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claimed that the cease-fire technically held, because the facility, not yet operational, did not contain human targets.) RAF communiqué, “Concerning the Red Army Fraction Attack on the Weiterstadt Prison,”
Arm the Spirit,
no. 16 (Fall 1993): 29–31. In June 1993, under murky circumstances, a member of the GSG


Notes to Pages 306–10

9 killed the RAF’s Wolfgang Grams in the town of Bad Kleinen in the former DDR. Problems in the investigation prompted the resignation of Germany’s in-terior minister and chief federal prosecutor. The RAF retaliated with several small firebombings, but soon became inactive.

60. RAF communiqué, “We Must Search for Something New” (August 1992),
Arm the Spirit,
nos. 14/15 (1993?) and 16 (Fall 1993).

61. Debates in the RAF during this period are contained in RAF, “
wir haben
mehr fragen als antworten”: RAF—Diskussionen 1992–1994
(Berlin: ID-Archiv, 1995). The Red Cells were the first to call it quits, announced in “The End of Our Politics—Armed Resistance in the 90s” (January 1992),
Arm the Spirit,

16 (Fall 1993): 19–21. Cells claiming to be part of the
continued armed actions in the mid 1990s, though only on a small scale.

62. See “Kinkel-Initiative nimmt erste Hürde,”
May 5, 1992, 3.

63. Möller, “Wir meinten es ernst.” Karl-Heinz Dellwo and Hanna Krabbe, implicated in the deadly Stockholm raid, were among those released, as was Christian Kuby, convicted of attempting to murder a policeman. Schiller,
“Es war ein
harter Kampf,”
230, 234.

64. Helmut Pohl, “‘Now We Must Find Ways to be Released,’”
Arm the Spirit,
no. 17 (Winter 1999/2000): 55.

65. RAF communiqué, “The Urban Guerrilla Is History,” 57.

66. Ibid., 61.

67. Ibid., 62; trans. modified.

Arm the Spirit,
no. 17 (Winter 1999/2000): 56.

69. Interview with Til Myer; Rolf Clemens Wagner, “We Are Not Political Idiots,”
Arm the Spirit,
no. 17 (Winter 1999/2000): 60–61.

70. Renate Riemeck, “Wahres über Ulrike,” in
Ulrike Meinhof: Dokumente
einer Rebellion,

71. Cleaver, “Requiem for Nonviolence,” 76.

Berkeley Tribe,
October 16–23, 1970, 7.

73. Ibid., June 26–July 3, 1970, 3.

74. Ibid., April 10–17, 1970.

75. Palmer interview.

76. Jean-François Lyotard,
The Postmodern Condition: A Report on the Status of Knowledge
(Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1993), 112.

77. Slavoj Zizek,
The Sublime Object of Ideology
(New York: Verso, 1993), 5.

78. Russell Jacoby,
The End of Utopia: Politics and Culture in an Age of Apathy
(New York: Basic Books, 1999), xi.

Select Bibliography

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Außerparlamentarische Opposition Archiv

Institute für Bürgerrechte & öffentliche Sicherheit e.V.

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace—Hoover Institution Archives Bell and Howell Underground Press Collection

New Left Collection

University of Michigan—Bentley Historical Library

Bret Eyon and the Contemporary History Project

Stanford University—Green Library

FBI File on the Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground Organization (abbreviated as FBI-WUO) University of California at Berkeley—The Bancroft Library Social Protest Collection (abbreviated as UCB)

i n t e r v i e w s

William Ayers

Scott Braley

Bernardine Dohrn



Select Bibliography

Phoebe Hirsch-Dubin

Naomi Jaffe

Jeff Jones

Paul Mayer

Russell Neufeld

Robin Palmer

Jonah Raskin

Robert Roth

Larry Weiss

b o o k s a n d s e l e c t e d a r t i c l e s

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Aust, Stefan.
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex.
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The Baader-Meinhof Group: The Inside Story of a Phenomenon.
Translated by Anthea Bell. London: Bodley Head, 1987.

Ayers, Bill.
Fugitive Days: A Memoir.
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Ayers, William, Bernardine Dohrn, Jeff Jones, and Celia Sojourn.
Prairie Fire:
The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism

Political Statement of the
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N.p.: Communications Co., 1974.

Baader, Andreas, Gudrun Ensslin, Thorwald Proll, and Horst Söhnlein.
Vor einer
solchen Justiz verteidigen wir uns nicht: Schlußwort im Kauufhausbrand-prozeß.
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Bäcker, Jürgen, and Horst Mahler. “Zehn Thesen zur RAF.” In
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Backes, Uwe, and Eckhard Jesse.
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Bakker Schut, Pieter H.
Stammheim: Der Prozeß gegen die Rote Armee Fraktion.
Kiel: Neuer Malik, 1987.

Select Bibliography


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Baudrillard, Jean.
In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities, or, The End of the Social and Other Essays.
Translated by Paul Foss, John Johnston, and Paul Patton. New York: Semiotext(e) and Paul Virilio, 1983. Originally published as
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du socialisme
(Paris: Denoël/Gonthier, 1982).

———. “L’Esprit du Terrorisme.”
February 2002.

Baumann, Michael.
Terror or Love? Bommi Baumann’s Own Story of His Life
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Translated by Helene Ellenbogen and Wayne Parker. 1977. New York: Grove Press, 1979.

Bauß, Gerhard.
Die Studentenbewegung der sechziger Jahre in der Bundesrepublik und Westberlin.
Cologne: Pahl-Rugenstein, 1977.

Becker, Jillian.
Hitler’s Children: The Story of the Baader-Meinhof Terrorist Gang.

Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1977.

Berlit, Uwe, and Horst Dreier. “Die legislative Auseinandersetzung mit dem Terrorismus.” In Fritz Sack, Heinz Steinert, et al.,
Protest und Reaktion.
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Berman, Paul.
A Tale of Two Utopias: The Political Journey of the Generation
of 1968.
New York: Norton, 2000.

Berrigan, Daniel.
The Trial of the Catonsville Nine.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1970.

Bewegung 2. Juni.
Der Blues: Gesammelte Texte der Bewegung 2. Juni.
vols. 1

and 2. N.d.: N.p.

Bina, Cyrus, Laurie Clements, and Chuck Davis, eds.
Beyond Survival: Wage Labor
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Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1996.

Binder, Sepp.
Terrorismus: Herausforderung und Antwort.
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Der blinde Fleck: Die Linke, die RAF und der Staat.
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Boelich, Walter. “Schleyers Kinder.” In
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Bopp, Jörg. “Die ungekonnte Aggresion.” In
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Brand, Karl-Werner, ed.
Neue soziale Bewegung in Westeuropa und den USA.

Ein internationaler Vergleich.
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Brandt, Heinz. “Zur Isolationshaft.”
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Breines, Paul, ed.
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Brückner, Peter.
Ulrike Marie Meinhof und die deutschen Verhältnisse.
Berlin: Klaus Wagenbach, 1976.

Die Mescalaro-Affäre.
Hannover: Internationlismus Buchladen und Verlagsgesellschaft, 1977.


Select Bibliography

Brückner, Peter, and Barbara Sichermann.
Solidarität und Gewalt.
Berlin: Klaus Wagenbach, 1974.

Bugliosi, Vincent, with Curt Gentry.
Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders.
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Camus, Albert.
The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt.
Translated by Anthony Bauer. New York: Vintage Books, 1956.

Caligula and Three Other Plays.
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Castelucci, John.
The Big Dance: The Untold Story of Kathy Boudin and the
Terrorist Family That Committed the Brink’s Robbery Murder.
New York: Dodd, Mead, 1986.

Caute, David.
Sixty-Eight: The Year of the Barricades.
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1988.

Charles DeBenedetti Memorial Conference.
Give Peace a Chance: Exploring the
Vietnam Antiwar Movement: Essays from the Charles DeBenedetti Memorial Conference.
Edited by Melvin Small and William D. Hoover; with a fore-word by George McGovern. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1992.

Chepesiuk, Ron.
Sixties Radicals, Then and Now: Candid Conversations with
Those Who Shaped the Era.
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Clark, Ramsey, and others.
War Crimes: A Report on United States War Crimes
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Cleaver, Eldridge.
Soul on Ice.
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Post-Prison Writings and Speeches.
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Cleaver, Kathleen, and George Katsiaficas, eds.
Liberation, Imagination, and the
Black Panther Party: A New Look at the Panthers and Their Legacy.
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Commission internationale d’enquête sur la mort d’Ulrike Meinhof.
La Mort
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Conradt, Gerd, ed.,
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Crenshaw, Martha, ed.
Terrorism in Context.
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Croissant, Claus, Kurt Groenewold, et al.
Politische Prozesse ohne Verteidigung?

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Davis, James Kirkpatrick.
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DeBenedetti, Charles.
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Debray, Régis.
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Della Porta, Donatella. “Institutional Responses to Terrorism: The Italian Case.”

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Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State: A Comparative
Select Bibliography


Analysis of Italy and Germany.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

———, ed.
Social Movements and Violence: Participation in Underground Organizations.
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Dellinger, Dave.
More Power Than We Know: The People’s Movement towards
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Dokumentation über die Beschlagnahme von Literatur!
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Dokumentation zu den Ereignissen und Entscheidung im Zusammenhang mit
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Douglas, Mary.
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Dylan, Bob.
Lyrics, 1962–1985.
New York: Knopf, 1985.

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