Jedadiah's Mail Order Bride (6 page)

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Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton

BOOK: Jedadiah's Mail Order Bride
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“No, no, you didn’t hurt me. She guided him back inside and pulled him in. In a bit further and it met resistance and wouldn’t go any further.


“Push harder,” she gasped. “Harder.” The membrane tore loose and she cried out at the sharp intense pain she felt. He started to pull back. “No, don’t do that. It’s all right now,” and she began undulating her hips against the rigidity of his shaft. He felt her muscles tense again as she was overtaken by another onrush of passion stronger than before. He began moving up and down as her thrusts increased in speed. She cried out as she reached the peak of her feeling. She continued moving against him. His thrusting increased and increased again. She could feel the pumping of his member as he emptied himself within her. Finally, he relaxed and allowed his body to lower itself against her. Holding her tightly, he rolled slightly and pulled her tightly into his arms, his sex still inside her.


They lay relaxed this way until she felt him growing inside her. As it grew firmer, she began moving against him, he thrust into her. Her hips increased their speed, she tensed and tightened against the staff as she rode it to completion. Jed rose to the occasion and once again began pushing onto her body until he too reached completion.


Totally spent, they lay in each other’s arms, relaxed and sated, they fell asleep. The candle continued its flickering. Some time during the night, Jed’s hand found her breast in the darkness. It moved down and found her very wet and very ready again. He entered her and they began slowly, gently moving against each other until they both came together.


The next morning, when they awakened, still in each other’s arms, Jed looked into those deep green eyes and said, “Mrs. Barnette … Sarah. You were wonderful. I hope I didn’t hurt you too much last night.” He kissed her gently on the lips.


“It hurt at first, but after that it wasn’t too bad. Thank you for being so gentle with me on our first time.”


“It was my pleasure,” he said, “and I really mean that.”


She giggled and moved against him, and felt his firmness once again. Reaching down, she grasped the shaft and guided it home once again. Slowly and gently they made love again and in this manner, the second day of their marriage began.


Sarah got out of the bed and moved to the corner of the room. She cleaned herself using the water they had brought in the night before. She got dressed and moving to the bed. “Husband of mine, if you want, take a nap and I’ll fix breakfast. We both probably need it.”


“No, I’m going to get up. There are some chores I need to take care of before I eat.”


“It will be ready when you are, and Jedadiah?”




“I think I’m going to stay on the J-Bar-B with you.”


“I’m glad. I was hoping you would.”

To Know Each Other




When Jed came back from his chores, he was lugging a large tub.  "I thought you might want to take a bath after breakfast.  I'll help with the water and you can heat it directly in the pails."


"How thoughtful of you, Jedadiah.  That would be a luxury." 


Jed brought the water in and put it on the stove.  When it was heated and poured into the tub, he added cold water until it was a comfortable temperature.  "I'll get on with my chores, he said.  I'll show you the garden later."  He left the room and Sarah had her first real bath since she left New York.  It felt wonderful.  After she bathed, she washed out her clothes and took advantage of the heated water as much as she could.  When Jed returned, she had his lunch ready.  When she served his plate, impulsively she kissed him on the cheek.  He was embarrassed and revealed it by blushing.


After lunch, Jed showed her the garden.  She was impressed with the size of it.  While it was barren now, due to the winter, she could envision the scope of the work involved.  "This garden pretty much helped me get started. Asa Thompson, the storekeeper in Laramie pays me a really good price for them.  The money from the garden helped me buy the lumber and to finish out the inside of the cabin… er ranch house."  Sarah smiled at his remembering her request not to call it a cabin.  Looking around, she decided she would help as much as possible in the garden, leaving Jed to spend more time with the cattle. 


Sarah moved easily into the role of housewife and its incumbent chores, after all, it wasn't something to which she was unaccustomed.  She had learned to cook under her mother’s tutelage.  Her mother required each girl to help with the cleaning and to do their own laundry.  She was looking forward to their next trip into Laramie.  She wanted to get some spices, since there was only salt in the kitchen now.  If money permitted, she wanted to buy some cloth and make another everyday dress for herself.


"Jedadiah, I forgot something," she said.  She went into the bedroom and returned with a small bag.  It contained the money she had not spent on her trip.  She upended it onto the table.


Eyeing it, Jed asked, "What's this for?"


"I didn't need all of the money you sent and I had some left from my teaching.  I didn't want to spend more than necessary, since I realized how hard you had worked for it."


"Sarah, I intended for you to use it.  I wanted you to be comfortable."


"I was comfortable.  I had what I needed and we can use it on the ranch."


"You are incredible.  I was lucky to find you, number 412."


The next day, Jed rode over to the Twin Bar H to see if Luke or Clara needed anything from Laramie.  After their greeting and handshaking was complete, Clara asked about Sarah.  "She's really wonderful.  She has pitched right in and has made my life different."


"How are you two getting along?" she asked.


Jed turned red.  "We're doing okay.  She's really good company.  It's a lot less lonely over there."


"Is that all?" Clara asked with a twinkle in her eye.


Jed's face turned an even deeper shade of red.  Luke said, "Clara, leave the man alone.  You're embarrassing him."


"Everything’s okay," Jed said.


"I'm glad.  You must bring her over to dinner Sunday."


"Thank you, Clara, I will.  She needs someone other than me around.  Now, I'd better get going."


After Jed left, Luke turned to Clara and said, "Sounds like us when we first got married doesn't it?"


"I hope it's as good for them as it has been for us."  She moved into his arms and he kissed her soundly.  "Better be careful there, cowboy.  You know what that leads to."


"So?" Luke said.


Back home, Jed got the wagon hitched up.  Sarah came out to the wagon.  He held her hand and lifted her elbow to help her into the wagon.  She felt the tingle run through her when he touched her.  She smiled secretly to herself.  "I like this man," she thought.


* * *


From The Laramie Sentinel...


Miss Sarah Grace Harding and Jedadiah Elias Barnette were joined in Holy Matrimony on December 26, 1982 following regular services at the Laramie Episcopal Church.  The Reverend John Carruthers conducted the ceremony.  Music was provided by Mrs. Grace Carruthers, wife of Rev. Carruthers.  The bride is the daughter of Jacob and Sarah Harding of Owego, New York.  The groom is the son of Jedadiah and Margaret Barnette of Lebanon, PA.  The couple will make their home at the J-Bar-B ranch outside Laramie.  Lucas Hastings was best man while Clara Hasting attended the bride.  The newly married couple left immediately after lunch for the J-Bar-B ranch.


Grace had clipped the above article from copies of the Laramie Sentinel dated December 30, 1882.  She gave the three clipped articles to Sarah the next time she came to Laramie.  Sarah promptly posted three letters with the articles enclosed.  The letters went to her parents and her two sisters.  Grace also gave her a copy of the paper for herself.


"Thank you, Grace.  That was very kind of you.  I hope this will ease my mother's concerns.  I'm sure she has worried and wondered what has become of me."


Grace's questions pretty much mirrored those Clara had asked.  Sarah assured her all was well and that she was happy.  "Jedadiah is everything you said and more.  He is thoughtful, kind and considerate.  I was very fortunate when I saw his advertisement and answered it.  I think we are going to have a happy life together."


"I'm pleased, Sarah.  You two deserve each other."


In the meantime, Jed was undergoing the same line with John.  He assured John everything was fine and he sang the praises of Sarah.


After leaving John and Grace, they went to the general store where Jed introduced Sarah to Asa Thompson.  He told Asa with Sarah's help, he might even be able to deliver a larger crop of vegetables this coming growing season.  "Well, you know I'll take all you can deliver.  This has been profitable for both of us."


While Asa was getting his order together, Jed and Sarah walked down to the cafe and had lunch.  It was nice to have a meal prepared by someone else for a change.  Jed said, "By the way, Clara invited us to dinner Sunday.  I accepted.  I hope that was all right."


"Of course it was all right.  While we're in town, do you think I could get some cloth and thread?  I would like to make a dress and I could make you some shirts also."


"That would be great.  Just tell Asa what you want and add it to the order," he said.  "Was the ride in the wagon uncomfortable for you?  We could get a pillow if you like.  I know you were sore after we... "


"I'm fine, Jedadiah.  I'll tell you if I need anything." 


The ride home was pleasant with Jed pointing out various signs and sights as they rode along.  He pointed out coyote tracks and wolf tracks.  He pointed to the mountains and Sarah saw the taller sections were now snow covered.  "Will we get much snow at our place?" she asked.


"It varies," Jed answered.  "Last year we had quite a bit. But the cattle came through it fine.  The year before, we had hardly any, and we had an early spring."  He pointed off to the northwest.  "That is where we usually get our weather.  When there are heavy, dark looking clouds, we're in for a storm, snow in the winter or thunderstorm in the summer.  I don't think we're in for anything for the next few days anyway."


After helping to unload the wagon, Sarah said, "I'm sort of tired and think I'm going to take a nap.  Want to join me?"


"Well, since you put it that way, I believe I will."  They went into the bedroom.  Sarah had found in the few days since they were married, she had lost most of her shyness around Jed.  "Jedadiah, I would like for you to undress me.  Do you mind?"


"Oh, yes, that's a real chore but I believe I can muster up enough energy to do that."  When he had removed her last garment and she stood in front of him totally naked, unembarrassed.  She unbuttoned his shirt and removed it.  Then she unbuttoned his pants, he shrugged out of his long johns and stood before her.  She stepped into his arms, wrapped hers around his back and pulled him close, pressing her breasts against his chest.  An intense wave of desire for him engulfed her.  He leaned over and kissed her with a growing passion.  He was nuzzling her neck when she whispered in his ear, "Make love to me, Jedadiah.  Make love to me now."  He did. 


Their love making varied each time, as they learned what pleasured the other the most.  Sarah liked for him to take charge, but occasionally she became the aggressor.  Jed especially liked these times.  One evening after a particularly satisfying session, she put her hands on his face and looked directly into his dark eyes.  "Jedadiah Barnette, I love you.  You have completely captured my heart.  I am so glad I found you."


"I love you too Sarah. I think I fell for you the first day on the platform at the depot.  You have made my life a brighter and better thing.  You have made my cabin into a home and I truly care for you.  I can't imagine life without you."


"Well, you don't have to," she said.  “I'm here.  I'm going to stay here and I am yours."


"I am so happy, I can't find  words  to express it."  He lay on his side, propped up on one elbow and scanned her naked, body, letting his eyes pause on her breasts, then her treasure vault, returning to her face.  "God, you're beautiful.  I'm glad there were no single men in Owego.  With great deliberation, he looked into her eyes again, then he kissed her on the lips, her neck and then each of her breasts.  He slowly kissed his way to her navel, ran his fingers through the silky hairs.  Using both hands, he parted her legs, opening her up for him.  He put his mouth fully upon the opening to her vault, causing her to writhe with pleasure.  Suddenly she felt something she had not felt before. Waves of heat passed over her.  His tongue was inside her.  It was moving, exploring.  It found the special place and sent floods of ecstasy washing over her.   She lost control of her body, twisting, thrusting.  He held her by her hips, keeping his tongue inside her.  She cried out a long, long cry of extreme pleasure that lasted and lasted.  When it ended, she was as limp as a piece of wet paper.


“What did you just do to me, Jedadiah?  We've made love quite a bit but none of it was like this.  It was incredible.”  She grasped his rock hard member and said, "It sounds shameless of me, but I want you to put this big thing in me and pound me into the mattress,  Now!"


He did just that and after he had completely emptied himself into her, they clutched each other tightly, their bodies wet from their exertions.  Jed roused himself.  "I'd better see to the cattle, if I have the energy." 


Sarah lay there for a few minutes and  got up to prepare the evening.  Thinking to herself, she said, "That was incredible.  I never dreamed it would be like this."  Then... "I'm going to be sore in the morning."


Three weeks later, while preparing breakfast, Sarah felt ill.  She rushed to the back door, barely making it outside.  Jed found her there, retching.  "What's wrong, Sarah?  Are you okay?" 


She straightened and wiped her face on her apron.  "I'm okay.  I don't know what it was.”  After it happened three mornings in a row, Jed was really concerned.  He rode to Luke's and told Clara Sarah was sick and he was worried.  She and Luke went back to the ranch with him.


Clara went with Sarah into the bedroom.  "Did you eat something bad?" she asked. 


"No, but it's happened every day for the past 4 days."


"Has your time been regular?" she asked.


"I'm always right on time," she said.  Then she reflected back, "I'm late," she said.  "Do you think I'm pregnant?"


Clara asked, "Is it possible?"


Blushing, Sarah said, "Oh yes, it's very possible."


"I think you should see the doctor in Laramie, but I think he will tell you the same thing.  "You're going to be a mother."


A worried Jed poked his head into the room.  "Is everything okay?  Are you all right?"


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