Jasmine (23 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #Erotic romance;Romance, #BDSM

BOOK: Jasmine
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The hump was just what it sounded
like. It was a four-legged bar that had straps at each leg to tie the person
leaning over it securely to it. He watched her as she dropped her crutches to
the floor and held onto it. He knew he’d have to go slowly because of her
injuries, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t give her a great deal of pleasure.

“Can you lean over it? If not,
then we’ll save this for another day.” He walked up behind her and stretched
her arms out from her body before he reached around the front of her and filled
his hands with her breasts. “I’ve missed suckling these. I can feel your
nipples. They’re as hard a stones.”

He ripped the buttons open and
rocked his cock into her ass as he filled his hands with her lace-covered flesh
again. This time he slid his hands beneath the material and pinched each nipple
hard. Her small moan made him think he’d made the right decision.

“Lean over,” he told her harshly. “And
tell me your color when I get you where I want you.” He was glad she’d worn the
soft lounge pants. It made it so much easier to strip them from her. When she
stood in front of him in her torn shirt, bra, and panties, he took off his own
clothes. His cock was straining and leaking with need.

He helped her lean over and he
moved her legs toward the posts. He wrapped the soft Velcro around her ankles
and then around her wrists on the other side. She told him “green” when he’d
asked her.

Her ass was so beautiful that he
moved behind her again and squeezed it in his hands. He rocked his cock between
her thighs and could feel the cream that covered her. He moaned when she rocked
back toward him.

Nathan stepped back and brought a hand
down hard on her ass. She moaned. Christ, he was going to die right now. He
spanked her three more times in varying strengths until her entire ass was
bright red.

“Do you know why I punished you,
slave?” He didn’t wait for a reply, but smacked her twice more. “When I told
you to come to the hump, you hesitated. Are you supposed to make me wait when I
give you an order?”

“No, Master,” spilled from her
mouth on a moan. “I’m to do what you tell me without waiting for you to
explain. I’m sorry, Master.”

He spanked her again. Then he
leaned down and ran his tongue over the heated skin. Taking a small nip he
asked her a color and got the same go color.

He needed to fuck her. It had been
too long and he was too hard. He fisted his cock and slid it just to her
entrance. She rocked back against him and moaned. He wanted to punish her, even
thought he should, but his own need was too great. He slammed deep and came.

He rode her hard through his
release. Grabbing her hips he threw back his head as he filled her. He felt her
tighten around him and vaguely heard her own cry of release. He didn’t care. He
was where he needed to be.

He leaned over her, still
breathing hard, and kissed her damp skin. She shivered beneath him and he felt
his cock tighten. He sat up and moved into her heat again. Christ, he was hard.

“Nathan, I need… Please, red.
Please, just for a bit, red.”

He stopped immediately. After
unstrapping her, he picked her up into his arms and took her back to their bed.
He laid her down gently and covered her up and then crawled in beside her. She
closed her eyes and he brushed at the tears on her cheeks.

“I didn’t meant to hurt you, love.
I didn’t even—”

“It’s not that. I thought I was
dead and I couldn’t…I love you so much, Nathan, and all I could think about was
you getting hurt. I knew that this person was going to kill me and…and…” She
burst into tears and he pulled her into his arms as she continued. “Tank told
me he was going to kill me and then take my picture and show it to his
potential jobs. He said that he had hundreds of them and I’d just be another
footnote in his list of accomplishments. But I didn’t believe him. He was too
nice, too kind to me.”

He held her and didn’t speak. He
wasn’t sure what he could say to her. Cait had told him that the man Tank had
saved Jasmine’s life by rolling over her. But he’d raised his gun against a cop
and that was what had gotten him killed. She sobbed a bit more before she
starting talking again.

“I told him I was pregnant or at
least I thought I was. We’ve never used much in the way of protection and he
didn’t say anything. I did really believe that I was. Actually, I had hoped up
until then that I was.” She pulled away and looked up at him. “I want a baby,
Nathan. Yours and mine. Can we? Would you like to have a baby with me?”

He kissed her before answering, so
overwhelmed with emotion. “More than anything in this world I want to see you
huge with my child—our child.” He rolled her to her back and entered her. “Let’s
get started on that right now.” Her giggle made his heart soar and he smiled.
She was going to be just fine.


Ginny screamed again. These
fucking kids had to die and she was sick to fucking death of screwing with
them. She was beginning to think there was some force against them in taking
them out. Verrie had one of them so close and that fucking Tank stepped in and
got all herolike on them. Ginny kicked the book across the room and dropped to
the floor.

“You’d do better using your energy
helping me pack. We have to leave now if we’re going to hide out. I, for one,
am not staying around to wait for the police.” Ginny looked up in the mirror at
the shadowy person there. Guinevere.

“Fuck you. You think that the
fucking bastard told anyone? He would have had to give himself up if he’d done
that. Get real. I vote we don’t go anywhere.”

Ginny continued to stare at
Guinevere until she came into focus. There was always a blur between them when
they spoke, but today it was harder. Then the shadows became more defined and
then there was Verrie.

They were three. Ginny hadn’t
known about Verrie and, apparently, neither had Guinevere. Guinevere might not have
still known about her. She seemed to think that they were separate people, not
all in the same body. Ginny had only discovered it one day when one of the
others, a childlike person, had come out and explained it to her. She’d never
been able to get the childlike person’s name and soon after, she never came out

The mirror had been a surprise as
well. Guinevere had been sitting at the vanity in her room one afternoon and
Ginny had just moved to speak to her. Seeing what she looked like, or she
supposed what she thought she should look like, had been a surprise. She was as
different from Guinevere and Verrie as they came.

Ginny was tall and thinner than
Guinevere, at least in the reflection. Her hair was a dark red, almost a copper
color that seemed to sparkle when she was in the mirror. At the times when she
owned the body, which was more and more lately, she could see her reflection
staring back at her instead of Guinevere’s. Her clothes were different too. She
tended to wear things that were bright and fit the form that she saw in the
mirror. She’d often wondered what Guinevere thought when she came back to her
own self and saw the clothes that she didn’t know, or if they too were a part
of what she wanted to see.

Then there was Verrie. She was
older. Much older, as a matter of fact. Her hair was grayed, almost silver, and
she was very heavy. Not rotund or anything like that, but she was big. And
there was something simply not right about her. Ginny laughed. Like she was the
least bit sane. She was sitting on the floor having a conversation with her
other self in the mirror and wondering about clothes.

Ginny looked up again and saw
Verrie glaring back at her. She wasn’t afraid of her anymore. She’d figured out
that the pain in her head was something she could control. It was there, but
she could control it.

Verrie tisked at her.“You should
listen to Guinevere. If we left town now we could go to New York and check out
the other daughter. She won’t have all this family around to get her ass out of
deep water. It would also do us some good in that we can get out more as

There was that. She had to go out
and behave. If she went where no one knew her, she could simply be who she
wanted and fuck the other two. She didn’t answer right away. There was no
reason to give in so quickly.

“And you’ve got it all wrong, by
the way.”

Ginny waited for her to elaborate.
When she didn’t Ginny got up and starting throwing things in a trash bag,
ignoring her for the moment.

“Don’t you want to know?”

Ginny turned to look at her, her
face sharp and in complete focus. “Know what? That we should have given up on
this long ago. I’m not. I’m in this now for the money and I’m not fucking
giving up.”

Verrie laughed. It was hard and
sharp. Ginny felt it, the pain of the laugh, and shuddered from it. When she
spoke again Ginny felt herself pale and then she faded too.

“You’re the real one.”

About the Author


I woke up one morning and decided
to give play time to the people in my head who were keeping me awake. Little
did I know that they would be so relentless and want their time right now! I
wrote for the pure joy of it and to entertain my family and friends. But mostly
it was to get more than an hour of sleep without a story playing out. Of course,
the more I write, the more they want. So…well, as a result of sleepless days (I
work through the night as a gun toting grandma – nope not a vigilantly but an
armed security guard) I have lots of stories written.

Hello! My name is Kathi Barton and
I’m an author. I have been married to my very best friend Sonny for at times
seems several lifetimes – in a good way, honey. And together we have three
wonderful children and then the ones we brought into the world - Paul and Dale
Barton, Jason and Wendy Barton and Danielle and Ben Conklin. They have given us
seven of the greatest treasures on Earth. They don’t live at home seven days a
week! No, seriously, seven grandchildren – Gavin, Spring, Ben, Trinity, Sarah,
Kelly and Kian.


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