, reaching for his face once more. His
lips claim mine in another hot, hungry kiss. Snaking my hands up
under his shirt, I run my fingers up his muscled abs.

His lips go to
my ear and he pants heavily when he says, “I need to be inside you,

God, I need that too,” I admit. I shoot my hands out,
reaching for his belt buckle, desperate to get him out of his
pants. Jase grabs my wrists, mumbling something about going
upstairs, but I don’t listen. “Four years, Jase,” I cry as I yank
his pants down over his hips.

His chuckle of
amusement turns to a hiss as I grip his cock in my hands,
marvelling at the size, wondering just how I’m going to accommodate
that from a standing position. Jase curses and grabs for my jeans,
yanking them down my legs until they hit my knees. Before I know
it, he’s spun me around and has my chest pressed against the

My breathing
comes out in sharp bursts as I stand there, my legs held together
at the knees by my jeans, listening to Jase fumble with a condom
wrapper. “Next time will be better, baby. I promise.”

Just fuck me, Jase. Please.”

Jase grabs my
hips and pulls them towards him, so I’m bent at the waist, my hands
pressed against the brick. I feel his cock at my entrance, and then
slowly, he fills me. He groans loudly when he gets all the way
inside, and I moan.

He starts to
move in and out, picking up speed with each thrust, and I can
already feel my orgasm building. I don’t know if it’s the angle, or
the fact that it’s Jase, but I do know that sex has never felt this

Fuck, baby. This isn’t going to last long.” His thrusts get
wilder and out of control. The brick bites into my palms as my
pleasure builds. “Fuck, Ellen,” Jase gasps.

My climax
washes over me and rolls through my body, my pussy clamping tight
on Jase’s cock. His fingers dig into my hips, just as I feel him
swell inside me, his own climax taking over.

We stay in
that position for a few seconds, both of us trying to catch our

Jase slowly
pulls out and spins me around, righting my pants and placing a
tender kiss on the palm of my hands. I smile up at him and his face
is full of emotion as he lowers his lips to mine. Slowly, he kisses
me, making me feel more special to him than I’ve ever felt to
anyone in my life.

He pulls away
and grins, reaching down to pull up his own jeans and lets out a
startled yelp. “Jesus Christ!”

I look and see
Dexter, Laynie’s dog, standing by the corner, watching us with his
tongue hanging out.

Just then, a
figure steps out of the shadows about twenty feet away, hurrying
towards the door. “Sorry,” Laynie mumbles. “I was just taking the
dog out and… well, I didn’t see anything, so there’s that. On the
other hand, my ears work fine, so I’m off to go see if Tease can
bleach my ear drums for me.” With that parting note, she whistles
for Dexter and disappears back inside the clubhouse.

Oh God!” I cry. “What must she think of me?”

Jase laughs.
“Please. If I know Laynie, she’s in there begging Tease to bring
her out here and do the same damn thing. Don’t worry about it,
babe. Really.”

He pulls me
into his arms and kisses the top of my head. “Are we okay?”

I sigh. “Why
were you flirting with her while I was sitting there?”

Honestly, I was apologizing. I told her I was sorry, and that
I was a real dick. I told her I’d met an amazing woman that made me
realize that, and I wanted to set the record straight with

And the other girls?”

I don’t control what they do. Lucy and the girls, they work
to keep their place in this clubhouse. They don’t like

So does that mean I’m competition?”

He nods.
“Absolutely.” I stare at him with wide eyes. “To them you are. You
just have to stake your claim, babe. They’ll get the hint.”

I remember the
stories Charlie had told me about Lucy, and how she’d tried to push
Charlie around in the beginning. Charlie had dealt with her, sort
of. It was Laynie who finally put Lucy in her place by punching her
in the face. God, I hope I don’t have to punch anybody in the

Let’s not worry about that tonight, okay? Look, I have an

What’s that?” All I can think about is the whorehouse
showdown that I might need to participate in if I want to keep
those bitches away from my man.

Well,” he drawls, swiping his thumb across my lip and wagging
his eyebrows. “I happen to know of a little house in the city
that’s completely empty right now.”




wake up to the
scent of vanilla tickling my nostrils and a warm body wrapped
tightly around my torso. I’m surrounded by peace and quiet, the
only sounds coming from a ticking clock, somewhere in the

For the first
time I can remember, I’ve gotten a full night’s sleep, and am not
woken up in the morning by women screaming at someone in another
room, or men fighting about who stole the last beer. The clubhouse
is noisy and full of people all the time. It’s all I’ve ever known,
but this—this quiet house with Ellen—I could get used to.

I slide my
hand up her bare arm and squeeze her gently, burying my nose in her
hair. She draws a deep breath in through her nose, her entire body
straightening as she slowly stretches out her limbs. Letting her
arms go loose around my waist, her big brown eyes open and stare
into mine, a wide grin on her perfect lips.


Good morning.”

How’d you sleep?”

Like a rock. Don’t know if it was the bed or the girl, but I
slept better than I have in years.”

She smiles.
“Good.” Resting her head back on my chest, she traces lightly up
and down my skin with the tips of her fingers, causing goose bumps
to race along behind them. My heart hammers inside my chest, my
breathing laboured.

Reaching for
her, I tip her head back and slide my lips against hers. “Last
night with you was incredible, baby, but today, I’m gonna take my
time with you. You deserve more than just a quick fuck against the
wall, El. You deserve to be honored, loved, and worshipped.” I
press a my lips to hers. “Let me worship you, baby.”

Moving my
body, I keep my lips on her and roll her to her back, my tongue
taking advantage of her gasp and finding its way inside. I press
myself against her side and deepen our kiss, turning my head as I
slide my tongue across hers, reveling in the way she tastes.

My fingertips
find the hem of her tiny tank top and I slip them inside, gliding
my palm up her smooth belly until my hand meets the underside of
her breast. Cupping it gently, I swipe my tongue across her lips
and pull back, staring into her eyes as I roll her nipple gently
between my thumb and forefinger.

She stares
back at me with hooded eyes, her teeth sunk into her lower lip. I
roll it again, and smile when she moans. The next time I roll the
tight little bud, I give it a pinch and watch with fascination as
her eyes fall closed. My girl likes a little pain mixed with her
pleasure. This is good news.

I reach for
her shirt and peel it from her body, tossing it behind me to land
somewhere on the floor. I pull back and stare down at her body,
taking it in for the first time, the morning sun shining off her
skin. She’s gorgeous, and I want to see all of her. That tiny strip
of fabric she calls panties are blocking my view. Reaching forward,
I slip my fingers in the sides and slide them down her legs, not
missing the flash of her pussy as she lifts them to assist me.

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