Johnny Winchester: River Hunter (14 page)

BOOK: Johnny Winchester: River Hunter
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“Tomorrow, first thing,” she assured.

Johnny was up with the sun, as usual, and waited, yes,
impatiently, until Suzi woke up.  They were waiting at the courthouse door
when the clerk opened for business and had their marriage license in hand
within the hour.  The magistrate wasn’t available until late afternoon, so
they informed the crew, who had the larger of the two boats loaded and ready to
go the instant he was free; then they headed to an isolated spot an hour’s trip
up the river.  Sam and Chip set up as though they were filming an episode,
situating everyone so that the sun hanging low over the horizon provided the
backdrop.  The ceremony, once the jokes and giggling were contained, was
relatively short.  Pete served as the best man, Dave stood in as maid of
honor, and the magistrate gave a brief treatise on marriage, then gave them
vows to repeat after him.  Rings, procured from a local jewelry shop
earlier in the day, were exchanged and the groom was allowed to kiss the
bride.  The license was signed by all the appropriate parties, and it was

The joking and giggling then returned, and Chip thought
it would be great fun to have Johnny wade into the water, crouch down, and hold
Suzi across his knees, as he would any other great catch.  So, Johnny
lifted her, one arm under her back, the other under her knees, then stepped
into the river to calf-deep water and, with the remnants of a brilliant sunset
behind them, he hunkered down for the camera and launched into an ironic
narration describing Suzi’s characteristics.   With grins and
laughter all around, the shot was taken.

But as Johnny prepared to stand, his left foot slipped
on the slick river bottom, sliding out from under him, and he fell
backwards.  Suzi went down with him, her head sagged downward and her hair
fell into the water, along with most of the rest of her.  Just as her head
was about to go under as well, Johnny’s arm caught her and lifted her towards
him, his face close to hers; he grinned with delight, his eyes sparkled.

“Sorry about that,” he said.

“I didn’t know this was catch and release,” she teased.

“Never,” he said, becoming deadly serious.  “I will
never let you go.”

Drawing her closer, he pressed his lips against hers and
kissed her.  Suzi trembled in his arms, captivated.  Melting together
into this kiss, the two were oblivious to all else but the other’s
closeness.   Without doubt, this was the purest, most passionate kiss
of all the ages, surpassing even the Westley-Buttercup kiss, which, as we all
know, was purer, more passionate than even the top five kisses of all

Chip and Sam broke down the equipment, put it all away,
and when they were done, the kiss still showed no sign of letting up. 
Chip called out, “Hey, guys, we’ve got to get the vicar back.”

Consumed in kissing his wife, his
, Johnny
waved him off.

Chip looked at Sam, who shrugged.  A few more
seconds passed, the men’s embarrassment increasing with each one.  Chip
called out again, “We’ll take the vicar home and be back to get you in a couple

Johnny gave him the thumbs up.

The crew and the magistrate loaded into the boat, Pete
used a foot to push it away from the beach, Dave started the motor, breaking
the stillness, and they headed out.  The sound faded away and was finally
lost to distance; leaving, in the still, silent darkness, only Johnny, and
Suzi, and the river.

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